264 resultados para Transient ice formation


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This study examines a matrix of synthetic water samples designed to include conditions that favour brominated disinfection by-product (Br-DBP) formation, in order to provide predictive models suitable for high Br-DBP forming waters such as salinity-impacted waters. Br-DBPs are known to be more toxic than their chlorinated analogues, in general, and their formation may be favoured by routine water treatment practices such as coagulation/flocculation under specific conditions; therefore, circumstances surrounding their formation must be understood. The chosen factors were bromide concentration, mineral alkalinity, bromide to dissolved organic carbon (Br/DOC) ratio and Suwannee River natural organic matter concentration. The relationships between these parameters and DBP formation were evaluated by response surface modelling of data generated using a face-centred central composite experimental design. Predictive models for ten brominated and/or chlorinated DBPs are presented, as well as models for total trihalomethanes (tTHMs) and total dihaloacetonitriles (tDHANs), and bromide substitution factors for the THMs and DHANs classes. The relationships described revealed that increasing alkalinity and increasing Br/DOC ratio were associated with increasing bromination of THMs and DHANs, suggesting that DOC lowering treatment methods that do not also remove bromide such as enhanced coagulation may create optimal conditions for Br-DBP formation in waters in which bromide is present.


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Late Sakmarian to early Artinskian (Early Permian) carbonate deposition was widespread in the marine intracratonic rift basins that extended into the interior of Eastern Gondwana from Timor in the north to the northern Perth Basin in the south. These basins spanned about 20° of paleolatitude (approximately 35°S to 55°S). This study describes the type section of the Maubisse Limestone in Timor-Leste, and compares this unit with carbonate sections in the Canning Basin (Nura Nura Member of the Poole Sandstone), the Southern Carnarvon Basin (Callytharra Formation) and the northern Perth Basin (Fossil Cliff Member of the Holmwood Shale). The carbonate units have no glacial influence and formed part of a major depositional cycle that, in the southern basins, overlies glacially influenced strata and lies a short distance below mudstone containing marine fossils and scattered dropstones (perhaps indicative of sea ice). In the south marine conditions became more restricted and were replaced by coal measures at the top of the depositional sequence. In the north, the carbonate deposits are possibly bryozoan–crinoidal mounds; whereas in the southern basins they form laterally continuous relatively thin beds, deposited on a very low-gradient seafloor, at the tops of shale–limestone parasequences that thicken upward in parasequence sets. All marine deposition within the sequence took place under very shallow (inner neritic) conditions, and the limestones have similar grain composition. Bryozoan and crinoidal debris dominate the grain assemblages and brachiopod shell fragments, foraminifera and ostracod valves are usually common. Tubiphytes ranged as far south as the Southern Carnarvon Basin, albeit rarely, but is more common to the north. Gastropod and bivalve shell debris, echinoid spines, solitary rugose corals and trilobite carapace elements are rare. The uniformity of the grain assemblage and the lack of tropical elements such as larger fusulinid foraminifera, colonial corals or dasycladacean algae indicate temperate marine conditions with only a small increase in temperature to the north. The depositional cycle containing the studied carbonate deposits represents a warmer phase than the preceding glacially influenced Asselian to early Sakmarian interval and the subsequent cool phase of the “mid” Artinskian that is followed by significant warming during the late Artinskian–early Kungurian. The timing of cooler and warmer intervals in the west Australian basins seems out-of-phase with the eastern Australian succession, but this may be a problem of chronostratigraphic miscorrelation due to endemic faunas and palynofloras.


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With the scope of Chinese diaspora in Australia, this paper theorises the impacts of digitally mediated social interaction on diasporic identity formation in the new media landscape. People’s identity is the outcome of their social interactions with other individuals. In the new media landscape, digital media technologies are changing the way in which people communicate with others. On one hand, space and time are unprecedentedly compressed by media technologies so people can maintain more frequent and instant connections with others than before. On the other hand, the digital media technologies have constructed a virtual social space that might withdraw people from their physical social interactions. As we witness today, our social interactions are increasing digitally mediated, in the forms of posts and comments in social network sites, as well as the messages in social apps. As to the diasporic groups, this new media landscape is presenting a challenge to their identity formation. They physically live in the host countries but still keep close social and cultural connections with their homelands. Facilitated by digital media technologies, they are facing two platforms in which they can practice different identity performances: one is the digitally mediated social network; the other is the physical social network. In the case of Chinese diaspora, the situation is more complex due to the language factor and media censorship in Mainland China, which will be articulated in the main text. This paper aims to fill a gap between media studies and diaspora research. Most of existing research on the relationship between diasporic identity and media primarily focuses on the development of ethnic media institutions, and the production and consumption of ethnic media in the pre-digital media context. However, the process of globalisation and digital media technologies are increasing the homogeneity and hybridity of media content worldwide. In this new context, attributing the formation of different identities to the consumption of media content is arguable to some extent. Therefore, the overlapped area of new media studies and diaspora research still has space deserves further investigation.


