46 resultados para Asylum seeker


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A fundamental prerequisite of population health research is the ability to establish an accurate denominator. This in turn requires that every individual in the study population is counted. However, this seemingly simple principle has become a point of conflict between researchers whose aim is to produce evidence of disparities in population health outcomes and governments whose policies promote(intentionally or not) inequalities that are the underlying causes of health disparities. Research into the health of asylum seekers is a case in point. There is a growing body of evidence documenting the adverse affects of recent changes in asylum-seeking legislation, including mandatory detention. However, much of this evidence has been dismissed by some governments as being unsound, biased and unscientific because, it is argued, evidence is derived from small samples or from case studies. Yet, it is the policies of governments that are the key barrier to the conduct of rigorous population health research on asylum seekers. In this paper, the authors discuss the challenges of counting asylum seekers and the limitations of data reported in some industrialized countries. They argue that the lack of accurate statistical data on asylum seekers has been an effective neo-conservative strategy for erasing the health inequalities in this vulnerable population, indeed a strategy that renders invisible this population. They describe some alternative strategies that may be used by researchers to obtain denominator data on hard-to-reach populations such as asylum seekers.


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Over the past five years, Australia has accepted approximately 50 000 individuals through its Humanitarian program. To integrate these individuals specialised medical and psychological services have been established in major centres of Australia. Australia has been involved in a heated and partisan debate as to the policy of the government in responding to the refugee situation. Regardless of the outcome of the debate, it is imperative that Australia establishes and develops effective policies and processes to respond to the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers. To this end, the current review provides an overview of published studies relating to the psychological treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, as well as studies covering the delivery of related services in response to the needs of this group. In this review we aim to provide an informed perspective in terms of research evidence where this is available. Reported research is supported by findings from local focus groups conducted in Queensland, Australia. The overall aim is to provide an optimum response to facilitate the development of effective and humane programs for a significantly disadvantaged group in our community.


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Immigration to Australia has long been the focus of negative political interest. In recent times, the proposal of exclusionary policies such as the Malaysia Deal in 2011 has fuelled further debate. In these debates, Federal politicians often describe asylum seekers and refugees as ‘illegal’, ‘queue jumpers’, and ‘boat people’. This paper investigates how the political discourse constructs asylum seekers and refugees during debates surrounding the Malaysia Deal in the Federal Parliament of Australia in 2011. Hansard Parliamentary debates were analysed to identify the underlying themes and constructions that permeate political discourse about asylum seekers and refugees. This paper argues that a dichotomous characterisation of legitimacy pervades their construction with this group constructed either as legitimate humanitarian refugees or as illegitimate ‘boat arrivals’. These constructions result in the misrepresentation of asylum seekers as illegitimate, undermining their right to protection under Australia’s laws and international obligations. This construction also represents a shift in federal political discourse from constructing asylum seekers as a border or security threat, towards an increasing preoccupation with this categorisation of people as legitimate, or illegitimate.


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In June 2012 Prime Minister Gillard appointed an Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers to provide advice on policy options 'to prevent asylum seekers rising their lives on dangerous boat journeys to Australia'. This article examines the establishment of that Committee against the backdrop of an increasing number of boat arrivals, of deaths at sea and the failure of Government policy responses to prevent them. It examines the recommendations of the Expert Panel and considers the punitive outcome of some of these recommendations including the 'no advantage' test. It evaluates Kevin Rudd's Regional Resettlement Arrangement with Papua New Guinea and concludes that Australian and regional initiatives need to focus on protection of asylum seekers, not deterrence or avoidance of international obligations


