521 resultados para selection methods


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Background In an attempt to establish some consensus on the proper use and design of experimental animal models in musculoskeletal research, AOVET (the veterinary specialty group of the AO Foundation) in concert with the AO Research Institute (ARI), and the European Academy for the Study of Scientific and Technological Advance, convened a group of musculoskeletal researchers, veterinarians, legal experts, and ethicists to discuss, in a frank and open forum, the use of animals in musculoskeletal research. Methods The group narrowed the field to fracture research. The consensus opinion resulting from this workshop can be summarized as follows: Results & Conclusion Anaesthesia and pain management protocols for research animals should follow standard protocols applied in clinical work for the species involved. This will improve morbidity and mortality outcomes. A database should be established to facilitate selection of anaesthesia and pain management protocols for specific experimental surgical procedures and adopted as an International Standard (IS) according to animal species selected. A list of 10 golden rules and requirements for conduction of animal experiments in musculoskeletal research was drawn up comprising 1) Intelligent study designs to receive appropriate answers; 2) Minimal complication rates (5 to max. 10%); 3) Defined end-points for both welfare and scientific outputs analogous to quality assessment (QA) audit of protocols in GLP studies; 4) Sufficient details for materials and methods applied; 5) Potentially confounding variables (genetic background, seasonal, hormonal, size, histological, and biomechanical differences); 6) Post-operative management with emphasis on analgesia and follow-up examinations; 7) Study protocols to satisfy criteria established for a "justified animal study"; 8) Surgical expertise to conduct surgery on animals; 9) Pilot studies as a critical part of model validation and powering of the definitive study design; 10) Criteria for funding agencies to include requirements related to animal experiments as part of the overall scientific proposal review protocols. Such agencies are also encouraged to seriously consider and adopt the recommendations described here when awarding funds for specific projects. Specific new requirements and mandates related both to improving the welfare and scientific rigour of animal-based research models are urgently needed as part of international harmonization of standards.


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Background Invasive species pose a significant threat to global economies, agriculture and biodiversity. Despite progress towards understanding the ecological factors associated with plant invasions, limited genomic resources have made it difficult to elucidate the evolutionary and genetic factors responsible for invasiveness. This study presents the first expressed sequence tag (EST) collection for Senecio madagascariensis, a globally invasive plant species. Methods We used pyrosequencing of one normalized and two subtractive libraries, derived from one native and one invasive population, to generate an EST collection. ESTs were assembled into contigs, annotated by BLAST comparison with the NCBI non-redundant protein database and assigned gene ontology (GO) terms from the Plant GO Slim ontologies. Key Results Assembly of the 221 746 sequence reads resulted in 12 442 contigs. Over 50 % (6183) of 12 442 contigs showed significant homology to proteins in the NCBI database, representing approx. 4800 independent transcripts. The molecular transducer GO term was significantly over-represented in the native (South African) subtractive library compared with the invasive (Australian) library. Based on NCBI BLAST hits and literature searches, 40 % of the molecular transducer genes identified in the South African subtractive library are likely to be involved in response to biotic stimuli, such as fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens. Conclusions This EST collection is the first representation of the S. madagascariensis transcriptome and provides an important resource for the discovery of candidate genes associated with plant invasiveness. The over-representation of molecular transducer genes associated with defence responses in the native subtractive library provides preliminary support for aspects of the enemy release and evolution of increased competitive ability hypotheses in this successful invasive. This study highlights the contribution of next-generation sequencing to better understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying ecological hypotheses that are important in successful plant invasions.


