285 resultados para false memories


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Modern non-invasive brain imaging technologies, such as diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI), enable the mapping of neural fiber tracts in the white matter, providing a basis to reconstruct a detailed map of brain structural connectivity networks. Brain connectivity networks differ from random networks in their topology, which can be measured using small worldness, modularity, and high-degree nodes (hubs). Still, little is known about how individual differences in structural brain network properties relate to age, sex, or genetic differences. Recently, some groups have reported brain network biomarkers that enable differentiation among individuals, pairs of individuals, and groups of individuals. In addition to studying new topological features, here we provide a unifying general method to investigate topological brain networks and connectivity differences between individuals, pairs of individuals, and groups of individuals at several levels of the data hierarchy, while appropriately controlling false discovery rate (FDR) errors. We apply our new method to a large dataset of high quality brain connectivity networks obtained from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) tractography in 303 young adult twins, siblings, and unrelated people. Our proposed approach can accurately classify brain connectivity networks based on sex (93% accuracy) and kinship (88.5% accuracy). We find statistically significant differences associated with sex and kinship both in the brain connectivity networks and in derived topological metrics, such as the clustering coefficient and the communicability matrix.


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Deficits in lentiform nucleus volume and morphometry are implicated in a number of genetically influenced disorders, including Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and ADHD. Here we performed genome-wide searches to discover common genetic variants associated with differences in lentiform nucleus volume in human populations. We assessed structural MRI scans of the brain in two large genotyped samples: the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI; N = 706) and the Queensland Twin Imaging Study (QTIM; N = 639). Statistics of association from each cohort were combined meta-analytically using a fixed-effects model to boost power and to reduce the prevalence of false positive findings. We identified a number of associations in and around the flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) gene cluster. The most highly associated SNP, rs1795240, was located in the FMO3 gene; after meta-analysis, it showed genome-wide significant evidence of association with lentiform nucleus volume (PMA = 4. 79 × 10-8). This commonly-carried genetic variant accounted for 2. 68 % and 0. 84 % of the trait variability in the ADNI and QTIM samples, respectively, even though the QTIM sample was on average 50 years younger. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed significant contributions of this gene to the cytochrome P450 pathway, which is involved in metabolizing numerous therapeutic drugs for pain, seizures, mania, depression, anxiety, and psychosis. The genetic variants we identified provide replicated, genome-wide significant evidence for the FMO gene cluster's involvement in lentiform nucleus volume differences in human populations.


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Accurate identification of white matter structures and segmentation of fibers into tracts is important in neuroimaging and has many potential applications. Even so, it is not trivial because whole brain tractography generates hundreds of thousands of streamlines that include many false positive fibers. We developed and tested an automatic tract labeling algorithm to segment anatomically meaningful tracts from diffusion weighted images. Our multi-atlas method incorporates information from multiple hand-labeled fiber tract atlases. In validations, we showed that the method outperformed the standard ROI-based labeling using a deformable, parcellated atlas. Finally, we show a high-throughput application of the method to genetic population studies. We use the sub-voxel diffusion information from fibers in the clustered tracts based on 105-gradient HARDI scans of 86 young normal twins. The whole workflow shows promise for larger population studies in the future.


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Automatic labeling of white matter fibres in diffusion-weighted brain MRI is vital for comparing brain integrity and connectivity across populations, but is challenging. Whole brain tractography generates a vast set of fibres throughout the brain, but it is hard to cluster them into anatomically meaningful tracts, due to wide individual variations in the trajectory and shape of white matter pathways. We propose a novel automatic tract labeling algorithm that fuses information from tractography and multiple hand-labeled fibre tract atlases. As streamline tractography can generate a large number of false positive fibres, we developed a top-down approach to extract tracts consistent with known anatomy, based on a distance metric to multiple hand-labeled atlases. Clustering results from different atlases were fused, using a multi-stage fusion scheme. Our "label fusion" method reliably extracted the major tracts from 105-gradient HARDI scans of 100 young normal adults. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Goodbye Brigadoon examines the shifting role media production plays in the economic and cultural strategies of global cities in small market nations, specifically Glasgow, Scotland. In particular, this project focuses on the formation of a digital media village along the banks of the River Clyde to argue the site constitutes a logical component to Glasgow’s ongoing transformation into a cosmopolitan center. Yet, as the regional government’s economic strategies and policy directives work to transform the abandoned waterfront into a center of cultural activity, this project also underscores the contradictory cultural dynamics to emerge from media production’s new role in the post-industrial city. At its core, the media hub reveals a regional government more interested in the technology used to deliver “national” stories than the manner of the stories themselves or the cultural practices responsible for creating them. Indeed, Goodbye Brigadoon is most interested in how media professionals based at the emergent cluster negotiate a sense of cultural identity and creative license against the institutional constraints, policy matters, and commercial logic they also must navigate in their workaday rituals. Ultimately, the conclusions offered in this project argue for a more complicated conception of the global-local location where these professionals work. Glasgow’s digital media village, in other words, is much more than an innocuous site of competitive advantage, urban regeneration, and job growth. It is best understood as a site of intense social struggle and unequal power relations where local mediamakers often find the site’s impetus for multiplatform media production an institutionally enforced false promise at odds with the realities of creative labor in the city.


