29 resultados para Fingerprint ridges


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Introduction Natural product provenance is important in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, for consumer confidence and with health implications. Raman spectroscopy has powerful molecular fingerprint abilities. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy’s (SERS) sharp peaks allow distinction between minimally different molecules, so it should be suitable for this purpose. Methods Naturally caffeinated beverages with Guarana extract, coffee and Red Bull energy drink as a synthetic caffeinated beverage for comparison (20 µL ea.) were reacted 1:1 with Gold nanoparticles functionalised with anti-caffeine antibody (ab15221) (10 minutes), air dried and analysed in a micro-Raman instrument. The spectral data was processed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Results The PCA showed Guarana sourced caffeine varied significantly from synthetic caffeine (Red Bull) on component 1 (containing 76.4% of the variance in the data). See figure 1. The coffee containing beverages, and in particular Robert Timms (instant coffee) were very similar on component 1, but the barista espresso showed minor variance on component 1. Both coffee sourced caffeine samples varied with red Bull on component 2, (20% of variance). ************************************************************ Figure 1 PCA comparing a naturally caffeinated beverage containing Guarana with coffee. ************************************************************ Discussion PCA is an unsupervised multivariate statistical method that determines patterns within data. Figure 1 shows Caffeine in Guarana is notably different to synthetic caffeine. Other researchers have revealed that caffeine in Guarana plants is complexed with tannins. Naturally sourced/ lightly processed caffeine (Monster Energy, Espresso) are more inherently different than synthetic (Red Bull) /highly processed (Robert Timms) caffeine, in figure 1, which is consistent with this finding and demonstrates this technique’s applicability. Guarana provenance is important because it is still largely hand produced and its demand is escalating with recognition of its benefits. This could be a powerful technique for Guarana provenance, and may extend to other industries where provenance / authentication are required, e.g. the wine or natural pharmaceuticals industries.


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In 2006, Gaurav Gupta and Josef Pieprzyk presented an attack on the branch-based software watermarking scheme proposed by Ginger Myles and Hongxia Jin in 2005. The software watermarking model is based on replacing jump instructions or unconditional branch statements (UBS) by calls to a fingerprint branch function (FBF) that computes the correct target address of the UBS as a function of the generated fingerprint and integrity check. If the program is tampered with, the fingerprint and/or integrity checks change and the target address is not computed correctly. Gupta and Pieprzyk's attack uses debugger capabilities such as register and address lookup and breakpoints to minimize the requirement to manually inspect the software. Using these resources, the FBF and calls to the same is identified, correct displacement values are generated and calls to FBF are replaced by the original UBS transferring control of the attack to the correct target instruction. In this paper, we propose a watermarking model that provides security against such debugging attacks. Two primary measures taken are shifting the stack pointer modification operation from the FBF to the individual UBSs, and coding the stack pointer modification in the same language as that of the rest of the code rather than assembly language to avoid conspicuous contents. The manual component complexity increases from O(1) in the previous scheme to O(n) in our proposed scheme.


