22 resultados para Ensembles semilinéaires


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The lateral amygdala (LA) receives information from auditory and visual sensory modalities, and uses this information to encode lasting memories that predict threat. One unresolved question about the amygdala is how multiple memories, derived from different sensory modalities, are organized at the level of neuronal ensembles. We previously showed that fear conditioning using an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) was spatially allocated to a stable topography of neurons within the dorsolateral amygdala (LAd) (Bergstrom et al, 2011). Here, we asked how fear conditioning using a visual CS is topographically organized within the amygdala. To induce a lasting fear memory trace we paired either an auditory (2 khz, 55 dB, 20 s) or visual (1 Hz, 0.5 s on/0.5 s off, 35 lux, 20 s) CS with a mild foot shock unconditioned stimulus (0.6 mA, 0.5 s). To detect learning-induced plasticity in amygdala neurons, we used immunohistochemistry with an antibody for phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (pMAPK). Using a principal components analysis-based approach to extract and visualize spatial patterns, we uncovered two unique spatial patterns of activated neurons in the LA that were associated with auditory and visual fear conditioning. The first spatial pattern was specific to auditory cued fear conditioning and consisted of activated neurons topographically organized throughout the LAd and ventrolateral nuclei (LAvl) of the LA. The second spatial pattern overlapped for auditory and visual fear conditioning and was comprised of activated neurons located mainly within the LAvl. Overall, the density of pMAPK labeled cells throughout the LA was greatest in the auditory CS group, even though freezing in response to the visual and auditory CS was equivalent. There were no differences detected in the number of pMAPK activated neurons within the basal amygdala nuclei. Together, these results provide the first basic knowledge about the organizational structure of two different fear engrams within the amygdala and suggest they are dissociable at the level of neuronal ensembles within the LA


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Background Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians are often required to wear specialised clothing combinations that not only protect against the risk of explosion but also potential chemical contamination. This heavy (>35kg) and encapsulating ensemble is likely to increase physiological strain by increasing metabolic heat production and impairing heat dissipation. This study investigated the physiological tolerance times of two different chemical protective undergarments, commonly worn with EOD personal protective clothing, in a range of simulated environmental extremes and work intensities Methods Seven males performed eighteen trials wearing two ensembles. The trials involved walking on a treadmill at 2.5, 4 and 5.5 km.h-1 at each of the following environmental conditions, 21, 30 and 37°C wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). The trials were ceased if the participants’ core temperature reached 39°C, if heart rate exceeded 90% of maximum, if walking time reached 60 minutes or due to volitional fatigue. Results Physiological tolerance times ranged from 8 to 60 min and the duration (mean difference: 2.78 min, P>0.05) were similar in both ensembles. A significant effect for environment (21>30>37°C WBGT, P<0.05) and work intensity (2.5>4>5.5 km.h-1, P< 0.05) was observed in tolerance time. The majority of trials across both ensembles (101/126; 80.1%) were terminated due to participants achieving a heart rate equivalent to greater than 90% of their maximum. Conclusions Physiological tolerance times wearing these two chemical protective undergarments, worn underneath EOD personal protective clothing, were similar and predominantly limited by cardiovascular strain.


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Models of the mammalian clock have traditionally been based around two feedback loops-the self-repression of Per/Cry by interfering with activation by BMAL/CLOCK, and the repression of Bmal/Clock by the REV-ERB proteins. Recent experimental evidence suggests that the D-box, a transcription factor binding site associated with daytime expression, plays a larger role in clock function than has previously been understood. We present a simplified clock model that highlights the role of the D-box and illustrate an approach for finding maximum-entropy ensembles of model parameters, given experimentally imposed constraints. Parameter variability can be mitigated using prior probability distributions derived from genome-wide studies of cellular kinetics. Our model reproduces predictions concerning the dual regulation of Cry1 by the D-box and Rev-ErbA/ROR response element (RRE) promoter elements and allows for ensemble-based predictions of phase response curves (PRCs). Nonphotic signals such as Neuropeptide Y (NPY) may act by promoting Cry1 expression, whereas photic signals likely act by stimulating expression from the E/E' box. Ensemble generation with parameter probability restraints reveals more about a model's behavior than a single optimal parameter set.


