441 resultados para advice for writers


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Background: Despite the technologic advances, radiation dermatitis is still a prevalent and distressing symptom in patients with cancer undergoing radiotherapy. Systematic reviews (SRs) are regarded as level I evidence providing direction for clinical practice and guidelines. This overview aims to provide a critical appraisal of SRs published on interventions for the prevention/management of radiation dermatitis. Methodology: We searched the following electronic databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library (up to Feb 2012). We also hand-searched reference lists of potentially eligible articles and a number of key journals in the area. Two authors screened all potential articles and included eligible SRs. Two authors critically appraised and extracted key findings from the included reviews using the “A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews” (AMSTAR). Results: Of 1837 potential titles, six SRs were included. A number of interventions have been reported to be potentially beneficial for managing radiation dermatitis. Interventions evaluated in these reviews included skin care advice, steroidal/non-steroidal topical agents, systematic therapies, modes of radiation delivery, and dressings. However, all the included SRs reported that there is insufficient evidence supporting any single effective intervention. The methodological quality of the included studies varied, and methodological shortfalls in these reviews may create biases to the overall results or recommendations for clinical practice. Conclusions and implications: An up-to-date high quality SR in preventing/managing radiation dermatitis is needed to guide practice and direction for future research. Clinicians or guideline developers are recommended to critically evaluate the information of SRs in their decision making.


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Pedagogical styles, methods, models, practices or strategies are valued for what they claim they can achieve. In recent times curriculum documents and governments have called for a range of teaching approaches to meet the variety of learner differences and allow students to make more independent decision making in physical education (Hardy and Mawer, 1999). One well known system of categorizing teaching styles is the Mosston and Ashworth’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles (2002). In Queensland, prior to 2005, no research had been conducted on the teaching styles used by teachers of Physical Education. However, many teachers self-reported that they employed a variety of teaching styles depending on the aims and content of the material to be taught (Cothran, et al., 2005). This research, for the first time, collected teacher’s self-reported use of teaching styles and through observations verify the styles that were being used to teach Senior Physical Education in Queensland. More specifically the aims of the research were to determine: a) What teaching styles teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland believe they use? i) Were they using a range of teaching styles? ii) Were teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland using teaching styles that the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004) required? b) If Mosston and Ashworth’s (2002) Spectrum of Teaching Styles were used to categorise styles observed during the teaching of Senior Physical Education did the styles being used provide opportunities for evaluating as described by the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004)? The research was conducted in two phases. Part A involved use of a questionnaire to determine the teaching styles Queensland teachers of Senior Physical Education reported using and how often they reported using them. The questionnaire was administered to 110 teachers throughout Queensland. The sample was determined from 346 schools teaching Senior Physical Education (in 2006) across the state of Queensland, Australia. 286 questionnaires were sent to 77 non-randomised schools. There were 66 male and 44 female respondents in the sample. A wide range of teaching styles were reportedly used by teachers of Senior Physical Education with Practice Style-Style B, Command Style-Style A and Divergent Discovery Style-Style H, the most reportedly used. The Self-Teaching Style-Style K was reportedly used the least by teachers involved in this study. From the respondents a group of teachers were identified to form the participants for Part B. Part B of the study involved observation of a group of volunteer participants (from those who had completed the questionnaire) who displayed many of the ‘typical’ characteristics, and a cross-section of backgrounds, of teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland. In the case of this study, the criteria used to select the group of teachers to be observed teaching were, teaching experience (number of years: 0-4, 5-10 and 11 years and over), gender, geographical location of schools (focused on Brisbane and near area for travel/access purposes), profile of the students at schools (girls, boys or co-educational), nature of school (Government or Private) and the physical activities being taught in a school (activities to reflect all the areas of physical activity outlined within the syllabus). A total of 27 questionnaire respondents from Part A indicated that they were willing to be observed teaching practical lessons. The respondents who volunteered to be involved in Part B of the study came from different regions across the state of Queensland and was not confined to the Brisbane metropolitan area or large cities. From the group of people who volunteered for Part B four came from outside Brisbane and 23 from the Brisbane area. The final observation group of nine participants included eight teachers from the Brisbane area and one from a rural area. The characteristics of the final group included three females and six males from private and public schools with a range of teaching experience in years and a range of physical activities. Four year 12 and five year 11 teachers and their classes were videoed on three occasions as they progressed through an eight – nine week unit of work. This resulted in 24 hours 48 minutes and 20 seconds (or 4465 observations) of video teaching data which was subsequently coded by several researchers (99% interobserver reliability) to determine the teaching styles employed by the participants. This research indicated that, based on Mosston and Ashworth’s (2002) Spectrum of Teaching Styles, teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland used predominantly one style to teach 27 observed lessons. This is in sharp contrast to the variety of styles 110 teachers self- reportedly used and in spite of the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004) suggesting a range of specific styles be used. These results are discussed in the context of the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004), teacher knowledge of teaching styles and high-stakes curriculum and external pressures such as national testing and the publication of data from schools in tabloid newspapers. The data and findings in this research provide a rationale for improving teacher knowledge regarding teaching styles and the need for a clear definition of terminology in syllabus documents. Careful examination of the effects that the publishing of school data may have on teaching styles is advised. This research not only collected teacher’s perceptions of the teaching styles they believed they used it also verified these claims through direct observations of the teachers while teaching. These findings are relevant to syllabus writers, teacher educators, policy makers within education and teachers.


