406 resultados para Virtual Reality Structural Engineering Design


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This thesis is concerned with creating and evaluating interactive art systems that facilitate emergent participant experiences. For the purposes of this research, interactive art is the computer based arts involving physical participation from the audience, while emergence is when a new form or concept appears that was not directly implied by the context from which it arose. This emergent ‘whole’ is more than a simple sum of its parts. The research aims to develop understanding of the nature of emergent experiences that might arise during participant interaction with interactive art systems. It also aims to understand the design issues surrounding the creation of these systems. The approach used is Practice-based, integrating practice, evaluation and theoretical research. Practice used methods from Reflection-in-action and Iterative design to create two interactive art systems: Glass Pond and +-now. Creation of +-now resulted in a novel method for instantiating emergent shapes. Both art works were also evaluated in exploratory studies. In addition, a main study with 30 participants was conducted on participant interaction with +-now. These sessions were video recorded and participants were interviewed about their experience. Recordings were transcribed and analysed using Grounded theory methods. Emergent participant experiences were identified and classified using a taxonomy of emergence in interactive art. This taxonomy draws on theoretical research. The outcomes of this Practice-based research are summarised as follows. Two interactive art systems, where the second work clearly facilitates emergent interaction, were created. Their creation involved the development of a novel method for instantiating emergent shapes and it informed aesthetic and design issues surrounding interactive art systems for emergence. A taxonomy of emergence in interactive art was also created. Other outcomes are the evaluation findings about participant experiences, including different types of emergence experienced and the coding schemes produced during data analysis.


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Cold-formed steel members are increasingly used as primary structural elements in the building industries around the world due to the availability of thin and high strength steels and advanced cold-forming technologies. Cold-formed lipped channel beams (LCB) are commonly used as flexural members such as floor joists and bearers. However, their shear capacities are determined based on conservative design rules. For the shear design of LCB web panels, their elastic shear buckling strength must be determined accurately including the potential post-buckling strength. Currently the elastic shear buckling coefficients of LCB web panels are determined by assuming conservatively that the web panels are simply supported at the junction between their flange and web elements. Hence finite element analyses were conducted to investigate the elastic shear buckling behavior of LCBs. An improved equation for the higher elastic shear buckling coefficient of LCBs was proposed based on finite element analysis results and included in the ultimate shear capacity equations of the North American cold-formed steel codes. Finite element analyses show that relatively short span LCBs without flange restraints are subjected to a new combined shear and flange distortion action due to the unbalanced shear flow. They also show that significant post-buckling strength is available for LCBs subjected to shear. New equations were also proposed in which post-buckling strength of LCBs was included.


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BACKGROUND The work described in this paper has emerged from an ALTC/OLT funded project, Exploring Intercultural Competency in Engineering. The project indentified many facets of culture and intercultural competence that go beyond a culture-as-nationality paradigm. It was clear from this work that resources were needed to help engineering educators introduce students to the complex issues of culture as they relate to engineering practice. A set of learning modules focussing on intercultural competence in engineering practice were developed early on in the project. Through the OLT project, these modules have been expanded into a range of resources covering various aspects of culture in engineering. Supporting the resources, an eBook detailing the ins and outs of intercultural competency has also been developed to assist engineering educators to embed opportunities for students to develop skills in unpacking and managing cross-cultural challenges in engineering practice. PURPOSE This paper describes the key principles behind the development of the learning modules, the areas they cover and the eBook developed to support the modules. The paper is intended as an introduction to the approaches and resources and extends an invitation to the community to draw from, and contribute to this initial work. DESIGN/METHOD A key aim of this project was to go beyond the culture-as-nationality approach adopted in much of the work around intercultural competency (Deardorff, 2011). The eBook explores different dimensions of culture such as workplace culture, culture’s influence on engineering design, and culture in the classroom. The authors describe how these connect to industry practice and explore what they mean for engineering education. The packaged learning modules described here have been developed as a matrix of approaches moving from familiar known methods through complicated activities relying to some extent on expert knowledge. Some modules draw on the concept of ‘complex un-order’ as described in the ‘Cynefin domains’ proposed by Kurtz and Snowden (2003). RESULTS Several of the modules included in the eBook have already been trialled at a variety of institutions. Feedback from staff has been reassuringly positive so far. Further trials are planned for second semester 2012, and version 1 of the eBook and learning modules, Engineering Across Cultures, is due to be released in late October 2012. CONCLUSIONS The Engineering Across Cultures eBook and learning modules provide a useful and ready to employ resource to help educators tackle the complex issue of intercultural competency in engineering education. The book is by no means exhaustive, and nor are the modules, they instead provide an accessible, engineering specific guide to bringing cultural issues into the engineering classroom.


