51 resultados para Narcotic Antagonists


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10.1 Histamine and cytokines 10.1.1 Actions of histamine 10.1.2 Drugs that modify the actions of histamine 10.1.3 Cytokines 10.2 Eicosanoids 10.2.1 Cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase system 10.2.2 Actions of eicosanoids 10.2.3 Drugs that modify the actions of eicosanoids Inhibit phospholipase A2 Non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors Selective COX-2 inhibitors Agonists at prostaglandin receptors Leukotriene receptor antagonists 10.3. 5-Hydroxtryptamine (serotonin), nitric oxide, and endothelin 10.3.1 5-HT and migraine 10.3.2 5-HT and the gastrointestinal tract 10.3.3 Nitric oxide and angina 10.3.4 Nitric oxide and erectile dysfunction 10.3.5 Endothelin and pulmonary hypertension


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12.1 Drugs for hypertension 12.1.1 Epidemiology and pathophysiology 12.1.2 Diuretics for hypertension 12.2.3 Vasodilators for hypertension 12.4.4 β-Adrenoceptor blockers for hypertension 12.2. Drugs for angina 12.2.1 Typical angina 12.2.2 Drugs to treat an attack of typical angina 12,2.3 Drugs to prevent an attack of typical angina 12.2.4 Atypical angina 12.3 Drugs for heart failure 12.3.1 The heart failure epidemic 12.3.2 Compensatory changes in heart failure 12.3.3 Diuretics for heart failure 12.3.4 ACE inhibitors and AT1-receptor antagonists 12.3.5 β-adrenoceptor antagonists 12.3.6 Digoxin


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16.1. Agents to control acidity 16.1.1 Antacids 16.1.2 Proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics for Helicobacter pylori 16.1.3 Histamine H2 receptor antagonists 16.1.4 Misoprostol 16.1.5 Sucralfate 16.2. Prokinetics and emetics 16.2.1 Introduction to prokinetics 16.2.2 Prokinetic agents 16.2.3 Emesis with cytotoxic drugs and drugs for 16.2.4 Motion sickness and drugs for 16.2.5 Drugs for post-operative emesis 16.3. Agents used for diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome 16.3.1 Treatment for diarrhea 16.3.2 Treatment for constipation 16.3.3 Treatment for opioid-induced constipation 16.4. Drugs for inflammatory bowel disease 16.4.1 Mesalazine 16.4.2 Glucocorticoids 16.4.3 Infliximab


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17.1 Drugs for bronchial asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 17.1.1 Introduction to asthma 17.1.2 Introduction to COPD 17.1.3 Drug delivery by inhalation 17.1.4 Drugs to treat β2-adrenoceptor agonists Muscarinic receptor antagonists Leukotriene receptor antagonists Theophylline Oxygen for COPD 17.1.5 Drugs to prevent asthma 31.5.1 Glucocorticoids 31.5.2 Cromolyn sodium 17.1.6 Combination to treat and prevent asthma 17.1.7 Drug for allergic asthma – omalizumab 17.1.8 Emergency treatment of asthma 17.2. Expectorants, mucolytics, cough and oxygen 17.2.1 Introduction to expectorants and mucolytics 17.2.2 Expectorants 17.2.3 Mucolytics 17.2.4 Cough 17.2.5 Oxygen 17.3. Drugs for rhinitis and rhinorrea 17.3.1 Introduction 17.3.2 Histamine and H1-receptor antagonists 17.3.3 Sympathomimetic 17.3.4 Muscarinic receptor antagonists 17.3.4 Cromolyn sodium 17.3.5 Glucocorticoids


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An introduction to anticancer drugs 24.1 Introduction 24.2 The rationale behind anticancer drug therapy 24.3 Drugs used in cancer 24.3.1 Alkylating agents 24.3.2 Cytotoxic antibiotics 24.3.3 Antimetabolites 24.3.4 Microtubule inhibitors 24.3.5 Monoclonal antibodies 24.3.6 Steroid hormones and their antagonists 24.3.7 Other treatments


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26.1 Migraine 26.2 Pathogenesis of Migraine 26.3 Cortical Spreading Depression 26.4 Neurogenic Inflammation Theory 26.5 Role of 5-HT in Migraine 26.6 Acute and Prophylactic Treatment of Migraine