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Over a seven-year period, Mark Radvan directed a suite of children’s theatre productions adapted from the original Tashi stories by Australian writers Anna and Barbara Fienberg. The Tashi Project’s repertoire of plays performed to over 40,000 children aged between 3 and 10 years old, and their carers, in seasons at the Out of the Box Festival, at Brisbane Powerhouse and in venues across Australia in two interstate tours in 2009 and 2010. The project investigated how best to combine an exploration of theatrical forms and conventions, with a performance style evolved in a specially developed training program and a deliberate positioning of young children as audiences capable of sophisticated readings of action, symbol, theme and character. The results of this project show that when brought into appropriate relationship with the theatre artists, young children aged 3-5 can engage with sophisticated narrative forms, and with the right contextual framing they enjoy heightened dramatic and emotional tension, bringing to the event sustained and highly engaged concentration. Older children aged 6-10 also bring sustained and heightened engagement to the same stories, providing that other more sophisticated dramatic elements are woven into the construction of the performances, such as character, theme and style.


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Aim The misuse and abuse of Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) by attorneys, particularly in relation to financial decision-making, is a growing concern. This paper explores the opportunities to enhance accountability of attorneys at the time of the execution of the document in Queensland. Method A four stage multi-method design comprised a critical reference group; semi-structured interviews with 32 principals or potential principals, attorneys and witnesses; two focus groups with service providers and a state wide survey of 76 principals, attorneys and witnesses. Results Across all methods and user groups, understanding the role and obligations of the attorney in an EPA was consistently identified as problematic. Conclusions Promoting accountability and understanding can be addressed by greater attention to the role of the attorney in the forms/ guidelines and in the structure and witnessing of the forms, increased direction about record keeping and access to appropriate advice and support.


