79 resultados para Macular Degeneration


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Purpose To develop a novel 3-D cell culture model with the view to studying the pathomechanisms underlying the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Our central hypothesis is that the silk structural protein fibroin used in conjunction with cultured human cells can be used to mimic the structural relationships between the RPE and choriocapillaris in health and disease. Methods Co-cultures of human RPE cells (ARPE-19 cells grown in Miller’s medium) and microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1 cells grown in endothelial culture medium) were established on opposing sides of a synthetic Bruch’s membrane (3 microns thick) constructed from B mori silk fibroin. Cell attachment was facilitated by pre-coating the fibroin membrane with vitronectin (for ARPE-19 cells) and gelatin (for HMEC-1 cells) respectively. The effects of tropoelastin on attachment of ARPE-19 cells was also examined. Barrier function was examined by measurement of trans-epithelial resistance (TER) using a voltohmmeter (EVOM-2). The phagocytic activity of the synthetic RPE was tested using vitronectin-coated microspheres (2 micron diameter FluoSpheres). In some cultures, membrane defects were created by puncturing within a 24 G needle. The architecture of the synthetic tissue before and after wounding was examined by confocal microscopy after staining for ZO-1 and F-actin. Results The RPE layer of the 3D model developed a cobblestoned morphology (validated by staining for ZO-1 and F-actin), displayed barrier function (validated by measurement of TER) and demonstrated cytoplasmic uptake of vitronectin-coated microspheres. Attachment of ARPE-19 cells to fibroin was unaffected by tropoelastin. Microvascular endothelial cells attached well to the gelatin-coated surface of the fibroin membrane and remained physically separated from the overlaying RPE layer. The fibroin membranes were amenable to puncturing without collapse thus providing the opportunity to study transmembrane migration of the endothelial cells. Conclusions Synthetic Bruch’s membranes constructed from silk fibroin, vitronectin and gelatin, support the co-cultivation of RPE cells and microvascular endothelial cells. The resulting RPE layer displays functions similar to that of native RPE and the entire tri-layered structure displays potential to be used as an in vitro model of choroidal neovascularization.


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We have presently evaluated membranes prepared from Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF), for their potential use as a prosthetic Bruch’s membrane and carrier substrate for human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell transplantation. Porous BMSF membranes measuring 3 μm in thickness were prepared from aqueous solutions (3% w/v) containing poly(ethylene oxide) (0.09%). The permeability coefficient for membranes was between 3 and 9 × 10-5 cm/s by using Allura red or 70 kDa FITC-dextran respectively. Average pore size (± sd) was 4.9 ± 2.3 µm and 2.9 ± 1.5 µm for upper and lower membrane surfaces respectively. Optimal attachment of ARPE-19 cells to BMSF membrane was achieved by pre-coating with vitronectin (1 µg/mL). ARPE-19 cultures maintained in low serum on BMSF membranes for approximately 8 weeks, developed a cobble-stoned morphology accompanied by a cortical distribution of F-actin and ZO-1. Similar results were obtained using primary cultures of human RPE cells, but cultures took noticeably longer to establish on BMSF compared with tissue culture plastic. These findings encourage further studies of BMSF as a substrate for RPE cell transplantation.


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Purpose: One of the challenges associated with cell-based therapies for repairing the retina is the development of suitable materials on which to grow and transplant retinal cells. Using the ARPE-19 cell line, we have previously demonstrated the feasibility of growing RPE-derived cells on membranes prepared from the silk protein fibroin. The present study was aimed at developing a porous, ultra-thin fibroin membrane that might better support development of apical-basal polarity in culture, and to extend this work to primary cultures of human RPE cells. Methods: Ultra-thin fibroin membranes were prepared using a highly polished casting table coated with Topas® (a cyclic olefin copolymer) and a 1:0.03 aqueous solution of fibroin and PEO (Mv 900 000 g/mol). Following drying, the membranes were water annealed to make them water-stable, washed in water to remove PEO, sterilised by treatment with 95% ethanol, and washed extensively in saline. Primary cultures containing human RPE cells were established from donor posterior eye cups and maintained in DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. First passage cultures were seeded onto fibroin membranes pre-coated with vitronectin and grown for 6 weeks in medium supplemented with 1% serum. Comparative cultures were established on porous 1.0 µm pore PET membrane (Millipore) and using ARPE-19 cells. Results: The fibroin membranes displayed an average thickness of 3 µm and contained numerous dimples/pore-like structures of up to 3-5 µm in diameter. The primary cultures predominantly contained pigmented epithelial cells, but mesenchymal cells (presumed fibroblasts) were also often present. Passaged cultures appeared to attach equally well to either fibroin or PET membranes. Over time cells on either material adopted a more cobblestoned morphology. Conclusions: Progress has been made towards developing a porous ultra-thin fibroin membrane that supports cultivation of RPE cells. Further studies are required to determine the degree of membrane permeability and RPE polarity.


