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This document provides data for the case study presented in our recent earthwork planning papers. Some results are also provided in a graphical format using Excel.


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Purpose: Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPIDs) are available with most linear accelerators (Amonuk, 2002), the current technology being amorphous silicon flat panel imagers. EPIDs are currently used routinely in patient positioning before radiotherapy treatments. There has been an increasing interest in using EPID technology tor dosimetric verification of radiotherapy treatments (van Elmpt, 2008). A straightforward technique involves the EPID panel being used to measure the fluence exiting the patient during a treatment which is then compared to a prediction of the fluence based on the treatment plan. However, there are a number of significant limitations which exist in this Method: Resulting in a limited proliferation ot this technique in a clinical environment. In this paper, we aim to present a technique of simulating IMRT fields using Monte Carlo to predict the dose in an EPID which can then be compared to the measured dose in the EPID. Materials: Measurements were made using an iView GT flat panel a-SI EPfD mounted on an Elekta Synergy linear accelerator. The images from the EPID were acquired using the XIS software (Heimann Imaging Systems). Monte Carlo simulations were performed using the BEAMnrc and DOSXVZnrc user codes. The IMRT fieids to be delivered were taken from the treatment planning system in DICOMRT format and converted into BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc input files using an in-house application (Crowe, 2009). Additionally. all image processing and analysis was performed using another in-house application written using the Interactive Data Language (IDL) (In Visual Information Systems). Comparison between the measured and Monte Carlo EPID images was performed using a gamma analysis (Low, 1998) incorporating dose and distance to agreement criteria. Results: The fluence maps recorded by the EPID were found to provide good agreement between measured and simulated data. Figure 1 shows an example of measured and simulated IMRT dose images and profiles in the x and y directions. "A technique for the quantitative evaluation of dose distributions", Med Phys, 25(5) May 1998 S. Crowe, 1. Kairn, A. Fielding, "The Development of a Monte Carlo system to verify Radiotherapy treatment dose calculations", Radiotherapy & Oncology, Volume 92, Supplement 1, August 2009, Pages S71-S71.


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Introduction: The accurate identification of tissue electron densities is of great importance for Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculations. When converting patient CT data into a voxelised format suitable for MC simulations, however, it is common to simplify the assignment of electron densities so that the complex tissues existing in the human body are categorized into a few basic types. This study examines the effects that the assignment of tissue types and the calculation of densities can have on the results of MC simulations, for the particular case of a Siemen’s Sensation 4 CT scanner located in a radiotherapy centre where QA measurements are routinely made using 11 tissue types (plus air). Methods: DOSXYZnrc phantoms are generated from CT data, using the CTCREATE user code, with the relationship between Hounsfield units (HU) and density determined via linear interpolation between a series of specified points on the ‘CT-density ramp’ (see Figure 1(a)). Tissue types are assigned according to HU ranges. Each voxel in the DOSXYZnrc phantom therefore has an electron density (electrons/cm3) defined by the product of the mass density (from the HU conversion) and the intrinsic electron density (electrons /gram) (from the material assignment), in that voxel. In this study, we consider the problems of density conversion and material identification separately: the CT-density ramp is simplified by decreasing the number of points which define it from 12 down to 8, 3 and 2; and the material-type-assignment is varied by defining the materials which comprise our test phantom (a Supertech head) as two tissues and bone, two plastics and bone, water only and (as an extreme case) lead only. The effect of these parameters on radiological thickness maps derived from simulated portal images is investigated. Results & Discussion: Increasing the degree of simplification of the CT-density ramp results in an increasing effect on the resulting radiological thickness calculated for the Supertech head phantom. For instance, defining the CT-density ramp using 8 points, instead of 12, results in a maximum radiological thickness change of 0.2 cm, whereas defining the CT-density ramp using only 2 points results in a maximum radiological thickness change of 11.2 cm. Changing the definition of the materials comprising the phantom between water and plastic and tissue results in millimetre-scale changes to the resulting radiological thickness. When the entire phantom is defined as lead, this alteration changes the calculated radiological thickness by a maximum of 9.7 cm. Evidently, the simplification of the CT-density ramp has a greater effect on the resulting radiological thickness map than does the alteration of the assignment of tissue types. Conclusions: It is possible to alter the definitions of the tissue types comprising the phantom (or patient) without substantially altering the results of simulated portal images. However, these images are very sensitive to the accurate identification of the HU-density relationship. When converting data from a patient’s CT into a MC simulation phantom, therefore, all possible care should be taken to accurately reproduce the conversion between HU and mass density, for the specific CT scanner used. Acknowledgements: This work is funded by the NHMRC, through a project grant, and supported by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH), Brisbane, Australia. The authors are grateful to the staff of the RBWH, especially Darren Cassidy, for assistance in obtaining the phantom CT data used in this study. The authors also wish to thank Cathy Hargrave, of QUT, for assistance in formatting the CT data, using the Pinnacle TPS. Computational resources and services used in this work were provided by the HPC and Research Support Group, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.