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The cancer stem-cell (CSC) hypothesis suggests that there is a small subset of cancer cells that are responsible for tumor initiation and growth, possessing properties such as indefinite self-renewal, slow replication, intrinsic resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and an ability to give rise to differentiated progeny. Through the use of xenotransplantation assays, putative CSCs have been identified in many cancers, often identified by markers usually expressed in normal stem cells. This is also the case in lung cancer, and the accumulated data on side population cells, CD133, CD166, CD44 and ALDH1 are beginning to clarify the true phenotype of the lung cancer stem cell. Furthermore, it is now clear that many of the pathways of normal stem cells, which guide cellular proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis are also prominent in CSCs; the Hedgehog (Hh), Notch, and Wnt signaling pathways being notable examples. The CSC hypothesis suggests that there is a small reservoir of cells within the tumor, which are resistant to many standard therapies, and can give rise to new tumors in the form of metastases or relapses after apparent tumor regression. Therapeutic interventions that target CSC pathways are still in their infancy and clinical data of their efficacy remain limited. However Smoothened inhibitors, gamma-secretase inhibitors, anti-DLL4 antagonists, Wnt antagonists, and CBP/β-catenin inhibitors have all shown promising anticancer effects in early studies. The evidence to support the emerging picture of a lung cancer CSC phenotype and the development of novel therapeutic strategies to target CSCs are described in this review.


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Teachers of construction economics and estimating have for a long time recognised that there is more to construction pricing than detailed calculation of costs (to the contractor). We always get to the point where we have to say "of course, experience or familiarity of the market is very important and this needs judgement, intuition, etc". Quite how important is the matter in construction pricing is not known and we tend to trivialise its effect. If judgement of the market has a minimal effect, little harm would be done, but if it is really important then some quite serious consequences arise which go well beyond the teaching environment. Major areas of concern for the quantity surveyor are in cost modelling and cost planning - neither of which pay any significant attention to the market effect. There are currently two schools of thought about the market effect issue. The first school is prepared to ignore possible effects until more is known. This may be called the pragmatic school. The second school exists solely to criticise the first school. We will call this the antagonistic school. Neither the pragmatic nor the antagonistic schools seem to be particularly keen to resolve the issue one way or the other. The founder and leader of the antagonistic school is Brian Fine whose paper in 1974 is still the basic text on the subject, and in which he coined the term 'socially acceptable' price to describe what we now recognise as the market effect. Mr Fine's argument was then, and is since, that the uncertainty surrounding the contractors' costing and cost estimating process is such that the uncertainty surrounding the contractors' cost that it logically leads to a market-orientated pricing approach. Very little factual evidence, however, seems to be available to support these arguments in any conclusive manner. A further, and more important point for the pragmatic school, is that, even if the market effect is as important as Mr Fine believes, there are no indications of how it can be measured, evaluated or predicted. Since 1974 evidence has been accumulating which tends to reinforce the antagonists' view. A review of the literature covering both contractors' and designers' estimates found many references to the use of value judgements in construction pricing (Ashworth & Skitmore, 1985), which supports the antagonistic view in implying the existence of uncertainty overload. The most convincing evidence emerged quite by accident in some research we recently completed with practicing quantity surveyors in estimating accuracy (Skitmore, 1985). In addition to demonstrating that individual quantity surveyors and certain types of buildings had significant effect on estimating accuracy, one surprise result was that only a very small amount of information was used by the most expert surveyors for relatively very accurate estimates. Only the type and size of building, it seemed, was really relevant in determining accuracy. More detailed information about the buildings' specification, and even a sight to the drawings, did not significantly improve their accuracy level. This seemed to offer clear evidence that the constructional aspects of the project were largely irrelevant and that the expert surveyors were somehow tuning in to the market price of the building. The obvious next step is to feed our expert surveyors with more relevant 'market' information in order to assess its effect. The problem with this is that our experts do not seem able to verbalise their requirements in this respect - a common occurrence in research of this nature. The lack of research into the nature of market effects on prices also means the literature provides little of benefit. Hence the need for this study. It was felt that a clearer picture of the nature of construction markets would be obtained in an environment where free enterprise was a truly ideological force. For this reason, the United States of America was chosen for the next stage of our investigations. Several people were interviewed in an informal and unstructured manner to elicit their views on the action of market forces on construction prices. Although a small number of people were involved, they were thought to be reasonably representative of knowledge in construction pricing. They were also very well able to articulate their views. Our initial reaction to the interviews was that our USA subjects held very close views to those held in the UK. However, detailed analysis revealed the existence of remarkably clear and consistent insights that would not have been obtained in the UK. Further evidence was also obtained from literature relating to the subject and some of the interviewees very kindly expanded on their views in later postal correspondence. We have now analysed all the evidence received and, although a great deal is of an anecdotal nature, we feel that our findings enable at least the basic nature of the subject to be understood and that the factors and their interrelationships can now be examined more formally in relation to construction price levels. I must express my gratitude to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' Educational Trust and the University of Salford's Department of Civil Engineering for collectively funding this study. My sincere thanks also go to our American participants who freely gave their time and valuable knowledge to us in our enquiries. Finally, I must record my thanks to Tim and Anne for their remarkable ability to produce an intelligible typescript from my unintelligible writing.