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Objective: An imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption is thought to underlie the pathogenesis of reduced bone mass in osteoporosis. Bone resorption is carried out by osteoclasts, which are formed from marrow-derived cells that circulate in the monocyte fraction. Ihe aim of this study was to determine the role of osteoclast formation in the pathogenesis of bone loss in osteoporosis. Methods: The proportion of circulating osteoclast precursors and their relative sensitivity to the osteoclastogenic effects of M-CSF, 1,25(OH)2D3 and RANKL were assessed in primary osteoporosis patients and normal controls. Results: Although there was no difference in the number of circulating osteoclast precursors in osteoporosis patients and normal controls, osteoclasts formed from osteoporosis patients exhibited substantially increased resorptive activity relative to normal controls. Although no increased sensitivity to the osteoclastogenic effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 or M-CSF was noted, increased bone resorption was found in osteoporosis peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures to which these factors were added. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that osteoclast functional activity rather than formation is increased in primary involutional osteoporosis and that dexamethasone acts to increase osteoclast formation.


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Eleanor Smith [pseudonym], teacher : I was talking to the kids about MacDonalds*/I forget exactly what the context was*/I said ‘‘ah, the Americans call them French fries, and, you know, MacDonalds is an American chain and they call them French fries because the Americans call them French fries’’, and this little Australian kid in the front row, very Australian child, said to me, ‘‘I call them French fries!’’ . . . Um, a fourth grade boy whom I taught in 1993 at this school, the world basketball championships were on . . . Americans were playing their dream machine and the Boomers were up against them . . . and, ah, this boy was very interested in basketball . . . but it’s not in my blood, not in the way cricket is for example . . . Um, Um, and I said to this fellow, ‘‘um, well’’, I said, ‘‘Australia’s up against Dream Machine tomorrow’’. He [Jason, pseudonym] said, ‘‘Ah, you know, Boomers probably won’t win’’. . . . I said, ‘‘Well that’s sport, mate’’. I said, ‘‘You never know in sport. Australia might win’’. And he looked at me and he said, ‘‘I’m not going for Australia, I’m going for America’’. This is from an Australian boy! And I thought so strong is the hype, so strong is the, is the, power of the media, etc., that this boy is not [pause], I can’t tell you how outraged I was. Here’s me as an Australian and I don’t even support basketball, it’s not even my sport, um, but that he would respond like that because of the power of the American machine that’s converting kids’ minds, the way they think, where they’re putting their loyalties, etc. I was just appalled, but that’s where he was. And when I asked kids for their favourite place, he said Los Angeles.


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Plaque rupture has been considered to be the result of its structural failure. The aim of this study is to suggest a possible link between higher stresses and rupture sites observed from in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of transient ischemic attack (TIA) patients, by using stress analysis methods. Three patients, who had recently suffered a TIA, underwent in vivo multi-spectral MR imaging. Based on plaque geometries reconstructed from the post-rupture status, six pre-rupture plaque models were generated for each patient dataset with different reconstructions of rupture sites to bridge the gap of fibrous cap from original MRI images. Stress analysis by fluid structure interaction simulation was performed on the models, followed by analysis of local stress concentration distribution and plaque rupture sites. Furthermore, the sensitivity of stress analysis to the pre-rupture plaque geometry reconstruction was examined. Local stress concentrations were found to be located at the plaque rupture sites for the three subjects studied. In the total of 18 models created, the locations of the stress concentration regions were similar in 17 models in which rupture sites were always associated with high stresses. The local stress concentration region moved from circumferential center to the shoulder region (slightly away from the rupture site) for a case with a thick fibrous cap. Plaque wall stress level in the rupture locations was found to be much higher than the value in non-rupture locations. The good correlation between local stress concentrations and plaque rupture sites, and generally higher plaque wall stress level in rupture locations in the subjects studied could provide indirect evidence for the extreme stress-induced plaque rupture hypothesis. Local stress concentration in the plaque region could be one of the factors contributing to plaque rupture.


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Rupture of atherosclerotic plaque is a major cause of mortality. Plaque stress analysis, based on patient-specific multisequence in vivo MRI, can provide critical information for the understanding of plaque rupture and could eventually lead to plaque rupture prediction. However, the direct link between stress and plaque rupture is not fully understood. In the present study, the plaque from a patient who recently experienced a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) was studied using a fluid-structure interaction method to quantify stress distribution in the plaque region based on in vivo MR images. The results showed that wall shear stress is generally low in the artery with a slight increase at the plaque throat owing to minor luminal narrowing. The oscillatory shear index is much higher in the proximal part of the plaque. Both local wall stress concentrations and the relative stress variation distribution during a cardiac cycle indicate that the actual plaque rupture site is collocated with the highest rupture risk region in the studied patient.