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Research has consistently described that patients after cardiac surgery experience disturbed sleep yet there has been limited investigation into methods to improve this experience. Complementary therapies may be a method of addressing this issue. Aim: To determine if using progressive muscle relaxation improves self-rated sleep quality for patients following cardiac surgery. Methods and Results: Thirty-five participants' quantitative data on sleep quality were obtained via questionnaire during their first post-operative week after cardiac surgery. Qualitative data were obtained through written responses to open-ended questions. No significant differences in sleep quality scores were found between pre and post-intervention of progressive muscle relaxation using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. However, the qualitative analysis discovered the intervention aided some participants in initiating their sleep by diversion of thought, inducing relaxation or alleviating pain and anxiety. Conclusions: Qualitative findings suggest that progressive muscle relaxation may help patients who have undergone cardiac surgery initiate their sleep.


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Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death throughout the developed world. With the demand for donor hearts far exceeding the supply, a bridge-to-transplant or permanent solution is required. This is currently achieved with ventricular assist devices (VADs), which can be used to assist the left ventricle (LVAD), right ventricle (RVAD), or both ventricles simultaneously (BiVAD). Earlier generation VADs were large, volume-displacement devices designed for temporary support until a donor heart was found. The latest generation of VADs use rotary blood pump technology which improves device lifetime and the quality of life for end stage heart failure patients. VADs are connected to the heart and greater vessels of the patient through specially designed tubes called cannulae. The inflow cannulae, which supply blood to the VAD, are usually attached to the left atrium or ventricle for LVAD support, and the right atrium or ventricle for RVAD support. Few studies have characterized the haemodynamic difference between the two cannulation sites, particularly with respect to rotary RVAD support. Inflow cannulae are usually made of metal or a semi-rigid polymer to prevent collapse with negative pressures. However suction, and subsequent collapse, of the cannulated heart chamber can be a frequent occurrence, particularly with the relatively preload insensitive rotary blood pumps. Suction events may be associated with endocardial damage, pump flow stoppages and ventricular arrhythmias. While several VAD control strategies are under development, these usually rely on potentially inaccurate sensors or somewhat unreliable inferred data to estimate preload. Fixation of the inflow cannula is usually achieved through suturing the cannula, often via a felt sewing ring, to the cannulated chamber. This technique extends the time on cardiopulmonary bypass which is associated with several postoperative complications. The overall objective of this thesis was to improve the placement and design of rotary LVAD and RVAD inflow cannulae to achieve enhanced haemodynamic performance, reduced incidence of suction events, reduced levels of postoperative bleeding and a faster implantation procedure. Specific objectives were: * in-vitro evaluation of LVAD and RVAD inflow cannula placement, * design and in-vitro evaluation of a passive mechanism to reduce the potential for heart chamber suction, * design and in-vitro evaluation of a novel suture-less cannula fixation device. In order to complete in-vitro evaluation of VAD inflow cannulae, a mock circulation loop (MCL) was developed to accurately replicate the haemodynamics in the human systemic and pulmonary circulations. Validation of the MCL’s haemodynamic performance, including the form and magnitude of pressure, flow and volume traces was completed through comparisons of patient data and the literature. The MCL was capable of reproducing almost any healthy or pathological condition, and provided a useful tool to evaluate VAD cannulation and other cardiovascular devices. The MCL was used to evaluate inflow cannula placement for rotary VAD support. Left and right atrial and ventricular cannulation sites were evaluated under conditions of mild and severe heart failure. With a view to long term LVAD support in the severe left heart failure condition, left ventricular inflow cannulation was preferred due to improved LVAD efficiency and reduced potential for thrombus formation. In the mild left heart failure condition, left atrial cannulation was preferred to provide an improved platform for myocardial recovery. Similar trends were observed with RVAD support, however to a lesser degree due to a smaller difference in right atrial and ventricular pressures. A compliant inflow cannula to prevent suction events was then developed and evaluated in the MCL. As rotary LVAD or RVAD preload was reduced, suction events occurred in all instances with a rigid inflow cannula. Addition of the compliant segment eliminated suction events in all instances. This was due to passive restriction of the compliant segment as preload dropped, thus increasing the VAD circuit resistance and decreasing the VAD flow rate. Therefore, the compliant inflow cannula acted as a passive flow control / anti-suction system in LVAD and RVAD support. A novel suture-less inflow cannula fixation device was then developed to reduce implantation time and postoperative bleeding. The fixation device was evaluated for LVAD and RVAD support in cadaveric animal and human hearts attached to a MCL. LVAD inflow cannulation was achieved in under two minutes with the suture-less fixation device. No leakage through the suture-less fixation device – myocardial interface was noted. Continued development and in-vivo evaluation of this device may result in an improved inflow cannulation technique with the potential for off-bypass insertion. Continued development of this research, in particular the compliant inflow cannula and suture-less inflow cannulation device, will result in improved postoperative outcomes, life span and quality of life for end-stage heart failure patients.


