56 resultados para Cyclin A2


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The CDKN2 gene, encoding the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16, is a tumour suppressor gene that maps to chromosome band 9p21-p22. The most common mechanism of inactivation of this gene in human cancers is through homozygous deletion; however, in a smaller proportion of tumours and tumour cell lines intragenic mutations occur. In this study we have compiled a database of over 120 published point mutations in the CDKN2 gene from a wide variety of tumour types. A further 50 deletions, insertions, and splice mutations in CDKN2 have also been compiled. Furthermore, we have standardised the numbering of all mutations according to the full-length 156 amino acid form of p16. From this study we are able to define several hot spots, some of which occur at conserved residues within the ankyrin domains of p16. While many of the hotspots are shared by a number of cancers, the relative importance of each position varies, possibly reflecting the role of different carcinogens in the development of certain tumours. As reported previously, the mutational spectrum of CDKN2 in melanomas differs from that of internal malignancies and supports the involvement of UV in melanoma tumorigenesis. Notably, 52% of all substitutions in melanoma-derived samples occurred at just six nucleotide positions. Nonsense mutations comprise a comparatively high proportion of mutations present in the CDKN2 gene, and possible explanations for this are discussed.


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The CDKN2A gene maps to chromosome 9p21-22 and is responsible for melanoma susceptibility in some families. Its product, p16, binds specifically to CDK4 and CDK6 in vitro and in vivo, inhibiting their kinase activity. CDKN2A is homozygously deleted or mutated in a large proportion of tumor cell lines and some primary tumors, including melanomas. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of CDKN2A and elucidate the mechanisms of p16 inactivation in a panel of 60 cell lines derived from sporadic melanomas. Twenty-six (43%) of the melanoma lines were homozygously deleted for CDKN2A, and an additional 15 (25%) lines carried missense, nonsense, or frameshift mutations. All but one of the latter group were shown by microsatellite analysis to be hemizygous for the region of 9p surrounding CDKN2A. p16 was detected by Western blotting in only five of the cell lines carrying mutations. Immunoprecipitation of p16 in these lines, followed by Western blotting to detect the coprecipitation of CDK4 and CDK6, revealed that p16 was functionally compromised in all cell lines but the one that carried a heterozygous CDKN2A mutation. In the remaining 19 lines that carried wild-type CDKN2A alleles, Western blot analysis and immunoprecipitation indicated that 11 cell lines expressed a wild-type protein. Northern blotting was performed on the remaining eight cell lines and revealed that one cell line carried an aberrantly sized RNA transcript, and two other cell lines failed to express RNA. The promoter was found to be methylated in five cell lines that expressed CDKN2A transcript but not p16. Presumably, the message seen by Northern blotting in these cell lines is the result of cross-hybridization of the total cDNA probe with the exon 1beta transcript. Microsatellite analysis revealed that the majority of these cell lines were hemi/homozygous for the region surrounding CDKN2A, indicating that the wild-type allele had been lost. In the 11 cell lines that expressed functional p16, microsatellite analysis revealed loss of heterozygosity at the markers immediately surrounding CDKN2A in five cases, and the previously characterized R24C mutation of CDK4 was identified in one of the remaining 6 lines. These data indicate that 55 of 60 (92%) melanoma cell lines demonstrated some aberration of CDKN2A or CDK4, thus suggesting that this pathway is a primary genetic target in melanoma development.


