23 resultados para Debye shielding


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Introduction The risk for late periprosthetic fractures is higher in patients treated for a neck of femur fracture compared to those treated for osteoarthritis. It has been hypothesised that osteopenia and consequent decreased stiffness of the proximal femur are responsible for this. We investigated if a femoral component with a bigger body would increase the torque to failure in a biaxially loaded composite sawbone model. Method A biomechanical composite sawbone model was used. Two different body sizes (Exeter 44-1 vs 44-4) of a polished tapered cemented stem were implanted by an experienced surgeon, in 7 sawbones each and loaded at 40 deg/s internal rotation until failure. Torque to fracture and fracture energy were measured using a biaxial materials testing device (Instron 8874). Data are non-parametric and tested with Mann-Whitney U-test. Results The mean torque load to fracture was 154.1 NM (SD 4.4) for the 44-1 stem and 229 NM (SD10.9) for the 44-4 stem (p = 0.01). The mean fracture energy was 9.6 J (SD1.2) for the 44-1 stem and 17.2 J (SD2.0) for the 44-4 stem (p = 0.14). Conclusion the use of a large body polished tapered cemented stem for neck of femur fractures increases the torque to failure in a biomechanical model and therefore is likely to reduce late periprosthetic fracture risk in this vulnerable cohort.


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Introduction: In an attempt to reduce stress shielding in the proximal femur multiple new shorter stem design have become available. We investigated the load to fracture of a new polished tapered cemented short stem in comparison to the conventional polished tapered Exeter stem. Method: A total of forty-two stems, twenty-one short stems and twenty-one conventional stems both with three different offsets were cemented in a composite sawbone model and loaded to fracture. Results: study showed that femurs will break at a significantly lower load to failure with a shorter compared to conventional length Exeter stem. Conclusion: This Both standard and short stem design are safe to use as the torque to failure is 7–10 times as much as the torques seen in activities of daily living.


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Determining the condition as well as the remaining life of an insulation system is essential for the reliable operation of large oil-filled power transformers. Frequency-domain spectroscopy (FDS) is one of the diagnostic techniques used to identify the dielectric status of a transformer. Currently, this technique can only be implemented on a de-energized transformer. This paper presents an initial investigation into a novel online monitoring method based on FDS dielectric measurements for transformers. The proposed technique specifically aims to address the real operational constraints of online testing. This is achieved by designing an online testing model extending the basic “extended Debye” linear dielectric model and taking unique noise issues only experienced during online measurements into account via simulations. Approaches to signal denoising and potential problems expected to be encountered during online measurements will also be discussed. Using fixed-frequency sinusoidal excitation waveforms will result in a long measurement times. The use of alternatives such as a chirp has been investigated using simulations. The results presented in the paper predict that reliable measurements should be possible during online testing.


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Although greater calls for accountability have been articulated by academics, policy makers and donors in the recent years, a stream of thought has been questioning where the giving of an account should stop. In conveying the limits to the giving of an account (Messner, 2009) and associated transparency (Roberts, 2009), critical accounting scholars have also pointed to as yet unresolved contradictions intrinsic to accountability (McKernan, 2012), especially when it comes to be operationalised (Joannides, 2012). The impact of accountability's discharging on nonprofits' strategy or operations has to date been underexplored (Dhanni & Connelly, 2012; Tucker & Parker, 2013). Accordingly, this chapter seeks to contribute to this body of literature on the consequences of accountability on fundraising strategies in nonprofits, questioning whether accountability practice may hamper the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector by restraining the fundraising profession. Our chapter seeks to fill a dual theoretical gap. Firstly, only a number of publications have investigated the interplay between accountability and the making of organisational strategy (Parker, 2002, 2003b, 2011, 2012, 2013; Tucker & Parker, 2013). Therefore, we seek to fill a theoretical gap as to the impact of accountability on the conduct of straegic operations. By questioning whether accountability hampers fundraising strategy in non-profits we are also contributing to the literature balancing accountability and the mission. In this literature, it appears that money and the mission are often conflictual, financial managers being often seen by mission advocates as guardians shielding organisational resources (Chiapello, 1993, 1998; Lightbody, 2000, 2003). Another approach shows that making nonprofits accountable to capital and multiple stakeholders (donors, public authorities) leaders to changes in organisational culture (O'Dwyer & Unerman, 2007; Unerman & Bennett, 2004; Underman & O'Dwyer, 2006a, 2006b, 2008). By examining a small number of cases we show how accountability practices result in fundraising adapting and adjusting under such external pressures and constraints. We also show accountability systems may have a direct impact on the conduct of strategic operations, which might hamper mission conduct.