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Pacific Rim Real Estate Society has conducted four property case competitions from 2009 to 2012. The competition provides opportunities for undergraduate students to present their proposal on a given case study. All students were locked down with their four team members for five hours without external help to ensure a level playing field across participants. Students prepared their presentation and defended their arguments in front of experts in property industry and academia. The aim of this paper is reflecting on the feedback received from stakeholders involved in the case competition. Besides exploring what students have gained from the competitions, this paper provides an insight on the opportunities and challenges for the new format of competition to be introduced in 2013. Over the last four competitions, there were three universities participated in all the four consecutive events, four universities partook in two events and another four universities only competed once. Some universities had a great advantage by having previous experiences by participating in similar international business competitions. Findings show that the students have benefited greatly from the event including improving their ability in problem solving and other non-technical skills. Despite the aforementioned benefits, the PRRES closed-book case competition is proven not viable thus future competition needs to minimise the travel and logistic cost.


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Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is efficacious in reducing mortality and hospital admissions; however it remains inaccessible to large proportions of the patient population. Removal of attendance barriers for hospital or centre-based CR has seen the promotion of home-based CR. Delivery of safe and appropriately prescribed exercise in the home was first documented 25 years ago, with the utilisation of fixed land-line telecommunications to monitor ECG. The advent of miniature ECG sensors, in conjunction with smartphones, now enables CR to be delivered with greater flexibility with regard to location, time and format, while retaining the capacity for real-time patient monitoring. A range of new systems allow other signals including speed, location, pulse oximetry, and respiration to be monitored and these may have application in CR. There is compelling evidence that telemonitored-based CR is an effective alternative to traditional CR practice. The long-standing barrier of access to centre-based CR, combined with new delivery platforms, raises the question of when telemonitored-based CR could replace conventional approaches as the standard practice.