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Current design standards do not provide adequate guidelines for the fire design of cold-formed steel compression members subject to flexural-torsional buckling. Eurocode 3 Part 1.2 (2005) recommends the same fire design guidelines for both hot-rolled and cold-formed steel compression members subject to flexural-torsional buckling although considerable behavioural differences exist between cold-formed and hot-rolled steel members. Past research has recommended the use of ambient temperature cold-formed steel design rules for the fire design of cold-formed steel compression members provided appropriately reduced mechanical properties are used at elevated temperatures. To assess the accuracy of flexural-torsional buckling design rules in both ambient temperature cold-formed steel design and fire design standards, an experimental study of slender cold-formed steel compression members was undertaken at both ambient and elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of this experimental study, its results, and their comparison with the predictions from the current design rules. It was found that the current ambient temperature design rules are conservative while the fire design rules are overly conservative. Suitable recommendations have been made in relation to the currently available design rules for flexural-torsional buckling including methods of improvement. Most importantly, this paper has addressed the lack of experimental results for slender cold-formed steel columns at elevated temperatures.


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This paper illustrates the complexity of pointing as it is employed in a design workshop. Using the method of interaction analysis, we argue that pointing is not merely employed to index, locate, or fix reference to an object. It also constitutes a practice for reestablishing intersubjectivity and solving interactional trouble such as misunderstandings or disagreements by virtue of enlisting something as part of the participants’ shared experience. We use this analysis to discuss implications for how such practices might be supported with computer mediation, arguing for a “bricolage” approach to systems development that emphasizes the provision of resources for users to collaboratively negotiate the accomplishment of intersubjectivity ra- ther than systems that try to support pointing as a specific gestural action.


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Wheel-rail interaction is one of the most important research topics in railway engineering. It includes track vibration, track impact response and safety of the track. Track structure failures caused by impact forces can lead to significant economic loss for track owners through damage to rails and to the sleepers beneath. The wheel-rail impact forces occur because of imperfections on the wheels or rails such as wheel flats, irregular wheel profile, rail corrugation and differences in the height of rails connected at a welded joint. The vehicle speed and static wheel load are important factors of the track design, because they are related to the impact forces under wheel-rail defects. In this paper, a 3-Dimensional finite element model for the study of wheel flat impact is developed by use of the FEA software package ANSYS. The effects of the wheel flat to impact force on sleepers with various speeds and static wheel loads under a critical wheel flat size are investigated. It has found that both wheel-rail impact force and impact force on sleeper induced by wheel flat are varying nonlinearly by increasing the vehicle speed; both impact forces are nonlinearly and monotonically increasing by increasing the static wheel load. The relationships between both of impact forces induced by wheel flat and vehicles speed or static load are important to the track engineers to improve the design and maintenance methods in railway industry.


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A video detailing our new virtual world BPMN process modelling tool developed by Erik Poppe. Enables better situational awareness via use of remotely connected avatars and a shared 3D process diagram.


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Video detailing three process model visualisation configurations integrated into an agent driven virtual world simulation.


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Fire safety has become an important part in structural design due to the ever increasing loss of properties and lives during fires. Fire rating of load bearing wall systems made of Light gauge Steel Frames (LSF) is determined using fire tests based on the standard time-temperature curve given in ISO 834. However, modern residential buildings make use of thermoplastic materials, which mean considerably high fuel loads. Hence a detailed fire research study into the performance of load bearing LSF walls was undertaken using a series of realistic design fire curves developed based on Eurocode parametric curves and Barnett’s BFD curves. It included both full scale fire tests and numerical studies of LSF walls without any insulation, and the recently developed externally insulated composite panels. This paper presents the details of fire tests first, and then the numerical models of tested LSF wall studs. It shows that suitable finite element models can be developed to predict the fire rating of load bearing walls under real fire conditions. The paper also describes the structural and fire performances of externally insulated LSF walls in comparison to the non-insulated walls under real fires, and highlights the effects of standard and real fire curves on fire performance of LSF walls.


