44 resultados para low energy reporters


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Eight new N-arylstilbazolium chromophores with electron donating –NR2 (R = Me or Ph) substituents have been synthesized via Knoevenagel condensations and isolated as their PF6− salts. These compounds have been characterized by using various techniques including 1H NMR and IR spectroscopies and electrospray mass spectrometry. UV–vis absorption spectra recorded in acetonitrile are dominated by intense, low energy π → π* intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) bands, and replacing Me with Ph increases the ICT energies. Cyclic voltammetric studies show irreversible reduction processes, together with oxidation waves that are irreversible for R = Me, but reversible for R = Ph. Single crystal X-ray structures have been determined for three of the methyl ester-substituted stilbazolium salts and for the Cl− salts of their picolinium precursors. Time-dependent density functional theory calculations afford reasonable predictions of ICT energies, but greater rigour is necessary for –NPh2 derivatives. The four new acid-functionalized dyes give moderate sensitization efficiencies (ca. 0.2%) when using TiO2-based photoanodes, with relatively higher values for R = Ph vs Me, while larger efficiencies (up to 0.8%) are achieved with ZnO substrates.


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Previous studies have shown that exercise (Ex) interventions create a stronger coupling between energy intake (EI) and energy expenditure (EE) leading to increased homeostasis of the energy-balance (EB) regulatory system compared to a diet intervention where an un-coupling between EI and EE occurs. The benefits of weight loss from Ex and diet interventions greatly depend on compensatory responses. The present study investigated an 8-week medium-term Ex and diet intervention program (Ex intervention comprised of 500kcal EE five days per week over four weeks at 65-75% maximal heart rate, whereas the diet intervention comprised of a 500kcal decrease in EI five days per week over four weeks) and its effects on compensatory responses and appetite regulation among healthy individuals using a between- and within-subjects design. Effects of an acute dietary manipulation on appetite and compensatory behaviours and whether a diet and/or Ex intervention pre-disposes individuals to disturbances in EB homeostasis were tested. Energy intake at an ad libitum lunch test meal after a breakfast high- and low-energy pre-load (the high energy pre-load contained 556kcal and the low energy pre-load contained 239kcal) were measured at the Baseline (Weeks -4 to 0) and Intervention (Weeks 0 to 4) phases in 13 healthy volunteers (three males and ten females; mean age 35 years [sd + 9] and mean BMI 25 kg/m2 [sd + 3.8]) [participants in each group included Ex=7, diet=5 (one female in the diet group dropped out midway), thus, 12 participants completed the study]. At Weeks -4, 0 and 4, visual analogue scales (VAS) were used to assess hunger and satiety and liking and wanting (L&W) for nutrient and taste preferences using a computer-based system (E-Prime v1.1.4). Ad libitum test meal EI was consistently lower after the HE pre-load compared to the LE pre-load. However, this was not consistent during the diet intervention however. A pre-load x group interaction on ad libitum test meal EI revealed that during the intervention phase the Ex group showed an improved sensitivity to detect the energy content between the two pre-loads and improved compensation for the ad libitum test meal whereas the diet group’s ability to differentiate between the two pre-loads decreased and showed poorer compensation (F[1,10]=2.88, p-value not significant). This study supports previous findings of the effect Ex and diet interventions have on appetite and compensatory responses; Ex increases and diet decreases energy balance sensitivity.