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This project addresses the viability of lightweight, low power consumption, flexible, large format LED screens. The investigation encompasses all aspects of the electrical and mechanical design, individually and as a system, and achieves a successful full scale prototype. The prototype implements novel techniques to achieve large displacement colour aliasing, a purely passive thermal management solution, a rapid deployment system, individual seven bit LED current control with two way display communication, auto-configuration and complete signal redundancy, all of which are in direct response to industry needs.


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Advances in Information and Communication Technologies have the potential to improve many facets of modern healthcare service delivery. The implementation of electronic health records systems is a critical part of an eHealth system. Despite the potential gains, there are several obstacles that limit the wider development of electronic health record systems. Among these are the perceived threats to the security and privacy of patients’ health data, and a widely held belief that these cannot be adequately addressed. We hypothesise that the major concerns regarding eHealth security and privacy cannot be overcome through the implementation of technology alone. Human dimensions must be considered when analysing the provision of the three fundamental information security goals: confidentiality, integrity and availability. A sociotechnical analysis to establish the information security and privacy requirements when designing and developing a given eHealth system is important and timely. A framework that accommodates consideration of the legislative requirements and human perspectives in addition to the technological measures is useful in developing a measurable and accountable eHealth system. Successful implementation of this approach would enable the possibilities, practicalities and sustainabilities of proposed eHealth systems to be realised.


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This paper discusses the situation of welfare claimants, constructed as faulty citizens and flawed welfare subjects at the receiving end of complex and multi-layered, private and public, forms of monitoring and surveillance aimed at securing socially responsible, consuming and compliant behaviours. In Australia as in many other western countries, the rise of neoliberal economic regimes with their harsh and often repressive treatment of welfare claimants operates in tandem with a growing arsenal of CCTV and assorted urban governance measures (Monahan 2008, Maki 2011). The capacity for all forms of surveillance to intensify social inequalities through the lens of CCTV and other modes and methods of electronic monitoring is amply demonstrated in the surveillance studies literature, raising fundamental questions around issues of social justice, equity and the expenditure of societal resources (Norris and Armstrong 1999, Lyon 1994, 2001, Loader 1996).


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Vehicular accidents are one of the deadliest safety hazards and accordingly an immense concern of individuals and governments. Although, a wide range of active autonomous safety systems, such as advanced driving assistance and lane keeping support, are introduced to facilitate safer driving experience, these stand-alone systems have limited capabilities in providing safety. Therefore, cooperative vehicular systems were proposed to fulfill more safety requirements. Most cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle safety applications require relative positioning accuracy of decimeter level with an update rate of at least 10 Hz. These requirements cannot be met via direct navigation or differential positioning techniques. This paper studies a cooperative vehicle platform that aims to facilitate real-time relative positioning (RRP) among adjacent vehicles. The developed system is capable of exchanging both GPS position solutions and raw observations using RTCM-104 format over vehicular dedicated short range communication (DSRC) links. Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning technique is integrated into the system to enable RRP to be served as an embedded real-time warning system. The 5.9 GHz DSRC technology is adopted as the communication channel among road-side units (RSUs) and on-board units (OBUs) to distribute GPS corrections data received from a nearby reference station via the Internet using cellular technologies, by means of RSUs, as well as to exchange the vehicular real-time GPS raw observation data. Ultimately, each receiving vehicle calculates relative positions of its neighbors to attain a RRP map. A series of real-world data collection experiments was conducted to explore the synergies of both DSRC and positioning systems. The results demonstrate a significant enhancement in precision and availability of relative positioning at mobile vehicles.