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Germline mutations within the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) gene and one of its targets, the cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) gene, have been identified in a proportion of melanoma kindreds. In the case of CDK4, only one specific mutation, resulting in the substitution of a cysteine for an arginine at codon 24 (R24C), has been found to be associated with melanoma. We have previously reported the identification of germline CDKN2A mutations in 7/18 Australian melanoma kindreds and the absence of the R24C CDK4 mutation in 21 families lacking evidence of a CDKN2A mutation. The current study represents an expansion of these efforts and includes a total of 48 melanoma families from Australia. All of these families have now been screened for mutations within CDKN2A and CDK4, as well as for mutations within the CDKN2A homolog and 9p21 neighbor, the CDKN2B gene, and the alternative exon 1 (E1beta) of CDKN2A. Families lacking CDKN2A mutations, but positive for a polymorphism(s) within this gene, were further evaluated to determine if their disease was associated with transcriptional silencing of one CDKN2A allele. Overall, CDKN2A mutations were detected in 3/30 (10%) of the new kindreds. Two of these mutations have been observed previously: a 24 bp duplication at the 5' end of the gene and a G to C transversion in exon 2 resulting in an M531 substitution. A novel G to A transition in exon 2, resulting in a D108N substitution was also detected. Combined with our previous findings, we have now detected germline CDKN2A mutations in 10/48 (21%) of our melanoma kindreds. In none of the 'CDKN2A-negative' families was melanoma found to segregate with either an untranscribed CDKN2A allele, an R24C CDK4 mutation, a CDKN2B mutation, or an E1beta mutation. The last three observations suggest that these other cell cycle control genes (or alternative gene products) are either not involved at all, or to any great extent, in melanoma predisposition.


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CDKN2A, the gene encoding the cell-cycle inhibitor p16CDKN2A, was first identified in 1994. Since then, somatic mutations have been observed in many cancers and germline alterations have been found in kindreds with familial atypical multiple mole/melanoma (FAMMM), also known as atypical mole syndrome. In this review we tabulate the known mutations in this gene and discuss specific aspects, particularly with respect to germline mutations and cancer predisposition.


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The CDKN2A gene encodes p16 (CDKN2A), a cell-cycle inhibitor protein which prevents inappropriate cell cycling and, hence, proliferation. Germ-line mutations in CDKN2A predispose to the familial atypical multiple-mole melanoma (FAMMM) syndrome but also have been seen in rare families in which only 1 or 2 individuals are affected by cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). We therefore sequenced exons 1alpha and 2 of CDKN2A using lymphocyte DNA isolated from index cases from 67 families with cancers at multiple sites, where the patterns of cancer did not resemble those attributable to known genes such as hMLH1, hMLH2, BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 or other cancer susceptibility genes. We found one mutation, a mis-sense mutation resulting in a methionine to isoleucine change at codon 53 (M531) of exon 2. The individual tested had developed 2 CMMs but had no dysplastic nevi and lacked a family history of dysplastic nevi or CMM. Other family members had been diagnosed with oral cancer (2 persons), bladder cancer (1 person) and possibly gall-bladder cancer. While this mutation has been reported in Australian and North American melanoma kindreds, we did not observe it in 618 chromosomes from Scottish and Canadian controls. Functional studies revealed that the CDKN2A variant carrying the M531 change was unable to bind effectively to CDK4, showing that this mutation is of pathological significance. Our results have confirmed that CDKN2A mutations are not limited to FAMMM kindreds but also demonstrate that multi-site cancer families without melanoma are very unlikely to contain CDKN2A mutations.


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Germ-line mutations in CDKN2A have been shown to predispose to cutaneous malignant melanoma. We have identified 2 new melanoma kindreds which carry a duplication of a 24bp repeat present in the 5' region of CDKN2A previously identified in melanoma families from Australia and the United States. This mutation has now been reported in 5 melanoma families from 3 continents: Europe, North America, and Australasia. The M53I mutation in exon 2 of CDKN2A has also been documented in 5 melanoma families from Australia and North America. The aim of this study was to determine whether the occurrence of the mutations in these families from geographically diverse populations represented mutation hotspots within CDKN2A or were due to common ancestors. Haplotypes of 11 microsatellite markers flanking CDKN2A were constructed in 5 families carrying the M53I mutation and 5 families carrying the 24bp duplication. There were some differences in the segregating haplotypes due primarily to recombinations and mutations within the short tandem-repeat markers; however, the data provide evidence to indicate that there were at least 3 independent 24bp duplication events and possibly only 1 original M53I mutation. This is the first study to date which indicates common founders in melanoma families from different continents.