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While maternal obesity, excess pregnancy weight gain and lifestyle behaviours are associated with future overweight for both mothers and babies, there is limited research on how best to intervene. An evidence base that identifies behavioural influences is crucial to the development of effective interventions. This thesis aims to gain an understanding of maternal behavioural outcomes of healthy eating, physical activity and gestational weight gain (GWG), the psychosocial influences on these and to examine differences according to pre-pregnancy weight status. The New Beginnings Healthy Mothers and Babies Study was a prospective observational study using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model of health promotion planning as a framework. A consecutive sample of 715 women was recruited. Height and weight were measured and women completed questionnaires at approximately 16 and 36 weeks gestation. This thesis presents three chapters of original research across four study domains. While healthy eating was widely regarded as important during pregnancy and had become more so, there was more variability in attitudes towards physical activity. Ninety-two percent of participants achieved the maximum knowledge score relating to the influence of nutrition on pregnancy. However, 8% and 36% respectively knew how many serves of fruit and vegetables should be consumed daily. Six percent of participants met the recommendations for fruit consumption, 4% achieved the recommended vegetable intake and 44% achieved sufficient physical activity. There were few differences between healthy and overweight women for measures of physical activity and healthy eating. Many predisposing, reinforcing and enabling factors with a positive influence on health behaviours were lower in women commencing pregnancy overweight and those factors with a negative influence on health behaviours were higher when compared to healthy weight women. Some of these antecedents to health behaviours that were different according to prepregnancy weight status were associated with diet quality and physical activity. While self efficacy was consistently associated with diet quality and physical activity for both weight groups, other associations between specific predisposing, reinforcing and enabling factors differed with behaviour and weight status group. These results highlight the complexity of supporting behaviour change in a one-size-fits-all approach. Sixty-four percent of participants gained weight outside of recommendations. Compared to healthy weight women, those women who were already overweight at the beginning of pregnancy were more likely to gain too much weight (30% vs 56%, p<0.001). Only 35% of participants reported their correct recommended weight gain. Excess GWG was associated with few predisposing factors, however, these were not consistent between prepregnancy weight status groups. Less than 50% of women reported sometimes/usually/always receiving advice from health professionals relating to healthy eating, physical activity or GWG. These results indicate that there are opportunities to improve the advice and support provided by health care professionals in the antenatal period. Evidence from this PhD research suggests that there is a need for effective prevention and management of excess weight in pregnancy. Effective management of this problem is likely to require a multidisciplinary approach with multi-level strategies. Importantly, the strategies may need to be tailored according to pre-pregnancy weight status. Collectively, the evidence derived from this thesis suggests that opportunities to support healthy lifestyles and prevent future overweight are being missed during pregnancy.


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(Re)Imagining the world: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times considers how writers of fiction for children imagine ‘the world’, not one universal world, but different worlds: imaginary, strange, familiar, even monstrous worlds. The chapters in this collection discuss how fiction for children engages with some of the changes brought about by new technologies, information literacy, consumerism, migration, politics, different family structures, cosmopolitanism, and new and old monsters. They also invite us to think about how memory shapes our understanding of the past, and how fiction engages our emotions, our capacity to empathize, our desire to discover, and what the future may hold. The contributors bring different perspectives from education, postcolonial studies, literary criticism, cultural studies, childhood studies, postmodernism, and the social sciences. With a wide coverage of texts from different countries, and scholarly and lively discussions, this collection is itself a testament to the power of the human imagination and the significance of children’s literature in the education of young people.


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According to Australian Job Search, just 14% of librarians are under the age of 35. As a Generation Y librarian, flexibility is a key factor to ensuring survival in the Baby Boomer library and overcoming employment, promotion and in particular stereotype barriers. This paper draws upon generational and library workforce research, coupled with industry experience to provide practical advice and strategies to break through both personal and professional barriers for the Generation Y librarian in the Baby Boomer library world. Industry understanding, drawn from personal experiences of working in public, education and special libraries, utilises my journey as a librarian since graduation in 2005 to discuss barriers faced and methods for breaking through. In my previous position as Teaching and Learning Librarian at Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE from 35 library staff I was the sole member under 30. In addition I was the youngest member of the Library Management Team by 20 years, providing a perfect example of the Generation Y librarian within a Baby Boomer environment. This experience provides the platform for exploring strategies for understanding and overcoming ageist ideas, generational stereotypes, and employment barriers. Discussion regarding the need to develop sound industry knowledge for survival within the library world will also be raised.