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This paper aims to provide a contextualised and embedded exploration of how the notions of "practice" and "participation", key concepts in the study of culture and media, are manifest in an example of a complex creative project. This project aimed to engage with refugees and asylum seekers through the co-creation of cultural material and is an outcome of an? ethnographic action research (Tacchi et al. 2003) partnership involving a community development worker in a settlement support agency and a storytelling/community media researcher (the author), along with other project collaborators. The discussion of this project focuses on the role of the facilitator and illustrates the processes of orchestrating a complex project involving a series of linked stages with cumulative effect. As practitioners at this site we are working in the space where personal narratives, participatory arts and media, and the staging of intercultural, civic dialogue events, intersect. Co-creative media facilitation in these contexts involves both managing hybrid communicative spaces and (re)combining the "integrative practices" (Schatzki 1996) of a range of professional approaches and creative roles. This is liminal work, located on the boundaries of several disciplines and practices. Drawing on reflections gathered from collaborative ethnographic descriptions (Bhattacharya 2008), this paper traces moments of practitioner uncertainty that can be linked to the way "practice" and “participation” is problematised within the community cultural development field in a way that is at times an uneasy fit with conventional ways of operating in social service roles. These moments of tension also indicate where this project pushed practitioners into spaces of improvisation and new learning. Keywords: Youth, refugees, community cultural development, co-creative media facilitation, ethnographic action research, intercultural dialogue.


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This qualitative study investigated the drivers and determinants of irregular maritime migration among 17 protection visa holders who arrived in Australia as unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with eight non-government service providers working with unaccompanied minors in the Greater Brisbane area.


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Objective: Given the Australian government’s current policy of placing asylum seekers into the community while their applications for asylum are being considered, it is important that mental health practitioners are able to offer culturally safe, sensitive, and competent services in this context. Method: A qualitative approach was used to interview seven practitioners, who provided services to asylum seekers at a specialist health clinic in the community. These professionals used their experience to identify the psychosocial issues faced by these asylum seekers, the challenges of providing culturally effective services to this group, and how these services can be improved. Result: Data were thematically analysed using NVivo. The findings indicated that participants perceived that clients experienced psychological, health, and cultural difficulties. The stress and uncertainty around visa applications emerged as the most severe factor impacting asylum seekers’ mental health. Working effectively with interpreters and culturally adapting assessment and treatment for these clients emerged as effective strategies. Gathering information in a conversational way and using clients’ different cultural explanatory models were methods used to identify and address mental health issues, rather than using formal measures. Interventions were eclectic and holistic, and reflected treatments that were appropriate for the clients’ cultural backgrounds. Conclusion: The study has implications for how psychological services are offered to asylum seekers in the community. Further, it identifies areas that can be incorporated in the future training of practitioners.


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In 2012, the Australian government in office introduced a novel scheme of housing asylum seekers as guests of Australians in the community. A number of Australians participated in the scheme and volunteered as hosts. This study compared those who volunteered to assist asylum seekers with general members of the community to explore the impact attitudes towards cultural diversity and demographic factors had upon willingness to support asylum seekers. Further, the two groups were combined to examine the factors that can contribute to positive attitudes to diversity in society in general. Participants (N = 142; aged from 24-79 years) completed online questionnaires assessing demographic variables, attitudes towards cultural diversity and acculturation. Various analysis of variance procedures, Chi-squared tests and correlations were conducted. Group comparisons indicated that volunteers’ attitudes did not impact on willingness to support asylum seekers. However, some demographic differences between groups emerged. Volunteers were more likely to be professionals with stable jobs, ethnically diverse and well-travelled individuals. Analyses on the combined groups indicated age, education and not having a strong religious affiliation enhanced Australians’ positive attitudes to cultural diversity. The findings have implications for promoting positive attitudes to diversity in individuals, organisations and communities. Potential opportunities for professionals and policy-makers to promote support for cultural diversity in the community are discussed.


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This qualitative study investigated the refugee journey of 17 males who arrived in Australia as unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors between 2009 and 2013, and were granted protection visas. The paper focuses on the four conceptual challenges of refugee journeys, as identified recently by BenEzer and Zetter: temporal characteristics; drivers and destinations; the process/content of the journey; and the characteristics of the wayfarers. The findings indicate that their mental journey has not yet ended and transcends the physical departure-arrival voyage. Although the primary drivers for the refugee journey were protection reasons, their desire to find a “better life” free from violence and exclusion also played an important role. The irregular character of the journey made it highly unpredictable, exposed these minors to extreme levels of vulnerability and the need to remain invisible, prompted short lived friendships with other asylum seekers, and created a pervasive feeling of mistrust towards smugglers and other people they met along the way. The study has highlighted the need for interventions to protect unaccompanied minors during their refugee journey.


