57 resultados para Leach, Rick


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This paper considers the functions of Greek mythology in general and the “Theseus and the Minotaur” myth in particular in two contemporary texts of adolescent masculinity: Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series (2005-2009) and Matt Ottley’s Requiem for a Beast: A Work for Image, Word and Music (2007). These texts reveal the ongoing flexibility of mythic texts to be pressed into service of shoring up or challenging currently hegemonic ideologies of self and state. Both Riordan and Ottley make a variety of intertextual uses of classical hero plots in order to facilitate their own narrative explorations of contemporary adolescent men ‘coming of age’. These intertextual gestures might easily be read as gestures of alignment with narrative traditions and authority which simultaneously confer “legitimacy” on Riordan and Ottley, on their texts, and by extension, on their readers. However, when read in juxtaposition, it is clear that Riordan and Ottley may use classical mythology to articulate similarly gendered adolescence, they produce divergent visions of nationed adolescence.


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Against a background of already thin markets in some sectors of major public sector infrastructure in Australia and the desire of the Australian federal government to leverage private finance, concerns about ensuring sufficient levels of competition are prompting federal government to seek new sources of in-bound foreign direct income - as part of attracting more foreign contractors and consortia to bid for Australian public sector major infrastructure. As a first step towards attracting greater overseas interest in the Australian public sector market infrastructure market, an improved understanding of the determinants of multinational contractors’ willingness to bid in this market is offered by Dunning’s eclectic paradigm and which have has been a dominant approach in international business for over 20 years and yet has been little used in the context of international contracting. This paper aims to develop Dunning’s eclectic framework and also gives a brief outline of a research plan to collect secondary data and primary data from international contractors around the globe in pursuance of testing the eclectic framework.


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Emerging from the challenge to reduce energy consumption in buildings is a need for research and development into the more effective use of simulation as a decision-support tool. Despite significant research, persistent limitations in process and software inhibit the integration of energy simulation in early architectural design. This paper presents a green star case study to highlight the obstacles commonly encountered with current integration strategies. It then examines simulation-based design in the aerospace industry, which has overcome similar limitations. Finally, it proposes a design system based on this contrasting approach, coupling parametric modelling and energy simulation software for rapid and iterative performance assessment of early design options.


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In this paper, we describe an analysis for data collected on a three-dimensional spatial lattice with treatments applied at the horizontal lattice points. Spatial correlation is accounted for using a conditional autoregressive model. Observations are defined as neighbours only if they are at the same depth. This allows the corresponding variance components to vary by depth. We use the Markov chain Monte Carlo method with block updating, together with Krylov subspace methods, for efficient estimation of the model. The method is applicable to both regular and irregular horizontal lattices and hence to data collected at any set of horizontal sites for a set of depths or heights, for example, water column or soil profile data. The model for the three-dimensional data is applied to agricultural trial data for five separate days taken roughly six months apart in order to determine possible relationships over time. The purpose of the trial is to determine a form of cropping that leads to less moist soils in the root zone and beyond.We estimate moisture for each date, depth and treatment accounting for spatial correlation and determine relationships of these and other parameters over time.


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Modern technology now has the ability to generate large datasets over space and time. Such data typically exhibit high autocorrelations over all dimensions. The field trial data motivating the methods of this paper were collected to examine the behaviour of traditional cropping and to determine a cropping system which could maximise water use for grain production while minimising leakage below the crop root zone. They consist of moisture measurements made at 15 depths across 3 rows and 18 columns, in the lattice framework of an agricultural field. Bayesian conditional autoregressive (CAR) models are used to account for local site correlations. Conditional autoregressive models have not been widely used in analyses of agricultural data. This paper serves to illustrate the usefulness of these models in this field, along with the ease of implementation in WinBUGS, a freely available software package. The innovation is the fitting of separate conditional autoregressive models for each depth layer, the ‘layered CAR model’, while simultaneously estimating depth profile functions for each site treatment. Modelling interest also lay in how best to model the treatment effect depth profiles, and in the choice of neighbourhood structure for the spatial autocorrelation model. The favoured model fitted the treatment effects as splines over depth, and treated depth, the basis for the regression model, as measured with error, while fitting CAR neighbourhood models by depth layer. It is hierarchical, with separate onditional autoregressive spatial variance components at each depth, and the fixed terms which involve an errors-in-measurement model treat depth errors as interval-censored measurement error. The Bayesian framework permits transparent specification and easy comparison of the various complex models compared.


