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XRF spectrometry was applied to provenance studies of Iron Age pottery specimens that originated from the Mngeni river area in South Africa. Ten transition metals (Sc to Zn) mere determined in 107 potsherds, excavated from four different sites. The data were subjected to a computerized mathematical technique (correspondence analysis), which was used to group the samples according to the similarity of their elemental distributions. The groupings were interpreted in terms of social or cultural interaction between the sites. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Provenance studies of iron-age pottery specimens originating from the Mngeni river area in South Africa was carried out by applying XRF spectrometry. A total of sixteen major and trace elements were analysed in a batch of 107 potsherds, excavated from four different archaeological sites in the aforementioned area. A multivariate statistical programme Correspondence Analysis was used in this study to obtain the relevant clustering patterns according to the similarity of the elemental distributions. Differences and similarities in the clusters obtained for the majors and trace elements are discussed.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is used extensively in food-contact materials and has been detected routinely in populations worldwide, and this exposure has been linked to a range of negative health outcomes in humans. There is some evidence of an association between BPA and different socioeconomic variables which may be the result of different dietary patterns. The aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation of the association between BPA and socioeconomic status in Australian children using pooled urine specimens and an area level socioeconomic index. Surplus pathology urine specimens collected from children aged 0-15 years in Queensland, Australia as samples of convenience (n = 469) were pooled by age, sex and area level socioeconomic index (n = 67 pools), and analysed for total BPA using online solid phase extraction LC-MS/MS. Concentration ranged from 1.08-27.4 ng/ml with geometric mean 2.57 ng/ml, and geometric mean exposure was estimated as 70.3 ng/kg d-1. Neither BPA concentration nor excretion was associated with age or sex, and the authors found no evidence of an association with socioeconomic status. These results suggest that BPA exposure is not associated with socioeconomic status in the Australian population due to relatively homogenous exposures in Australia, or that the socioeconomic gradient is relatively slight in Australia compared with other OECD countries.


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When preparing this special issue,1 our discussions with the editorial board of the International Journal of Cultural Studies (IJCS) included a moment of simultaneous surprise and reflection, which we would like to use as a starting point for our introduction to the articles appearing here. This occurred during communications about the number and length of the articles required for a special issue. The board’s representative stipulated that a specific number of articles were to be written by Indonesian scholars. The request surprised us. We had neither discussed nor anticipated ethnic or national quotas for authorial participation. But although the request caught us off guard it also stimulated us to think about the two disciplinary terrains traversed in the articles to follow.


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Solid medications are often crushed and mixed with food or thickened water to aid drug delivery for those who cannot or prefer not to swallow whole tablets or capsules. Dysphagic patients have the added problem of being unable to safely swallow thin fluids so water thickened with polysaccharides is used to deliver crushed medications and ensure safe swallowing. It is postulated that these polysaccharide systems may restrict drug release by reducing the diffusion of the drug into gastric fluids. METHODS By using a vertical diffusion cell separated with a synthetic membrane, the diffusion of a model drug (atenolol) was studied from a donor system containing the drug dispersed into thickened water with xanthan gum (concentration range from 0.005%-2.2%) into a receptor system containing simulated gastric fluid (SGF) at 37°C. The amount of drug transferred was measured over 8 hours and diffusion coefficients estimated using the Higuchi model approach. RESULTS Atenolol diffusion decreased with increasing xanthan gum concentration up to 1.0%, above which diffusion remained around 300 μ2s-1. The rheological measurements captured the influence of the structure and conformation of the polysaccharide in water on the movement and availability of the drug in SGF. DISCUSSION Dose form administration for dysphagic patients’ needs special attention from general practitioners, pharmacist and patients. Improving drug release of crushed tablets from thickening agents requires a reduction in the diffusion pathway (e.g. by decreasing drop size radius). This approach could make the drug available in SGF in a short time without compromising the mechanical aspects of thickening agents that guarantee safe swallowing.


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For people with cognitive disabilities, technology is more often thought of as a support mechanism, rather than a source of division that may require intervention to equalize access across the cognitive spectrum. This paper presents a first attempt at formalizing the digital gap created by the generalization of search engines. This was achieved through the development of a mapping of cognitive abilities required by users to execute low- level tasks during a standard Web search task. The mapping demonstrates how critical these abilities are to successfully use search engines with an adequate level of independence. It will lead to a set of design guidelines for search engine interfaces that will allow for the engagement of users of all abilities, and also, more importantly, in search algorithms such as query suggestion and measure of relevance (i.e. ranking).


