261 resultados para Packing dimension


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Digital learning has come a long way from the days of simple 'if-then' queries. It is now enabled by countless innovations that support knowledge sharing, openness, flexibility, and independent inquiry. Set against an evolutionary context this study investigated innovations that directly support human inquiry. Specifically, it identified five activities that together are defined as the 'why dimension' – asking, learning, understanding, knowing, and explaining why. Findings highlight deficiencies in mainstream search-based approaches to inquiry, which tend to privilege the retrieval of information as distinct from explanation. Instrumental to sense-making, the 'why dimension' provides a conceptual framework for development of 'sense-making technologies'.


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Until recently, sustainable development was perceived as essentially an environmental issue, relating to the integration of environmental concerns into economic decision-making. As a result, environmental considerations have been the primary focus of sustainability decision making during the economic development process for major projects, and the assessment and preservation of social and cultural systems has been arguably too limited. The practice of social impact and sustainability assessment is an established and accepted part of project planning, however, these practices are not aimed at delivering sustainability outcomes for social systems, rather they are designed to minimise ‘unsustainability’ and contribute to project approval. Currently, there exists no widely recognised standard approach for assessing social sustainability and accounting for positive externalities of existing social systems in project decision making. As a result, very different approaches are applied around the world, and even by the same organisations from one project to another. This situation is an impediment not only to generating a shared understanding of the social implications as related to major projects, but more importantly, to identifying common approaches to help improve social sustainability outcomes of proposed activities. This paper discusses the social dimension of sustainability decision making of mega-projects, and argues that to improve accountability and transparency of project outcomes it is important to understand the characteristics that make some communities more vulnerable than others to mega-project development. This paper highlights issues with current operational level approaches to social sustainability assessment at the project level, and asserts that the starting point for project planning and sustainability decision making of mega-projects needs to include the preservation, maintenance, and enhancement of existing social and cultural systems. It draws attention to the need for a scoping mechanism to systematically assess community vulnerability (or sensitivity) to major infrastructure development during the feasibility and planning stages of a project.


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A high-level relationPopper dimension—( Exclusion dimension—( VC dimension—( between Karl Popper’s ideas on “falsifiability of scientific theories” and the notion of “overfitting”Overfitting in statistical learning theory can be easily traced. However, it was pointed out that at the level of technical details the two concepts are significantly different. One possible explanation that we suggest is that the process of falsification is an active process, whereas statistical learning theory is mainly concerned with supervised learningSupervised learning, which is a passive process of learning from examples arriving from a stationary distribution. We show that concepts that are closer (although still distant) to Karl Popper’s definitions of falsifiability can be found in the domain of learning using membership queries, and derive relations between Popper’s dimension, exclusion dimension, and the VC-dimensionVC dimension.


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This thesis contains a mathematical investigation of the existence of travelling wave solutions to singularly perturbed advection-reaction-diffusion models of biological processes. An enhanced mathematical understanding of these solutions and models is gained via the identification of canards (special solutions of fast/slow dynamical systems) and their role in the existence of the most biologically relevant, shock-like solutions. The analysis focuses on two existing models. A new proof of existence of a whole family of travelling waves is provided for a model describing malignant tumour invasion, while new solutions are identified for a model describing wound healing angiogenesis.


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A fractal method was introduced to quantitatively characterize the dispersibility of modified kaolinite (MK) and precipitated silica (PS) in styrene–butadiene rubber (SBR) matrix based on the lower magnification transmission electron microscopic images. The fractal dimension (FD) is greater, and the dispersion is worse. The fractal results showed that the dispersibility of MK in the latex blending sample is better than that in the mill blending samples. With the increase of kaolinite content, the FD increases from 1.713 to 1.800, and the dispersibility of kaolinite gradually decreases. There is a negative correlation between the dispersibility and loading content. With the decrease of MK and increase of PS, the FD significantly decreases from 1.735 to 1.496 and the dipersibility of kaolinite remarkably increases. The hybridization can improve the dispersibility of fillers in polymer matrix. The FD can be used to quantitatively characterize the aggregation and dispersion of kaolinite sheets in rubber matrix.


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We investigate, using scanning tunnelling microscopy, the adsorption of pentacene on Ni(111) at room temperature and the behaviour of these monolayer films with annealing up to 700 °C. We observe the conversion of pentacene into graphene, which begins from as low as 220 °C with the coalescence of pentacene molecules into large planar aggregates. Then, by annealing at 350 °C for 20 minutes, these aggregates expand into irregular domains of graphene tens of nanometers in size. On surfaces where graphene and nickel carbide coexist, pentacene shows preferential adsorption on the nickel carbide phase. The same pentacene to graphene transformation was also achieved on Cu(111), but at a higher activation temperature, producing large graphene domains that exhibit a range of moiré superlattice periodicities.


