463 resultados para Quality factor meters


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Coal seam gas (CSG) waters are a by-product of natural gas extraction from un derground coal seams. The main issue with these waters is their elevated sodium content, which in conjunction with their low calcium and magnesium concentrations can generate soil infiltration problems in the long run , as well as short term toxicity effects in plants due to the sodium ion itself. Zeolites are minerals having a porous structure, crystalline characteristics, and an alumino-silicate configuration resulting in an overall negative charge which is balanced by loosely held cations. In New Zealand, Ngakuru zeolites have been mined for commercial use in wastewater treatment applications, cosmetics, and pet litter. This research focuses on assessing the capacity of Ngakuru zeolites to reduce sodium concentrations of CSG waters from Maramarua. Batch and column test (flow through) experiments revealed that Ngakuru zeolites are capable of sorbing sodium cations from concentrated solutions of sodium. In b atch tests, the sodium adsorption capacity ranged from 5.0 to 34.3meq/100g depending on the solution concentration and on the number of times the zeolite had been regenerated. Regeneration with CaCl2 was foun d to be effective. The calculated sodium adsorption capacity of Ngakuru zeolites under flow-through conditions ranged from 11 to 42meq/100g depending on the strength of the solution being treated and on w hether the zeolites had been previously regenerated. The slow kinetics and low cost of the zeolities, coupled with potentially remote sites for gas extraction, could make semi-batch operational processes without regeneration more favourable than in more industrial ion exchange situations.


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The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 mandated the consideration of safety in the regional transportation planning process. As part of National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 8-44, "Incorporating Safety into the Transportation Planning Process," we conducted a telephone survey to assess safety-related activities and expertise at Governors Highway Safety Associations (GHSAs), and GHSA relationships with metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and state departments of transportation (DOTs). The survey results were combined with statewide crash data to enable exploratory modeling of the relationship between GHSA policies and programs and statewide safety. The modeling objective was to illuminate current hurdles to ISTEA implementation, so that appropriate institutional, analytical, and personnel improvements can be made. The study revealed that coordination of transportation safety across DOTs, MPOs, GHSAs, and departments of public safety is generally beneficial to the implementation of safety. In addition, better coordination is characterized by more positive and constructive attitudes toward incorporating safety into planning.


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National estimates of the prevalence of child abuse-related injuries are obtained from a variety of sectors including welfare, justice, and health resulting in inconsistent estimates across sectors. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is used as the international standard for categorising health data and aggregating data for statistical purposes, though there has been limited validation of the quality, completeness or concordance of these data with other sectors. This research study examined the quality of documentation and coding of child abuse recorded in hospital records in Queensland and the concordance of these data with child welfare records. A retrospective medical record review was used to examine the clinical documentation of over 1000 hospitalised injured children from 20 hospitals in Queensland. A data linkage methodology was used to link these records with records in the child welfare database. Cases were sampled from three sub-groups according to the presence of target ICD codes: Definite abuse, Possible abuse, unintentional injury. Less than 2% of cases coded as being unintentional were recoded after review as being possible abuse, and only 5% of cases coded as possible abuse cases were reclassified as unintentional, though there was greater variation in the classification of cases as definite abuse compared to possible abuse. Concordance of health data with child welfare data varied across patient subgroups. This study will inform the development of strategies to improve the quality, consistency and concordance of information between health and welfare agencies to ensure adequate system responses to children at risk of abuse.


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Emergency departments (EDs) are often the first point of contact with an abused child. Despite legal mandate, the reporting of definite or suspected abusive injury to child safety authorities by ED clinicians varies due to a number of factors including training, access to child safety professionals, departmental culture and a fear of ‘getting it wrong’. This study examined the quality of documentation and coding of child abuse captured by ED based injury surveillance data and ED medical records in the state of Queensland and the concordance of these data with child welfare records. A retrospective medical record review was used to examine the clinical documentation of almost 1000 injured children included in the Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit database (QISU) from 10 hospitals in urban and rural centres. Independent experts re-coded the records based on their review of the notes. A data linkage methodology was then used to link these records with records in the state government’s child welfare database. Cases were sampled from three sub-groups according to the surveillance intent codes: Maltreatment by parent, Undetermined and Unintentional injury. Only 0.1% of cases coded as unintentional injury were recoded to maltreatment by parent, while 1.2% of cases coded as maltreatment by parent were reclassified as unintentional and 5% of cases where the intent was undetermined by the triage nurse were recoded as maltreatment by parent. Quality of documentation varied across type of hospital (tertiary referral centre, children’s, urban, regional and remote). Concordance of health data with child welfare data varied across patient subgroups. Outcomes from this research will guide initiatives to improve the quality of intentional child injury surveillance systems.