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This article covers lymphoproliferative disorders in patients with primary or acquired immunodeficiencies. Primary immunodeficiences include Ataxia Telangiectasia and X-linked disorders such as Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Acquired immunodeficiencies predominantly occur in the setting of infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or arise following immunosuppressive therapy administered after organ transplantation. The rising incidence of HIV throughout the world and the dramatic increase in transplant surgery since the 1990's suggest that these lymphomas will remain an important health problem. Evidence for lymphoma developing as a result of treatment with methotrexate or Tumour Necrosis Factor Antagonists for autoimmune entities will also be reviewed. The lymphoproliferations that occur with immunodeficiency are extremely heterogenous. In part this reflects the diversity of the causal immune defect. The most striking clinical characteristic is the high frequency of extranodal disease. Frequently, these lymphomas are driven by viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), although the lack of EBV in a proportion indicates that alternate pathways must also be involved in the pathogenesis. Lastly, discussion will centre on mechanisms utilized by lymphomas in the immunodeficient as these may have applications to lymphomas in the "immunocompetent", by serving as a paradigm for the altered immunoregulatory environment present in many lymphoma sub-types.


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Structurally novel compounds able to block voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) are currently being sought for the development of new drugs directed at neurological disorders. Fluorescence techniques have recently been developed to facilitate the analysis of VGCC blockers in a multi-well format. By utilising the small cell lung carcinoma cell line, NCI-H146, we were able to detect changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) using a fluorescence microplate reader. NCI-H146 cells have characteristics resembling those of neuronal cells and express multiple VGCC subtypes, including those of the L-, N- and P-type. We found that K+-depolarisation of fluo-3 loaded NCI-H146 cells causes a rapid and transient increase in fluorescence, which was readily detected in a 96-well plate. Extracts of Australian plants, including those used traditionally as headache or pain treatments, were tested in this study to identify those affecting Ca2+ influx following membrane depolarisation of NCI-H146 cells. We found that E. bignoniiflora, A. symphyocarpa and E. vespertilio caused dose-dependent inhibition of K+-depolarised Ca2+ influx, with IC50 values calculated to be 234, 548 and 209 μg/ml, respectively. This data suggests an effect of these extracts on the function of VGCCs in these cells. Furthermore, we found similar effects using a fluorescence laser imaging plate reader (FLIPR) that allows simultaneous measurement of real-time fluorescence in a multi-well plate. Our results indicate that the dichloromethane extract of E. bignoniiflora and the methanolic extract of E. vespertilio show considerable promise as antagonists of neuronal VGCCs. Further analysis is required to characterise the function of the bioactive constituents in these extracts and determine their selectivity on VGCC subtypes.


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Migraine is a common genetically linked neurovascular disorder. Approximately ~12% of the Caucasian population are affected including 18% of adult women and 6% of adult men (1, 2). A notable female bias is observed in migraine prevalence studies with females affected ~3 times more than males and is credited to differences in hormone levels arising from reproductive achievements. Migraine is extremely debilitating with wide-ranging socioeconomic impact significantly affecting people's health and quality of life. A number of neurotransmitter systems have been implicated in migraine, the most studied include the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems. Extensive genetic research has been carried out to identify genetic variants that may alter the activity of a number of genes involved in synthesis and transport of neurotransmitters of these systems. The biology of the Glutamatergic system in migraine is the least studied however there is mounting evidence that its constituents could contribute to migraine. The discovery of antagonists that selectively block glutamate receptors has enabled studies on the physiologic role of glutamate, on one hand, and opened new perspectives pertaining to the potential therapeutic applications of glutamate receptor antagonists in diverse neurologic diseases. In this brief review, we discuss the biology of the Glutamatergic system in migraine outlining recent findings that support a role for altered Glutamatergic neurotransmission from biochemical and genetic studies in the manifestation of migraine and the implications of this on migraine treatment.


