509 resultados para CLINICAL-ASPECTS


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Long-term inhalation studies in rodents have presented unequivocal evidence of experimental carcinogenicity of ethylene oxide, based on the formation of malignant tumors at multiple sites. However, despite a considerable body of epidemiological data only limited evidence has been obtained of its carcinogenicity in humans. Ethylene oxide is not only an important exogenous toxicant, but it is also formed from ethylene as a biological precursor. Ethylene is a normal body constituent; its endogenous formation is evidenced by exhalation in rats and in humans. Consequently, ethylene oxide must also be regarded as a physiological compound. The most abundant DNA adduct of ethylene oxide is 7-(2-hydroxyethyl)guanine (HOEtG). Open questions are the nature and role of tissue-specific factors in ethylene oxide carcinogenesis and the physiological and quantitative role of DNA repair mechanisms. The detection of remarkable individual differences in the susceptibility of humans has promoted research into genetic factors that influence the metabolism of ethylene oxide. With this background it appears that current PBPK models for trans-species extrapolation of ethylene oxide toxicity need to be refined further. For a cancer risk assessment at low levels of DNA damage, exposure-related adducts must be discussed in relation to background DNA damage as well as to inter- and intraindividual variability. In rats, subacute ethylene oxide exposures on the order of 1 ppm (1.83 mg/m3) cause DNA adduct levels (HOEtG) of the same magnitude as produced by endogenous ethylene oxide. Based on very recent studies the endogenous background levels of HOEtG in DNA of humans are comparable to those that are produced in rodents by repetitive exogenous ethylene oxide exposures of about 10 ppm (18.3 mg/m3). Experimentally, ethylene oxide has revealed only weak mutagenic effects in vivo, which are confined to higher doses. It has been concluded that long-term human occupational exposure to low airborne concentrations to ethylene oxide, at or below current occupational exposure limits of 1 ppm (1.83 mg/m3), would not produce unacceptable increased genotoxic risks. However, critical questions remain that need further discussions relating to the coherence of animal and human data of experimental data in vitro vs. in vivo and to species-specific dynamics of DNA lesions.


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Occupational standards concerning the allowable concentrations of chemical compounds in the ambient air of workplaces have been established in several countries at national levels. With the integration of the European Union, a need exists for establishing harmonized Occupational Exposure Limits. For analytical developments, it is apparent that methods for speciation or fractionation of carcinogenic metal compounds will be of increasing practical importance for standard setting. Criteria of applicability under field conditions, cost-effectiveness, and robustness are practical driving forces for new developments. When the European Union issued a list of 62 chemical substances with Occupational Exposure Limits in 2000, 25 substances received a 'skin' notation. The latter indicates that toxicologically significant amounts may be taken up via the skin. Similar notations exist on national levels. For such substances, monitoring concentrations in ambient air will not be sufficient; biological monitoring strategies will gain further importance in the medical surveillance of workers who are exposed to such compounds. Proceedings in establishing legal frameworks for a biological monitoring of chemical exposures within Europe are paralleled by scientific advances in this field. A new aspect is the possibility of a differential adduct monitoring, using blood proteins of different half-life or lifespan. This technique allows differentiation between long-term mean exposure to reactive chemicals and short-term episodes, for example, by accidental overexposure. For further analytical developments, the following issues have been addressed as being particularly important: New dose monitoring strategies, sensitive and reliable methods for detection of DNA adducts, cytogenetic parameters in biological monitoring, methods to monitor exposure to sensitizing chemicals, and parameters for individual susceptibilities to chemical toxicants.


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Background Impulsivity critically relates to many psychiatric disorders. Given the multifaceted construct that impulsivity represents, defining core aspects of impulsivity is vital for the assessment and understanding of clinical conditions. Choice impulsivity (CI), involving the preferential selection of smaller sooner rewards over larger later rewards, represents one important type of impulsivity. Method The International Society for Research on Impulsivity (InSRI) convened to discuss the definition and assessment of CI and provide recommendations regarding measurement across species. Results Commonly used preclinical and clinical CI behavioral tasks are described, and considerations for each task are provided to guide CI task selection. Differences in assessment of CI (self-report, behavioral) and calculating CI indices (e.g., area-under-the-curve, indifference point, steepness of discounting curve) are discussed along with properties of specific behavioral tasks used in preclinical and clinical settings. Conclusions The InSRI group recommends inclusion of measures of CI in human studies examining impulsivity. Animal studies examining impulsivity should also include assessments of CI and these measures should be harmonized in accordance with human studies of the disorders being modeled in the preclinical investigations. The choice of specific CI measures to be included should be based on the goals of the study and existing preclinical and clinical literature using established CI measures.


