111 resultados para Aeronautical laboratories


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In a mini review from 2002, Tyler Jacks and Robert Weinberg commented on the pioneering three-dimensional (3D) culture work from Bissell laboratories and concluded: “Suddenly the study of cancer cells in two dimensions seems quaint if not archaic.” The relevance of this statement for planning and executing mechanistic biological studies and advanced drug testing has been largely disregarded by both academic researchers and the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry in the twenty-first century.


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Objective: To determine whether there are clinical and public health dilemmas resulting from the reproducibility of routine vitamin D assays. Methods: Blinded agreement studies were conducted in eight clinical laboratories using two commonly used assays to measure serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels in Australasia and Canada (DiaSorin Radioimmunoassay (RIA) and DiaSorin LIAISON® one). Results: Only one laboratory measured 25(OH)D with excellent precision. Replicate 25(OH)D measurements varied by up to 97% and 15% of paired results differed by more than 50%. Thirteen percent of subjects received one result indicating insufficiency [25-50 nmol/l] and another suggesting adequacy [>50 nmol/l]). Agreement ranged from poor to excellent for laboratories using the manual RIA, while the precision of the semi-automated Liaison® system was consistently poor. Conclusions: Recent interest in the relevance of vitamin D to human health has increased demand for 25(OH)D testing and associated costs. Our results suggest clinicians and public health authorities are making decisions about treatment or changes to public health policy based on imprecise data. Clinicians, researchers and policy makers should be made aware of the imprecision of current 25(OH)D testing so that they exercise caution when using these assays for clinical practice, and when interpreting the findings of epidemiological studies based on vitamin D levels measured using these assays. Development of a rapid, reproducible, accurate and robust assay should be a priority due to interest in populationbased screening programs and research to inform public health policy about the amount of sun exposure required for human health. In the interim, 25(OH)D results should routinely include a statement of measurement uncertainty.


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The planning of airports has long been contentious because of their localisation of negative impacts. The globalisation, commercialisation and deregulation of the aviation industry has unleashed powerful new economic forces both on and offairport. Over the last two decades, many airports have evolved into airport cities located at the heart of the wider aerotropolis region. This shifts the appropriate scale of planning analysis towards broader regional concerns. However,governments have been slow to respond and airport planning usually remains poorly integrated with local, city and regional planning imperatives. The Australian experience exemplifies the divide. The privatization of major Australian airports from 1996 has seen billions of dollars spent on new airside and landside infrastructure but with little oversight from local and state authorities because the ultimate authority for on-airport development is the Federal Minister for Transport. Consequently, there have been growing tensions in many major airport regions between the private airport lessee and the broader community, exacerbated by both the building of highly conspicuous non-aeronautical developments and growing airport area congestion. This paper examines the urban planning content of Australia’s national aviation policy review (2008-09) with reference to current and potential opportunities for all-of-region collaboration in the planning process.


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Adiabatic compression testing of components in gaseous oxygen is a test method that is utilized worldwide and is commonly required to qualify a component for ignition tolerance under its intended service. This testing is required by many industry standards organizations and government agencies; however, a thorough evaluation of the test parameters and test system influences on the thermal energy produced during the test has not yet been performed. This paper presents a background for adiabatic compression testing and discusses an approach to estimating potential differences in the thermal profiles produced by different test laboratories. A “Thermal Profile Test Fixture” (TPTF) is described that is capable of measuring and characterizing the thermal energy for a typical pressure shock by any test system. The test systems at Wendell Hull & Associates, Inc. (WHA) in the USA and at the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Germany are compared in this manner and some of the data obtained is presented. The paper also introduces a new way of comparing the test method to idealized processes to perform system-by-system comparisons. Thus, the paper introduces an “Idealized Severity Index” (ISI) of the thermal energy to characterize a rapid pressure surge. From the TPTF data a “Test Severity Index” (TSI) can also be calculated so that the thermal energies developed by different test systems can be compared to each other and to the ISI for the equivalent isentropic process. Finally, a “Service Severity Index” (SSI) is introduced to characterizing the thermal energy of actual service conditions. This paper is the second in a series of publications planned on the subject of adiabatic compression testing.


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New air traffic automated separation management concepts are constantly under investigation. Yet most of the automated separation management algorithms proposed over the last few decades have assumed either perfect communication or exact knowledge of all aircraft locations. In realistic environments, these idealized assumptions are not valid and any communication failure can potentially lead to disastrous outcomes. This paper examines the separation performance behavior of several popular algorithms during periods of information loss. This comparison is done through simulation studies. These simulation studies suggest that communication failure can cause the performance of these separation management algorithms to degrade significantly. This paper also describes some preliminary flight tests.


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This paper introduces a novel strategy for the specification of airworthiness certification categories for civil unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The risk-based approach acknowledges the fundamental differences between the risk paradigms of manned and unmanned aviation. The proposed airworthiness certification matrix provides a systematic and objective structure for regulating the airworthiness of a diverse range of UAS types and operations. An approach for specifying UAS type categories is then discussed. An example of the approach, which includes the novel application of data-clustering algorithms, is presented to illustrate the discussion.


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This paper proposes a novel automated separation management concept in which onboard decision support is integrated within a centralised air traffic separation management system. The onboard decision support system involves a decentralised separation manager that can overrule air traffic management instructions under certain circumstances. This approach allows the advantages of both centralised and decentralised concepts to be combined (and disadvantages of each separation management approach to be mitigated). Simulation studies are used to illustrate the potential benefits of the combined separation management concept.


