130 resultados para In-plane


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The prime aim of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the current body of knowledge on the out-of-plane performance of masonry walls through systematic investigation of the key parameters and provide insight into the design clauses of Australian Masonry Standard (AS3700-2011). The research work has been carried out through numerical simulation based on a 3D layered shell element model. The model demonstrated capability to simulate various forms of new and existing masonry systems commonly constructed in Australia such as unreinforced, internally and externally reinforced, confined and dry-stack masonry. In addition, the model simultaneously simulates in-plane and out-of-plane responses.


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Magnesium minerals are important in the understanding of the concept of geosequestration. The two hydrated hydroxy magnesium carbonate minerals artinite and dypingite have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. Intense bands are observed at 1092 cm-1 for artinite and at 1120 cm-1 for dypingite attributed CO32- ν1 symmetric stretching mode. The CO32- ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations are extremely weak and are observed at1412 and 1465 cm-1 for artinite and at 1366, 1447 and 1524 cm-1 for dypingite. Very weak Raman bands at 790 cm-1 for artinite and 800 cm-1 for dypingite are assigned to the CO32- ν2 out-of-plane bend. The Raman band at 700 cm-1 of artinite and at 725 and 760 cm-1 of dypingite are ascribed to CO32- ν2 in-plane bending mode. The Raman spectrum of artinite in the OH stretching region is characterised by two sets of bands: (a) an intense band at 3593 cm-1 assigned to the MgOH stretching vibrations and (b) the broad profile of overlapping bands at 3030 and 3229 cm-1 attributed to water stretching vibrations. X-ray diffraction studies show the minerals are disordered. This is reflected in the difficulty of obtaining Raman spectra of reasonable quality and explains why the Raman spectra of these minerals have not been previously or sufficiently described.


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Many interesting phenomena have been observed in layers of granular materials subjected to vertical oscillations; these include the formation of a variety of standing wave patterns, and the occurrence of isolated features called oscillons, which alternately form conical heaps and craters oscillating at one-half of the forcing frequency. No continuum-based explanation of these phenomena has previously been proposed. We apply a continuum theory, termed the double-shearing theory, which has had success in analyzing various problems in the flow of granular materials, to the problem of a layer of granular material on a vertically vibrating rigid base undergoing vertical oscillations in plane strain. There exists a trivial solution in which the layer moves as a rigid body. By investigating linear perturbations of this solution, we find that at certain amplitudes and frequencies this trivial solution can bifurcate. The time dependence of the perturbed solution is governed by Mathieu’s equation, which allows stable, unstable and periodic solutions, and the observed period-doubling behaviour. Several solutions for the spatial velocity distribution are obtained; these include one in which the surface undergoes vertical velocities that have sinusoidal dependence on the horizontal space dimension, which corresponds to the formation of striped standing waves, and is one of the observed patterns. An alternative continuum theory of granular material mechanics, in which the principal axes of stress and rate-of-deformation are coincident, is shown to be incapable of giving rise to similar instabilities.


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The Raman spectrum of tyrolite, CaCu5(AsO4)2(CO3)(OH) 4.6H2O, from Brixlegg, Tyrol, Austria, is reported. Comparison with copper hydroxy-arsenate and basic carbonates was used to achieve assignments of the observed bands. The AsO43- group is characterized by two υ4 modes around 433 and 480 cm-1 plus a broad band around 840 cm-1 as the υ overlapping with the υ. The υ3 mode is observed as a single band around 355 cm -1. The CO32- υ1 mode is observed around 1035 and 1088 cm-1, although this assignment is difficult because of the in-plane OH bending vibrations at similar frequencies. Two υ4 modes are assigned to the 717 and 755 cm-1 bands. The υ3 mode is present as three bands at 1431, 1463, and 1498 cm-1. A large split caused by bridging carbonates may explain the band at 1370 cm -1. The H2O bending region shows two bands at 1635 and 1667 cm-1 together with stretching modes around 3204 and 3303 cm-1, the first associated with adsorbed H2O, while the second indicates more strongly bonded H2O. Three bands around 3534, 3438, and 3379 cm -1 are assigned to OH stretching modes of the OH groups in the crystal structure. The 202, 262, 301, 524, and 534 cm-1 bands are assigned to Cu-OH bending and stretching modes, whereas the bands around 179, 202, and 217 cm-1 are ascribed to O-(Ca, Cu)-O(H) with the O(H) at much greater distance from the cation. The bands around 503, 570, and 598 cm-1 are ascribed to the Cu-O stretching modes.