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In an era of complex challenges that draw sustained media attention and entangle multiple organisational actors, this thesis addresses the gap between current trends in society and business, and existing scholarship in public relations and crisis communication. By responding to calls from crisis communication researchers to develop theory (Coombs, 2006a), to examine the interdependencies of crises (Seeger, Sellnow, & Ulmer, 1998), and to consider variation in crisis response (Seeger, 2002), this thesis contributes to theory development in crisis communication and public relations. Through transformative change, this thesis extends existing scholarship built on a preservation or conservation logic where public relations is used to maintain stability by incrementally responding to changes in an organisation‘s environment (Cutlip, Center, & Broom, 2006; Everett, 2001; Grunig, 2000; Spicer, 1997). Based on the opportunity to contribute to ongoing theoretical development in the literature, the overall research problem guiding this thesis asks: How does transformative change during crisis influence corporate actors’ communication? This thesis adopts punctuated equilibrium theory, which describes change as alternating between long periods of stability and short periods of revolutionary or transformative change (Gersick, 1991; Romanelli & Tushman, 1994; Siggelkow, 2002; Tushman, Newman, & Romanelli, 1986; Tushman & Romanelli, 1985). As a theory for change, punctuated equilibrium provides an opportunity to examine public relations and transformative change, building on scholarship that is based primarily on incremental change. Further, existing scholarship in public relations and crisis communication focuses on the actions of single organisations in situational or short-term crisis events. Punctuated equilibrium theory enables the study of multiple crises and multiple organisational responses during transformative change. In doing so, punctuated equilibrium theory provides a framework to explain both the context for transformative change and actions or strategies enacted by organisations during transformative change (Tushman, Newman, & Romanelli, 1986; Tushman & Romanelli, 1985; Tushman, Virany, & Romanelli, 1986). The connections between context and action inform the research questions that guide this thesis: RQ1: What symbolic and substantive strategies persist and change as crises develop from situational events to transformative and multiple linked events? RQ2: What features of the crisis context influence changes in symbolic and substantive strategies? To shed light on these research questions, the thesis adopts a qualitative approach guided by process theory and methods to explicate the events, sequences and activities that were essential to change (Pettigrew, 1992; Van de Ven, 1992). Specifically, the thesis draws on an alternative template strategy (Langley, 1999) that provides several alternative interpretations of the same events (Allison, 1971; Allison & Zelikow, 1999). Following Allison (1971) and Allison and Zelikow (1999), this thesis uses three alternative templates of crisis or strategic response typologies to construct three narratives using media articles and organisational documents. The narratives are compared to identify and draw out different patterns of crisis communication strategies that operate within different crisis contexts. The thesis is based on the crisis events that affected three organisations within the pharmaceutical industry for four years. The primary organisation is Merck, as its product recall crisis triggered transformative change affecting, in different ways, the secondary organisations of Pfizer and Novartis. Three narratives are presented based on the crisis or strategic response typologies of Coombs (2006b), Allen and Caillouet (1994), and Oliver (1991). The findings of this thesis reveal different stories about crisis communication under transformative change. By zooming in to a micro perspective (Nicolini, 2009) to focus on the crisis communication and actions of a single organisation and zooming out to a macro perspective (Nicolini, 2009) to consider multiple organisations, new insights about crisis communication, change and the relationships among multiple organisations are revealed at context and action levels. At the context level, each subsequent narrative demonstrates greater connections among multiple corporate actors. By zooming out from Coombs‘ (2006b) focus on single organisations to consider Allen and Caillouet‘s (1994) integration of the web of corporate actors, the thesis demonstrates how corporate actors add accountability pressures to the primary organisation. Next, by zooming further out to the macro perspective by considering Oliver‘s (1991) strategic responses to institutional processes, the thesis reveals a greater range of corporate actors that are caught up in the process of transformative change and accounts for their varying levels of agency over their environment. By zooming in to a micro perspective and out to a macro perspective (Nicolini, 2009) across alternative templates, the thesis sheds light on sequences, events, and actions of primary and secondary organisations. Although the primary organisation remains the focus of sustained media attention across the four-year time frame, the secondary organisations, even when one faced a similar starting situation to the primary organisation, were buffered by the process of transformative change. This understanding of crisis contexts in transforming environments builds on existing knowledge in crisis communication. At the action level, the thesis also reveals different interpretations from each alternative template. Coombs‘ (2006b) narrative shows persistence in the primary organisation‘s crisis or strategic responses over the four-year time frame of the thesis. That is, the primary organisation consistently applies a diminish crisis response. At times, the primary organisation drew on denial responses when corporate actors questioned its legitimacy or actions. To close the crisis, the primary organisation uses a rebuild crisis posture (Coombs, 2006). These finding are replicated in Allen and Caillouet‘s (1994) narrative, noting this template‘s limitation to communication messages only. Oliver‘s (1991) narrative is consistent with Coombs‘ (2006b) but also demonstrated a shift from a strategic response that signals conformity to the environment to one that signals more active resistance to the environment over time. Specifically, the primary organisation‘s initial response demonstrates conformity but these same messages were used some three years later to set new expectations in the environment in order to shape criteria and build acceptance for future organisational decisions. In summary, the findings demonstrate the power of crisis or strategic responses when considered over time and in the context of transformative change. The conclusions of this research contribute to scholarship in the public relations and management literatures. Based on the significance of organisational theory, the primary contribution of the theory relates to the role of interorganisational linkages or legitimacy buffers that form during the punctuation of equilibrium. The network of linkages among the corporate actors are significant also to the crisis communication literature as they form part of the process model of crisis communication under punctuated equilibrium. This model extends existing research that focuses on crisis communication of single organisations to consider the emergent context that incorporates secondary organisations as well as the localised contests of legitimacy and buffers from regulatory authorities. The thesis also provides an empirical base for punctuated equilibrium in public relations and crisis communication, extending Murphy‘s (2000) introduction of the theory to the public relations literature. In doing this, punctuated equilibrium theory reinvigorates theoretical development in crisis communication by extending existing scholarship around incrementalist approaches and demonstrating how public relations works in the context of transformative change. Further research in this area could consider using alternative templates to study transformative change caused by a range of crisis types from natural disasters to product tampering, and to add further insight into the dynamics between primary and secondary organisations. This thesis contributes to practice by providing guidelines for crisis response strategy selection and indicators related to the emergent context for crises under transformative change that will help primary and secondary organisations‘ responses to crises.