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The 1989 Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) has recently been described as a successful example of how to manage large protracted refugee flows. However, this article revisits the circumstances surrounding the CPA used to resolve the prolonged Indo-Chinese refugee crisis to highlight that part of its development was linked to the fact that Southeast Asian states refused to engage with proposed solutions, which did not include repatriation for the majority of the Indo-Chinese asylum seekers who were deemed to be ‘non-genuine’1 ( UNGA, 1989a) refugees. This resulted in the CPA often forcibly repatriating ‘non-genuine’ refugees, particularly near the end of its program. This article reviews the CPA in order to assess whether its practices and results should be repeated.


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This paper examines the patterns of television news coverage of the political parties, their leaders and the issues they raised during the 2001 Australian federal election campaign. By focusing on some issues, parties and leaders, television has long been argued to constrain voters' evaluations. We find that television news coverage in the 2001 Australian election campaign focused primarily on international issues, especially terrorism and asylum seekers, and on the two major parties - virtually to the exclusion of coverage of the minor parties and their leaders. Within the major party 'two-horse race', television gave substantially more coverage to the leaders than to the parties themselves, thereby sustaining what some have called a 'presidential'-style political contest. John Howard emerged as the winner in the leaders' stakes, garnering more coverage than Labor's Kim Beazley.


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Working with 12 journalism students plus a research assistant, producer/director Romano conducted five community focus groups and discussions with 80 people on the street. These provided the themes and concepts and the creative approaches for each program. Each was structured around one of the emergent themes; all programs offered different voices rather than coming to a single conclusion. New Horizons, New Homes aired over three weeks n Radio 4EB and was entered into the 2005 UN Media Peace Award where it won the Best Radio Category ahead of ABC and SBS. The UN commended the way in which the programs brought together a wide base of research to create a better understanding in the community on this issue. This project did not just improve the accuracy and social inclusiveness of reporting. It applied principles of deliberative democracy in the creation of journalism that enhances citizens’ deliberative potential on complex social issues


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Monotony has been identified as a contributing factor to road crashes. Drivers’ ability to react to unpredictable events deteriorates when exposed to highly predictable and uneventful driving tasks, such as driving on Australian rural roads, many of which are monotonous by nature. Highway design in particular attempts to reduce the driver’s task to a merely lane-keeping one. Such a task provides little stimulation and is monotonous, thus affecting the driver’s attention which is no longer directed towards the road. Inattention contributes to crashes, especially for professional drivers. Monotony has been studied mainly from the endogenous perspective (for instance through sleep deprivation) without taking into account the influence of the task itself (repetitiveness) or the surrounding environment. The aim and novelty of this thesis is to develop a methodology (mathematical framework) able to predict driver lapses of vigilance under monotonous environments in real time, using endogenous and exogenous data collected from the driver, the vehicle and the environment. Existing approaches have tended to neglect the specificity of task monotony, leaving the question of the existence of a “monotonous state” unanswered. Furthermore the issue of detecting vigilance decrement before it occurs (predictions) has not been investigated in the literature, let alone in real time. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to explain how vigilance evolves in monotonous conditions. Such an approach needs to draw on psychology, physiology, road safety, computer science and mathematics. The systemic approach proposed in this study is unique with its predictive dimension and allows us to define, in real time, the impacts of monotony on the driver’s ability to drive. Such methodology is based on mathematical models integrating data available in vehicles to the vigilance state of the driver during a monotonous driving task in various environments. The model integrates different data measuring driver’s endogenous and exogenous factors (related to the driver, the vehicle and the surrounding environment). Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to measure driver vigilance since it has been shown to be the most reliable and real time methodology to assess vigilance level. There are a variety of mathematical models suitable to provide a framework for predictions however, to find the most accurate model, a collection of mathematical models were trained in this thesis and the most reliable was found. The methodology developed in this research is first applied to a theoretically sound measure of sustained attention called Sustained Attention Response to Task (SART) as adapted by Michael (2010), Michael and Meuter (2006, 2007). This experiment induced impairments due to monotony during a vigilance task. Analyses performed in this thesis confirm and extend findings from Michael (2010) that monotony leads to an important vigilance impairment independent of fatigue. This thesis is also the first to show that monotony changes the dynamics of vigilance evolution and tends to create a “monotonous state” characterised by reduced vigilance. Personality traits such as being a low sensation seeker can mitigate this vigilance decrement. It is also evident that lapses in vigilance can be predicted accurately with Bayesian modelling and Neural Networks. This framework was then applied to the driving task by designing a simulated monotonous driving task. The design of such task requires multidisciplinary knowledge and involved psychologist Rebecca Michael. Monotony was varied through both the road design and the road environment variables. This experiment demonstrated that road monotony can lead to driving impairment. Particularly monotonous road scenery was shown to have the most impact compared to monotonous road design. Next, this study identified a variety of surrogate measures that are correlated with vigilance levels obtained from the EEG. Such vigilance states can be predicted with these surrogate measures. This means that vigilance decrement can be detected in a car without the use of an EEG device. Amongst the different mathematical models tested in this thesis, only Neural Networks predicted the vigilance levels accurately. The results of both these experiments provide valuable information about the methodology to predict vigilance decrement. Such an issue is quite complex and requires modelling that can adapt to highly inter-individual differences. Only Neural Networks proved accurate in both studies, suggesting that these models are the most likely to be accurate when used on real roads or for further research on vigilance modelling. This research provides a better understanding of the driving task under monotonous conditions. Results demonstrate that mathematical modelling can be used to determine the driver’s vigilance state when driving using surrogate measures identified during this study. This research has opened up avenues for future research and could result in the development of an in-vehicle device predicting driver vigilance decrement. Such a device could contribute to a reduction in crashes and therefore improve road safety.


