32 resultados para harmonic oscillator elementary review classical quantum


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Since the advent of cytogenetic analysis, knowledge about fundamental aspects of cancer biology has increased, allowing the processes of cancer development and progression to be more fully understood and appreciated. Classical cytogenetic analysis of solid tumors had been considered difficult, but new advances in culturing techniques and the addition of new cytogenetic technologies have enabled a more comprehensive analysis of chromosomal aberrations associated with solid tumors. Our purpose in this review is to discuss the cytogenetic findings on a number of nonmelanoma skin cancers, including squamous- and basal cell carcinomas, keratoacanthoma, squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen's disease), and solar keratosis. Through classical cytogenetic techniques, as well as fluorescence-based techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization and comparative genomic hybridization, numerous chromosomal alterations have been identified. These aberrations may aid in further defining the stages and classifications of nonmelanoma skin cancer and also may implicate chromosomal regions involved in progression and metastatic potential. This information, along with the development of newer technologies (including laser capture microdissection and comparative genomic hybridization arrays) that allow for more refined analysis, will continue to increase our knowledge about the role of chromosomal events at all stages of cancer development and progression and, more specifically, about how they are associated with nonmelanoma skin cancer.


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We propose to use a simple and effective way to achieve secure quantum direct secret sharing. The proposed scheme uses the properties of fountain codes to allow a realization of the physical conditions necessary for the implementation of no-cloning principle for eavesdropping-check and authentication. In our scheme, to achieve a variety of security purposes, nonorthogonal state particles are inserted in the transmitted sequence carrying the secret shares to disorder it. However, the positions of the inserted nonorthogonal state particles are not announced directly, but are obtained by sending degrees and positions of a sequence that are pre-shared between Alice and each Bob. Moreover, they can confirm that whether there exists an eavesdropper without exchanging classical messages. Most importantly, without knowing the positions of the inserted nonorthogonal state particles and the sequence constituted by the first particles from every EPR pair, the proposed scheme is shown to be secure.


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An encryption scheme is non-malleable if giving an encryption of a message to an adversary does not increase its chances of producing an encryption of a related message (under a given public key). Fischlin introduced a stronger notion, known as complete non-malleability, which requires attackers to have negligible advantage, even if they are allowed to transform the public key under which the related message is encrypted. Ventre and Visconti later proposed a comparison-based definition of this security notion, which is more in line with the well-studied definitions proposed by Bellare et al. The authors also provide additional feasibility results by proposing two constructions of completely non-malleable schemes, one in the common reference string model using non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, and another using interactive encryption schemes. Therefore, the only previously known completely non-malleable (and non-interactive) scheme in the standard model, is quite inefficient as it relies on generic NIZK approach. They left the existence of efficient schemes in the common reference string model as an open problem. Recently, two efficient public-key encryption schemes have been proposed by Libert and Yung, and Barbosa and Farshim, both of them are based on pairing identity-based encryption. At ACISP 2011, Sepahi et al. proposed a method to achieve completely non-malleable encryption in the public-key setting using lattices but there is no security proof for the proposed scheme. In this paper we review the mentioned scheme and provide its security proof in the standard model. Our study shows that Sepahi’s scheme will remain secure even for post-quantum world since there are currently no known quantum algorithms for solving lattice problems that perform significantly better than the best known classical (i.e., non-quantum) algorithms.


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The process of resonant generation of the second harmonic of the surface wave, propagating along the external magnetic field at the plasma-metal boundary is considered. The periodic process of the energy exchange between the first and the second harmonics of the wave is investigated as well. It is shown that the process under study is periodic one. The analytical expressions are obtained and numerical estimations are presented for characteristic time of nonlinear energy exchange. The self-action effect of main frequency wave is account for harmonics interaction. It is shown that the effect leads to nonlinear phenomena attenuation, which expresses in narrowing possible value interval of harmonics amplitudes during energy exchange process and in increasing the nonlinear interaction time.


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A nonlinear process is considered of the surface wave third harmonics generation in a slowing-down semiconductor-metal structure. The process is conditioned by non-parabolicity of the charge carrier dispersion law. It is shown that in narrow-gap semiconducting materials it is necessary to account for the process together with the surface wave second harmonics generation conditioned by nonlinearity of quasi-hydrodynamics and the Maxwell equations. The conclusion is made that the third harmonies amplitude in narrow-gap semiconductors may exceed substantially the signal amplitude at the 3w frequency in a gas plasma and be of the same order with the surface waves second harmonies amplitude.