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A key strategy in facilitating learning in Open Disclosure training is the use of hypothetical, interactive scenarios called ‘simulations’. According to Clapper (2010), the ‘advantages of using simulation are numerous and include the ability to help learners make meaning of complex tasks, while also developing critical thinking and cultural skills’. Simulation, in turn, functions largely through improvisation and role-play, in which participants ‘act out’ particular roles and characters according to a given scenario, without recourse to a script. To maximise efficacy in the Open Disclosure training context, role-play requires the specialist skills of professionally trained actors. Core capacities that professional actors bring to the training process include (among others) believability, an observable and teachable skill which underpins the western traditions of actor training; and flexibility, which pertains to the actor’s ability to vary performance strategies according to the changing dynamics of the learning situation. The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service of Queensland Health utilises professional actors as a key component of their Open Disclosure Training Program. In engaging actors in this work, it is essential that Facilitators of Open Disclosure training have a solid understanding of the acting process: what acting is; how actors work to a brief; how they improvise; and how they sustainably manage a wide range of emotional states. In the simulation context, the highly skilled actor can optimise learning outcomes by adopting or enacting – in collaboration with the Facilitator - a pedagogical function.


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Scaffolding is an essential issue in tissue engineering and scaffolds should answer certain essential criteria: biocompatibility, high porosity, and important pore interconnectivity to facilitate cell migration and fluid diffusion. In this work, a modified solvent castingparticulate leaching out method is presented to produce scaffolds with spherical and interconnected pores. Sugar particles (200–300 lm and 300–500 lm) were poured through a horizontal Meker burner flame and collected below the flame. While crossing the high temperature zone, the particles melted and adopted a spherical shape. Spherical particles were compressed in plastic mold. Then, poly-L-lactic acid solution was cast in the sugar assembly. After solvent evaporation, the sugar was removed by immersing the structure into distilled water for 3 days. The obtained scaffolds presented highly spherical interconnected pores, with interconnection pathways from 10 to 100 lm. Pore interconnection was obtained without any additional step. Compression tests were carried out to evaluate the scaffold mechanical performances. Moreover, rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were found to adhere and to proliferate in vitro in the scaffold over 21 days. This technique produced scaffold with highly spherical and interconnected pores without the use of additional organic solvents to leach out the porogen.


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On 9 January 1927 Le Corbusier materialised on the front cover of the Faisceau journal edited by Georges Valois Le Nouveau Siècle which printed the single-point perspective of Le Corbusier’s Plan Voisin and an extract from the architect’s discourse in Urbanisme. In May Le Corbusier presented slides of his urban designs at a fascist rally. These facts have been known ever since the late 1980s when studies emerged in art history that situated Le Corbusier’s philosophy in relation to the birth of twentieth-century fascism in France—an elision in the dominant reading of Le Corbusier’s philosophy, as a project of social utopianism, whose received genealogy is Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier. Le Corbusier participated with the first group in France to call itself fascist, Valois’s militant Faisceau des Combattants et Producteurs, the “Blue Shirts,” inspired by the Italian “Fasci” of Mussolini. Thanks to Mark Antliff, we know the Faisceau did not misappropriate Le Corbusier’s plans, in some remote quasi-symbolic sense, rather Valois’s organisation was premised on the redesign of Paris based on Le Corbusier’s schematic designs. Le Corbusier’s Urbanisme was considered the “prodigious” model for the fascist state Valois called La Cité Française – after his mentor the anarcho-syndicalist Georges Sorel. Valois stated that Le Corbusier’s architectural concepts were “an expression of our profoundest thoughts,” the Faisceau, who “saw their own thought materialized” on the pages of Le Corbusier’s plans. The question I pose is, In what sense is Le Corbusier’s plan a complete representation of La Cité? For Valois, the fascist city “represents the collective will of La Cité” invoking Enlightenment philosophy, operative in Sorel, namely Rousseau, for whom the notion of “collective will” is linked to the idea of political representation: to ‘stand in’ for someone or a group of subjects i.e. the majority vote. The figures in Voisin are not empty abstractions but the result of “the will” of the “combatant-producers” who build the town. Yet, the paradox in anarcho-syndicalist anti-enlightenment thought – and one that became a problem for Le Corbusier – is precisely that of authority and representation. In Le Corbusier’s plan, the “morality of the producers” and “the master” (the transcendent authority that hovers above La Cité) is lattened into a single picture plane, thereby abolishing representation. I argue that La Cité pushed to the limits of formal abstraction by Le Corbusier thereby reverts to the Enlightenment myth it first opposed, what Theodor Adorno would call the dialectic of enlightenment.