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“Children are not little adults.” Almost all aspects of children's health including clinical trials and drug development are poor cousins of adult health. Over the years, pediatricians worldwide caution against blind extrapolation of adult data to children as it may result in considerable harm [1,2]. Also, it is increasingly recognized that the roots of many chronic diseases in adulthood stem from childhood and tackling health issues in children lead to improved health in adults [3,4]. Furthermore, investment in early childhood has long-term benefits in adults not only in health but also in other aspects of life such as education and crime reduction [4,5]. Arguably, health at birth is the single most important predictor of health in adulthood as the inequality of an infant at birth has intergenerational effects [5]. The Carolina Abecedarian Project showed that early childhood programs that are of high quality result in substantial societal benefits (e.g., reduction of crime, increased earnings, better education) [4,5]. A recent publication from this project found that this benefit also translated into improved adult health outcomes [4]. In a randomized trial, Campbell and colleagues described that disadvantaged children who were randomized to the intervention group (early education, health screenings and nutrition program) had significantly lower rates of metabolic syndrome, obesity and hypertension, when aged in their mid-30s, compared with the control group [4]...


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On-line learning is increasingly being used in nursing education. Nevertheless, there is still insufficient evidence to demonstrate: whether students respond positively when this form of learning is used to teach relatively practical or clinical subjects; whether it is effective; and whether it is fair to students with less access to, or familiarity with, computers and the internet. In 2003, an on-line Unit on clinical communication was developed for Australian undergraduate nurses in partnership between an Australian School of Nursing and the a Department of Clinical Psychology. Students were overwhelmingly positive in their evaluation of the Unit although some regretted the lack of face-to-face contact with tutors and peers. The best aspects of the Unit included the content and structure being perceived as interesting, fun and informative, the relevance of the material for them as nurses, flexibility to work independently, promotion of critical thinking and gaining an understanding of client issues. Neither their evaluation nor their final grades were related to students’ age or whether they preferred on-line or traditional learning. Students who had readily available computer access, however, had better final grades. Also, students’ grades were correlated with how often they accessed the Unit.


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Introduction: A number of genetic-association studies have identified genes contributing to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) susceptibility but such approaches provide little information as to the gene activity changes occurring during the disease process. Transcriptional profiling generates a 'snapshot' of the sampled cells' activity and thus can provide insights into the molecular processes driving the disease process. We undertook a whole-genome microarray approach to identify candidate genes associated with AS and validated these gene-expression changes in a larger sample cohort. Methods: A total of 18 active AS patients, classified according to the New York criteria, and 18 gender- and age-matched controls were profiled using Illumina HT-12 whole-genome expression BeadChips which carry cDNAs for 48,000 genes and transcripts. Class comparison analysis identified a number of differentially expressed candidate genes. These candidate genes were then validated in a larger cohort using qPCR-based TaqMan low density arrays (TLDAs). Results: A total of 239 probes corresponding to 221 genes were identified as being significantly different between patients and controls with a P-value <0.0005 (80% confidence level of false discovery rate). Forty-seven genes were then selected for validation studies, using the TLDAs. Thirteen of these genes were validated in the second patient cohort with 12 downregulated 1.3- to 2-fold and only 1 upregulated (1.6-fold). Among a number of identified genes with well-documented inflammatory roles we also validated genes that might be of great interest to the understanding of AS progression such as SPOCK2 (osteonectin) and EP300, which modulate cartilage and bone metabolism. Conclusions: We have validated a gene expression signature for AS from whole blood and identified strong candidate genes that may play roles in both the inflammatory and joint destruction aspects of the disease.