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This study uses the concept of 'place-making' to consider the formation of geo-identity on Sina Weibo, one of the most popular microblogging services in China. Besides articulating state-public confrontation during major social controversies, Weibo has been used to recollect and re-narrate the memories of a city, such as Guangzhou, where dramatic social and cultural changes took place during the economic reform era. This study aims to explore how Weibo sustains political engagement through maintaining Guangzhou people's sense of belonging to their city. By collecting data from a Weibo group over a period of twelve months, I argue that Weibo politics not only takes place during a contentious events, but is sustained within the realm of everyday life. This study has the potential to contribute to the limited knowledge of Weibo use during non-contentious period in China, hence broadening the notion of popular polity in the age of social media.


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Background: Changing perspectives on the natural history of celiac disease (CD), new serology and genetic tests, and amended histological criteria for diagnosis cast doubt on past prevalence estimates for CD. We set out to establish a more accurate prevalence estimate for CD using a novel serogenetic approach.Methods: The human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ genotype was determined in 356 patients with 'biopsy-confirmed' CD, and in two age-stratified, randomly selected community cohorts of 1,390 women and 1,158 men. Sera were screened for CD-specific serology.Results: Only five 'biopsy-confirmed' patients with CD did not possess the susceptibility alleles HLA-DQ2.5, DQ8, or DQ2.2, and four of these were misdiagnoses. HLA-DQ2.5, DQ8, or DQ2.2 was present in 56% of all women and men in the community cohorts. Transglutaminase (TG)-2 IgA and composite TG2/deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) IgA/IgG were abnormal in 4.6% and 5.6%, respectively, of the community women and 6.9% and 6.9%, respectively, of the community men, but in the screen-positive group, only 71% and 75%, respectively, of women and 65% and 63%, respectively, of men possessed HLA-DQ2.5, DQ8, or DQ2.2. Medical review was possible for 41% of seropositive women and 50% of seropositive men, and led to biopsy-confirmed CD in 10 women (0.7%) and 6 men (0.5%), but based on relative risk for HLA-DQ2.5, DQ8, or DQ2.2 in all TG2 IgA or TG2/DGP IgA/IgG screen-positive subjects, CD affected 1.3% or 1.9%, respectively, of females and 1.3% or 1.2%, respectively, of men. Serogenetic data from these community cohorts indicated that testing screen positives for HLA-DQ, or carrying out HLA-DQ and further serology, could have reduced unnecessary gastroscopies due to false-positive serology by at least 40% and by over 70%, respectively.Conclusions: Screening with TG2 IgA serology and requiring biopsy confirmation caused the community prevalence of CD to be substantially underestimated. Testing for HLA-DQ genes and confirmatory serology could reduce the numbers of unnecessary gastroscopies. © 2013 Anderson et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Said-Nahal and colleagues report an intriguing finding of an association with HLA-DR4 independent of B27 in families with ankylosing spondylitis (AS),1 a finding highlighted by an accompanying editorial.2 The approach of studying B27 positive and B27 negative haplotypes may prove powerful in identifying further cis or trans encoded genes involved in AS. However, the reported association of DR4 with AS is quite a surprising finding given that no difference was noted in B27-DR4 haplotype frequencies in patients and ethnically matched healthy controls. Many previous studies have not reported any such association,3–9 including a similar preliminary study by the same authors.10 Although these studies were mainly case-control studies, population stratification is highly unlikely to cause a false negative finding if the effect size of the reported association with DR4 is as high as Said-Nahal and colleagues describe...