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Although germline mutations in CDKN2A are present in approximately 25% of large multicase melanoma families, germline mutations are much rarer in the smaller melanoma families that make up most individuals reporting a family history of this disease. In addition, only three families worldwide have been reported with germline mutations in a gene other than CDKN2A (i.e., CDK4). Accordingly, current genomewide scans underway at the National Human Genome Research Institute hope to reveal linkage to one or more chromosomal regions, and ultimately lead to the identification of novel genes involved in melanoma predisposition. Both CDKN2A and PTEN have been identified as genes involved in sporadic melanoma development; however, mutations are more common in cell lines than uncultured tumors. A combination of cytogenetic, molecular, and functional studies suggests that additional genes involved in melanoma development are located to chromosomal regions 1p, 6q, 7p, 11q, and possibly also 9p and 10q. With the near completion of the human genome sequencing effort, combined with the advent of high throughput mutation analyses and new techniques including cDNA and tissue microarrays, the identification and characterization of additional genes involved in melanoma pathogenesis seem likely in the near future.


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The majority of small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs) express p16 but not pRb. Given our previous study showing loss of pRb in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC)/neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin and the clinicopathological similarities between SCLC and MCC, we wished to determine if this was also the case in MCC. Twenty-nine MCC specimens from 23 patients were examined for deletions at 10 loci on 9p and 1 on 9q. No loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was seen in 9 patients including 2 for which tumour and cell line DNAs were examined. Four patients had LOH for all informative loci on 9p. Ten tumours showed more limited regions of loss on 9p, and from these 2 common regions of deletion were determined. Half of all informative cases had LOH at D9S168, the most telomeric marker examined, and 3 specimens showed loss of only D9S168. A second region (IFNA-D9S126) showed LOH in 10 (44%) cases, and case MCC26 showed LOH for only D9S126, implicating genes centromeric of the CDKN2A locus. No mutations in the coding regions of p16 were seen in 7 cell lines tested, and reactivity to anti-p16 antibody was seen in all 11 tumour specimens examined and in 6 of 7 cell lines from 6 patients. Furthermore, all cell lines examined reacted with anti-p14(ARF) antibody. These results suggest that neither transcript of the CDKN2A locus is the target of deletions on 9p in MCC and imply the existence of tumour-suppressor genes mapping both centromeric and telomeric of this locus.


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Objective: Preclinical and clinical data suggest that lipid biology is integral to brain development and neurodegeneration. Both aspects are proposed as being important in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. The purpose of this paper is to examine the implications of lipid biology, in particular the role of essential fatty acids (EFA), for schizophrenia. Methods: Medline databases were searched from 1966 to 2001 followed by the crosschecking of references. Results: Most studies investigating lipids in schizophrenia described reduced EFA, altered glycerophospholipids and an increased activity of a calcium-independent phospholipase A2 in blood cells and in post-mortem brain tissue. Additionally, in vivo brain phosphorus-31 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (31P-MRS) demonstrated lower phosphomonoesters (implying reduced membrane precursors) in first- and multi-episode patients. In contrast, phosphodiesters were elevated mainly in first-episode patients (implying increased membrane breakdown products), whereas inconclusive results were found in chronic patients. EFA supplementation trials in chronic patient populations with residual symptoms have demonstrated conflicting results. More consistent results were observed in the early and symptomatic stages of illness, especially if EFA with a high proportion of eicosapentaenoic acid was used. Conclusion: Peripheral blood cell, brain necropsy and 31P-MRS analysis reveal a disturbed lipid biology, suggesting generalized membrane alterations in schizophrenia. 31P-MRS data suggest increased membrane turnover at illness onset and persisting membrane abnormalities in established schizophrenia. Cellular processes regulating membrane lipid metabolism are potential new targets for antipsychotic drugs and might explain the mechanism of action of treatments such as eicosapentaenoic acid.