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Purpose: Over 40% of the permanent population of Norfolk Island possesses a unique genetic admixture dating to Pitcairn Island in the late 18 th century, with descendents having varying degrees of combined Polynesian and European ancestry. We conducted a population-based study to determine the prevalence and causes of blindness and low vision on Norfolk Island. Methods: All permanent residents of Norfolk Island aged ≥ 15 years were invited to participate. Participants completed a structured questionnaire/interview and underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination including slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Results: We recruited 781 people aged ≥ 15, equal to 62% of the permanent population, 44% of whom could trace their ancestry to Pitcairn Island. No one was bilaterally blind. Prevalence of unilateral blindness (visual acuity [VA] < 6/60) in those aged ≥ 40 was 1.5%. Blindness was more common in females (P=0.049) and less common in people with Pitcairn Island ancestry (P<0.001). The most common causes of unilateral blindness were age-related macular degeneration (AMD), amblyopia, and glaucoma. Five people had low vision (Best-Corrected VA < 6/18 in better eye), with 4 (80%) due to AMD. People with Pitcairn Island ancestry had a lower prevalence of AMD (P<0.001) but a similar prevalence of glaucoma to those without Pitcairn Island ancestry. Conclusions: The prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in this isolated Australian territory is low, especially amongst those with Pitcairn Island ancestry. AMD was the most common cause of unilateral blindness and low vision. The distribution of chronic ocular diseases on Norfolk Island is similar to mainland Australian estimates.


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This study examined the prevalence of co-morbid age-related eye disease and symptoms of depression and anxiety in late life, and the relative roles of visual function and disease in explaining symptoms of depression and anxiety. A community-based sample of 662 individuals aged over 70 years was recruited through the electoral roll. Vision was measured using a battery of tests including high and low contrast visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, motion sensitivity, stereoacuity, Useful Field of View, and visual fields. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured using the Goldberg scales. The prevalence of self-reported eye disease [cataract, glaucoma, or age-related macular degeneration (AMD)] in the sample was 43.4%, with 7.7% reporting more than one form of ocular pathology. Of those with no eye disease, 3.7% had clinically significant depressive symptoms. This rate was 6.7% among cataract patients, 4.3% among those with glaucoma, and 10.5% for AMD. Generalized linear models adjusting for demographics, general health, treatment, and disability examined self-reported eye disease and visual function as correlates of depression and anxiety. Depressive symptoms were associated with cataract only, AMD, comorbid eye diseases and reduced low contrast visual acuity. Anxiety was significantly associated with self-reported cataract, and reduced low contrast visual acuity, motion sensitivity and contrast sensitivity. We found no evidence for elevated rates of depressive or anxiety symptoms associated with self-reported glaucoma. The results support previous findings of high rates of depression and anxiety in cataract and AMD, and in addition show that mood and anxiety are associated with objective measures of visual function independently of self-reported eye disease. The findings have implications for the assessment and treatment of mental health in the context of late-life visual impairment...


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Melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells (ipRGCs) are a class of photoreceptors with established roles in non-image forming processes. Their contributions to image forming vision may include the estimation of brightness. Animal models have been central for understanding the physiological mechanisms of ipRGC function and there is evidence of conservation of function across species. ipRGCs can be divided into 5 ganglion cell subtypes that show morphological and functional diversity. Research in humans has established that ipRGCs signal environmental irradiance to entrain the central body clock to the solar day for regulating circadian processes and sleep. In addition, ipRGCs mediate the pupil light reflex (PLR), making the PLR a readily accessible behavioural marker of ipRGC activity. Less is known about ipRGC function in retinal and optic nerve disease, with emerging research providing insight into their function in diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and hereditary optic neuropathy. We briefly review the anatomical distributions, projections and basic physiological mechanisms of ipRGCs, their proposed and known functions in animals and humans with and without eye disease. We introduce a paradigm for differentiating inner and outer retinal inputs to the pupillary control pathway in retinal disease and apply this paradigm to patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In these cases of patients with AMD, we provide the initial evidence that ipRGC function is altered, and that the dysfunction is more pronounced in advanced disease. Our perspective is that with refined pupillometry paradigms, the pupil light reflex can be extended to AMD assessment as a tool for the measurement of inner and outer retinal dysfunction.