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Magnesium minerals are important for the understanding of the concept of geosequestration. One method of studying the hydrated hydroxy magnesium carbonate minerals is through vibrational spectroscopy. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy has been used to study the mineral hydromagnesite. An intense band is observed at 1121 cm-1 attributed CO32- ν1 symmetric stretching mode. A series of infrared bands at 1387, 1413, 1474 cm-1 are assigned to the CO32- ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. The CO32- ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations are extremely weak in the Raman spectrum and are observed at 1404, 1451, 1490 and 1520 cm-1. A series of Raman bands at 708, 716, 728, 758 cm-1 are assigned to the CO32- ν2 in-plane bending mode. The Raman spectrum in the OH stretching region is characterised by bands at 3416, 3516 and 3447 cm-1. In the infrared spectrum a broad band is found at 2940 cm-1 assigned to water stretching vibrations. Infrared bands at 3430, 3446, 3511, 2648 and 3685 cm-1 are attributed to MgOH stretching modes.


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Partially grouted wider reinforced masonry wall, built predominantly with the use of face shell bedded hollow concrete blocks, is adopted extensively in the cyclonic areas due to its economy. Its out-of-plane response to lateral pressure loading is well definied; however its in-plane shear behaviour is less well understood, in particular it is unclear how the grouted reinforced cores affect the load paths within the wall. For the rational design of the walls, clarification is sought as to whether the wall acts as a composite of unreinforced panels surrounded by the reinforced cores or simply as a continuum embedded with reinforcement at wider spacing. This paper reports four full scale walls tested under in-place cyclic shear loading to provide some insight into the effect of the grout cores in altering the load paths within the wall. The global lateral load - lateral deflection hysteretic curves as well as the local responses of some critical zones of the shear walls are presented. It is shown that the aspect ratio of the unreinforced masonry panels surrounded by the reinforced grouted cores within the shear walls have profound effect in ascertaining the behaviour of the shear walls.


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The molecular structure of the sodium borate mineral ameghinite NaB3O3(OH)4 has been determined by the use of vibrational spectroscopy. The crystal structure consists of isolated [B3O3(OH)4]- units formed by one tetrahedron and two triangles. H bonds and Na atoms link these polyanions to form a 3-dimensional framework. The Raman spectrum is dominated by an intense band at 1027 cm-1, attributed to BO stretching vibrations of both the trigonal and tetrahedral boron. A series of Raman bands at 1213, 1245 and 1281cm-1 are ascribed to BOH in-plane bending modes. The infrared spectra are characterized by strong overlap of broad multiple bands. An intense Raman band found at 620 cm-1 is attributed to the bending modes of trigonal and tetrahedral boron. Multiple Raman bands in the OH stretching region are observed at 3206, 3249 and 3385 cm-1. Raman spectroscopy coupled with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects about the molecular structure of the borate mineral ameghinite to be assessed.


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The focus of this Editorial is recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities for evaluation of the microstructure and macromolecular organisation of articular cartilage. We place a specific emphasis on three types of measurements: (1) MRI transverse spin-relaxation mapping (T2 mapping); (2) diffusion-tensor imaging; and (3) compression micro-MRI (uMRI) measurements of articular cartilage in vitro. Such studies have a significant role to play in improving the understanding of the fundamental biomechanics of articular cartilage and in the development of in vitro models of early osteoarthritis. We discuss how the supramolecular organisation of the cartilage extracellular matrix and its behaviour under mechanical compression can be inferred from diffusion-tensor and T2 maps with in-plane resolution ~100 um. The emphasis is on in vitro studies performed under controlled physiological conditions but in vivo applications of T2 mapping and DTI are also briefly discussed.


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Jeremejevite is a borate mineral of aluminium and is of variable colour, making the mineral and important inexpensive jewel. The mineral contains variable amounts of F and OH, depending on origin. A comparison of the vibrational spectroscopic data is made with the published data of borate minerals. Raman spectra were averaged over a range of crystal orientations. Two intense Raman bands observed at 961 and 1067 cm−1 are assigned to the symmetric stretching and antisymmetric stretching modes of trigonal boron. Infrared spectrum, bands observed at 1229, 1304, 1350, 1388 and 1448 cm−1 are attributed to BOH in-plane bending modes. Intense Raman band found at 372 cm−1 with other bands of significant intensity at 327 and 417 cm−1 is assigned to trigonal borate bending modes. A quite intense Raman band is found at 3673 cm−1 with other sharp Raman bands found at 3521, 3625 and 3703 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching modes of OH. Raman and infrared spectroscopy has been used to assess the molecular structure of the mineral jeremejevite. Such research is important in the study of borate based nanomaterials.