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Current urban development in South East Queensland (SEQ) is impacted by a number of factors: growth and sprawl eroding subtropical character and identity; changing demographics and housing needs; lack of developable land; rising transport costs; diminishing fresh water supply; high energy consumption; and generic building designs which ignore local climate, landscape and lifestyle conditions. The Subtropical Row House project sought to research ‘best practice’ planning and design for contemporary and future needs for urban development in SEQ, and stimulate higher-density housing responses that achieve sustainable, low-energy and low water outcomes and support subtropical character and identity by developing a workable new typology for homes that the local market can adopt. The methodology was that of charrette, an established methodology in architecture and design. Four leading Queensland architectural firms were invited to form multidisciplinary creative teams. During the two-day charrette, the teams visited a selected greenfield site, defined the problems and issues, developed ideas and solutions, and benchmarked performance of designs using the Australian Green Building Council’s Pilot Green Star Multi-Unit residential tool. Each of the four resulting designs simultaneously express a positive relationship with climate and place by demonstrating: suitability for the subtropical climate; flexibility for a diversity of households; integrated building/site/vegetation strategies; market appeal to occupants and developers; affordability in operation; constructability by ‘domestic’ builders; and reduced energy, water and wastage. The project was awarded a Regional Commendation by the Australian Institute of Architects.


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In this paper, a three-dimensional nonlinear rigid body model has been developed for the investigation of the crashworthiness of a passenger train using the multibody dynamics approach. This model refers to a typical design of passenger cars and train constructs commonly used in Australia. The high-energy and low-energy crush zones of the cars and the train constructs are assumed and the data are explicitly provided in the paper. The crash scenario is limited to the train colliding on to a fixed barrier symmetrically. The simulations of a single car show that this initial design is only applicable for the crash speed of 35 km/h or lower. For higher speeds (e.g. 140 km/h), the crush lengths or crush forces or both the crush zone elements will have to be enlarged. It is generally better to increase the crush length than the crush force in order to retain the low levels of the longitudinal deceleration of the passenger cars.


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During an intensive design-led workshop multidisciplinary design teams examined options for a sustainable multi-residential tower on an inner urban site in Brisbane (Australia). The main aim was to demonstrate the key principles of daylight to every habitable room and cross-ventilation to every apartment in the subtropical climate while responding to acceptable yield and price points. The four conceptual design proposals demonstrated a wide range of outcomes, with buildings ranging from 15 to 30 storeys. Daylight Factor (DF), view to the outside, and the avoidance of direct sunlight were the only quantitative and qualitative performance metrics used to implement daylighting to the proposed buildings during the charrette. This paper further assesses the daylighting performance of the four conceptual designs by utilizing Climate-based daylight modeling (CBDM), specifically Daylight Autonomy (DA) and Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI). Results show that UDI 100-2000lux calculations provide more useful information on the daylighting design than DF. The percentage of the space with a UDI <100-2000lux larger than 50% ranged from 77% to 86% of the time for active occupant behaviour (occupancy from 6am to 6pm). The paper also highlights the architectural features that mostly affect daylighting design in subtropical climates.


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Traditional shading design principles guide the vertical and horizontal orientation of fins, louvres and awnings being applied to orthogonal planar façades. Due to doubly curved envelopes characterising many contemporary designs, these rules of thumb are now not always applicable. Operable blinds attempt to regulate the fluctuating luminance of daylight and aid in shading direct sunlight. Mostly they remain closed, as workers are commonly too preoccupied to continually adjust them so a reliance on electrically powered lights remains a preference. To remedy these problems, the idea of what it is to sustainable enclose space is reconsidered through the geometric and kinetic optimisation of a parametric skin, with sunlight responsive modules that regulate interior light levels. This research concludes with an optimised design and also defines some unique metrics to gauge the design’s performance in terms of, the amount of exterior unobstructed view, its ability to shade direct sunlight and, its daylight glare probability.