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The LiteSteel Beam (LSB) is a new hollow flange section developed in Australia with a unique geometry consisting of torsionally rigid rectangular hollow flanges and a relatively slender web. The LSB is subjected to a relatively new Lateral Distortional Buckling (LDB) mode when used as flexural members. Unlike the commonly observed lateral torsional buckling, lateral distortional buckling of LSBs is characterised by cross sectional change due to web distortion. Lateral distortional buckling causes significant moment capacity reduction for LSBs with intermediate spans. Therefore a detailed investigation was undertaken to determine the methods of reducing the effects of lateral distortional buckling in LSB flexural members. For this purpose the use of web stiffeners was investigated using finite element analyses of LSBs with different web stiffener spacing and sizes. It was found that the use of 5 mm steel plate stiffeners welded or screwed to the inner faces of the top and bottom flanges at third span points considerably reduced the lateral distortional buckling effects in LSBs. Suitable design rules were then developed to calculate the enhanced elastic lateral distortional buckling moments and the higher ultimate moment capacities of LSBs with the chosen web stiffener arrangement. This paper presents the details of this investigation and the results.


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In this Column, I have decided to give you an insight into a both outward and forward looking area of BPM research; in fact, we want to discuss one of the streams of research and development that are yet to find a way of translation into practice. To that end, I have teamed up with colleagues and students here at Queensland University of Technology with whom I have shared some thinking and research around BPM in Virtual Environments (hence, BPMVE).


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Under seismic loads neither the response of the pile nor the response of ground are independent of each other, contrary what is normally assumed. In seismic design of buildings, dynamic response of a structure is determined by assuming a fixed base on sub-grade and neglecting the physical interaction between foundation and soil profile in which it is embedded. However, the seismic response of pile foundations in vibration sensitive soil profiles is significantly affected by the behaviour of supporting soil. This research uses validated Finite Element techniques to simulate the seismic behaviour of pile foundations embedded in multilayered vibration sensitive soils.


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Fire safety design is important to eliminate the loss of property and lives during fire events. Gypsum plasterboard is widely used as a fire safety material in the building industry all over the world. It contains gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and most importantly free and chemically bound water in its crystal structure. The dehydration of the gypsum and the decomposition of Calcium Carbonate absorb heat, which gives the gypsum plasterboard fire resistant qualities. Currently plasterboard manufacturers use additives such as vermiculite to overcome shrinkage of gypsum core and glass fibre to bridge shrinkage cracks and enhance the integrity of board during calcination and after the loss of paper facings in fires. Past research has also attempted to reduce the thermal conductivity of plasterboards using fillers. However, no research has been undertaken to enhance the specific heat of plasterboard and the points of dehydration using chemical additives and fillers. Hence detailed experimental studies of powdered samples of plasterboard mixed with chemical additives and fillers in varying proportions were conducted. These tests showed the enhancement of specific heat of plasterboard. Numerical models were also developed to investigate the thermal performance of enhanced plasterboards under standard fire conditions. The results showed that the use of these enhanced plasterboards in steel wall systems can significantly improve their fire performance. This paper presents the details of this research and the results that can be used to enhance the fire safety of steel wall systems commonly used in buildings.


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Structural framing systems and mechanisms designed for normal use rarely possess adequate robustness to withstand the effects of large impacts, blasts and extreme earthquakes that have been experienced in recent times. Robustness is the property of systems that enables them to survive unforeseen or unusual circumstances (Knoll & Vogel, 2009). Queensland University of Technology with industry collaboration is engaged in a program of research that commenced 15 years ago to study the impact of such unforeseeable phenomena and investigate methods of improving robustness and safety with protective mechanisms embedded or designed in structural systems. This paper highlights some of the research pertaining to seismic protection of building structures, rollover protective structures and effects of vehicular impact and blast on key elements in structures that could propagate catastrophic and disproportionate collapse.


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A key issue in the field of inclusive design is the ability to provide designers with an understanding of people's range of capabilities. Since it is not feasible to assess product interactions with a large sample, this paper assesses a range of proxy measures of design-relevant capabilities. It describes a study that was conducted to identify which measures provide the best prediction of people's abilities to use a range of products. A detailed investigation with 100 respondents aged 50-80 years was undertaken to examine how they manage typical household products. Predictor variables included self-report and performance measures across a variety of capabilities (vision, hearing, dexterity and cognitive function), component activities used in product interactions (e.g. using a remote control, touch screen) and psychological characteristics (e.g. self-efficacy, confidence with using electronic devices). Results showed, as expected, a higher prevalence of visual, hearing, dexterity, cognitive and product interaction difficulties in the 65-80 age group. Regression analyses showed that, in addition to age, performance measures of vision (acuity, contrast sensitivity) and hearing (hearing threshold) and self-report and performance measures of component activities are strong predictors of successful product interactions. These findings will guide the choice of measures to be used in a subsequent national survey of design-relevant capabilities, which will lead to the creation of a capability database. This will be converted into a tool for designers to understand the implications of their design decisions, so that they can design products in a more inclusive way.