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This paper presents an Airborne Systems Laboratory for Automation Research. The Airborne Systems Laboratory (ASL) is a Cessna 172 aircraft that has been specially modified and equipped by ARCAA specifically for research in future aircraft automation technologies, including Unmanned Airborne Systems (UAS). This capability has been developed over a long period of time, initially through the hire of aircraft, and finally through the purchase and modification of a dedicated flight-testing capability. The ASL has been equipped with a payload system that includes the provision of secure mounting, power, aircraft state data, flight management system and real-time subsystem. Finally, this system has been deployed in a cost effective platform allowing real-world flight-testing on a range of projects.


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Standardization is critical to scientists and regulators to ensure the quality and interoperability of research processes, as well as the safety and efficacy of the attendant research products. This is perhaps most evident in the case of “omics science,” which is enabled by a host of diverse high-throughput technologies such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. But standards are of interest to (and shaped by) others far beyond the immediate realm of individual scientists, laboratories, scientific consortia, or governments that develop, apply, and regulate them. Indeed, scientific standards have consequences for the social, ethical, and legal environment in which innovative technologies are regulated, and thereby command the attention of policy makers and citizens. This article argues that standardization of omics science is both technical and social. A critical synthesis of the social science literature indicates that: (1) standardization requires a degree of flexibility to be practical at the level of scientific practice in disparate sites; (2) the manner in which standards are created, and by whom, will impact their perceived legitimacy and therefore their potential to be used; and (3) the process of standardization itself is important to establishing the legitimacy of an area of scientific research.


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Many airports around the world are diversifying their land use strategies to integrate non-aeronautical development. These airports embrace the “airport city” concept to develop a wide range of commercial and light industrial land uses to support airport revenues. The consequences of this changing urban form are profound for both airport and municipal planners alike and present numerous challenges with regard to integration of airport and regional planning. While several tools exist for regional planning and airport operational planning, no holistic airport landside and regional planning tool exist. What is required is a planning support system that can integrate the sometimes conflicting stakeholder interests into one common goal for the airport and the surrounding region. This paper presents a planning support system and evaluates its application to a case study involving Brisbane Airport and the South East Queensland region in Australia.


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The privatization of major Australian airports in the late 1990s unleashed an unprecedented development wave as corporate lessees implemented ambitious business plans. While planning and environmental regulations governing on-airport development were significantly enhanced, there has been national disquiet about a governance regime that remains under the auspices of the federal government and is not effectively integrated into state and local decision-making machinery. Tensions in major airport regions have been exacerbated by the building of highly conspicuous non-aeronautical developments approved with no determining input by local decision-makers as well as the growing pressures on off-airport locations for aviation-related development. This paper canvasses this context and overviews the evolving structure of planning controls for Australia’s privatized federal airports. A range of issues surfacing through the National Aviation Policy Review process in 2008–2009 is described.


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This thesis discusses various aspects of the integrity monitoring of GPS applied to civil aircraft navigation in different phases of flight. These flight phases include en route, terminal, non-precision approach and precision approach. The thesis includes four major topics: probability problem of GPS navigation service, risk analysis of aircraft precision approach and landing, theoretical analysis of Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) techniques and RAIM availability, and GPS integrity monitoring at a ground reference station. Particular attention is paid to the mathematical aspects of the GPS integrity monitoring system. The research has been built upon the stringent integrity requirements defined by civil aviation community, and concentrates on the capability and performance investigation of practical integrity monitoring systems with rigorous mathematical and statistical concepts and approaches. Major contributions of this research are: • Rigorous integrity and continuity risk analysis for aircraft precision approach. Based on the joint probability density function of the affecting components, the integrity and continuity risks of aircraft precision approach with DGPS were computed. This advanced the conventional method of allocating the risk probability. • A theoretical study of RAIM test power. This is the first time a theoretical study on RAIM test power based on the probability statistical theory has been presented, resulting in a new set of RAIM criteria. • Development of a GPS integrity monitoring and DGPS quality control system based on GPS reference station. A prototype of GPS integrity monitoring and DGPS correction prediction system has been developed and tested, based on the A USN A V GPS base station on the roof of QUT ITE Building.


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The task addressed in this thesis is the automatic alignment of an ensemble of misaligned images in an unsupervised manner. This application is especially useful in computer vision applications where annotations of the shape of an object of interest present in a collection of images is required. Performing this task manually is a slow, tedious, expensive and error prone process which hinders the progress of research laboratories and businesses. Most recently, the unsupervised removal of geometric variation present in a collection of images has been referred to as congealing based on the seminal work of Learned-Miller [21]. The only assumption made in congealing is that the parametric nature of the misalignment is known a priori (e.g. translation, similarity, a�ne, etc) and that the object of interest is guaranteed to be present in each image. The capability to congeal an ensemble of misaligned images stemming from the same object class has numerous applications in object recognition, detection and tracking. This thesis concerns itself with the construction of a congealing algorithm titled, least-squares congealing, which is inspired by the well known image to image alignment algorithm developed by Lucas and Kanade [24]. The algorithm is shown to have superior performance characteristics when compared to previously established methods: canonical congealing by Learned-Miller [21] and stochastic congealing by Z�ollei [39].


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Machine vision represents a particularly attractive solution for sensing and detecting potential collision-course targets due to the relatively low cost, size, weight, and power requirements of the sensors involved. This paper describes the development of detection algorithms and the evaluation of a real-time flight ready hardware implementation of a vision-based collision detection system suitable for fixed-wing small/medium size UAS. In particular, this paper demonstrates the use of Hidden Markov filter to track and estimate the elevation (β) and bearing (α) of the target, compares several candidate graphic processing hardware choices, and proposes an image based visual servoing approach to achieve collision avoidance