114 resultados para modern dynamics simulation


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Carbon nanoscrolls (CNSs) are one of the carbon-based nanomaterials similar to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) but are not widely studied in spite of their great potential applications. Their practical applications are hindered by the challenging fabrication of the CNSs. A physical approach has been proposed recently to fabricate the CNS by rolling up a monolayer graphene nanoribbon (GNR) around a CNT driven by the interaction energy between them. In this study, we perform extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the various factors that impact the formation of the CNS from GNR. Our simulation results show that the formation of the CNS is sensitive to the length of the CNT and temperature. When the GNR is functionalized with hydrogen, the formation of the CNS is determined by the density and distribution of the hydrogen atoms. Graphyne, the allotrope of graphene, is inferior to graphene in the formation of the CNS due to the weaker bonds and the associated smaller atom density. The mechanism behind the rolling of GNR into CNS lies in the balance between the GNR–CNT van der Waals (vdW) interactions and the strain energy of GNR. The present work reveals new important insights and provides useful guidelines for the fabrication of the CNS.


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The kaolinite (Kaol) intercalated with potassium acetate (Ac) was prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermogravimetry. Molecular dynamic simulation was performed to investigate the structure of Kaol–Ac intercalation complex and the hydrogen bonds between Kaol and intercalated Ac andwater using INTERFACE forcefield. The acetate anions andwater arranged in a bilayer structure in the interlayer space of Kaol. The potassium cations distributed in the interlayer space and strongly coordinated with acetate anions aswell aswater rather than keyed into the ditrigonal holes of tetrahedral surface of Kaol. Strong hydrogen bonds formed between the hydrogen atoms of hydroxyl on the octahedral surface and oxygen atoms of both acetate anions and water. The acetate anions andwater also weakly bonded hydrogen to the silica tetrahedral surface through their hydrogen atoms with the oxygen atoms of silica tetrahedral surface.


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Lateral collisions between heavy road vehicles and passenger trains at level crossings and the associated derailments are serious safety issues. This paper presents a detailed investigation of the dynamic responses and derailment mechanisms of trains under lateral impact using a multi-body dynamics simulation method. Formulation of a three-dimensional dynamic model of a passenger train running on a ballasted track subject to lateral impact caused by a road truck is presented. This model is shown to predict derailment due to wheel climb and car body overturning mechanisms through numerical examples. Sensitivities of the truck speed and mass, wheel/rail friction and the train suspension to the lateral stability and derailment of the train are reported. It is shown that improvements to the design of train suspensions, including secondary and inter-vehicle lateral dampers have higher potential to mitigate the severity of the collision-induced derailments.


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Based on the molecular dynamics simulation, plastic deformation mechanisms associated with the zigzag stress curves in perfect and surface defected copper nanowires under uniaxial tension are studied. In our previous study, it has found that the surface defect exerts larger influence than the centro-plane defect, and the 45o surface defect appears as the most influential surface defect. Hence, in this paper, the nanowire with a 45o surface defect is chosen to investigate the defect’s effect to the plastic deformation mechanism of nanowires. We find that during the plastic deformation of both perfect and defected nanowires, decrease regions of the stress curve are accompanied with stacking faults generation and migration activities, but during stress increase, the structure of the nanowire appears almost unchanged. We also observe that surface defects have obvious influence on the nanowire’s plastic deformation mechanisms. In particular, only two sets of slip planes are found to be active and twins are also observed in the defected nanowire.