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A classical condition for fast learning rates is the margin condition, first introduced by Mammen and Tsybakov. We tackle in this paper the problem of adaptivity to this condition in the context of model selection, in a general learning framework. Actually, we consider a weaker version of this condition that allows one to take into account that learning within a small model can be much easier than within a large one. Requiring this “strong margin adaptivity” makes the model selection problem more challenging. We first prove, in a general framework, that some penalization procedures (including local Rademacher complexities) exhibit this adaptivity when the models are nested. Contrary to previous results, this holds with penalties that only depend on the data. Our second main result is that strong margin adaptivity is not always possible when the models are not nested: for every model selection procedure (even a randomized one), there is a problem for which it does not demonstrate strong margin adaptivity.


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Single particle analysis (SPA) coupled with high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy is emerging as a powerful technique for the structure determination of membrane protein complexes and soluble macromolecular assemblies. Current estimates suggest that ∼104–105 particle projections are required to attain a 3 Å resolution 3D reconstruction (symmetry dependent). Selecting this number of molecular projections differing in size, shape and symmetry is a rate-limiting step for the automation of 3D image reconstruction. Here, we present SwarmPS, a feature rich GUI based software package to manage large scale, semi-automated particle picking projects. The software provides cross-correlation and edge-detection algorithms. Algorithm-specific parameters are transparently and automatically determined through user interaction with the image, rather than by trial and error. Other features include multiple image handling (∼102), local and global particle selection options, interactive image freezing, automatic particle centering, and full manual override to correct false positives and negatives. SwarmPS is user friendly, flexible, extensible, fast, and capable of exporting boxed out projection images, or particle coordinates, compatible with downstream image processing suites.


