101 resultados para Fauna - Autotoxaemia - Experimental studies


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This paper reports the details of an experimental study of cold-formed steel hollow section columns at ambient and elevated temperatures. In this study the global buckling behaviour of cold-formed Square Hollow Section (SHS) slender columns under axial compression was investigated at various uniform elevated temperatures up to 700℃. The results of these column tests are reported in this paper, which include the buckling/failure modes at elevated temperatures, and ultimate load versus temperature curves. Finite element models of tested columns were also developed and their behaviour and ultimate capacities at ambient and elevated temperatures were studied. Fire design rules given in European and American standards including the Direct Strength Method (DSM) based design rules were used to predict the ultimate capacities of tested columns at elevated temperatures. Elevated temperature mechanical properties and stress-strain models given in European steel design standards and past researches were used with design rules and finite element models to investigate their effects on SHS column capacities. Comparisons of column capacities from tests and finite element analyses with those predicted by current design rules were used to determine the accuracy of currently available column design rules in predicting the capacities of SHS columns at elevated temperatures and the need to use appropriate elevated temperature material stress-strain models. This paper presents the important findings derived from the comparisons of these column capacities.


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Lipped channel beams (LCBs) are commonly used as floor joists and bearers in buildings. However, they are subjected to specific failure modes such as web crippling. Despite considerable web crippling research, recent studies [1-6] have shown that the current web crippling design rules are unable to predict the test capacities under ETF and ITF load cases. In many instances, the predictions by the available design standards such as AISI S100, AS/NZS 4600 and Eurocode 3 Part 1-3 [7-9] are inconsistent. Hence thirty-six tests were conducted to assess the web crippling behaviour and strengths of LCBs under two flange load cases. Experimental web crippling capacities were then compared with the predictions from the current design rules. These comparisons showed that AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100 design equations are very unconservative for LCB sections under ETF load case and are conservative for ITF load case. Hence improved equations were proposed to determine the web crippling capacities of LCBs. Suitable design rules were also developed using the direct strength method. This paper presents the details of this study and the results including improved design rules.


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Rail joints are provided with a gap to account for thermal movement and to maintain electrical insulation for the control of signals and/or broken rail detection circuits. The gap in the rail joint is regarded as a source of significant problems for the rail industry since it leads to a very short rail service life compared with other track components due to the various, and difficult to predict, failure modes – thus increasing the risk for train operations. Many attempts to improve the life of rail joints have led to a large number of patents around the world; notable attempts include strengthening through larger-sized joint bars, an increased number of bolts and the use of high yield materials. Unfortunately, no design to date has shown the ability to prolong the life of the rail joints to values close to those for continuously welded rail (CWR). This paper reports the results of a fundamental study that has revealed that the wheel contact at the free edge of the railhead is a major problem since it generates a singularity in the contact pressure and railhead stresses. A design was therefore developed using an optimisation framework that prevents wheel contact at the railhead edge. Finite element modelling of the design has shown that the contact pressure and railhead stress singularities are eliminated, thus increasing the potential to work as effectively as a CWR that does not have a geometric gap. An experimental validation of the finite element results is presented through an innovative non-contact measurement of strains. Some practical issues related to grinding rails to the optimal design are also discussed.


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Lipped channel beams (LCBs) are commonly used as flexural members such as floor joists and bearers in the construction 6 industry. These thin-walled LCBs are subjected to specific buckling and failure modes, one of them being web crippling. Despite considerable 7 research in this area, some recent studies have shown that the current web crippling design rules are unable to predict the test capacities under 8 end-two-flange (ETF) and interior-two-flange (ITF) load conditions. In many instances, web crippling predictions by the available design 9 standards such as AISI S100, AS/NZS 4600 and Eurocode 3 Part 1-3 are inconsistent, i.e., unconservative in some cases, although they 10 are conservative in other cases. Hence, experimental studies consisting of 36 tests were conducted in this research to assess the web crippling 11 behavior and capacities of high-strength LCBs under two-flange load cases (ETF and ITF). Experimental results were then compared with the 12 predictions from current design rules. Comparison of the ultimate web crippling capacities from tests showed that the design equations are 13 very unconservative for LCB sections under the ETF load case and are conservative for the ITF load case. Hence, improved equations were 14 proposed to determine the web crippling capacities of LCBs based on the experimental results from this study. Current design equations do 15 not provide the direct strength method (DSM) provisions for web crippling. Hence, suitable design rules were also developed under the DSM 16 format using the test results and buckling analyses using finite-element analyses.