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There is now a widespread recognition of the importance of mental imagery in a range of clinical disorders (1). This provides the potential for a transdiagnostic route to integrate some aspects of these disorders and their treatment within a common framework. This opinion piece argues that we need to understand why imagery is such a central and recurring feature, if we are to progress theories of the origin and maintenance of disorders. This will aid us in identifying therapeutic techniques that are not simply targeting imagery as a symptom, but as a manifestation of an underlying problem. As papers in this issue highlight, imagery is a central feature across many clinical disorders, but has been ascribed varying roles. For example, the involuntary occurrence of traumatic memories is a diagnostic criterion for PTSD (2), and it has been suggested that multisensory imagery of traumatic events normally serves a functional role in allowing the individual to reappraise the situation (3), but that this re-appraisal is disabled by extreme affective responses. In contrast to the disabling flashbacks associated with PTSD, depressed adults who experience suicidal ideation often report “flash forward” imagery related to suicidal acts (4), motivating them to self-harm. Socially anxious individuals who engage in visual imagery about giving a talk in public become more anxious and make more negative predictions about future performance than others who engage in more abstract, semantic processing of the past event (5). People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) frequently report imagery of past adverse events, and imagery seems to be associated with severity (6). The content of intrusive imagery has been related to psychotic symptoms (7), including visual images of the catastrophic fears associated with paranoia and persecution. Imagery has been argued (8) to play a role in the maintenance of psychosis through negative appraisals of imagined voices, misattribution of sensations to external sources, by the induction of negative mood states that trigger voices, and through maintenance of negative schemas. In addiction and substance dependence, Elaborated Intrusion (EI) Theory (9, 10) emphasizes the causal role that imagery plays in substance use, through its role in motivating an individual to pursue goals directed toward achieving the pleasurable outcomes associated with substance use...


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Context In-training assessment (ITA) has established its place alongside formative and summative assessment at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level. In this paper the authors aimed to identify those characteristics of ITA that could enhance clinical teaching. Methods A literature review and discussions by an expert working group at the Ninth Cambridge Conference identified the aspects of ITA that could enhance clinical teaching. Results The features of ITA identified included defining the specific benefits to the learner, teacher and institution, and highlighting the patient as the context for ITA and clinical teaching. The ‘mapping’ of a learner’s progress towards the clinical teaching objectives by using multiple assessments over time, by multiple observers in both a systematic and opportunistic way correlates with the incremental nature of reaching clinical competence. Conclusions The importance of ITA based on both direct and indirect evidence of what the learner actually does in the real clinical setting is emphasized. Particular attention is given to addressing concerns in the more controversial areas of assessor training, ratings and documentation for ITA. Areas for future research are also identified.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare, in patients with cancer and in healthy subjects, measured resting energy expenditure (REE) from traditional indirect calorimetry to a new portable device (MedGem) and predicted REE. DESIGN: Cross-sectional clinical validation study. SETTING: Private radiation oncology centre, Brisbane, Australia. SUBJECTS: Cancer patients (n = 18) and healthy subjects (n = 17) aged 37-86 y, with body mass indices ranging from 18 to 42 kg/m(2). INTERVENTIONS: Oxygen consumption (VO(2)) and REE were measured by VMax229 (VM) and MedGem (MG) indirect calorimeters in random order after a 12-h fast and 30-min rest. REE was also calculated from the MG without adjustment for nitrogen excretion (MGN) and estimated from Harris-Benedict prediction equations. Data were analysed using the Bland and Altman approach, based on a clinically acceptable difference between methods of 5%. RESULTS: The mean bias (MGN-VM) was 10% and limits of agreement were -42 to 21% for cancer patients; mean bias -5% with limits of -45 to 35% for healthy subjects. Less than half of the cancer patients (n = 7, 46.7%) and only a third (n = 5, 33.3%) of healthy subjects had measured REE by MGN within clinically acceptable limits of VM. Predicted REE showed a mean bias (HB-VM) of -5% for cancer patients and 4% for healthy subjects, with limits of agreement of -30 to 20% and -27 to 34%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Limits of agreement for the MG and Harris Benedict equations compared to traditional indirect calorimetry were similar but wide, indicating poor clinical accuracy for determining the REE of individual cancer patients and healthy subjects.


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Objective: To compare the effectiveness of the STRATIFY falls tool with nurses’ clinical judgments in predicting patient falls. Study Design and Setting: A prospective cohort study was conducted among the inpatients of an acute tertiary hospital. Participants were patients over 65 years of age admitted to any hospital unit. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) of the instrument and nurses’ clinical judgments in predicting falls were calculated. Results: Seven hundred and eighty-eight patients were screened and followed up during the study period. The fall prevalence was 9.2%. Of the 335 patients classified as being ‘‘at risk’’ for falling using the STRATIFY tool, 59 (17.6%) did sustain a fall (sensitivity50.82, specificity50.61, PPV50.18, NPV50.97). Nurses judged that 501 patients were at risk of falling and, of these, 60 (12.0%) fell (sensitivity50.84, specificity50.38, PPV50.12, NPV50.96). The STRATIFY tool correctly identified significantly more patients as either fallers or nonfallers than the nurses (P50.027). Conclusion: Considering the poor specificity and high rates of false-positive results for both the STRATIFY tool and nurses’ clinical judgments, we conclude that neither of these approaches are useful for screening of falls in acute hospital settings.