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Recent controversy on the quantum dots dephasing mechanisms (between pure and inelastic) is re-examined by isolating the quantum dots from their substrate by using the appropriate limits of the ionization energy theory and the quantum adiabatic theorem. When the phonons in the quantum dots are isolated adiabatically from the phonons in the substrate, the elastic or pure dephasing becomes the dominant mechanism. On the other hand, for the case where the phonons from the substrate are non-adiabatically coupled to the quantum dots, the inelastic dephasing process takes over. This switch-over is due to different elemental composition in quantum dots as compared to its substrate. We also provide unambiguous analysis as to understand why GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots may only have pure dephasing while InAs/GaAs quantum dots give rise to the inelastic dephasing as the dominant mechanism. It is shown that the elemental composition plays an important role (of both quantum dots and substrate) in evaluating the dephasing mechanisms of quantum dots.


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Deficiencies in iodine levels have been shown to seriously affect a child’s intellectual development and learning capacity.1 In South-East Asia, iodine deficiency remains a major public health concern. Approximately 30% of the region’s population of 503.6 million have insufficient iodine intake, and only 61% of households have access to iodized salt.1 For this reason, it is necessary to initiate effective, community-based health promotion activities that are targeted toward populations of various ages. A puppet show is one imaginative and entertaining method of health education that has been advocated for use in communicating positive health behaviours to children.2e5 The authors undertook a literature review and found no studies assessing the effectiveness of a puppet show to teach an iodine education programme...


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A key concept in many Information Retrieval (IR) tasks, e.g. document indexing, query language modelling, aspect and diversity retrieval, is the relevance measurement of topics, i.e. to what extent an information object (e.g. a document or a query) is about the topics. This paper investigates the interference of relevance measurement of a topic caused by another topic. For example, consider that two user groups are required to judge whether a topic q is relevant to a document d, and q is presented together with another topic (referred to as a companion topic). If different companion topics are used for different groups, interestingly different relevance probabilities of q given d can be reached. In this paper, we present empirical results showing that the relevance of a topic to a document is greatly affected by the companion topic’s relevance to the same document, and the extent of the impact differs with respect to different companion topics. We further analyse the phenomenon from classical and quantum-like interference perspectives, and connect the phenomenon to nonreality and contextuality in quantum mechanics. We demonstrate that quantum like model fits in the empirical data, could be potentially used for predicting the relevance when interference exists.


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CONTEXT: Identifying current physical activity levels and sedentary time of preschool children is important for informing government policy and community initiatives. This paper reviewed studies reporting on physical activity and time spent sedentary among preschool-aged children (2-5 years) using objective measures. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: Databases were searched for studies published up to and including April 2013 that reported on, or enabled the calculation of, the proportion of time preschool children spent sedentary and in light- and moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity. A total of 40 publications met the inclusion criteria for physical activity and 31 met the inclusion criteria for sedentary time. Objective measures included ActiGraph, Actiwatch, Actical, Actiheart, and RT3 accelerometers, direct observation, and Quantum XL telemetry heart rate monitoring. Data were analyzed in May 2013. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Considerable variation in prevalence estimates existed. The proportion of time children spent sedentary ranged from 34% to 94%. The time spent in light-intensity physical activity and moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity ranged from 4% to 33% and 2% to 41%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The considerable variation of prevalence estimates makes it difficult to determine the "true" prevalence of physical activity and sedentary time in preschool children. Future research should aim to reduce inconsistencies in the employed methodologies to better understand preschoolers' physical activity levels and sedentary behavior.