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Purpose: The effect of exercise on body mass is likely to be partially mediated through changes in appetite control. However, no studies have examined the effect of chronic exercise on obestatin and cholecystokinin (CCK) plasma concentrations or the sensitivity to detect differences in preload energy in obese individuals. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic exercise on 1) fasting and postprandial plasma concentrations of obestatin, CCK, leptin, and glucose insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and 2) the accuracy of energy compensation in response to covert preload manipulation. Methods: This study used a 12-wk supervised exercise program in 22 sedentary overweight/obese individuals. Fasting/postprandial plasma concentrations of obestatin, CCK, leptin, and GIP were assessed before and after the intervention. Energy compensation at a 30-min test meal after a high-energy (607 kcal) or a low-energy (246 kcal) preload and for the rest of the day (cumulative energy intake [EI]) was also measured. Results: There was a significant reduction in the plasma concentration of fasting plasma GIP and both fasting and postprandial leptin concentrations after the exercise intervention (P < 0.05 for all). No significant changes were observed for CCK or obestatin. A significant preload–exercise interaction (P = 0.011) was observed on cumulative EI and energy compensation for the same period (−87% ± 196% vs 68% ± 165%, P = 0.011). Weight loss (3.5 ± 1.4 kg, P < 0.0001) was not correlated with changes in energy compensation. Conclusions: This study suggests that exercise improves the accuracy of compensation for previous EI, independent of weight loss. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to GIP and leptin, exercise-induced weight loss had no effect on obestatin or CCK concentrations.


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Methane gas has been identified as the most destructive greenhouse gas (Liu et al., 2004). It was reported that the global warming potential of methane per molecule relative to CO2 is approximately 23 on a 100-year timescale or 62 over a 20-year period (IPCC, 2001). Methane has high C-H bond energy of about 439 kJ/mol and other higher alkanes (or saturated hydrocarbons) also have a very strong C-C and C-H bonds, thus making their molecules to have no empty orbitals of low energy or filled orbitals of high energy that could readily participate in chemical reactions as is the case with unsaturated hydrocarbons such as olefins and alkynes (Crabtree, 1994; Labinger & Bercaw, 2002)...


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Strong binding of isolated carbon dioxide (CO2) on aluminium nitride (AlN) single walled nanotubes is verified using two different functionals. Two optimized configurations corresponding to physisorption and chemisorption are linked by a low energy barrier, such that the chemisorbed state is accessible and thermodynamically favored at low temperatures. In contrast, N2 is found only to form a physisorbed complex with the AlN nanotube, suggesting the potential application of aluminium nitride based materials for CO2 fixation. The effect of nanotube diameter on gas adsorption properties is also discussed. The diameter is found to have an important effect on the chemisorption of CO2, but has little effect on the physisorption of either CO2 or N2.


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The adsorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen molecules on aluminum nitride (AlN) nanostructures has been explored using first-principle computational methods. Optimized configurations corresponding to physisorption and, subsequentially, chemisorption of CO2 are identified, in contrast to N2, for which only a physisorption structure is found. Transition-state searches imply a low energy barrier between the physisorption and chemisorption states for CO2 such that the latter is accessible and thermodynamically favored at room temperature. The effective binding energy of the optimized chemisorption structure is apparently larger than those for other CO2 adsorptive materials, suggesting the potential for application of aluminum nitride nanostructures for carbon dioxide capture and storage.


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In this paper, the initial stage of films assembled by energetic C36 fullerenes on diamond (001)–(2 × 1) surface at low-temperature was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the Brenner potential. The incident energy was first uniformly distributed within an energy interval 20–50 eV, which was known to be the optimum energy range for chemisorption of single C36 on diamond (001) surface. More than one hundred C36 cages were impacted one after the other onto the diamond surface by randomly selecting their orientation as well as the impact position relative to the surface. The growth of films was found to be in three-dimensional island mode, where the deposited C36 acted as building blocks. The study of film morphology shows that it retains the structure of a free C36 cage, which is consistent with Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition (LECBD) experiments. The adlayer is composed of many C36-monomers as well as the covalently bonded C36 dimers and trimers which is quite different from that of C20 fullerene-assembled film, where a big polymerlike chain was observed due to the stronger interaction between C20 cages. In addition, the chemisorption probability of C36 fullerenes is decreased with increasing coverage because the interaction between these clusters is weaker than that between the cluster and the surface. When the incident energy is increased to 40–65 eV, the chemisorption probability is found to increased and more dimers and trimers as well as polymerlike-C36 were observed on the deposited films. Furthermore, C36 film also showed high thermal stability even when the temperature was raised to 1500 K.