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Thraustochytrids have become of considerable industrial and scientific interest in the past decade due to their health benefits. They have been proven to be the principle source in marine and estuarine fish diets with high percentage of long chain (LC) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Therefore, the oil extracted from fish for human document.forms[0].elements[13].select();consumption is rich in PUFA with high omega-3 fatty acid content. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) of all of the omega-3 fatty acids, are considered beneficial essential oils for humans with a wide range of health benefits. These include brain and neural development in infants, general wellbeing of adults and drug delivery through precursor molecules. They have become one of the most extensively studied organisms for industrial oil preparations as PUFA extraction from fish becomes less profitable. Many forms of these Thraustochytrid oils are being trialled for human consumption all over the world. In Australia, there has been little research performed on these organisms in the past ten years. A few Australian studies have been conducted in the form of comparative studies related to PUFA production within the related genera, but not focussed on their identification or cellular and genomic characterisation. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to investigate the morphological and genetic characteristics of Australian Thraustochytrids in order to aid in their identification and characterisation, as well as to better understand the effect of environmental conditions in the regulation of PUFA production. It was also noted that there was a knowledge gap in the preservation and total genomic DNA extraction of these organisms for the purposes of scientific research. The cryopreservation of these organisms for studies around the world follows existing generic methods. However, it is well understood that many of these generic methods attract not only high costs for chemicals, but also uses considerable storage space and other resources, all of which can be improved with new or modified approaches. In this context, a simple and inexpensive bead preservation method is described, without compromising the storage shelf life. We also describe, for the first time, the effects of culture age on the successful cryopreservation of Thraustochytrids. It was evident in the literature that DNA and RNA extractions for molecular and genetic studies of Thraustochytrids follow the classical phenol-chloroform extraction methods. It was also observed that modern protocols failed to avoid the use of phenol-chloroform rather than improving preparation and cell disruption. In order to provide a high quantity and quality DNA extraction, a modified protocol has been introduced that employs the use of modern commercial extraction kits and standard laboratory equipment. Thraustochytrids have been shown to be highly conserved in their 18S rDNA gene sequences, which is used as the current standard for identification. It was demonstrated that the 18S rDNA gene sequence limits the recognition of closely related genera or within the genera from each member. Therefore, it was proposed that another profile, such as a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) based profiling system, be tested for use in the characterisation of Thraustochytrids. The RAPD profiles were shown to provide a unique DNA fingerprint for each isolate and small variations in their genome were able to be detected. This method involved the use of a minimum number of standard arbitrary primers and with an increase in the number of different primers used, a very high discrimination between organisms could be achieved. However, the method was not suitable for taxonomic purposes because the results did not correlate with other taxonomic features such as morphology. Another knowledge gap was found with respect to Australian Thraustochytrid growth characteristics, in that these had not been recorded and published. In order to rectify this, a record of colony and microscopic features of 12 selected isolates was performed. The results of preliminary studies indicated that further microbiological and biochemical studies are needed for full characterisation of these organisms. This information is of great importance to bio-prospecting of new Thraustochytrids from Australian ecosystems and would allow for their accurate identification, and so permit the prediction of their PUFA capability by comparison with related genera/species. It was well recognized that environmental stress plays a role in the PUFA production and is mainly due to the reactive oxygen species as abiotic stress (Chiou et al., 2001; Okuyama et al., 2008; Shabala et al., 2009; Shabala et al., 2001). In this aspect, this study makes the first attempt towards better understanding of this phenomenon by way of the use of real-time PCR for the detection of environmental effects on the regulation of PUFA production. Three main environmental conditions including temperature, pH and oxygen availability were monitored as stress inducers. In summary, this study provides novel approaches for the preservation and handling of Thraustochytrids, their molecular biological features, taxonomy, characterisation and responses to environmental factors with respect to their oil production enzymes. The information produced from this study will prove to be vital for both industrial and scientific investigations in the future.


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Archaeology has been called 'the science of the artefact' and nothing demonstrates this point better than the current interest displayed in provenance studies of archaeological objects. In theory, every vessel carries a chemical compositional pattern or 'fingerprint' identical with the clay from which it was made and this relationship is basic to provenance studies. The reasoning behind provenance or sourcing studies is to probe into this past and attempt to re-create prehistory by obtaining information on exchange and social interaction. This paper discusses the use of XRF spectrometry for the analysis of ancient pottery and ceramics to examine whether it is possible to predict prehictoric cultural exchanges.


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Many insect clades, especially within the Diptera (true flies), have been considered classically ‘Gondwanan’, with an inference that distributions derive from vicariance of the southern continents. Assessing the role that vicariance has played in the evolution of austral taxa requires testing the location and tempo of diversification and speciation against the well-established predictions of fragmentation of the ancient super-continent. Several early (anecdotal) hypotheses that current austral distributions originate from the breakup of Gondwana derive from studies of taxa within the family Chironomidae (non-biting midges). With the advent of molecular phylogenetics and biogeographic analytical software, these studies have been revisited and expanded to test such conclusions better. Here we studied the midge genus Stictocladius Edwards, from the subfamily Orthocladiinae, which contains austral-distributed clades that match vicariance-based expectations. We resolve several issues of systematic relationships among morphological species and reveal cryptic diversity within many taxa. Time-calibrated phylogenetic relationships among taxa accorded partially with the predicted tempo from geology. For these apparently vagile insects, vicariance-dated patterns persist for South America and Australia. However, as often found, divergence time estimates for New Zealand at c. 50 mya post-date separation of Zealandia from Antarctica and the remainder of Gondwana, but predate the proposed Oligocene ‘drowning’ of these islands. We detail other such ‘anomalous’ dates and suggest a single common explanation rather than stochastic processes. This could involve synchronous establishment following recovery from ‘drowning’ and/or deleteriously warming associated with the mid-Eocene climatic optimum (hence ‘waving’, which refers to cycles of drowning events) plus new availability of topography providing of cool running waters, or all these factors in combination. Alternatively a vicariance explanation remains available, given the uncertain duration of connectivity of Zealandia to Australia–Antarctic–South America via the Lord Howe and Norfolk ridges into the Eocene.