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Introduction: A number of genetic-association studies have identified genes contributing to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) susceptibility but such approaches provide little information as to the gene activity changes occurring during the disease process. Transcriptional profiling generates a 'snapshot' of the sampled cells' activity and thus can provide insights into the molecular processes driving the disease process. We undertook a whole-genome microarray approach to identify candidate genes associated with AS and validated these gene-expression changes in a larger sample cohort. Methods: A total of 18 active AS patients, classified according to the New York criteria, and 18 gender- and age-matched controls were profiled using Illumina HT-12 whole-genome expression BeadChips which carry cDNAs for 48,000 genes and transcripts. Class comparison analysis identified a number of differentially expressed candidate genes. These candidate genes were then validated in a larger cohort using qPCR-based TaqMan low density arrays (TLDAs). Results: A total of 239 probes corresponding to 221 genes were identified as being significantly different between patients and controls with a P-value <0.0005 (80% confidence level of false discovery rate). Forty-seven genes were then selected for validation studies, using the TLDAs. Thirteen of these genes were validated in the second patient cohort with 12 downregulated 1.3- to 2-fold and only 1 upregulated (1.6-fold). Among a number of identified genes with well-documented inflammatory roles we also validated genes that might be of great interest to the understanding of AS progression such as SPOCK2 (osteonectin) and EP300, which modulate cartilage and bone metabolism. Conclusions: We have validated a gene expression signature for AS from whole blood and identified strong candidate genes that may play roles in both the inflammatory and joint destruction aspects of the disease.


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Vertebral fracture risk is a heritable complex trait. The aim of this study was to identify genetic susceptibility factors for osteoporotic vertebral fractures applying a genome-wide association study (GWAS) approach. The GWAS discovery was based on the Rotterdam Study, a population-based study of elderly Dutch individuals aged >55years; and comprising 329 cases and 2666 controls with radiographic scoring (McCloskey-Kanis) and genetic data. Replication of one top-associated SNP was pursued by de-novo genotyping of 15 independent studies across Europe, the United States, and Australia and one Asian study. Radiographic vertebral fracture assessment was performed using McCloskey-Kanis or Genant semi-quantitative definitions. SNPs were analyzed in relation to vertebral fracture using logistic regression models corrected for age and sex. Fixed effects inverse variance and Han-Eskin alternative random effects meta-analyses were applied. Genome-wide significance was set at p<5×10-8. In the discovery, a SNP (rs11645938) on chromosome 16q24 was associated with the risk for vertebral fractures at p=4.6×10-8. However, the association was not significant across 5720 cases and 21,791 controls from 14 studies. Fixed-effects meta-analysis summary estimate was 1.06 (95% CI: 0.98-1.14; p=0.17), displaying high degree of heterogeneity (I2=57%; Qhet p=0.0006). Under Han-Eskin alternative random effects model the summary effect was significant (p=0.0005). The SNP maps to a region previously found associated with lumbar spine bone mineral density (LS-BMD) in two large meta-analyses from the GEFOS consortium. A false positive association in the GWAS discovery cannot be excluded, yet, the low-powered setting of the discovery and replication settings (appropriate to identify risk effect size >1.25) may still be consistent with an effect size <1.10, more of the type expected in complex traits. Larger effort in studies with standardized phenotype definitions is needed to confirm or reject the involvement of this locus on the risk for vertebral fractures.


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The role of germline polymorphisms of the T-cell receptor A/D and B loci in susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis was investigated by linkage studies using microsatellite markers in 215 affected sibling pairs. The presence of a significant susceptibility gene (lambda ≤ 1.6) at the TCRA/D locus was excluded (LOD score < -2.0). At the TCRB locus, there was weak evidence of the presence of a susceptibility gene (P = 0.01, LOD score 1.1). Further family studies will be required to determine whether this is a true or false-positive finding. It is unlikely that either the TCRA/D or TCRB loci contain genes responsible for more than a moderate proportion of the non-MHC genetic susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis.