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Based on the AFM-bending experiments, a molecular dynamics (MD) bending simulation model is established which could accurately account for the full spectrum of the mechanical properties of NWs in a double clamped beam configuration, ranging from elasticity to plasticity and failure. It is found that, loading rate exerts significant influence to the mechanical behaviours of nanowires (NWs). Specifically, a loading rate lower than 10 m/s is found reasonable for a homogonous bending deformation. Both loading rate and potential between the tip and the NW are found to play an important role in the adhesive phenomenon. The force versus displacement (F-d) curve from MD simulation is highly consistent in shapes with that from experiments. Symmetrical F-d curves during loading and unloading processes are observed, which reveal the linear-elastic and non-elastic bending deformation of NWs. The typical bending induced tensile-compressive features are observed. Meanwhile, the simulation results are excellently fitted by the classical Euler-Bernoulli beam theory with axial effect. It is concluded that, axial tensile force becomes crucial in bending deformation when the beam size is down to nanoscale for double clamped NWs. In addition, we find shorter NWs will have an earlier yielding and a larger yielding force. Mechanical properties (Young’s modulus & yield strength) obtained from both bending and tensile deformations are found comparable with each other. Specifically, the modulus is essentially similar under these two loading methods, while the yield strength during bending is observed larger than that during tension.


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Several studies of the surface effect on bending properties of a nanowire (NW) have been conducted. However, these analyses are mainly based on theoretical predictions, and there is seldom integration study in combination between theoretical predictions and simulation results. Thus, based on the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and different modified beam theories, a comprehensive theoretical and numerical study for bending properties of nanowires considering surface/intrinsic stress effects and axial extension effect is conducted in this work. The discussion begins from the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and Timoshenko beam theory augmented with surface effect. It is found that when the NW possesses a relatively small cross-sectional size, these two theories cannot accurately interpret the true surface effect. The incorporation of axial extension effect into Euler-Bernoulli beam theory provides a nonlinear solution that agrees with the nonlinear-elastic experimental and MD results. However, it is still found inaccurate when the NW cross-sectional size is relatively small. Such inaccuracy is also observed for the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory augmented with both contributions from surface effect and axial extension effect. A comprehensive model for completely considering influences from surface stress, intrinsic stress, and axial extension is then proposed, which leads to good agreement with MD simulation results. It is thus concluded that, for NWs with a relatively small cross-sectional size, a simple consideration of surface stress effect is inappropriate, and a comprehensive consideration of the intrinsic stress effect is required.


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Silicon substrates coated with a bromide-terminated silane are transformed into highly reactive, cyclopentadiene covered analogues. These surfaces undergo rapid cycloaddition reactions with various dienophile-capped polymers. Mild heating of the substrates causes the retro-Diels-Alder reaction to occur, thus reforming the reactive cyclopentadiene surface, generating an efficiently switchable surface.


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The mechanical vibration properties of single actin filaments from 50 to 288 nm are investigated by the molecular dynamics simulation in this study. The natural frequencies obtained from the molecular simulations agree with those obtained from the analytical solution of the equivalent Euler–Bernoulli beam model. Through the convergence study of the mechanical properties with respect to the filament length, it was found that the Euler–Bernoulli beam model can only be reliably used when the single actin filament is of the order of hundreds of nanometre scale. This molecular investigation not only provides the evidence for the use of the continuum beam model in characterising the mechanical properties of single actin filaments, but also clarifies the criteria for the effective use of the Euler–Bernoulli beam model.


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Herein the mechanical properties of graphene, including Young’s modulus, fracture stress and fracture strain have been investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation results show that the mechanical properties of graphene are sensitive to the temperature changes but insensitive to the layer numbers in the multilayer graphene. Increasing temperature exerts adverse and significant effects on the mechanical properties of graphene. However, the adverse effect produced by the increasing layer number is marginal. On the other hand, isotope substitutions in graphene play a negligible role in modifying the mechanical properties of graphene.


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We demonstrated for the first time by ab initio density functional calculation and molecular dynamics simulation that C0.5(BN)0.5 armchair single-walled nanotubes (NT) are gapless semiconductors and can be spontaneously formed via the hybrid connection of graphene/BN Nanoribbons (GNR/BNNR) at room temperature. The direct synthesis of armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 via the hybrid connection of GNR/BNNR is predicted to be both thermodynamically and dynamically stable. Such novel armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 NTs possess enhanced conductance as that observed in GNRs. Additionally, the zigzag C0.5(BN)0.5 SWNTs are narrow band gap semiconductors, which may have potential application for light emission. In light of recent experimental progress and the enhanced degree of control in the synthesis of GNRs and BNNR, our results highlight an interesting avenue for synthesizing a novel specific type of C0.5(BN)0.5 nanotube (gapless or narrow direct gap semiconductor), with potentially important applications in BNC-based nanodevices.