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LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a hollow flange channel made from cold-formed steel using a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. LSBs are currently used as floor joists and bearers in buildings. However, there are no appropriate design standards available due to its unique hollow flange geometry, residual stress characteristics and initial geometric imperfections arising from manufacturing processes. Recent research studies have focused on investigating the structural behaviour of LSBs under pure bending, predominant shear and combined actions. However, web crippling behaviour and strengths of LSBs still need to be examined. Therefore, an experimental study was undertaken to investigate the web crippling behaviour and strengths of LSBs under EOF (End One Flange) and IOF (Interior One Flange) load cases. A total of 23 web crippling tests were performed and the results were compared with the current AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100 design standards, which showed that the cold-formed steel design rules predicted the web crippling capacity of LSB sections very conservatively under EOF and IOF load cases. Therefore, suitably improved design equations were proposed to determine the web crippling capacity of LSBs based on experimental results. In addition, new design equations were also developed under the Direct Strength Method format. This paper presents the details of this experimental study on the web crippling behaviour and strengths of LiteSteel beams under EOF and IOF load cases and the results.


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This paper presents the details of experimental and numerical studies on the web crippling behaviour of hollow flange channel beams, known as LiteSteel beams (LSB). The LSB has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges, made using a unique manufacturing process. Experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs subject to pure bending actions, predominant shear actions and combined actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the web crippling behaviour and strength of LSB sections under ETF and ITF load conditions. Hence experimental studies consisting of 28 tests were first conducted in this research to assess the web crippling behaviour and strengths of LSBs under two flange load cases (ETF and ITF). Experimental web crippling capacity results were then compared with the predictions from AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100 design rules, which showed that AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100 design equations are very unconservative for LSBs under ETF and ITF load cases. Hence improved equations were proposed to determine the web crippling capacities of LSBs. Finite element models of the tested LSBs were then developed, and used to determine the elastic buckling loads of LSBs under ETF and ITF load cases. New equations were proposed to determine the corresponding elastic buckling coefficients of LSBs. Finally suitable design rules were also developed under the Direct Strength Method format using the test results and buckling analysis results from finite element analyses.


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In recent times, light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been used extensively as primary load bearing structural members in many applications in the building industry. Fire safety design of structures using such sections has therefore become more important. Deterioration of mechanical properties of yield stress and elasticity modulus is considered the most important factor affecting the performance of steel structures in fires. Hence there is a need to fully understand the mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures. A research project based on experimental studies was therefore undertaken to investigate the deterioration of mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels. Tensile coupon tests were undertaken to determine the mechanical properties of these steels made of both low and high strength steels and thicknesses of 0.60, 0.80 and 0.95 mm at temperatures ranging from 20 to 800ºC. Test results showed that the currently available reduction factors are unsafe to use in the fire safety design of cold-formed steel structures. Therefore new predictive equations were developed for the mechanical properties of yield strength and elasticity modulus at elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of the experimental study, and the results including the developed equations. It also includes details of a stress-strain model for light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures.


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Typical high strength steels (HSS) have exceptional high strengths with improved weldability making the material attractive in modern steel constructions. However, due to lack of understanding, most of the current steel design standards are limited to conventional low strength steels (LSS, i.e. fy ≤ 450 MPa). This paper presents the details of full-scale experimental tests on short beams fabricated from BISPLATE80 HSS materials (nominal fy = 690 MPa). The various slenderness ratios of the plate elements in the test specimens were chosen in the range near the current yield limit (AS4100-1998, etc.). The experimental studies presented in this paper have produced a better understanding of the structural behaviour of HSS members subjected to local instabilities. Comparisons have also presented in the paper regarding to the design predictions from the current steel standards (AS4100-1998). This study has enabled to provide a series of proposals for proper assessment of plate slenderness limits for structural members made of representative HSS materials. This research work also enables the inclusion of further versions in the steel design specifications for typical HSS materials to be used in buildings and bridges. This paper also presents a distribution model of residual stresses in the longitudinal direction for typical HSS I-sections.