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Aerial hawking bats use intense echolocation calls to search for insect prey. Their calls have evolved into the most intense airborne animal vocalisations. Yet our knowledge about call intensities in the field is restricted to a small number of species. We describe a novel stereo videogrammetry method used to study flight and echolocation behaviour, and to measure call source levels of the aerial hawking bat Eptesicus bottae (Vespertilionidae). Bats flew close to their predicted minimum power speed. Source level increased with call duration; the loudest call of E. bottae was at 133 dB peSPL. The calculated maximum detection distance for large flying objects (e.g. large prey, conspecifics) was up to 21 m. The corresponding maximum echo delay is almost exactly the duration of one wing beat in E. bottae and this also is its preferred pulse interval. These results, obtained by using videogrammetry to track bats in the field, corroborate earlier findings from other species from acoustic tracking methods.


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This paper describes the search-phase echolocation calls of lesser short-tailed bats (Mystacina tuberculata) and long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus). Calls were recorded from all three subspecies of short-tailed bat and seven populations of long-tailed bat, three in Northland, two in the central North Island, and two in the lower South Island. The calls were recorded in the field and digitised, then three spectral components and one temporal component of the calls were measured. Calls of the lesser short-tailed bat could be loosely classified into subspecies by means of multivariate discriminant function analysis. Similarly, long-tailed bat calls showed regional variation, and discriminant function analysis was able to fit calls to regional groups with a high rate of success. The significance of the results presented is discussed in terms of the conservation of New Zealand bats and the unique ecology of the lesser short-tailed bat.


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We propose expected attainable discrimination (EAD) as a measure to select discrete valued features for reliable discrimination between two classes of data. EAD is an average of the area under the ROC curves obtained when a simple histogram probability density model is trained and tested on many random partitions of a data set. EAD can be incorporated into various stepwise search methods to determine promising subsets of features, particularly when misclassification costs are difficult or impossible to specify. Experimental application to the problem of risk prediction in pregnancy is described.


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A non-linear Kalman filter based control strategy for SVCs located in major load groups is presented. This focusses on the limitation and damping of inter-area modes. It does this through treating local modes as noise and uses a tunable nonlinear control algorithm to improve both first swing stability and system damping. Simulation on a four machine system shows that the Kalman filer can successfully lock on to a desired inter-area mode and obtain a 31% improvement in critical clearing time as well as improved damping.


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A precise representation of the spatial distribution of hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity and charges on the molecular surface of proteins is critical for the understanding of the interaction with small molecules and larger systems. The representation of hydrophobicity is rarely done at atom-level, as this property is generally assigned to residues. A new methodology for the derivation of atomic hydrophobicity from any amino acid-based hydrophobicity scale was used to derive 8 sets of atomic hydrophobicities, one of which was used to generate the molecular surfaces for 35 proteins with convex structures, 5 of which, i.e., lysozyme, ribonuclease, hemoglobin, albumin and IgG, have been analyzed in more detail. Sets of the molecular surfaces of the model proteins have been constructed using spherical probes with increasingly large radii, from 1.4 to 20 A˚, followed by the quantification of (i) the surface hydrophobicity; (ii) their respective molecular surface areas, i.e., total, hydrophilic and hydrophobic area; and (iii) their relative densities, i.e., divided by the total molecular area; or specific densities, i.e., divided by property-specific area. Compared with the amino acid-based formalism, the atom-level description reveals molecular surfaces which (i) present an approximately two times more hydrophilic areas; with (ii) less extended, but between 2 to 5 times more intense hydrophilic patches; and (iii) 3 to 20 times more extended hydrophobic areas. The hydrophobic areas are also approximately 2 times more hydrophobicity-intense. This, more pronounced "leopard skin"-like, design of the protein molecular surface has been confirmed by comparing the results for a restricted set of homologous proteins, i.e., hemoglobins diverging by only one residue (Trp37). These results suggest that the representation of hydrophobicity on the protein molecular surfaces at atom-level resolution, coupled with the probing of the molecular surface at different geometric resolutions, can capture processes that are otherwise obscured to the amino acid-based formalism.