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We report rapid and ultra-sensitive detection system for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) using unmodified gold nanoparticles and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). First, Meisenheimer complex has been formed in aqueous solution between TNT and cysteamine in less than 15 min of mixing. The complex formation is confirmed by the development of a pink colour and a new UV–vis absorption band around 520 nm. Second, the developed Meisenheimer complex is spontaneously self-assembled onto unmodified gold nanoparticles through a stable Au–S bond between the cysteamine moiety and the gold surface. The developed mono layer of cysteamine-TNT is then screened by SERS to detect and quantify TNT. Our experimental results demonstrate that the SERS-based assay provide an ultra-sensitive approach for the detection of TNT down to 22.7 ng/L. The unambiguous fingerprint identification of TNT by SERS represents a key advantage for our proposed method. The new method provides high selectivity towards TNT over 2,4 DNT and picric acid. Therefore it satisfies the practical requirements for the rapid screening of TNT in real life samples where the interim 24-h average allowable concentration of TNT in waste water is 0.04 mg/L.


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In 2005, Ginger Myles and Hongxia Jin proposed a software watermarking scheme based on converting jump instructions or unconditional branch statements (UBSs) by calls to a fingerprint branch function (FBF) that computes the correct target address of the UBS as a function of the generated fingerprint and integrity check. If the program is tampered with, the fingerprint and integrity checks change and the target address will not be computed correctly. In this paper, we present an attack based on tracking stack pointer modifications to break the scheme and provide implementation details. The key element of the attack is to remove the fingerprint and integrity check generating code from the program after disassociating the target address from the fingerprint and integrity value. Using the debugging tools that give vast control to the attacker to track stack pointer operations, we perform both subtractive and watermark replacement attacks. The major steps in the attack are automated resulting in a fast and low-cost attack.


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The Great Sandy Region (incorporating Fraser Island and the Cooloola sand-mass), south-east Queensland, contains a significant area of Ramsar-listed coastal wetlands, including the globally important patterned fen complexes. These mires form an elaborate network of pools surrounded by vegetated peat ridges and are the only known subtropical, Southern Hemisphere examples, with wetlands of this type typically located in high northern latitudes. Sedimentological, palynological and charcoal analysis from the Wathumba and Moon Point complexes on Fraser Island indicate two periods of swamp formation (that may contain patterned fens), one commencing at 12 000 years ago (Moon Point) and the other ~4300 years ago (Wathumba). Wetland formation and development is thought to be related to a combination of biological and hydrological processes with the dominant peat-forming rush, Empodisma minus, being an important component of both patterned and non-patterned mires within the region. In contrast to Northern Hemisphere paludifying systems, the patterning appears to initiate at the start of wetland development or as part of an infilling process. The wetlands dominated by E. minus are highly resilient to disturbance, particularly burning and sea level alterations, and appear to form important refuge areas for amphibians, fish and birds (both non-migratory and migratory) over thousands of years.


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Acoustic recordings of the environment provide an effective means to monitor bird species diversity. To facilitate exploration of acoustic recordings, we describe a content-based birdcall retrieval algorithm. A query birdcall is a region of spectrogram bounded by frequency and time. Retrieval depends on a similarity measure derived from the orientation and distribution of spectral ridges. The spectral ridge detection method caters for a broad range of birdcall structures. In this paper, we extend previous work by incorporating a spectrogram scaling step in order to improve the detection of spectral ridges. Compared to an existing approach based on MFCC features, our feature representation achieves better retrieval performance for multiple bird species in noisy recordings.