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Boracite is a magnesium borate mineral with formula: Mg3B7O13Cl and occurs as blue green, colorless, gray, yellow to white crystals in the orthorhombic – pyramidal crystal system. An intense Raman band at 1009 cm−1 was assigned to the BO stretching vibration of the B7O13 units. Raman bands at 1121, 1136, 1143 cm−1 are attributed to the in-plane bending vibrations of trigonal boron. Four sharp Raman bands observed at 415, 494, 621 and 671 cm−1 are simply defined as trigonal and tetrahedral borate bending modes. The Raman spectrum clearly shows intense Raman bands at 3405 and 3494 cm−1, thus indicating that some Cl anions have been replaced with OH units. The molecular structure of a natural boracite has been assessed by using vibrational spectroscopy.


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The mineral beryllonite has been characterized by the combination of Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. SEM–EDX was used for the chemical analysis of the mineral. The intense sharp Raman band at 1011 cm-1, was assigned to the phosphate symmetric stretching mode. Raman bands at 1046, 1053, 1068 and the low intensity bands at 1147, 1160 and 1175 cm-1 are attributed to the phosphate antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The number of bands in the antisymmetric stretching region supports the concept of symmetry reduction of the phosphate anion in the beryllonite structure. This concept is supported by the number of bands found in the out-of-plane bending region. Multiple bands are also found in the in-plane bending region with Raman bands at 399, 418, 431 and 466 cm-1. Strong Raman bands at 304 and 354 cm-1 are attributed to metal oxygen vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy served to determine the molecular structure of the mineral. The pegmatitic phosphate minerals such as beryllonite are more readily studied by Raman spectroscopy than infrared spectroscopy.


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Meyerhofferite is a calcium hydrated borate mineral with ideal formula: CaB3O3(OH)5�H2O and occurs as white complex acicular to crude crystals with length up to �4 cm, in fibrous divergent, radiating aggregates or reticulated and is often found in sedimentary or lake-bed borate deposits. The Raman spectrum of meyerhofferite is dominated by intense sharp band at 880 cm�1 assigned to the symmetric stretching mode of trigonal boron. Broad Raman bands at 1046, 1110, 1135 and 1201 cm�1 are attributed to BOH in-plane bending modes. Raman bands in the 900–1000 cm�1 spectral region are assigned to the antisymmetric stretching of tetrahedral boron. Distinct OH stretching Raman bands are observed at 3400, 3483 and 3608 cm�1. The mineral meyerhofferite has a distinct Raman spectrum which is different from the spectrum of other borate minerals, making Raman spectroscopy a very useful tool for the detection of meyerhofferite in sedimentary and lake bed deposits.


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The low index Magnesium hydride surfaces, MgH2(0 0 1) and MgH2(1 1 0), have been studied by ab intio Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. It was found that the MgH2(1 1 0) surface is more stable than MgH2(0 0 1) surface, which is in good agreement with the experimental observation. The H2 desorption barriers vary depending on the crystalline surfaces that are exposed and also the specific H atom sites involved – they are found to be generally high, due to the thermodynamic stability of the MgH2 system, and are larger for the MgH2(0 0 1) surface. The pathway for recombinative desorption of one in-plane and one bridging H atom from the MgH2(1 1 0) surface was found to be the lowest energy barrier amongst those computed (172 KJ/mol) and is in good agreement with the experimental estimates.


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The mineral olshanskyite is one of many calcium borate minerals which has never been studied using vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is unstable and decomposes upon exposure to an electron beam. This makes the elemental analysis using EDX techniques difficult. Both the Raman and infrared spectra show complexity due to the complexity of the structure. Intense Raman bands are found at 989, 1,003, 1,025 and 1,069 cm-1 with a shoulder at 961 cm-1 and are assigned to trigonal borate units. The Raman bands at 1,141, 1,206 and 1,365 cm-1 are assigned to OH in-plane bending of BOH units. A series of Raman bands are observed in the 2,900–3,621cm-1 spectral range and are assigned to the stretching vibrations of OH and water. This complexity is also reflected in the infrared spectra. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the structure of olshanskyite to be elucidated.


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There is a large number of boron containing minerals with water and/or hydroxyl units of which pinnoite MgB2O(OH)6 is one. Some discussion about the molecular structure of pinnoite exists in the literature. Whether water is involved in the structure is ill-determined. The molecular structure of pinnoite has been assessed by the combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum is characterized by an intense band at 900 cm−1 assigned to the BO stretching vibrational mode. A series of bands in the 1000–1320 cm−1 spectral range are attributed to BO antisymmetric stretching modes and in-plane bending modes. The infrared spectrum shows complexity in this spectral range. Multiple Raman OH stretching vibrations are found at 3179, 3399, 3554 and 3579 cm−1. The infrared spectrum shows a series of overlapping bands with bands identified at 3123, 3202, 3299, 3414, 3513 and 3594 cm−1. By using a Libowitzky type function, hydrogen bond distances were calculated. Two types of hydrogen bonds were identified based upon the hydrogen bond distance. It is important to understand the structure of pinnoite in order to form nanomaterials based upon the pinnoite structure.