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Falls are the leading cause of injury-related morbidity and mortality among older adults. In addition to the resulting physical injury and potential disability after a fall, there are also important psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, activity restriction, and fear of falling. Fear of falling affects 20 to 43% of community-dwelling older adults and is not limited to those who have previously experienced a fall. About half of older adults who experience fear of falling subsequently restrict their physical and everyday activities, which can lead to functional decline, depression, increased falls risk, and reduced quality of life. Although there is clear evidence that older adults with visual impairment have higher falls risk, only a limited number of studies have investigated fear of falling in older adults with visual impairment and the findings have been mixed. Recent studies suggest increased levels of fear of falling among older adults with various eye conditions, including glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration, whereas other studies have failed to find differences. Interventions, which are still in their infancy in the general population, are also largely unexplored in those with visual impairment. The major aims of this review were to provide an overview of the literature on fear of falling, its measurement, and risk factors among older populations, with specific focus on older adults with visual impairment, and to identify directions for future research in this area.


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Silk fibroin provides a promising biomaterial for ocular tissue reconstruction including the damaged outer blood-retinal barrier of patients afflicted with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the function of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in vitro, when grown on fibroin membranes manufactured to a similar thickness as Bruch’s membrane (3 μm). Confluent cultures of RPE cells (ARPE-19) were established on fibroin membranes and maintained under conditions designed to promote maturation over 4 months. Control cultures were grown on polyester cell culture well inserts (Transwell). Cultures established on either material developed a cobblestoned morphology with partial pigmentation within 12 weeks. Immunocytochemistry at 16 weeks revealed a similar distribution pattern between cultures for F-actin, ZO-1, ezrin, cytokeratin pair 8/18, RPE-65 and Na+/K+-ATPase. Electron microscopy revealed that cultures grown on fibroin displayed a rounder apical surface with a more dense distribution of microvilli. Both cultures avidly ingested fluorescent microspheres coated with vitronectin and bovine serum albumin (BSA), but not controls coated with BSA alone. VEGF and PEDF were detected in the conditioned medium collected from above and below both membrane types. Levels of PEDF were significantly higher than for VEGF on both membranes and a trend was observed towards larger amounts of PEDF in apical compartments. These findings demonstrate that RPE cell functions on fibroin membranes are equivalent to those observed for standard test materials (polyester membranes). As such, these studies support advancement to studies of RPE cell implantation on fibroin membranes in a preclinical model.


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Bombyx mori silk fibroin membranes provide a potential delivery vehicle for both cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) components into diseased or injured tissues. We have previously demonstrated the feasibility of growing retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) on fibroin membranes with the view to repairing the retina of patients afflicted with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The goal of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the ECM component elastin, in the form of human recombinant tropoelastin, into these same membranes. Two basic strategies were explored: (1) membranes prepared from blended solutions of fibroin and tropoelastin; and (2) layered constructs prepared from sequentially cast solutions of fibroin, tropoelastin, and fibroin. Optimal conditions for RPE attachment were achieved using a tropoelastin-fibroin blend ratio of 10 to 90 parts by weight. Retention of tropoelastin within the blend and layered constructs was confirmed by immunolabelling and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In the layered constructs, the bulk of tropoelastin was apparently absorbed into the initially cast fibroin layer. Blend membranes displayed higher elastic modulus, percentage elongation, and tensile strength (p < 0.01) when compared to the layered constructs. RPE cell response to fibroin membranes was not affected by the presence of tropoelastin. These findings support the potential use of fibroin membranes for the co-delivery of RPE cells and tropoelastin.


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This project provides a foundation for the use of silk membranes in a tissue engineered therapy for the treatment of devastating retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. The three-dimensional tissue model described in this thesis has great potential for use in basic research of retinal pathologies, and the potential to be implemented into clinical approaches after appropriate refinement.


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"Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine in Ophthalmology, Second Edition, focuses on an aging population and the increasing instances of eye diseases. Biomaterials continue to be used for numerous medical devices for the restoration of eyesight, improving many patients’ quality of life. Consequently, biomaterials and regenerative medicine are becoming increasingly important to the advances of ophthalmology and optometry. This book provides readers with an updated and expanded look at the present status and future direction of biomaterials and regenerative medicine in this important field."--Publisher website


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The idea of retinal cell transplantation as a potential treatment for age-related retinal degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the Western world, has been around for a number of decades. To date, however, it has not been entirely successful; one of the main reasons for this is the lack of an ideal substratum for the retinal cells, specifically for the growth of retinal pigment epithelial cells prior to transplantation. This chapter reviews the reasoning behind this potential treatment, the development of animal transplantation models for human trials, the prerequisites of an ideal substratum, the past and current research on substratum materials, and the potential for future developments in this area.


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The anatomy and microstructure of the spine and in particular the intervertebral disc are intimately linked to how they operate in vivo and how they distribute loads to the adjacent musculature and bony anatomy. The degeneration of the intervertebral discs may be characterised by a loss of hydration, loss of disc height, a granular texture and the presence of annular lesions. As such, degeneration of the intervertebral discs compromises the mechanical integrity of their components and results in adaption and modification in the mechanical means by which loads are distributed between adjacent spinal motion segments.