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Flos Chrysanthemum is a generic name for a particular group of edible plants, which also have medicinal properties. There are, in fact, twenty to thirty different cultivars, which are commonly used in beverages and for medicinal purposes. In this work, four Flos Chrysanthemum cultivars, Hangju, Taiju, Gongju, and Boju, were collected and chromatographic fingerprints were used to distinguish and assess these cultivars for quality control purposes. Chromatography fingerprints contain chemical information but also often have baseline drifts and peak shifts, which complicate data processing, and adaptive iteratively reweighted, penalized least squares, and correlation optimized warping were applied to correct the fingerprint peaks. The adjusted data were submitted to unsupervised and supervised pattern recognition methods. Principal component analysis was used to qualitatively differentiate the Flos Chrysanthemum cultivars. Partial least squares, continuum power regression, and K-nearest neighbors were used to predict the unknown samples. Finally, the elliptic joint confidence region method was used to evaluate the prediction ability of these models. The partial least squares and continuum power regression methods were shown to best represent the experimental results.


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Acoustic recordings play an increasingly important role in monitoring terrestrial environments. However, due to rapid advances in technology, ecologists are accumulating more audio than they can listen to. Our approach to this big-data challenge is to visualize the content of long-duration audio recordings by calculating acoustic indices. These are statistics which describe the temporal-spectral distribution of acoustic energy and reflect content of ecological interest. We combine spectral indices to produce false-color spectrogram images. These not only reveal acoustic content but also facilitate navigation. An additional analytic challenge is to find appropriate descriptors to summarize the content of 24-hour recordings, so that it becomes possible to monitor long-term changes in the acoustic environment at a single location and to compare the acoustic environments of different locations. We describe a 24-hour ‘acoustic-fingerprint’ which shows some preliminary promise.


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Frogs have received increasing attention due to their effectiveness for indicating the environment change. Therefore, it is important to monitor and assess frogs. With the development of sensor techniques, large volumes of audio data (including frog calls) have been collected and need to be analysed. After transforming the audio data into its spectrogram representation using short-time Fourier transform, the visual inspection of this representation motivates us to use image processing techniques for analysing audio data. Applying acoustic event detection (AED) method to spectrograms, acoustic events are firstly detected from which ridges are extracted. Three feature sets, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), AED feature set and ridge feature set, are then used for frog call classification with a support vector machine classifier. Fifteen frog species widely spread in Queensland, Australia, are selected to evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results show that ridge feature set can achieve an average classification accuracy of 74.73% which outperforms the MFCCs (38.99%) and AED feature set (67.78%).


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Bioacoustic data can be used for monitoring animal species diversity. The deployment of acoustic sensors enables acoustic monitoring at large temporal and spatial scales. We describe a content-based birdcall retrieval algorithm for the exploration of large data bases of acoustic recordings. In the algorithm, an event-based searching scheme and compact features are developed. In detail, ridge events are detected from audio files using event detection on spectral ridges. Then event alignment is used to search through audio files to locate candidate instances. A similarity measure is then applied to dimension-reduced spectral ridge feature vectors. The event-based searching method processes a smaller list of instances for faster retrieval. The experimental results demonstrate that our features achieve better success rate than existing methods and the feature dimension is greatly reduced.


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We have come a long way from simple straw and balloon models of magma plumbing systems to a more detailed picture of shallow level intrusive complexes. In this chapter, the sub-volcanic plumbing system is considered in terms of how we can define the types and styles of magma networks from the deep to the shallow subsurface. We look at the plumbing system from large igneous provinces, through rifted systems to polygenetic volcanoes, with a view to characterising some of the key conceptual models. There is a focus on how ancient magmatic centres can help us better understand magmatic plumbing. New innovative ways to consider and quantify magma plumbing are also highlighted including 3D seismic, and using the crystal cargo to help fingerprint key magma plumbing events. Conclusions are drawn to our understanding of the 3D plumbing system and how these recent advances can be helpful when exploring the other chapters of this contribution.