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Structurally novel compounds able to block voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) are currently being sought for the development of new drugs directed at neurological disorders. Fluorescence techniques have recently been developed to facilitate the analysis of VGCC blockers in a multi-well format. By utilising the small cell lung carcinoma cell line, NCI-H146, we were able to detect changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) using a fluorescence microplate reader. NCI-H146 cells have characteristics resembling those of neuronal cells and express multiple VGCC subtypes, including those of the L-, N- and P-type. We found that K+-depolarisation of fluo-3 loaded NCI-H146 cells causes a rapid and transient increase in fluorescence, which was readily detected in a 96-well plate. Extracts of Australian plants, including those used traditionally as headache or pain treatments, were tested in this study to identify those affecting Ca2+ influx following membrane depolarisation of NCI-H146 cells. We found that E. bignoniiflora, A. symphyocarpa and E. vespertilio caused dose-dependent inhibition of K+-depolarised Ca2+ influx, with IC50 values calculated to be 234, 548 and 209 μg/ml, respectively. This data suggests an effect of these extracts on the function of VGCCs in these cells. Furthermore, we found similar effects using a fluorescence laser imaging plate reader (FLIPR) that allows simultaneous measurement of real-time fluorescence in a multi-well plate. Our results indicate that the dichloromethane extract of E. bignoniiflora and the methanolic extract of E. vespertilio show considerable promise as antagonists of neuronal VGCCs. Further analysis is required to characterise the function of the bioactive constituents in these extracts and determine their selectivity on VGCC subtypes.


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Over the past ten years, scaled-up utilisation of a previously under-exploited zeolite, Zeolite N1, has been demonstrated for selective ion exchange of ammonium and other ions in aqueous environments. As with many zeolite syntheses, the required source material should contain predictable levels of aluminium and silicon and, for full-scale industrial applications, kaolin and/or montmorillonite serve such a purpose. Field, pilot and commercial scale trials of kaolin-derived Zeolite N have focused on applications in agriculture and water treatment as these sectors are primary producers or users of ammonium. The format for the material – as fine powders, granules or extrudates – depends on the specific application albeit each has been evaluated.


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"This book is intended to be instructional, inspirational and of interest to both novice and expert alike. The assumption is made that to even begin to playboat the paddler will already be an intermdiate white water boater familiar with basic strokes and boating skills. For the interested non paddler a glossary of terms is included. Part One gives an overview of the sport and lays the foundations of understanding on which the rest of the book builds, as well as exploring safety issues and exploring key concepts. Part Two describes and coaches the moves which are divided into intermediate and advanced standard. Part Three looks at how to train in order to hone your physical and mental skills and be 'the best you can be'. Never before has so much freestyle, rodeo and playboating information from so many great boaters been gathered together in one place. In a world dominated by the biggest, the fastest, the loudest...the most big headed, this book makes a stand. Whilst of course covering all the latest moves, the authors have not been frightened to start right back at basic concepts. Technical ability is nothing without knowledge, without planning and without stamina. This book tells you the secrets. Freestyle is a thinking person's sport. The authors, the contributors and the book's publisher have an unrivalled breadth of knowledge in this field, so let this book do some of the thinking for you. The full colour format and the emphasis on personal training and coaching make for a particularly easy read. When planning my preparation or training before a competition, I always try to evaluate its potential benefits in terms of how many places it will have helped me move up in the final results. As a general rule in life, any time spent off the water should be viewed with suspicion! However, use this time constructively and absorb the information in this book and you will reap your own rewards. The Art of Freestyle is a book genuinely written by paddlers for paddlers. It is often a hard task to get top athletes to part with their preferred training or competition techniques, but this book is full of such 'Top Tips'. This is not a book written just by its authors, but by a wealth of accomplished paddlers. It is this subtle combination that keeps the reader in the real world...believing in a move, not just imagining it. This is the real world...believe you can do it."--Playak Website


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Bioacoustic data can provide an important base for environmental monitoring. To explore a large amount of field recordings collected, an automated similarity search algorithm is presented in this paper. A region of an audio defined by frequency and time bounds is provided by a user; the content of the region is used to construct a query. In the retrieving process, our algorithm will automatically scan through recordings to search for similar regions. In detail, we present a feature extraction approach based on the visual content of vocalisations – in this case ridges, and develop a generic regional representation of vocalisations for indexing. Our feature extraction method works best for bird vocalisations showing ridge characteristics. The regional representation method allows the content of an arbitrary region of a continuous recording to be described in a compressed format.