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Synaptic plasticity in the lateral amygdala (LA) may underlie auditory fear conditioning. Hebb postulated that sustained activity in reverberating cellular ensembles can facilitate temporal coincidence detection. Our anatomical data show that LA neurons have extensive local axon collaterals that are topographically organized and that could provide the anatomical basis for reverberatory activity...


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In the Hebbian postulate, transiently reverberating cellular ensembles can sustain activity to facilitate temporal coincidence detection. Auditory fear conditioning is believed to be formed in the lateral amygdala (LA), by way of plasticity at auditory input synapses on principal neurons. To evaluate the contribution of LA cellular ensembles in the formation of conditioned fear memories, we investigated the LA micro-circuitry by electrophysiological and anatomical approaches. Polysynaptic field potentials evoked in the LA by stimulation of auditory thalamus(MGm/PIN) or auditory cortical (TE3) afferents were analyzed in vitro and in vivo. In vivo, two potentials were identified following stimulation of either pathway. In vitro, these multiple potentials were revealed by adding 75uM Picrotoxin or 30uM Bicuculine, with the first potential peaking at 15-20 ms, followed by two additional potentials at 20 – 25 and 30 – 35 ms, respectively. These data show single stimulation events can result in multiple synchronized excitatory events within the lateral amygdala. In order to determine underlying mechanisms of auditory signal propagation, LA principal neuron axon collateral trajectory patterns and morphology were analyzed. Neurons were found to have local axon collaterals that are topographically organized. Each axon collateral within the LA totaled 14.1 ± 2.73mm, had 29.8 ± 9.1 branch points and 1870.8 ± 1035 boutons (n=9). Electrophysiological and anatomical data show that a network of extensive axon collaterals within the LA may facilitate preservation of auditory afferent signals.


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Due to their unique size- and shape-dependent physical and chemical properties, highly hierarchically-ordered nanostructures have attracted great attention with a view to application in emerging technologies, such as novel energy generation, harvesting, and storage devices. The question of how to get controllable ensembles of nanostructures, however, still remains a challenge. This concept paper first summarizes and clarifies the concept of the two-step self-assembly approach for the synthesis of hierarchically-ordered nanostructures with complex morphology. Based on the preparation processes, two-step self-assembly can be classified into two typical types, namely, two-step self-assembly with two discontinuous processes and two-step self-assembly completed in one-pot solutions with two continuous processes. Compared to the conventional one-step self-assembly, the two-step self-assembly approach allows the combination of multiple synthetic techniques and the realization of complex nanostructures with hierarchically-ordered multiscale structures. Moreover, this approach also allows the self-assembly of heterostructures or hybrid nanomaterials in a cost-effective way. It is expected that widespread application of two-step self-assembly will give us a new way to fabricate multifunctional nanostructures with deliberately designed architectures. The concept of two-step self-assembly can also be extended to syntheses including more than two chemical/physical reaction steps (multiple-step self-assembly).


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Introduction The rapidly burgeoning popularity of cinema at the beginning of the 20th century favored industrialized modes of creativity organized around large production studios that could churn out a steady stream of narrative feature films. By the mid-1910s, a handful of Hollywood studios became leaders in the production, distribution, and exhibition of popular commercial movies. In order to serve incessant demand for new titles, the studios relied on a set of conventions that allowed them to regularize production and realize workplace efficiencies. This entailed a socialized mode of creativity that would later be adopted by radio and television broadcasters. It would also become a model for cinema and media production around the world, both for commercial and state-supported institutions. Even today the core tenets of industrialized creativity prevail in most large media enterprises. During the 1980s and 1990s, however, media industries began to change radically, driven by forces of neoliberalism, corporate conglomeration, globalization, and technological innovation. Today, screen media are created both by large-scale production units and by networked ensembles of talent and skilled labor. Moreover, digital media production may take place in small shops or via the collective labor of media users or fans who have attracted attention due to their hyphenated status as both producers and users of media (i.e., “prosumers”). Studies of screen media labor fall into five conceptual and methodological categories: historical studies of labor relations, ethnographically inspired investigations of workplace dynamics, critical analyses of the spatial and social organization of labor, and normative assessments of industrialized creativity.