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In Uganda, vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) are major public health problems with between 15-32% of children under 5 years of age showing VAD and 73% being anaemic. This is largely due to the fact that the staple food crop of the country, banana, is low in pro-vitamin A and iron, therefore leading to dietary deficiencies. Although worldwide progress has been made to control VAD and IDA through supplementation, food fortification and diet diversification, their long term sustainability and impact in developing countries such as Uganda is limited. The approach taken by researchers at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia, in collaboration with the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda, to address this problem, is to generate consumer acceptable banana varieties with significantly increased levels of pro-vitamin A and iron in the fruit using genetic engineering techniques. Such an approach requires the use of suitable, well characterised genes and promoters for targeted transgene expression. Recently, a new banana phytoene synthase gene (APsy2a) involved in the synthesis of pro-vitamin A (pVA) carotenoids was isolated from a high â-carotene banana (F’ei cv Asupina). In addition, sequences of banana ferritin, an iron storage protein, have been isolated from Cavendish banana. The aim of the research described in this thesis was to evaluate the function of these genes to assess their suitability for the biofortification of banana fruit. In addition, a range of banana-derived promoters were characterised to determine their suitability for controlling the expression of transgenes in banana fruit. Due to the time constraints involved with generating transgenic banana fruit, rice was used as the model crop to investigate the functionality of the banana-derived APsy2a and ferritin genes. Using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, rice callus was transformed with APsy2a +/- the bacterial-derived carotene desaturase gene (CrtI) each under the control of the constitutive maize poly-ubiquitin promoter (ZmUbi) or seed-specific rice glutelin1 (Gt1) promoter. The maize phytoene synthase (ZmPsy1) gene was included as a control. On selective media, with the exception of ZmUbi-CrtI-transgenic callus, all antibiotic resistant callus displayed a yellow-orange colour from which the presence of â-carotene was demonstrated using Raman spectroscopy. Although the regeneration of plants from yellow-orange callus was difficult, 16 transgenic plants were obtained and characterised from callus transformed with ZmUbi-APys2a alone. At least 50% of the T1 seeds developed a yellow-orange coloured callus which was found to contain levels of â-carotene ranging from 4.6-fold to 72-fold higher than that in non-transgenic rice callus. Using the seed-specific Gt1 promoter, 38 transgenic rice plants were generated from APsy2a-CrtI-transformed callus while 32 plants were regenerated from ZmPsy1-CrtI-transformed callus. However, when analysed for presence of transgene by PCR, all transgenic plants contained the APsy2a, ZmPsy1 or CrtI transgene, with none of the plants found to be co-transformed. Using Raman spectroscopy, no â-carotene was detected in-situ in representative T1 seeds. To investigate the potential of the banana-derived ferritin gene (BanFer1) to enhance iron content, rice callus was transformed with constitutively expressed BanFer1 using the soybean ferritin gene (SoyFer) as a control. A total of 12 and 11 callus lines independently transformed with BanFer1 and SoyFer, respectively, were multiplied and transgene expression was verified by RT-PCR. Pearl’s Prussian blue staining for in-situ detection of ferric iron showed a stronger blue colour in rice callus transformed with BanFer1 compared to SoyFer. Using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, the highest mean amount of iron quantified in callus transformed with BanFer1 was 30-fold while that obtained using the SoyFer was 14-fold higher than the controls. In addition, ~78% of BanFer1-transgenic callus lines and ~27% of SoyFer-transgenic callus lines had significantly higher iron content than the non-transformed controls. Since the genes used for enhancing micronutrient content need to be expressed in banana fruit, the activity of a range of banana-derived, potentially fruit-active promoters in banana was investigated. Using uidA (GUS) as a reporter gene, the function of the Expansin1 (MaExp1), Expansin1 containing the rice actin intron (MaExp1a), Expansin4 (MaExp4), Extensin (MaExt), ACS (MaACS), ACO (MaACO), Metallothionein (MaMT2a) and phytoene synthase (APsy2a) promoters were transiently analysed in intact banana fruit using two transformation methods, particle bombardment and Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration (agro-infiltration). Although a considerable amount of variation in promoter activity was observed both within and between experiments, similar trends were obtained using both transformation methods. The MaExp1 and MaExp1a directed high levels of GUS expression in banana fruit which were comparable to those observed from the ZmUbi and Banana bunchy top virus-derived BT4 promoters that were included as positive controls. Lower levels of promoter activity were obtained in both methods using the MaACO and MaExt promoters while the MaExp4, MaACS, and APsy2a promoters directed the lowest GUS activity in banana fruit. An attempt was subsequently made to use agro-infiltration to assess the expression of pVA biosynthesis genes in banana fruit by infiltrating fruit with constructs in which the ZmUbi promoter controlled the expression of APsy2a +/- CrtI, and with the maize phytoene synthase gene (ZmPsy1) included as a control. Unfortunately, the large amount of variation and inconsistency observed within and between experiments precluded any meaningful conclusions to be drawn. The final component of this research was to assess the level of promoter activity and specificity in non-target tissue. These analyses were done on leaves obtained from glasshouse-grown banana plants stably transformed with MaExp1, MaACO, APsy2a, BT4 and ZmUbi promoters driving the expression of the GUS gene in addition to leaves from a selection of the same transgenic plants which were growing in a field trial in North Queensland. The results from both histochemical and fluorometric GUS assays showed that the MaExp1 and MaACO promoters directed very low GUS activities in leaves of stably transformed banana plants compared to the constitutive ZmUbi and BT4 promoters. In summary, the results from this research provide evidence that the banana phytoene synthase gene (APsy2a) and the banana ferritin gene (BanFer1) are functional, since the constitutive over-expression of each of these transgenes led to increased levels of pVA carotenoids (for APsy2a) and iron content (for BanFer1) in transgenic rice callus. Further work is now required to determine the functionality of these genes in stably-transformed banana fruit. This research also demonstrated that the MaExp1 and MaACO promoters are fruit-active but have low activity in non-target tissue (leaves), characteristics that make them potentially useful for the biofortification of banana fruit. Ultimately, however, analysis of fruit from field-grown transgenic plants will be required to fully evaluate the suitability of pVA biosynthesis genes and the fruit-active promoters for fruit biofortification.


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Autonomous development of sensorimotor coordination enables a robot to adapt and change its action choices to interact with the world throughout its lifetime. The Experience Network is a structure that rapidly learns coordination between visual and haptic inputs and motor action. This paper presents methods which handle the high dimensionality of the network state-space which occurs due to the simultaneous detection of multiple sensory features. The methods provide no significant increase in the complexity of the underlying representations and also allow emergent, task-specific, semantic information to inform action selection. Experimental results show rapid learning in a real robot, beginning with no sensorimotor mappings, to a mobile robot capable of wall avoidance and target acquisition.