21 resultados para feminism och kriminalromanen


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Det har nu gått mer än tio år sedan en student vid Northeastern University i USA lanserade den första fildelningstjänsten som blev framgångsrik bland den breda allmänheten (e.g. Alderman 2001). Lanseringen av tjänsten, som kallades Napster, ses ofta som inledningen på ett av de mest dramatiska decennierna i musikbranschens historia. En lång rad internetbaserade tjänster som följt i Napsters spår har gjort det möjligt att sprida musik till miljontals användare utan att upphovsmän och rättighetsinnehavare fått någon ersättning. Katt-och-råtta-leken mellan lagstiftning och teknik har varit intensiv och har utvecklats till ett av decenniets allra hetaste diskussionsämnen bland politiker och ledarskribenter. Försäljningen av inspelad musik har sjunkit dramatiskt och musikbranschen har tvingats ifrågasätta många väletablerade sanningar. Det här kapitlet belyser ett antal fundamentala aspekter av denna förändring och utforskar några av den ”nya” musikbranschens viktigaste karaktäristika. Under den tid som musikbranschen har beforskats har vanligtvis betoningen legat på fonogrammen, det vill säga den del av branschen som rör produktion och konsumtion av inspelad musik. På grund av branschens förändrade struktur kommer dock det här kapitlet att vidga perspektivet en smula och även inkludera musikbranschens andra delar som exempelvis konserter och förlagsverksamhet...


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Brisbane-based artist and Founding Co-Director of LEVEL artist run initiative Courtney Coombs reports on a one day forum about Feminism and Art held at LEVEL on International Womens Day 2013. LEVEL is focused on providing opportunities for female visual artists and generating dialogue around gender and arts practice. To listen to podcasts from the event visit http://www.ciprecinct.qut.edu.au/archive/2013/feminism-art.jsp


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This practice-led project focuses on the Iranian context and the role of female Iranian artists using digital mediums to influence the social, political and environmental life of Iranian women. The exegetical component presents a discussion on the intersection between three theoretical areas of artistic practice in Iran; feminism, cross-cultural practice and digital image making. Particular concern to this study is the growing role of female Iranian artists in challenging the social status quo. This is conducted through an investigation of a number of Iranian female artists in the form of case studies and interviews and a discussion on the impacts of their work on the resulting creative practice portion of this study.


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Brisbane-based artist and Founding Co-Director of LEVEL artist run initiative Courtney Coombs discusses feminist activist art practice in Australia. Recent discussions both in the art world and beyond have increased the profile and demystified the notion of feminism in the twenty-first century, and the term has once again become integrated into mainstream discussion internationally and in Australia. Now that pop music star Taylor Swift has declared herself a feminist, you could be persuaded that the 'f' word has finally become socially acceptable. However, while many artists have adopted the feminist label across the country, it often feels like feminism has become a lifestyle choice rather than a political one. When the badge is so readily worn by many, society can be fooled into thinking that there is no more work to be done. With the 'f' word once again acceptable while the 'p' word (patriarchy) remains so pass , how are artists responding to the changed conditions but continued imposition of what bell hooks has described as the 'imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy'?


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Feminism in Indonesian society is related to the emancipation term that women nowadays have still been bringing up this issue. However, Arisan 2! film showed a shift in film discourse regarding the representation of cosmopolitan women in Indonesia. This research examines on how Arisan 2! film as a media portrays feminism in the society of Jakarta. Feminism in Arisan 2! film was likely to expose the liberal feminism in nowadays modern society through several issues of women’s emancipation, specifically in the areas of marriage, job, and social life.


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This article discusses approaches to feminist art practice by early career Australian women artists in the context of 'Contemporary Australia: Women', an exhibition held at the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA), Brisbane in 2012.