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The adsorption of low-energy C20 isomers on diamond (0 0 1)–(2×1) surface was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the Brenner potential. The energy dependence of chemisorption characteristic was studied. We found that there existed an energy threshold for chemisorption of C20 to occur. Between 10 and 20 eV, the C20 fullerene has high probability of chemisorption and the adsorbed cage retains its original structure, which supports the experimental observations of memory effects. However, the structures of the adsorbed bowl and ring C20 were different from their original ones. In this case, the local order in cluster-assembled films would be different from the free clusters.


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Introduction: The use of amorphous-silicon electronic portal imaging devices (a-Si EPIDs) for dosimetry is complicated by the effects of scattered radiation. In photon radiotherapy, primary signal at the detector can be accompanied by photons scattered from linear accelerator components, detector materials, intervening air, treatment room surfaces (floor, walls, etc) and from the patient/phantom being irradiated. Consequently, EPID measurements which presume to take scatter into account are highly sensitive to the identification of these contributions. One example of this susceptibility is the process of calibrating an EPID for use as a gauge of (radiological) thickness, where specific allowance must be made for the effect of phantom-scatter on the intensity of radiation measured through different thicknesses of phantom. This is usually done via a theoretical calculation which assumes that phantom scatter is linearly related to thickness and field-size. We have, however, undertaken a more detailed study of the scattering effects of fields of different dimensions when applied to phantoms of various thicknesses in order to derive scattered-primary ratios (SPRs) directly from simulation results. This allows us to make a more-accurate calibration of the EPID, and to qualify the appositeness of the theoretical SPR calculations. Methods: This study uses a full MC model of the entire linac-phantom-detector system simulated using EGSnrc/BEAMnrc codes. The Elekta linac and EPID are modelled according to specifications from the manufacturer and the intervening phantoms are modelled as rectilinear blocks of water or plastic, with their densities set to a range of physically realistic and unrealistic values. Transmissions through these various phantoms are calculated using the dose detected in the model EPID and used in an evaluation of the field-size-dependence of SPR, in different media, applying a method suggested for experimental systems by Swindell and Evans [1]. These results are compared firstly with SPRs calculated using the theoretical, linear relationship between SPR and irradiated volume, and secondly with SPRs evaluated from our own experimental data. An alternate evaluation of the SPR in each simulated system is also made by modifying the BEAMnrc user code READPHSP, to identify and count those particles in a given plane of the system that have undergone a scattering event. In addition to these simulations, which are designed to closely replicate the experimental setup, we also used MC models to examine the effects of varying the setup in experimentally challenging ways (changing the size of the air gap between the phantom and the EPID, changing the longitudinal position of the EPID itself). Experimental measurements used in this study were made using an Elekta Precise linear accelerator, operating at 6MV, with an Elekta iView GT a-Si EPID. Results and Discussion: 1. Comparison with theory: With the Elekta iView EPID fixed at 160 cm from the photon source, the phantoms, when positioned isocentrically, are located 41 to 55 cm from the surface of the panel. At this geometry, a close but imperfect agreement (differing by up to 5%) can be identified between the results of the simulations and the theoretical calculations. However, this agreement can be totally disrupted by shifting the phantom out of the isocentric position. Evidently, the allowance made for source-phantom-detector geometry by the theoretical expression for SPR is inadequate to describe the effect that phantom proximity can have on measurements made using an (infamously low-energy sensitive) a-Si EPID. 2. Comparison with experiment: For various square field sizes and across the range of phantom thicknesses, there is good agreement between simulation data and experimental measurements of the transmissions and the derived values of the primary intensities. However, the values of SPR obtained through these simulations and measurements seem to be much more sensitive to slight differences between the simulated and real systems, leading to difficulties in producing a simulated system which adequately replicates the experimental data. (For instance, small changes to simulated phantom density make large differences to resulting SPR.) 3. Comparison with direct calculation: By developing a method for directly counting the number scattered particles reaching the detector after passing through the various isocentric phantom thicknesses, we show that the experimental method discussed above is providing a good measure of the actual degree of scattering produced by the phantom. This calculation also permits the analysis of the scattering sources/sinks within the linac and EPID, as well as the phantom and intervening air. Conclusions: This work challenges the assumption that scatter to and within an EPID can be accounted for using a simple, linear model. Simulations discussed here are intended to contribute to a fuller understanding of the contribution of scattered radiation to the EPID images that are used in dosimetry calculations. Acknowledgements: This work is funded by the NHMRC, through a project grant, and supported by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. The authors are also grateful to Elekta for the provision of manufacturing specifications which permitted the detailed simulation of their linear accelerators and amorphous-silicon electronic portal imaging devices. Computational resources and services used in this work were provided by the HPC and Research Support Group, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.