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An important component of current models for interstellar and circumstellar evolution is the infrared (IR)spectral data collected from stellar outflows around oxygen-rich stars and from the general interstellar medium [1]. IR spectra from these celestial bodies are usually interpreted as showing the general properties of sub-micron sized silicate grains [2]. Two major features at 10 and 20 microns are reasonably attributed to amorphous olivine or pyroxene (e.g. Mg2Si04 or MgSi03) on the basis of comparisons with natural standards and vapor condensed silicates [3-6]. In an attempt to define crystallisation rates for spectrally amorphous condensates, Nuth and Donn [5] annealed experimentally produced amorphous magnesium silicate smokes at 1000K. On analysing these smokes at various annealing times, Nuth and Donn [5] showed that changes in crystallinity measured by bulk X-ray diffraction occured at longer annealing times (days) than changes measured by IR spectra (a few hours). To better define the onset of crystallinity in these magnesium silicates, we have examined each annealed product using a JEOL 1OOCX analytical electron microscope (AEM). In addition, the development of chemical diversity with annealing has been monitored using energy dispersive spectroscopy of individual grains from areas <20nm in diameter. Furthermore, the crystallisation kinetics of these smokes under ambient, room temperature conditions have been examined using bulk and fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectra.


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A well-characterized kaolinite has been hydrated in order to test the hypothesis that platey kaolinite will roll upon hydration. Kaolinite hydrates are prepared by repeated intercalation of kaolinite with potassium acetate and subsequent washing with water. On hydration, kaolinite plates roll along the major crystallographic directions to form tubes identical to proper tubular halloysite. Most tubes are elongated along the b crystallographic axis, while some are elongated along the a axis. Overall, the tubes exhibit a range of crystallinity. Well-ordered examples show a 2-layer structure, while poorly ordered tubes show little or no 3-dimensional order. Cross-sectional views of the formed tubes show both smoothly curved layers and planar faces. These characteristics of the experimentally formed tubes are shared by natural halloysites. Therefore, it is proposed that planar kaolinite can transform to tubular halloysite.


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Wheel-rail rolling contact at railhead edge, such as a gap in an insulated rail joint, is a complex problem; there are only limited analytical, numerical and experimental studies available on this problem in the academic literature. This paper describes experimental and numerical investigations of railhead strains in the vicinity of the edge under the contact of a loaded wheel. A full-scale test rig was developed to cyclically apply wheel/rail rolling contact load to the edge zone of the railhead. An image analysis technique was employed to determine the railhead vertical, lateral and shear strain components. The vertical strains determined using the image analysis method have been validated with the strain gauge measurements and used for the calibration of a 3D nonlinear Finite Element Model (FEM) that simulates the wheel/rail contact at the railhead edge and use suitable boundary conditions commensurate to the experimental setup. The FEM was then used to determine other states of strains.


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The results of comprehensive experimental studies of the operation, stability, and plasma parameters of the low-frequency (0.46 MHz) inductively coupled plasmas sustained by the internal oscillating rf current are reported. The rf plasma is generated by using a custom-designed configuration of the internal rf coil that comprises two perpendicular sets of eight currents in each direction. Various diagnostic tools, such as magnetic probes, optical emission spectroscopy, and an rf-compensated Langmuir probe were used to investigate the electromagnetic, optical, and global properties of the argon plasma in wide ranges of the applied rf power and gas feedstock pressure. It is found that the uniformity of the electromagnetic field inside the plasma reactor is improved as compared to the conventional sources of inductively coupled plasmas with the external flat coil configuration. A reasonable agreement between the experimental data and computed electromagnetic field topography inside the chamber is reported. The Langmuir probe measurements reveal that the spatial profiles of the electron density, the effective electron temperature, plasma potential, and electron energy distribution/probability functions feature a high degree of the radial and axial uniformity and a weak azimuthal dependence, which is consistent with the earlier theoretical predictions. As the input rf power increases, the azimuthal dependence of the global plasma parameters vanishes. The obtained results demonstrate that by introducing the internal oscillated rf currents one can noticeably improve the uniformity of electromagnetic field topography, rf power deposition, and the plasma density in the reactor.