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In May 2008, xenophobic violence erupted in South Africa. The targets were individuals who had migrated from the north in search of asylum. Emerging first in township communities around Johannesburg, the aggression spread to other provinces. Sixty-two people died, and 100,000 (20,000 in the Western Cape alone) were displaced. As the attacks escalated across the country, thousands of migrants searched for refuge in police stations and churches. Chilling stories spread about mobs armed with axes, metal bars, and clubs. The mobs stormed from shack to shack, assaulted migrants, locked them in their homes, and set the homes on fire. The public reaction was one of shock and horror. The Los Angeles Times declared, “Migrants Burned Alive in S. Africa.” The South African president at the time, Thabo Mbeki, called for an end to “shameful and criminal attacks.” Commentators were stunned by the signs of hatred of foreigners (xenophobia) that emerged in the young South African democracy. The tragedy of the violence in South Africa was magnified by the fact that many of the victims had fled from violence and persecution in their countries of origin. Amid genocidal violations of human rights that had recently occurred in some countries in sub- Saharan Africa, the new South Africa stood as a beacon of democracy and respect for human dignity. With this openness in mind, many immigrants to South Africa sought safety and refuge from the conflicts in their homelands. More than 43,500 refugees and 227,000 asylum seekers now live in South Africa. The majority of people accorded refugee status came from Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Somalia. South Africa also hosts thousands of other migrants who remain undocumented.


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Generally speaking, psychologists have suggested three traditional views of how people cope with uncertainty. They are the certainty maximiser, the intuitive statistician-economist and the knowledge seeker (Smithson, 2008). In times of uncertainty, such as the recent global financial crisis, these coping methods often result in innovation in industry. Richards (2003) identifies innovation as different from creativity in that innovation aims to transform and implement rather than simply explore and invent. An examination of the work of iconic fashion designers, through case study and situational analysis, reveals that coping with uncertainty manifests itself in ways that have resulted in innovations in design, marketing methods, production and consumption. In relation to contemporary fashion, where many garments look the same in style, colour, cut and fit (Finn, 2008), the concept of innovation is an important one. This paper explores the role of uncertainty as a driver of innovation in fashion design. A key aspect of seeking knowledge, as a mechanism to cope with this uncertainty, is a return to basics. This is a problem for contemporary fashion designers who are no longer necessarily makers and therefore do not engage with the basic materials and methods of garment construction. In many cases design in fashion has become digital, communicated to an unseen, unknown production team via scanned image and specification alone. The disconnection between the design and the making of garments, as a result of decades of off-shore manufacturing, has limited the opportunity for this return to basics. The authors argue that the role of the fashion designer has become about the final product and as a result there is a lack of innovation in the process of making: in the form, fit and function of fashion garments. They propose that ‘knowledge seeking’ as a result of uncertainty in the fashion industry, in particular through re-examination of the methods of making, could hold the key to a new era of innovation in fashion design.