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Introduction: The risk for late periprosthetic femoral fractures is higher in patients treated for a neck of femur fracture compared to osteoarthritis. It has been hypothesised that osteopenia and consequent decreased stiffness of the proximal femur are responsible for this. We investigated whether a femoral component with a bigger body would increase the torque to failure in a biaxially loaded composite Sawbone model. Material and methods: A biomechanical bone analogue was used. Two different body sizes (Exeter 44-1 vs 44-4) of a polished tapered cemented femoral stem were implanted by an experienced surgeon in 7 bone analogues each and internally rotated at 40°/s until failure. Torque to fracture and fracture energy were measured using a biaxial materials testing device (Instron 8874, MI, USA). The data were non-parametric and therefore tested with the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results: The median torque to fracture was 156.7 Nm (IQR 19.7) for the 44-1 stem and 237.1 Nm (IQR 52.9) for the 44-4 stem (p=0.001). The median fracture energy was 8.5J (IQR 7.3) for the 44-1 stem and 19.5J (IQR 8.8) for the 44-4 stem (p=0.014). Conclusions: The use of a large body polished tapered cemented stems for neck of femur fractures increases the torque to failure in a biomechanical model and therefore is likely to reduce late periprosthetic fracture risk in this vulnerable cohort.


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Remediation of bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous solutions by adsorption using organoclays synthesized from montmorillonite (MMT) with different types of organic surfactant molecules was demonstrated. High adsorption capacities of the organoclays for the uptake of BPA were observed and these demonstrated their potential application as strong adsorbents for noxious organic water contaminants. The adsorption of BPA was significantly influenced by pH, with increased adsorption of BPA in acidic pH range. However, the organoclays intercalated with highly loaded surfactants and/or large surfactant molecules were less influenced by the pH of the environment and this was thought to be due to the shielding the negative charge from surfactant molecules and the development of more positive charge on the clay surface, which leads to the attraction of anionic BPA even at alkaline pH. The hydrophobic phase created by loaded surfactant molecules contributed to a partitioning phase, interacting with BPA molecules strongly through hydrophobic interaction. Pseudo-second order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm provided the best fit for the adsorption of BPA onto the organoclays. In addition, the adsorption process was spontaneous and exothermic with lower temperature facilitating the adsorption of BPA onto the organoclays. The described process provides a potential pathway for the removal of BPA from contaminated waters.


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The matrix of volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) from the Muskox pipe (Northern Slave Province, Nunavut, Canada) is interpreted to represent an overprint of an original clastic matrix. Muskox VK is subdivided into three different matrix mineral assemblages that reflect differences in the proportions of original primary matrix constituents, temperature of formation and nature of the altering fluids. Using whole rock X-ray fluorescence (XRF), whole rock X-ray diffraction (XRD), microprobe analyses, back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging, petrography and core logging, we find that most matrix minerals (serpentine, phlogopite, chlorite, saponite, monticellite, Fe-Ti oxides and calcite) lack either primary igneous or primary clastic textures. The mineralogy and textures are most consistent with formation through alteration overprinting of an original clastic matrix that form by retrograde reactions as the deposit cools, or, in the case of calcite, by precipitation from Ca-bearing fluids into a secondary porosity. The first mineral assemblage consists largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, Fe-Ti oxides and monticellite and occurs in VK with relatively fresh framework clasts. Alteration reactions, driven by deuteric fluids derived from the juvenile constituents, promote the crystallisation of minerals that indicate relatively high temperatures of formation (> 400 °C). Lower-temperature minerals are not present because permeability was occluded before the deposit cooled to low temperatures, thus shielding the facies from further interaction with fluids. The other two matrix mineral assemblages consist largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, +/- diopside, and +/- chlorite. They form in VK that contains more country rock, which may have caused the deposit to be cooler upon emplacement. Most framework components are completely altered, suggesting that larger volumes of fluids drove the alteration reactions. These fluids were likely of meteoric provenance and became heated by the volcaniclastic debris when they percolated into the VK infill. Most alteration reactions ceased at temperatures > 200 °C, as indicated by the absence or paucity of lower-temperature phases in most samples, such as saponite. Recognition that Muskox VK contains an original clastic matrix is a necessary first step for evaluating the textural configuration, which is important for reconstructing the physical processes responsible for the formation of the deposit.


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Thermal properties, namely, Debye temperature, thermal expansion coefficient, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity of γ-Y 2Si2O7, a high-temperature polymorph of yttrium disilicate, were investigated. The anisotropic thermal expansions of γ-Y2Si2O7 powders were examined using high-temperature X-ray diffractometer from 300 to 1373 K and the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient is (6.68±0.35) × 10-6 K-1. The linear thermal expansion coefficient of polycrystalline γ-Y2Si2O7 determined by push-rod dilatometer is (3.90±0.4) × 10-6 K-1, being very close to that of silicon nitride and silicon carbide. Besides, γ-Y2Si2O7 displays a low-thermal conductivity, with a κ value measured below 3.0 W·(m·K) -1 at the temperatures above 600 K. The calculated minimum thermal conductivity, κmin, was 1.35 W·(m·K) -1. The unique combination of low thermal expansion coefficient and low-thermal conductivity of γ-Y2Si2O7 renders it a very competitive candidate material for high temperature structural components and environmental/thermal-barrier coatings. The thermal shock resistance of γ-Y2Si2O7 was estimated by quenching dense materials in water from various temperatures and the critical temperature difference, ΔTc, was determined to be 300 K.