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Recent evidence indicates that the estrogen receptor-a-negative, androgen receptor (AR)- positive molecular apocrine subtype of breast cancer is driven by AR signaling. The MDA-MB-453 cell line is the prototypical model of this breast cancer subtype; its proliferation is stimulated by androgens such as 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but inhibited by the progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) via AR-mediated mechanisms. We report here that the AR gene in MDAMB- 453 cells contains a G-T transversion in exon 7, resulting in a receptor variant with a glutamine to histidine substitution at amino acid 865 (Q865H) in the ligand binding domain. Compared with wild-type AR, the Q865H variant exhibited reduced sensitivity to DHT and MPA in transactivation assays in MDA-MB-453 and PC-3 cells but did not respond to non-androgenic ligands or receptor antagonists. Ligand binding, molecular modeling, mammalian two-hybrid and immunoblot assays revealed effects of the Q865H mutation on ligand dissociation, AR intramolecular interactions, and receptor stability. Microarray expression profiling demonstrated that DHT and MPA regulate distinct transcriptional programs in MDA-MB-453 cells. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis revealed that DHT- but not MPA-regulated genes were associated with estrogen-responsive transcriptomes from MCF-7 cells and the Wnt signaling pathway. These findings suggest that the divergent proliferative responses of MDA-MB-453 cells to DHT and MPA result from the different genetic programs elicited by these two ligands through the AR-Q865H variant. This work highlights the necessity to characterize additional models of molecular apocrine breast cancer to determine the precise role of AR signaling in this breast cancer subtype. Endocrine-Related Cancer (2012) 19 599–613


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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoactive peptide and a hypoxia-inducible angiogenic growth factor associated with the development and growth of solid tumours. This study evaluated the expression of big endothelin-1 (big ET-1), a stable precursor of ET-1, and ET-1 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Big ET-1 expression was evaluated in paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 10 NSCLC tumours using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. The production of big ET-1 and ET-1 was studied in six established NSCLC cell lines. The plasma concentrations of big ET-1 were measured in 30 patients with proven NSCLC prior to chemotherapy by means of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay and compared to levels in 20 normal controls. Big ET-1 immunostaining was detected in the cancer cells of all tumours studied. Using in situ hybridisation, tumour cell big ET-1 mRNA expression was demonstrated in all samples. All six NSCLC cell lines expressed ET-1, with big ET-1 being detected in three. The median big ET-1 plasma level in patients with NSCLC was 5.4 pg/mL (range 0-22.7 pg/mL) and was significantly elevated compared to median big ET-1 plasma levels in controls, 2.1 pg/mL (1.2-13.4 pg/mL) (p=0.0001). Furthermore, patients with plasma big ET-1 levels above the normal range (upper tertile) had a worse outcome (p=0.01). In conclusion, big ET-1/ET-1 is expressed by resected NSCLC specimens and tumour cell lines. Plasma big ET-1 levels are elevated in NSCLC patients compared to controls with levels >7.8 pg/mL being associated with a worse outcome. The development of selective ET-1 antagonists such as Atrasentan indicates that ET-1 may be a therapeutic target in NSCLC. © 2004 Wichtig Editore.


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Lung cancer is the commonest cause of cancer death in the western world. Recent evidence suggests that angiogenesis is related to poor prognosis in many solid tumours including non-small cell lung cancer. Angiogenesis is controlled by a complex interaction between growth and apoptotic factors, proteases and adhesion molecules. The angiogenic process may prove a target for novel therapies such as matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, growth factor antisense RNA, growth factor receptor antagonists and naturally occurring antiangiogenic peptides. These agents may be used alone or in combination with traditional chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.


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Intravitreal injections of GABA antagonists, dopamine agonists and brief periods of normal vision have been shown separately to inhibit form-deprivation myopia (FDM). Our study had three aims: (i) establish whether GABAergic agents modify the myopia protective effect of normal vision, (ii) investigate the receptor sub-type specificity of any observed effect, and (iii) consider an interaction with the dopamine (DA) system. Prior to the period of normal vision GABAergic agents were applied either (i) individually, (ii) in combination with other GABAergic agents (an agonist with an antagonist), or (iii) in combination with DA agonists and antagonists. Water injections were given to groups not receiving drug treatments so that all experimental eyes received intravitreal injections. As shown previously, constant form-deprivation resulted in high myopia and when diffusers were removed for 2 h per day the period of normal vision greatly reduced the FDM that developed. GABA agonists inhibited the protective effect of normal vision whereas antagonists had the opposite effect. GABAA/C agonists and D2 DA antagonists when used in combination were additive in suppressing the protective effect of normal vision. A D2 DA agonist restored some of the protective effect of normal vision that was inhibited by a GABA agonist (muscimol). The protective effect of normal vision against form-deprivation is modifiable by both the GABAergic and DAergic pathways.