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Accuracy of dose delivery in external beam radiotherapy is usually verified with electronic portal imaging (EPI) in which the treatment beam is used to check the positioning of the patient. However the resulting megavoltage x-ray images suffer from poor quality. The image quality can be improved by developing a special operating mode in the linear accelerator. The existing treatment beam is modified such that it produces enough low-energy photons for imaging. In this work the problem of optimizing the beam/detector combination to achieve optimal electronic portal image quality is addressed. The linac used for this study was modified to produce two experimental photon beams. These beams, named Al6 and Al10, were non-flat and were produced by 4MeV electrons hitting aluminum targets, 6 and 10mm thick respectively. The images produced by a conventional EPI system (6MV treatment beam and camera-based EPID with a Cu plate & Gd2O2S screen ) were compared with the images produced by the experimental beams and various screens with the same camera). The contrast of 0.8cm bone equivalent material in 5 cm water increased from 1.5% for the conventional system to 11% for the combination of Al6 beam with a 200mg/cm2 Gd2O2S screen. The signal-to-noise ratio calculated for 1cGy flood field images increased by about a factor of two for the same EPI systems. The spatial resolution of the two imaging systems was comparable. This work demonstrates that significant improvements in portal image contrast can be obtained by simultaneous optimization of the linac spectrum and EPI detector.


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Nitrogen dioxide is used as a "radical scavenger" to probe the position of carbon-centered radicals within complex radical ions in the gas phase. As with analogous neutral radical reactions, this addition results in formation of an \[M + NO2](+) adduct, but the structural identity of this species remains ambiguous. Specifically, the question remains: do such adducts have a nitro-(RNO2) or nitrosoxy-(RONO) moiety, or are both isomers present in the adduct population? In order to elucidate the products of such reactions, we have prepared and isolated three distonic phenyl radical cations and observed their reactions with nitrogen dioxide in the gas phase by ion-trap mass spectrometry. In each case, stabilized \[M + NO2](+) adduct ions are observed and isolated. The structure of these adducts is probed by collision-induced dissociation and ultraviolet photodissociation action spectroscopy and a comparison made to the analogous spectra of authentic nitro-and nitrosoxy-benzenes. We demonstrate unequivocally that for the phenyl radical cations studied here, all stabilized \[M + NO2](+) adducts are exclusively nitrobenzenes. Electronic structure calculations support these mass spectrometric observations and suggest that, under low-pressure conditions, the nitrosoxy-isomer is unlikely to be isolated from the reaction of an alkyl or aryl radical with NO2. The combined experimental and theoretical results lead to the prediction that stabilization of the nitrosoxy-isomer will only be possible for systems wherein the energy required for dissociation of the RO-NO bond (or other low energy fragmentation channels) rises close to, or above, the energy of the separated reactants.