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The trend of diminished funding, demands for greater efficiency and higher public accountability have led to a rapid expansion of interest in the bibliometric assessment of research performance of universities. A pilot research is conducted to provide a preliminary overview of the research performance of the building and construction schools or departments through the analysis of bibliometric indicators including the journal impact factor (JIF) published by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). The suitability of bibliometric evaluation approaches as a measure of research quality in building and construction management research field is discussed.


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Light Transport Systems (LTS) (e.g lightpipes, fibre optics) can illuminate core areas within buildings with great potential for energy savings. However, they do not provide a clear connection to the outside like windows do, and their effects on people’s physiological and psychological health are not well understood. Furthermore, how people perceive LTS affects users’ acceptance of the device and its performance. The purpose of this research is to understand how occupants perceive and experience spaces illuminated by LTS. Two case studies of commercial buildings with LTS, located in Brisbane, Australia are assessed by qualitative (focus group interviews) and quantitative (measurement of daylight illuminances and luminance) methods. The data from interviews with occupants provide useful insight into the aspects of LTS design that are most relevant to positive perception of the luminous environment. Luminance measurements of the occupied spaces support the perception of the LTS reported by occupants: designs that create high contrast luminous environments are more likely to be perceived negatively.


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This paper presents an extended study on the implementation of support vector machine(SVM) based speaker verification in systems that employ continuous progressive model adaptation using the weight-based factor analysis model. The weight-based factor analysis model compensates for session variations in unsupervised scenarios by incorporating trial confidence measures in the general statistics used in the inter-session variability modelling process. Employing weight-based factor analysis in Gaussian mixture models (GMM) was recently found to provide significant performance gains to unsupervised classification. Further improvements in performance were found through the integration of SVM-based classification in the system by means of GMM supervectors. This study focuses particularly on the way in which a client is represented in the SVM kernel space using single and multiple target supervectors. Experimental results indicate that training client SVMs using a single target supervector maximises performance while exhibiting a certain robustness to the inclusion of impostor training data in the model. Furthermore, the inclusion of low-scoring target trials in the adaptation process is investigated where they were found to significantly aid performance.


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Understanding the impacts of traffic and climate change on water quality helps decision makers to develop better policy and plans for dealing with unsustainable urban and transport development. This chapter presents detailed methodologies developed for sample collection and testing for heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons, as part of a research study to investigate the impacts of climate change and changes to urban traffic characteristics on pollutant build-up and wash-off from urban road surfaces. Cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper, lead, iron, aluminium, manganese and zinc were the target heavy metals, and selected gasoline and diesel range organics were the target total petroleum hydrocarbons for this study. The study sites were selected to encompass the urban traffic characteristics of the Gold Coast region, Australia. An improved sample collection method referred to as ‘the wet and dry vacuum system’ for the pollutant build-up, and an effective wash-off plan to incorporate predicted changes to rainfall characteristics due to climate change, were implemented. The novel approach to sample collection for pollutant build-up helped to maintain the integrity of collection efficiency. The wash-off plan helped to incorporate the predicted impacts of climate change in the Gold Coast region. The robust experimental methods developed will help in field sample collection and chemical testing of different stormwater pollutants in build-up and wash-off.


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Background, aim, and scope Urban motor vehicle fleets are a major source of particulate matter pollution, especially of ultrafine particles (diameters < 0.1 µm), and exposure to particulate matter has known serious health effects. A considerable body of literature is available on vehicle particle emission factors derived using a wide range of different measurement methods for different particle sizes, conducted in different parts of the world. Therefore the choice as to which are the most suitable particle emission factors to use in transport modelling and health impact assessments presented as a very difficult task. The aim of this study was to derive a comprehensive set of tailpipe particle emission factors for different vehicle and road type combinations, covering the full size range of particles emitted, which are suitable for modelling urban fleet emissions. Materials and methods A large body of data available in the international literature on particle emission factors for motor vehicles derived from measurement studies was compiled and subjected to advanced statistical analysis, to determine the most suitable emission factors to use in modelling urban fleet emissions. Results This analysis resulted in the development of five statistical models which explained 86%, 93%, 87%, 65% and 47% of the variation in published emission factors for particle number, particle volume, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 respectively. A sixth model for total particle mass was proposed but no significant explanatory variables were identified in the analysis. From the outputs of these statistical models, the most suitable particle emission factors were selected. This selection was based on examination of the statistical robustness of the statistical model outputs, including consideration of conservative average particle emission factors with the lowest standard errors, narrowest 95% confidence intervals and largest sample sizes, and the explanatory model variables, which were Vehicle Type (all particle metrics), Instrumentation (particle number and PM2.5), Road Type (PM10) and Size Range Measured and Speed Limit on the Road (particle volume). Discussion A multiplicity of factors need to be considered in determining emission factors that are suitable for modelling motor vehicle emissions, and this study derived a set of average emission factors suitable for quantifying motor vehicle tailpipe particle emissions in developed countries. Conclusions The comprehensive set of tailpipe particle emission factors presented in this study for different vehicle and road type combinations enable the full size range of particles generated by fleets to be quantified, including ultrafine particles (measured in terms of particle number). These emission factors have particular application for regions which may have a lack of funding to undertake measurements, or insufficient measurement data upon which to derive emission factors for their region. Recommendations and perspectives In urban areas motor vehicles continue to be a major source of particulate matter pollution and of ultrafine particles. It is critical that in order to manage this major pollution source methods are available to quantify the full size range of particles emitted for traffic modelling and health impact assessments.