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Background: Heart failure is a serious condition estimated to affect 1.5-2.0% of the Australian population with a point prevalence of approximately 1% in people aged 50-59 years, 10% in people aged 65 years or more and over 50% in people aged 85 years or over (National Heart Foundation of Australian and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2006). Sleep disturbances are a common complaint of persons with heart failure. Disturbances of sleep can worsen heart failure symptoms, impair independence, reduce quality of life and lead to increased health care utilisation in patients with heart failure. Previous studies have identified exercise as a possible treatment for poor sleep in patients without cardiac disease however there is limited evidence of the effect of this form of treatment in heart failure. Aim: The primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of a supervised, hospital-based exercise training programme on subjective sleep quality in heart failure patients. Secondary objectives were to examine the association between changes in sleep quality and changes in depression, exercise performance and body mass index. Methods: The sample for the study was recruited from metropolitan and regional heart failure services across Brisbane, Queensland. Patients with a recent heart failure related hospital admission who met study inclusion criteria were recruited. Participants were screened by specialist heart failure exercise staff at each site to ensure exercise safety prior to study enrolment. Demographic data, medical history, medications, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score, Geriatric Depression Score, exercise performance (six minute walk test), weight and height were collected at Baseline. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score, Geriatric Depression Score, exercise performance and weight were repeated at 3 months. One hundred and six patients admitted to hospital with heart failure were randomly allocated to a 3-month disease-based management programme of education and self-management support including standard exercise advice (Control) or to the same disease management programme as the Control group with the addition of a tailored physical activity program (Intervention). The intervention consisted of 1 hour of aerobic and resistance exercise twice a week. Programs were designed and supervised by an exercise specialist. The main outcome measure was achievement of a clinically significant change (.3 points) in global Pittsburgh Sleep Quality score. Results: Intervention group participants reported significantly greater clinical improvement in global sleep quality than Control (p=0.016). These patients also exhibited significant improvements in component sleep disturbance (p=0.004), component sleep quality (p=0.015) and global sleep quality (p=0.032) after 3 months of supervised exercise intervention. Improvements in sleep quality correlated with improvements in depression (p<0.001) and six minute walk distance (p=0.04). When study results were examined categorically, with subjects classified as either "poor" or "good" sleepers, subjects in the Control group were significantly more likely to report "poor" sleep at 3 months (p=0.039) while Intervention participants were likely to report "good" sleep at this time (p=0.08). Conclusion: Three months of supervised, hospital based, aerobic and resistance exercise training improved subjective sleep quality in patients with heart failure. This is the first randomised controlled trial to examine the role of aerobic and resistance exercise training in the improvement of sleep quality for patients with this disease. While this study establishes exercise as a therapy for poor sleep quality, further research is needed to investigate the effect of exercise training on objective parameters of sleep in this population.


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This paper focuses on Australian texts with Asian representations, which will be discussed in terms of Ethical Intelligence (Weinstein, 2011) explored through drama. This approach aligns with the architecture of the Australian Curriculum: English (AC:E, v5, 2013); in particular the general capabilities of 'ethical understanding' and 'intercultural understandings.' It also addresses one aspect of the Cross Curriculum Priorities which is to include texts about peoples from Asia. The selected texts not only show the struggles undergone by the authors and protagonists, but also the positive contributions that diverse writers from Asian and Middle Eastern countries have made to Australia.


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The Australian Curriculum: English, v.5 (ACARA, 2013) now being implemented in Queensland asks teachers and curriculum designers to incorporate the cross curriculum priority (CCP)of Indigenous issues through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. In the Australian Curriculum English, (AC:E) one way to address this CCP is by including texts by and about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. With the rise of promising and accomplished young, Indigenous filmmakers such as Ivan Sen, Rachael Perkins, Wayne Blair and Warwick Thornton, this guide focuses on the suitable films for schools implementing the Australian Curriculum in terms of cultural representations. This annotated guide suggests some films suitable for inclusion in classroom study and suggests some companion texts (novels, plays, television series and animations, documentaries, poetry and short stories) that may be studied alongside the films. Some of these are by Indigenous filmmakers and writers, and others features Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island representations in character and/or themes.


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Business process management systems (BPMS) belong to a class of enterprise information systems that are characterized by the dependence on explicitly modeled process logic. Through the process logic, it is relatively easy to manage explicitly the routing and allocation of work items along a business process through the system. Inspired by the DeLone and McLean framework, we theorize that these process-aware system features are important attributes of system quality, which in turn will elevate key user evaluations such as perceived usefulness, and usage satisfaction. We examine this theoretical model using data collected from four different, mostly mature BPM system projects. Our findings validate the importance of input quality as well as allocation and routing attributes as antecedents of system quality, which, in turn, determines both usefulness and satisfaction with the system. We further demonstrate how service quality and workflow dependency are significant precursors to perceived usefulness. Our results suggest the appropriateness of a multi-dimensional conception of system quality for future research, and provide important design-oriented advice for the design and configuration of BPMSs.