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We propose a simple method of constructing quasi-likelihood functions for dependent data based on conditional-mean-variance relationships, and apply the method to estimating the fractal dimension from box-counting data. Simulation studies were carried out to compare this method with the traditional methods. We also applied this technique to real data from fishing grounds in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia


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Consonance in urban form is contingent on the continuity of the fine grain architectural features that are imbued in the commodity of the evolved historic urban fabric. A city's past can be viewed therefore as a repository of urban form characteristics from which concise architectural responses can result in a congruent urban landscape. This thesis proposes new methods to evaluate the interplay of architectural elements that can be traced throughout the lifespan of the particular evolving urban areas under scrutiny, and postulates a theory of how the mapping of historical urban form can correlate with deriving parameters for new buildings.


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Unlike standard applications of transport theory, the transport of molecules and cells during embryonic development often takes place within growing multidimensional tissues. In this work, we consider a model of diffusion on uniformly growing lines, disks, and spheres. An exact solution of the partial differential equation governing the diffusion of a population of individuals on the growing domain is derived. Using this solution, we study the survival probability, S(t). For the standard nongrowing case with an absorbing boundary, we observe that S(t) decays to zero in the long time limit. In contrast, when the domain grows linearly or exponentially with time, we show that S(t) decays to a constant, positive value, indicating that a proportion of the diffusing substance remains on the growing domain indefinitely. Comparing S(t) for diffusion on lines, disks, and spheres indicates that there are minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of zero growth and minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of fast growth. In contrast, for intermediate growth rates, we observe modest differences in S(t) between different geometries. These differences can be quantified by evaluating the exact expressions derived and presented here.


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In this manuscript, we consider the impact of a small jump-type spatial heterogeneity on the existence of stationary localized patterns in a system of partial dierential equations in one spatial dimension...


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It is known that boehmite (AlOOH) nanofibers formed in the presence of nonionic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) surfactant at 373 K. A novel approach is proposed in this study for the growth of the boehmite nanofibers: when fresh aluminum hydrate precipitate was added at regular interval to initial mixture of boehmite and PEO surfactant at 373 K, the nanofibers grow from 40 to 50 nm long to over 100 nm. It is believed that the surfactant micelles play an important role in the nanofiber growth: directing the assembly of aluminum hydrate particles through hydrogen bonding with the hydroxyls on the surface of aluminum hydrate particles. Meanwhile a gradual improvement in the crystallinity of the fibers during growth is observed and attributed to the Ostwald ripening process. This approach allows us to precisely control the size and morphology of boehmite nanofibers using soft chemical methods and could be useful for low temperature, aqueous syntheses of other oxide nanomaterials with tailorable structural specificity such as size, dimension and morphology.


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What characterises late modern variety of cosmopolitanism from its classical predecessors is the inherent connection between cosmopolitanism and technology. Technology enables a vital dimension of the cosmopolitan experience – to move beyond the cosmopolitan imagination to enable active, direct engagement with other cultures. Different types of technologies contribute to cosmopolitan practice but in this paper we focus on a specific set of these enabling technologies: technologies which play a crucial role in regulating the free movement of people and populations. We briefly examine how three of the great surveillance states of the 20th century – Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the German Democratic Republic – used hightech solutions in pursuing an anti-cosmopolitanism. We suggest that in the period from 2001 to the present, important elements of the cosmopolitan ethos are being closed down, and once again high-tech is intimately connected to this moment. The increasing (and proposed) use of identity cards, biometric identification systems, ITS and GIS all work to make the globalised world much harder to traverse and inhibit the full expression and experience of cosmopolitanism. The result of these trends may be that the type of cosmopolitan sentiment exhibited in western countries is an ersatz, emptied out variety with little political-ethical robustness.


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Organizations generally are not responding effectively to rising IT security threats because people issues receive inadequate attention. The stark example of IT security is just the latest strategic IT priority demonstrating deficient IT leadership attention to the social dimension of IT. Universities in particular, with their devolved people organization, diverse adoption of IT, and split central/local federated approach to governance and leadership of IT, demand higher levels of interpersonal sophistication and strategic engagement from their IT leaders. An idealized model for IT leaders for the 21st century university is proposed to be developed as a framework for further investigation. The testing of this model in an action research study is proposed.