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Classification criteria should facilitate selection of similar patients for clinical and epidemiologic studies, therapeutic trials, and research on etiopathogenesis to enable comparison of results across studies from different centers. We critically appraise the validity and performance of the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). It is still debatable whether all patients fulfilling these criteria should be considered as having true axSpA. Patients with radiographically evident disease by the ASAS criteria are not necessarily identical with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) as classified by the modified New York criteria. The complex multi-arm selection design of the ASAS criteria induces considerable heterogeneity among patients so classified, and applying them in settings with a low prevalence of axial spondyloarthritis (SpA) greatly increases the proportion of subjects falsely classified as suffering from axial SpA. One of the unmet needs in non-radiographic form of axial SpA is to have reliable markers that can identify individuals at risk for progression to AS and thereby facilitate early intervention trials designed to prevent such progression. We suggest needed improvements of the ASAS criteria for axSpA, as all criteria sets should be regarded as dynamic concepts open to modifications or updates as our knowledge advances.


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Acoustic recordings play an increasingly important role in monitoring terrestrial environments. However, due to rapid advances in technology, ecologists are accumulating more audio than they can listen to. Our approach to this big-data challenge is to visualize the content of long-duration audio recordings by calculating acoustic indices. These are statistics which describe the temporal-spectral distribution of acoustic energy and reflect content of ecological interest. We combine spectral indices to produce false-color spectrogram images. These not only reveal acoustic content but also facilitate navigation. An additional analytic challenge is to find appropriate descriptors to summarize the content of 24-hour recordings, so that it becomes possible to monitor long-term changes in the acoustic environment at a single location and to compare the acoustic environments of different locations. We describe a 24-hour ‘acoustic-fingerprint’ which shows some preliminary promise.


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There is strong evidence to suggest that the combination of alcohol and chronic repetitive stress leads to long-lasting effects on brain function, specifically areas associated with stress, motivation and decision-making such as the amygdala, nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. Alcohol and stress together facilitate the imprinting of long-lasting memories. The molecular mechanisms and circuits involved are being studied but are not fully understood. Current evidence suggests that corticosterone (animals) or cortisol (humans), in addition to direct transcriptional effects on the genome, can directly regulate pre- and postsynaptic synaptic transmission through membrane bound glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Indeed, corticosterone-sensitive synaptic receptors may be critical sites for stress regulation of synaptic responses. Direct modulation of synaptic transmission by corticosterone may contribute to the regulation of synaptic plasticity and memory during stress (Johnson et al., 2005; Prager et al., 2010). Specifically, previous data has shown that long term alcohol (1) increases the expression of NR2Bcontaining NMDA receptors at glutamate synapses, (2) changes receptor density, and (3) changes morphology of dendritic spines (Prendergast and Mulholland; 2012). During alcohol withdrawal these changes are associated with increased glucocorticoid signalling and increased neuronal excitability. It has therefore been proposed that these synapse changes lead to the anxiety and alcohol craving associated with withdrawal (Prendergast and Mulholland; 2012). My lab is targeting this receptor system and the amygdala in order to understand the effect of combining alcohol and stress on these pathways. Lastly, we are testing GR specific compounds as potential new medications to promote the development of resilience to developing addiction.


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Little is known about the neuronal changes that occur within the lateral amygdala (LA) following fear extinction. In fear extinction, the repeated presentation of a conditioned stimulus (CS), in the absence of a previously paired aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), reduces fear elicited by the CS. Fear extinction is an active learning process that leads to the formation of a consolidated extinction memory, however it is fragile and prone to spontaneous recovery and renewal under environmental changes such as context. Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying fear extinction is of great clinical relevance, as psychological treatments of several anxiety disorders rely largely on extinction-based procedures and relapse is major clinical problem. This study investigated plasticity in the LA following fear memory reactivation in rats with and without extinction training. Phosphorylated MAPK (p44/42 ERK/MAPK), a protein kinase required in the amygdala for fear learning and its extinction, was used as a marker for neuronal plasticity. Rats (N = 11) underwent a Pavlovian auditory fear conditioning and extinction paradigm, and later received a single conditioned stimulus presentation to reactivate the fear memory. Results showed more pMAPK+ expressing neurons in the LA following extinction-reactivation compared to control rats, with the largest number of pMAPK+ neurons counted in the ventral LA, especially including the ventro-lateral subdivision (LAvl). These findings indicate that LA subdivision specific plasticity occurs to the conditioned fear memory in the LAvl following extinction-reactivation. These findings provide important insight into the organisation of fear memories in the LA, and pave the way for future research in the memory mechanisms of fear extinction and its pathophysiology.