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Trust is widely recognised as one of the key qualities that a successful leader needs to bring about change within their organization. Browning’s study aimed to identify practices which a school leader can effectively use to inspire, build, and maintain trust between themselves, their staff and Chair of governing body. The study was undertaken in two phases. Phase One was the identification of four highly trusted transformational leaders from the Australian independent schooling sector. Phase Two was a multicase study of the four school leaders. The findings provide practical advice for school leaders wishing to have a positive impact on the outcomes of the students in their school.


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The first of three articles in this issue addressing the public space topic considers public space and young people in the light of a range of papers delivered at the 27th International Conference on 'Making Cities Livable', held in Vienna, Austria, in July 2000. Under the overarching concept of the "liveable city" the conference themes of 'Rediscovery of public space' and 'Cities for the wellbeing of children' attracted a broad mix of those interested in the planning, design and management of urban space. A number of themes percolated through the conference which stimulated the writers to examine the nexus between urban development, young people and public space. There is an ongoing need to examine the meaning of public space in the face of powerful urban development trends. A model of public space practice is required which incorporates a vision of inclusive public spaces, fosters the interactivity of design, planning, social policy and management, and resources for greater communication and strategic action between stake holders from the most local of levels to those at state and international levels. The speed and magnitude of contemporary urban development makes community input and influence difficult, particularly for those impacted on by the exclusionary tendencies of much urban development. It is critical that a range of meaningful and sustainable mechanisms are developed which allow young people’s conceptions of what constitutes youth-friendly space to be directly made and taken account of.


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The implementation of the National Professional Standards for Teachers (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), 2011) will require all teachers to undertake 30 hours per year of professional development (PD) to maintain thei registration. However, defining what constitutes effective PD s complex. This article discusses an approach used by Narangba Valley State High School (SHS) in Queensland which involves effective on-site PD, resulting in improved student outcomes. In addition to the school-administered growth and learning (GAL) plans for each teacher, the school worked collaboratively with an external person (university lecturer) and implemented an effective, sustainable, whole-school approach to PD which was ongoing, on time, on task, on the mark, and on-the-spot (Jetnikoff & Smeed, 2012). The article unpacks an interview with Ross Mackay, the Narangba Valley SHS executive-principal and one of the authors of this paper, and provides practical advice for other school leaders wishing to implement a similar approach to PD.


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Modernized GPS and GLONASS, together with new GNSS systems, BeiDou and Galileo, offer code and phase ranging signals in three or more carriers. Traditionally, dual-frequency code and/or phase GPS measurements are linearly combined to eliminate effects of ionosphere delays in various positioning and analysis. This typical treatment method has imitations in processing signals at three or more frequencies from more than one system and can be hardly adapted itself to cope with the booming of various receivers with a broad variety of singles. In this contribution, a generalized-positioning model that the navigation system independent and the carrier number unrelated is promoted, which is suitable for both single- and multi-sites data processing. For the synchronization of different signals, uncalibrated signal delays (USD) are more generally defined to compensate the signal specific offsets in code and phase signals respectively. In addition, the ionospheric delays are included in the parameterization with an elaborate consideration. Based on the analysis of the algebraic structures, this generalized-positioning model is further refined with a set of proper constrains to regularize the datum deficiency of the observation equation system. With this new model, uncalibrated signal delays (USD) and ionospheric delays are derived for both GPS and BeiDou with a large dada set. Numerical results demonstrate that, with a limited number of stations, the uncalibrated code delays (UCD) are determinate to a precision of about 0.1 ns for GPS and 0.4 ns for BeiDou signals, while the uncalibrated phase delays (UPD) for L1 and L2 are generated with 37 stations evenly distributed in China for GPS with a consistency of about 0.3 cycle. Extra experiments concerning the performance of this novel model in point positioning with mixed-frequencies of mixed-constellations is analyzed, in which the USD parameters are fixed with our generated values. The results are evaluated in terms of both positioning accuracy and convergence time.