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The Beyond Compliance project, which began in July 2011 with funding from the Standards and Trade Development Facility for 2 years, aims to enhance competency and confidence in the South East Asian sub-region by applying a Systems Approach for pest risk management. The Systems Approach involves the use of integrated measures, at least two of which are independent, that cumulatively reduce the risk of introducing exotic pests through trade. Although useful in circumstances where single measures are inappropriate or unavailable, the Systems Approach is inherently more complicated than single-measure approaches, which may inhibit its uptake. The project methodology is to take prototype decision-support tools, such as Control Point-Bayesian Networks (CP-BN), developed in recent plant health initiatives in other regions, including the European PRATIQUE project, and to refine them within this sub-regional context. Case studies of high-priority potential agricultural trade will be conducted by National Plant Protection Organizations of participating South East Asian countries in trials of the tools, before further modifications. Longer term outcomes may include: more robust pest risk management in the region (for exports and imports); greater inclusion of stakeholders in development of pest risk management plans; increased confidence in trade negotiations; and new opportunities for trade.


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Public engagement is a defining feature of collaborative approaches to environmental management (Petts 2006, Whelan and Oliver 2005). Public engagement in this context is focused on incorporating residents and communities of interest in activities like ecological restoration, catchment management, and environmental conservation in a wide range of situations (Nelson and Pettit 2004, Petts 2007). Some authors consider public engagement to be a sign of healthy democratic functioning in society (Skocpol and Fiorina 1999). Others draw attention to overcoming widely noted practical limitations of top-down mechanisms, emphasising that public engagement results in programs being implemented more effectively (Broderick 2005, Leach et al. 1999).


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This work is part of a series of chemical investigations of the genus Grevillea. Two new arbutin derivatives, seven new bisresorcinols, including a mixture of two isomers, three known flavonol glycosides, and four known resorcinols, including a mixture of two homologous compounds, were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of the leaves and methanol extract of the stems of Grevillea banksii. The new compounds were identified, on the basis of spectroscopic data, as 6'-O-(3-(2(hydroxymethyl)acryloyloxy)-2-methylpropanoyl)arbutin (1), 6'-O-(2-methylacryloyl)arbutin (2), 5,5'-(4(Z)-dodecen-1,12diyl)bisresorcinol (6), 2'-methyl-5,5'-(4(Z)-tetradecen-1,14-diyl)bisresorcinol (8), 2,2'-di(4-hydroxyprenyl)-5,5'-(6(Z)-tetradecen-1,14-diyl)bisresorcinol (9), 2-(4-acetoxyprenyl)-2'-(4-hydroxyprenyl) 5,5'-(6(Z)-tetradecen-1,14-diyl)bisresorcinol (10), 2-(4-acetoxyprenyl)-2'-(4-hydroxyprenyl)5,5'-(8(Z)-tetradecen-l,14-diyl)bisresorcinol (11), 5,5'-(10(Z)-tetradecen-1-on-diyl)bisresorcinol (12) and 5,5'-(4(Z)-tetradecen-1-on-diyl)bisresorcinol (13).


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Seven new and three known bisresorcinols, grevirobstol A(=5,5'-((6Z,9Z)-hexadeca-6,9-diene-1,16-diyl)bisresorcinol; 8), 5,5'-[(8Z)-hexadec-8-ene-1,16-diyl]bisresorcinol (9), and 2-methyl-5,5'-[8Z)-hexadec-8-ene-1,16-diyl] bisresorcinol (10) were isolated from the stems of Grevillea glauca. The new compounds were identified on the basis of spectroscopic data as (Z)-6,7-didehydroglaucone A (1), glaucones A and B (2 and 3, resp.), 2-(3-hydroxyisopentyl)bisnorstriatol (4), 2-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)bisnorstriatol (5), 2'-methylgrebustol A (6), and glaucane (7).