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Ab initio spin-polarized density functional theory calculations are performed to explore the effect of single Na vacancy on NaAlH4(001) surface on the initial dehydrogenation kinetics. The authors found that two Al–H bond lengths become elongated and weakened due to the presence of a Na vacancy on the NaAlH4(001) surface. Spontaneous recombination from the surface to form molecular hydrogen is observed in the spin-polarized ab initio molecular dynamics simulation. The authors’ results indicate that surface Na vacancies play a critical role in accelerating the dehydrogenation kinetics in sodium alanate. The understanding gained here will aid in the rational design and development of complex hydride materials for hydrogen storage


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Experimentally, hydrogen-free diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were assembled by means of pulsed laser deposition (PLD), where energetic small-carbon-clusters were deposited on the substrate. In this paper, the chemisorption of energetic C2 and C10 clusters on diamond (001)-( 2×1) surface was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The influence of cluster size and the impact energy on the structure character of the deposited clusters is mainly addressed. The impact energy was varied from a few tens eV to 100 eV. The chemisorption of C10 was found to occur only when its incident energy is above a threshold value ( E th). While, the C2 cluster was easily to adsorb on the surface even at much lower incident energy. With increasing the impact energy, the structures of the deposited C2 and C10 are different from the free clusters. Finally, the growth of films synthesized by energetic C2 and C10 clusters were simulated. The statistics indicate the C2 cluster has high probability of adsorption and films assembled of C2 present slightly higher SP3 fraction than that of C10-films, especially at higher impact energy and lower substrate temperature. Our result supports the experimental findings. Moreover, the simulation underlines the deposition mechanism at atomic scale.


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The impact induced chemisorption of hydrocarbon molecules (CH3 and CH2) on H-terminated diamond (001)-(2x1) surface was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the many-body Brenner potential. The deposition dynamics of the CH3 radical at impact energies of 0.1-50 eV per molecule was studied and the energy threshold for chemisorption was calculated. The impact-induced decomposition of hydrogen atoms and the dimer opening mechanism on the surface was investigated. Furthermore, the probability for dimer opening event induced by chemisorption of CH, was simulated by randomly varying the impact position as well as the orientation of the molecule relative to the surface. Finally, the energetic hydrocarbons were modeled, slowing down one after the other to simulate the initial fabrication of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films. The structure characteristic in synthesized films with different hydrogen flux was studied. Our results indicate that CH3, CH2 and H are highly reactive and important species in diamond growth. Especially, the fraction of C-atoms in the film having sp(3) hybridization will be enhanced in the presence of H atoms, which is in good agreement with experimental observations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the influence of the impact energy on the initial fabrication of thin films formed by low energy cluster deposition was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation of All 3 clusters depositing on Ni(0 0 1) substrate. In the case of soft-landing, (0.01 eV/atom), clusters are rearranged from I-h symmetry into fcc-like clusters on the surface. Then they aggregate each other, which result in thin film growing in 3D island mode. While, growth will be in layer-by-layer mode at the impact energy of a few electron volt due to the transient lateral spread of cluster atoms induced by dense collision cascade. This effect has been traced to collision cascade inside the cluster. which is enhanced by collision with a hard Ni substrate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of low-energy C20 isomers on diamond (0 0 1)–(2×1) surface was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the Brenner potential. The energy dependence of chemisorption characteristic was studied. We found that there existed an energy threshold for chemisorption of C20 to occur. Between 10 and 20 eV, the C20 fullerene has high probability of chemisorption and the adsorbed cage retains its original structure, which supports the experimental observations of memory effects. However, the structures of the adsorbed bowl and ring C20 were different from their original ones. In this case, the local order in cluster-assembled films would be different from the free clusters.