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Although it seems reasonable to assume that activating patriotism might motivate citizens to cooperate with the state in reaching societal goals, the empirical evidence supporting this contention is based mostly on correlational rather than experimental studies. In addition, little is known on whether patriotism can be manipulated without simultaneously triggering nationalism and on the psychological processes which determine the patriotism-cooperation relation. This current article reports results of one survey and three experiments that manipulate patriotism by displaying either a national flag or national landscapes or by priming national achievements. The outcomes indicate that reported and manipulated patriotism indirectly increase tax compliance, although the national flag also increases nationalism. National achievements, on the other hand, seemingly increases trust in national public institutions and the voluntary motivation to cooperate, whereas national landscapes only increase the voluntary motivation to cooperate. Hence, it is possible to increase social capital in the form of trust and cooperation through patriotism without fostering nationalism as well.


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“Hardware in the Loop” (HIL) testing is widely used in the automotive industry. The sophisticated electronic control units used for vehicle control are usually tested and evaluated using HIL-simulations. The HIL increases the degree of realistic testing of any system. Moreover, it helps in designing the structure and control of the system under test so that it works effectively in the situations that will be encountered in the system. Due to the size and the complexity of interaction within a power network, most research is based on pure simulation. To validate the performance of physical generator or protection system, most testing is constrained to very simple power network. This research, however, examines a method to test power system hardware within a complex virtual environment using the concept of the HIL. The HIL testing for electronic control units and power systems protection device can be easily performed at signal level. But performance of power systems equipments, such as distributed generation systems can not be evaluated at signal level using HIL testing. The HIL testing for power systems equipments is termed here as ‘Power Network in the Loop’ (PNIL). PNIL testing can only be performed at power level and requires a power amplifier that can amplify the simulation signal to the power level. A power network is divided in two parts. One part represents the Power Network Under Test (PNUT) and the other part represents the rest of the complex network. The complex network is simulated in real time simulator (RTS) while the PNUT is connected to the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based power amplifier. Two way interaction between the simulator and amplifier is performed using analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog (D/A) converters. The power amplifier amplifies the current or voltage signal of simulator to the power level and establishes the power level interaction between RTS and PNUT. In the first part of this thesis, design and control of a VSC based power amplifier that can amplify a broadband voltage signal is presented. A new Hybrid Discontinuous Control method is proposed for the amplifier. This amplifier can be used for several power systems applications. In the first part of the thesis, use of this amplifier in DSTATCOM and UPS applications are presented. In the later part of this thesis the solution of network in the loop testing with the help of this amplifier is reported. The experimental setup for PNIL testing is built in the laboratory of Queensland University of Technology and the feasibility of PNIL testing has been evaluated using the experimental studies. In the last section of this thesis a universal load with power regenerative capability is designed. This universal load is used to test the DG system using PNIL concepts. This thesis is composed of published/submitted papers that form the chapters in this dissertation. Each paper has been published or submitted during the period of candidature. Chapter 1 integrates all the papers to provide a coherent view of wide bandwidth switching amplifier and its used in different power systems applications specially for the solution of power systems testing using PNIL.


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In recent times, light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been used extensively since they have a very high strength to weight ratio compared with thicker hot-rolled steel sections. However, they are susceptible to various buckling modes including a distortional mode and hence show complex behaviour under fire conditions. Therefore a research project based on detailed experimental studies was undertaken to investigate the distortional buckling behaviour of light gauge cold-formed steel compression members under simulated fire conditions. More than 150 axial compression tests were undertaken at uniform ambient and elevated temperatures. Two types of cross sections were selected with nominal thicknesses of 0.60, 0.80, and 0.95 mm. Both low (G250) and high (G550) strength steels were used. Distortional buckling tests were conducted at six different temperatures in the range of 20 to 800°C. The ultimate loads of compression members subject to distortional buckling were then used to review the adequacy of the current design rules at ambient and elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results.