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From the business viewpoint, the railway timetable is a list of the products presented by the railway transportation operators to the customers, specifying the schedules of all the train services on a railway line or network. In order to evaluate the quality of the train service schedules, a number of indices are proposed in this paper. These indices primarily take the passengers’ needs, such as waiting time, transfer time and transport capacity into consideration. Delay rate is usually used in post-evaluation. In this study, we propose to give an evaluation on the probability that the scheduled train services are likely to be delayed and the recovery ability of the timetable after delay has occurred. The evaluation identifies the possible problems in the services, such as excessive waiting time, non-seamless transfer, and high possibility of delay. This paper also discusses the improvement of these problems through certain adjustments on the timetable. The indices for evaluation and the adjustment method on timetable are then applied to a case study on the Hu-Ning-Hang railway in China, followed by the discussions of the merits of the proposed indices for timetable evaluation and possible improvement.


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The Media and Communications in Australia, edited by Stuart Cunningham and Graeme Turner (3rd edition). Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2010, 362 pp. ISBN 978-1 74237-064-4; reviewed by Lee Duffield, Queensland University of Technology.


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Visual impairment is an important contributing factor in falls among older adults, which is one of the leading causes of injury and injury-related death in this population. Visual impairment is also associated with greater disability among older adults, including poorer health-related quality of life, increased frailty and reduced postural stability. The majority of this evidence, however, is based on measures of central visual function, rather than peripheral visual function. As such, there is comparatively limited research on the associations between peripheral visual function, disability and falls, and even fewer studies involving older adults with specific diseases which affect peripheral visual function, the most common of which is glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible vision loss among older adults, affecting around 3 per cent of adults aged over 60 years. The condition is characterised by retinal nerve fibre loss, primarily affecting peripheral visual function. Importantly, the number of older adults with glaucomatous visual impairment is projected to increase as the ageing population grows. The first component of the thesis examined the cross-sectional association between glaucomatous visual impairment and health-related quality of life (Study 1a), functional status (Study 1b) and postural stability (Study 1c) among older adults. A cohort of 74 community-dwelling adults with glaucoma (mean age 74.2 ± 5.9 years) was recruited and completed a baseline assessment. A number of visual function measures was assessed, including central visual function (visual acuity and contrast sensitivity), motion sensitivity, retinal nerve fibre analysis and monocular and binocular visual field measures (monocular 24-2 and binocular integrated visual fields (IVF): IVF-60 and IVF-120). The analyses focused on the associations between the outcomes measures and severity and location of visual field loss, as this is the primary visual function affected by glaucoma. In Study 1a, we examined the association between visual field loss and health-related quality of life, measured by the Short Form 36-item Health Survey (SF-36). Greater binocular visual field loss, on both IVF measures, was associated with lower SF-36 physical component scores, adjusted for age and gender (Pearson's r =|0.32| to |0.36|, p<0.001). Furthermore, inferior visual field loss was more strongly associated with the SF-36 physical component than superior field loss. No association was found between visual field loss and SF-36 mental component scores. The association between visual field loss and functional status was examined in Study 1b. Functional status outcomes measures included a physical activity questionnaire (Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, PASE), performance tests (six-minute walk test, timed up and go test and lower leg strength) and an overall functional status score. Significant, but weak, correlations were found between binocular visual field loss and PASE and overall functional status scores, adjusted for age and gender (Pearson's r =|0.24| to |0.33|, p<0.05). Greater inferior visual field loss, independent of superior visual field loss, was significantly associated with poorer physical performance results and lower overall functional status scores. In Study 1c, we examined the association between visual field loss and postural stability, using a swaymeter device which recorded body movement during four conditions: eyes open and closed, on a firm and foam surface. Greater binocular visual field loss was associated with increased postural sway, both on firm and foam surfaces, independent of age and gender (Pearson’s r =|0.44| to |0.46|, p <0.001). Furthermore, inferior visual field was a stronger contributor to postural stability, more so than the superior visual field, particularly on the foam condition with the eyes open. Greater visual field loss was associated with a reduction in the visual contribution to postural sway, which underlies the observed association with postural sway. The second component of the thesis examined the association between severity and location of visual field loss and falls during a 12-month longitudinal follow-up. The number of falls was assessed prospectively using monthly fall calendars. Of the 71 participants who successfully completed the follow up (mean age 73.9 ± 5.7 years), 44% reported one or more falls, and around 20% reported two or more falls. After adjusting for age and gender, every 10 points missed on the IVF-120 increased the rate of falls by 25% (rate ratio 1.25, 95% confidence interval 1.08 - 1.44) or every 5dB reduction in IVF-60 increased the rate of falls by 47% (rate ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.16 - 1.87). Inferior visual field loss was a significant predictor of falls, more so than superior field loss, highlighting the importance of the inferior visual field area in safe and efficient navigation. Further analyses indicated that postural stability, more so than functional status, may be a potential mediating factor in the relationship between visual field loss and falls. Future research is required to confirm this causal pathway. In addition, the use of topical beta-blocker medications was not associated with an increased rate of falls in this cohort, compared with the use of other topical anti-glaucoma medications. In summary, greater binocular visual field loss among older adults with glaucoma was associated with poorer health-related quality of life in the physical domain, reduced functional status, greater postural instability and higher rates of falling. When the location of visual field loss was examined, inferior visual field loss was consistently more strongly associated with these outcomes than superior visual field loss. Insights gained from this research improve our understanding of the association between glaucomatous visual field loss and disability, and its link with falls among older adults. The clinical implications of this research include the need to include visual field screening in falls risk assessments among older adults and to raise awareness of these findings to eye care practitioners and adults with glaucoma. The findings also assist in developing further research to examine strategies to reduce disability and prevent falls among older adults with glaucoma to promote healthy ageing and independence for these individuals.