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Background Although the non-operative management of closed humeral midshaft fractures has been advocated for years, the increasing popularity of operative intervention has left the optimal treatment choice unclear. Objective To compare the outcomes of operative and non-operative treatment of traumatic closed humeral midshaft fractures in adult patients. Methods A multicentre prospective comparative cohort study across 20 centres was conducted. Patients with AO type 12 A2, A3 and B2 fractures were treated with a functional brace or a retrograde-inserted unreamed humeral nail. Follow-up measurements were taken at 6, 12 and 52 weeks after the injury. The primary outcome was fracture healing after 1 year. Secondary outcomes included sub-items of the Constant score, general patient satisfaction, complications and cost-effectiveness parameters. Functions of the uninjured extremity were used as reference parameters. Intention-to-treat analysis was applied with the use of t-tests, Fisher’s exact tests, Mann–Whitney U-tests and adjusted analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results Forty-seven patients were included. The patient sample consisted of 23 women and 24 men, with a mean age of 52.7 years (range 17–86 years). Of the 47 cases, 14 were treated non-operatively and 33 operatively. The follow-up rate at 1 year was 81%. After 1 year, 11 fractures (100%) healed in the non-operative group and at least 24 fractures (≥89%) healed in the operative group [1 non-union patient (4%) and no data for 2 patients (7%)]. There were no significant differences in pain, range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder and elbow, and return to work after 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 1 year. Although operatively treated patients showed significantly greater shoulder abduction strength (p = 0.036), elbow flexion strength (p = 0.021), functional hand positioning (p = 0.008) and return to recreational activities (p = 0.043) after 6 weeks, no statistically significant differences existed in any outcome measure at the 1-year follow-up. Conclusions Our findings indicate that the non-operative management of humeral midshaft fractures can be expected to have similar functional outcomes and patient satisfaction at 1 year, despite an early benefit to operative treatment. If no radiological evidence of fracture healing exists in non-operatively treated patients during early follow-up, a switch to surgical treatment results in good functional outcomes and patient satisfaction. Keywords: Humeral shaft fracture, Non-operative treatment, Functional brace, Operative treatment, Unreamed humeral nail (UHN), Prospective, Cohort study


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资格预审是招标程序中重要环节.通过对投标人的资质和业绩等审查既能保证不符合 要求的投标人尽可能早地退出无谓竞争的行列,避免了大量人力"物力的损失和浪费, 又能促进建筑市场优胜劣汰,提高企业竞争力.同时鉴于目前资格预审和建筑市场存在 的问题,笔者以为通过强化资格预审可以有效推进建筑市场信用体系建设,促进行业健康发展,并且深入探讨了资格预审体系建立的具体对策和措施.


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10.1 Histamine and cytokines 10.1.1 Actions of histamine 10.1.2 Drugs that modify the actions of histamine 10.1.3 Cytokines 10.2 Eicosanoids 10.2.1 Cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase system 10.2.2 Actions of eicosanoids 10.2.3 Drugs that modify the actions of eicosanoids Inhibit phospholipase A2 Non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors Selective COX-2 inhibitors Agonists at prostaglandin receptors Leukotriene receptor antagonists 10.3. 5-Hydroxtryptamine (serotonin), nitric oxide, and endothelin 10.3.1 5-HT and migraine 10.3.2 5-HT and the gastrointestinal tract 10.3.3 Nitric oxide and angina 10.3.4 Nitric oxide and erectile dysfunction 10.3.5 Endothelin and pulmonary hypertension