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A crucial issue with hybrid quantum secret sharing schemes is the amount of data that is allocated to the participants. The smaller the amount of allocated data, the better the performance of a scheme. Moreover, quantum data is very hard and expensive to deal with, therefore, it is desirable to use as little quantum data as possible. To achieve this goal, we first construct extended unitary operations by the tensor product of n, n ≥ 2, basic unitary operations, and then by using those extended operations, we design two quantum secret sharing schemes. The resulting dual compressible hybrid quantum secret sharing schemes, in which classical data play a complementary role to quantum data, range from threshold to access structure. Compared with the existing hybrid quantum secret sharing schemes, our proposed schemes not only reduce the number of quantum participants, but also the number of particles and the size of classical shares. To be exact, the number of particles that are used to carry quantum data is reduced to 1 while the size of classical secret shares also is also reduced to l−2 m−1 based on ((m+1, n′)) threshold and to l−2 r2 (where r2 is the number of maximal unqualified sets) based on adversary structure. Consequently, our proposed schemes can greatly reduce the cost and difficulty of generating and storing EPR pairs and lower the risk of transmitting encoded particles.


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Deterrence-based initiatives form a cornerstone of many road safety countermeasures. This approach is informed by Classical Deterrence Theory, which proposes that individuals will be deterred from committing offences if they fear the perceived consequences of the act, especially the perceived certainty, severity and swiftness of sanctions. While deterrence-based countermeasures have proven effective in reducing a range of illegal driving behaviours known to cause crashes such as speeding and drink driving, the exact level of exposure, and how the process works, remains unknown. As a result the current study involved a systematic review of the literature to identify theoretical advancements within deterrence theory that has informed evidence-based practice. Studies that reported on perceptual deterrence between 1950 and June 2015 were searched in electronic databases including PsychINFO and ScienceDirect, both within road safety and non-road safety fields. This review indicated that scientific efforts to understand deterrence processes for road safety were most intense during the 1970s and 1980s. This era produced competing theories that postulated both legal and non-legal factors can influence offending behaviours. Since this time, little theoretical progression has been made in the road safety arena, apart from Stafford and Warr's (1993) reconceptualisation of deterrence that illuminated the important issue of punishment avoidance. In contrast, the broader field of criminology has continued to advance theoretical knowledge by investigating a range of individual difference-based factors proposed to influence deterrent processes, including: moral inhibition, social bonding, self-control, tendencies to discount the future, etc. However, this scientific knowledge has not been directed towards identifying how to best utilise deterrence mechanisms to improve road safety. This paper will highlight the implications of this lack of progression and provide direction for future research.


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In this paper we image the highly confined long range plasmons of a nanoscale metal stripe waveguide using quantum emitters. Plasmons were excited using a highly focused 633 nm laser beam and a specially designed grating structure to provide stronger incoupling to the desired mode. A homogeneous thin layer of quantum dots was used to image the near field intensity of the propagating plasmons on the waveguide. We observed that the photoluminescence is quenched when the QD to metal surface distance is less than 10 nm. The optimised spacer layer thickness for the stripe waveguides was found to be around 20 nm. Authors believe that the findings of this paper prove beneficial for the development of plasmonic devices utilising stripe waveguides.


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The quality of species distribution models (SDMs) relies to a large degree on the quality of the input data, from bioclimatic indices to environmental and habitat descriptors (Austin, 2002). Recent reviews of SDM techniques, have sought to optimize predictive performance e.g. Elith et al., 2006. In general SDMs employ one of three approaches to variable selection. The simplest approach relies on the expert to select the variables, as in environmental niche models Nix, 1986 or a generalized linear model without variable selection (Miller and Franklin, 2002). A second approach explicitly incorporates variable selection into model fitting, which allows examination of particular combinations of variables. Examples include generalized linear or additive models with variable selection (Hastie et al. 2002); or classification trees with complexity or model based pruning (Breiman et al., 1984, Zeileis, 2008). A third approach uses model averaging, to summarize the overall contribution of a variable, without considering particular combinations. Examples include neural networks, boosted or bagged regression trees and Maximum Entropy as compared in Elith et al. 2006. Typically, users of SDMs will either consider a small number of variable sets, via the first approach, or else supply all of the candidate variables (often numbering more than a hundred) to the second or third approaches. Bayesian SDMs exist, with several methods for eliciting and encoding priors on model parameters (see review in Low Choy et al. 2010). However few methods have been published for informative variable selection; one example is Bayesian trees (O’Leary 2008). Here we report an elicitation protocol that helps makes explicit a priori expert judgements on the quality of candidate variables. This protocol can be flexibly applied to any of the three approaches to variable selection, described above, Bayesian or otherwise. We demonstrate how this information can be obtained then used to guide variable selection in classical or machine learning SDMs, or to define priors within Bayesian SDMs.