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This article explores the quality of accounting information in listed family firms. The authors exploit the features of the Italian equitymarket characterizd by high ownership concentration across all tpes of firms to disentangle the effects of family ownership from other major block holders on the quality of accounting information. The findings document that family firms convey financial information of higher quality compared to the nonfamily peers. Furthermore the authors provide evidence that the determinants of accounting quality differ across family and nonfamily firms.


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While Information services function’s (ISF) service quality is not a new concept and has received considerable attention for over two decades, cross-cultural research of ISF’s service quality is not very mature. The author argues that the relationship between cultural dimensions and the ISF’s service quality dimensions may provide useful insights for how organisations should deal with different cultural groups. This paper will show that ISF’s service quality dimensions vary from one culture to another. The study adopts Hofstede’s (1980, 1991) typology of cultures and the “zones of tolerance” (ZOT) service quality measure reported by Kettinger & Lee (2005) as the primary commencing theory-base. In this paper, the author hypothesised and tested the influences of culture on users’ service quality perceptions and found strong empirical support for the study’s hypotheses. The results of this study indicate that as a result of their cultural characteristics, users vary in both their overall service quality perceptions and their perceptions on each of the four dimensions of ZOT service quality.


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Australia is leading the way in establishing a national system (the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration – PCOC) to measure the outcomes and quality of specialist palliative care services and to benchmark services across the country. This article reports on analysis of data collected routinely at point-of-care on 5939 patients treated by the first fifty one services that voluntarily joined PCOC. By March 2009, 111 services have agreed to join PCOC, representing more than 70% of services and more than 80% of specialist palliative care patients nationally. All states and territories are involved in this unique process that has involved extensive consultation and infrastructure and close collaboration between health services and researchers. The challenges of dealing with wide variation in outcomes and practice and the progress achieved to date are described. PCOC is aiming to improve understanding of the reasons for variations in clinical outcomes between specialist palliative care patients and differences in service outcomes as a critical step in an ongoing process to improve both service quality and patient outcomes. What is known about the topic? Governments internationally are grappling with how best to provide care for people with life limiting illnesses and how best to measure the outcomes and quality of that care. There is little international evidence on how to measure the quality and outcomes of palliative care on a routine basis. What does this paper add? The Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) is the first effort internationally to measure the outcomes and quality of specialist palliative care services and to benchmark services on a national basis through an independent third party. What are the implications for practitioners? If outcomes and quality are to be measured on a consistent national basis, standard clinical assessment tools that are used as part of everyday clinical practice are necessary.