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Paraffin sections (n = 168, 27 benign, 16 low malignant potential [LMP] and 125 malignant tumours) from epithelial ovarian tumours were evaluated immunohistochemically for expression of retinoblastoma gene product (pRB) and p53 protein, and the relationship among pRB, p53 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2 (CDKN2) gene product p16INK4A (p16) was analysed, following our previous study of p16. Forty-one percent of the benign, 50% of the LMP and most (71%) of the malignant tumours showed high pRB expression. High expression of pRB (>50% pRB-positive cells) significantly correlated with non-mucinous histological subtypes. Reduced pRB expression, substage and residual disease were significant predictors for poor prognosis in stage I patients. All the benign and most of the LMP (81%) tumours were in either the p53-negative or low p53-positive category, but nearly half of the malignant tumours had high p53 expression. High p53 accumulation was found in non-mucinous, high grade and late stage tumours. For well-differentiated carcinomas, high p53 expression was a predictor of poor prognosis. However, even though high p53 expression was not associated with histological subtype, stage or the presence of residual disease, high p53 expression was not an independent predictor when all clinical parameters were combined. For all ovarian cancers, a close correlation was found between high p53 and high p16 expression. The relationship between the expression of pRB and p16 depended on tumour stage. In stage I tumours, high pRB was associated with low p16 reactivity. On the other hand, most advanced tumours showed both high pRB and high p16 reactivity. Int. J. Cancer 74:407–415, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Sulforaphane (SF; 4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate), a dietary compound derived from broccoli, may exhibit chemopreventive properties by inducing cell cycle arrest via induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21(waf1/cip1)), but the exact molecular mechanism has not been determined. Here we evaluate the role of the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) in mediating the induction of p21(waf1/cip1) and cellular differentiation by SF and iberin (IB; 3-methylsulphinyl propyl isothiocyanate), also derived from broccoli. Exposure of Caco-2 and Caco-2/TC7 cells to SF and IB increased expression of both KLF4 and p21(waf1/cip1), whereas exposure of HT29 cells resulted only in induction of p21(waf1/cip1). In Caco-2 cells, small interfering RNA knock down of KLF4 expression attenuated induction of p21(waf1/cip1) in response to either SF or IB treatment. Contrary to expectation, prolonged exposure to SF reduced sucrase isomaltase activity, a marker of small intestinal differentiation in Caco-2 cells. Additional support for the SF-mediated induction of p21(waf1/cip1) by KLF4 was obtained from analyses of gastric tissue of Apc(Min/+) mice following acute intervention with SF but not from the analyses of other tissue of the intestinal tract. These results suggest that induction of p21(waf1/cip1) by SF or IB may be partly mediated by KLF4 in some colon cancer cells and tissues.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands, the ephrins, regulate the development and maintenance of multiple organs but little is known about their potential role within the cornea. The purpose of this study was to perform a thorough investigation of Eph/ephrin expression within the human cornea including the limbal stem cell niche. Initially, immunohistochemistry was performed on human donor eyes to determine the spatial distribution of Eph receptors and ephrins in the cornea and limbus. Patterns of Eph/ephrin gene expression in (1) immortalised human corneal endothelial (B4G12) or corneal epithelial (HCE-T) cell lines, and (2) primary cultures of epithelial or stromal cells established from the corneal limbus of cadaveric eye tissue were then assessed by reverse transcription (RT) PCR. Limbal epithelial or stromal cells from primary cultures were also assessed for evidence of Eph/ephrin-reactivity by immunofluorescence. Immunoreactivity for ephrinA1 and EphB4 was detected in the corneal endothelium of donor eyes. EphB4 was also consistently detected in the limbal and corneal epithelium and in cells located in the stroma of the peripheral cornea. Expression of multiple Eph/ephrin genes was detected in immortalised corneal epithelial and endothelial cell lines. Evidence of Eph/ephrin gene expression was also demonstrated in primary cultures of human limbal stromal (EphB4, B6; ephrinA5) and epithelial cells (EphA1, A2; ephrinA5, B2) using both RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. The expression of Eph receptors and ephrins within the human cornea and limbus is much wider than previously appreciated and suggests multiple potential roles for these molecules in the maintenance of normal corneal architecture.