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Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in humans. For the successful colonisation of the human urinary tract, UPEC employ a diverse collection of secreted or surface-exposed virulence factors including toxins, iron acquisition systems and adhesins. In this study, a comparative proteomic approach was utilised to define the UPEC pan and core surface proteome following growth in pooled human urine. Identified proteins were investigated for subcellular origin, prevalence and homology to characterised virulence factors. Fourteen core surface proteins were identified, as well as eleven iron uptake receptor proteins and four distinct fimbrial types, including type 1, P, F1C/S and a previously uncharacterised fimbrial type, designated UCA-like (UCL) fimbriae in this study. These pathogenicity island (PAI)-associated fimbriae are related to UCA fimbriae of Proteus mirabilis, associated with UPEC and exclusively found in members of the E. coli B2 and D phylogroup. We further demonstrated that UCL fimbriae promote significant biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and mediate specific attachment to exfoliated human uroepithelial cells. Combined, this study has defined the surface proteomic profiles and core surface proteome of UPEC during growth in human urine and identified a new type of fimbriae that may contribute to UTI.


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The single electron transfer-nitroxide radical coupling (SET-NRC) reaction has been used to produce multiblock polymers with high molecular weights in under 3 min at 50◦C by coupling a difunctional telechelic polystyrene (Br-PSTY-Br)with a dinitroxide. The well known combination of dimethyl sulfoxide as solvent and Me6TREN as ligand facilitated the in situ disproportionation of CuIBr to the highly active nascent Cu0 species. This SET reaction allowed polymeric radicals to be rapidly formed from their corresponding halide end-groups. Trapping of these carbon-centred radicals at close to diffusion controlled rates by dinitroxides resulted in high-molecular-weight multiblock polymers. Our results showed that the disproportionation of CuI was critical in obtaining these ultrafast reactions, and confirmed that activation was primarily through Cu0. We took advantage of the reversibility of the NRC reaction at elevated temperatures to decouple the multiblock back to the original PSTY building block through capping the chain-ends with mono-functional nitroxides. These alkoxyamine end-groups were further exchanged with an alkyne mono-functional nitroxide (TEMPO–≡) and ‘clicked’ by a CuI-catalyzed azide/alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction with N3–PSTY–N3 to reform the multiblocks. This final ‘click’ reaction, even after the consecutive decoupling and nitroxide-exchange reactions, still produced high molecular-weight multiblocks efficiently. These SET-NRC reactions would have ideal applications in re-usable plastics and possibly as self-healing materials.


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This research examined the influence of tectonic activity on submarine sedimentation processes, through a deposit-based analysis of turbidites in outcrop. A comprehensive field study of the Miocene Whakataki Formation yielded significant data that was analysed using methods of process-sedimentology, stratigraphy, and ichnology. Signatures of the tectonically active depositional environment were identifiable at very high resolution, from grain composition and texture to trace-fossil assemblages, as well as on a broader-scale in stratigraphic stacking patterns and structural deformation. From these results and environmental interpretations, an original facies characterisation and conceptual depositional model have been established.


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It is well-known that new particle formation (NPF) in the atmosphere is inhibited by pre-existing particles in the air that act as condensation sinks to decrease the concentration and, thus, the supersaturation of precursor gases. In this study, we investigate the effects of two parameters - atmospheric visibility, expressed as the particle back-scatter coefficient (BSP), and PM10 particulate mass concentration, on the occurrences of NPF events in an urban environment where the majority of precursor gases originate from motor vehicle and industrial sources. This is the first attempt to derive direct relationships between each of these two parameters and the occurrence of NPF. NPF events were identified from data obtained with a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer over 245 days within a calendar year. Bayesian logistic regression was used to determine the probability of observing NPF as functions of BSP and PM10. We show that the BSP at 08 h on a given day is a reliable indicator of an NPF event later that day. The posterior median probability of observing an NPF event was greater than 0.5 (95%) when the BSP at 08 h was less than 6.8 Mm-1.


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The oxides of cobalt have recently been shown to be highly effective electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) under alkaline conditions. In general species such as Co3O4 and CoOOH have been investigated that often require an elevated temperature step during their synthesis to create crystalline materials. In this work we investigate the rapid and direct electrochemical formation of amorphous nanostructured Co(OH)2 on gold electrodes under room temperture conditions which is a highly active precursor for the OER. During the OER some conversion to crystalline Co3O4 occurs at the surface, but the bulk of the material remains amorphous. It is found that the underlying gold electrode is crucial to the materials enhanced performance and provides higher current density than can be achieved using carbon, palladium or copper support electrodes. This catalyst exhibits excellent activity with a current density of 10 mA cm-2 at an overpotential of 360 mV with a high turnover frequency of 2.1 s-1 in 1 M NaOH. A Tafel slope of 56 mV dec-1 at low overpotentials and a slope of 122 mV dec-1 at high overpotentials is consistent with the dual barrier model for the electrocatalytic evolution of oxygen. Significantly, the catalyst maintains excellent activity for up to 24 hr of continuous operation and this approach offers a facile way to create a highly effective and stable material.


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Biomaterials play a fundamental role in disease management and the improvement of health care. In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the diversity, function, and number of biomaterials used worldwide. Yet, attachment of pathogenic microorganisms onto biomaterial surfaces remains a significant challenge that substantially undermines their clinical applicability, limiting the advancement of these systems. The emergence and escalating pervasiveness of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains makes the management of biomaterial-associated nosocomial infections increasingly difficult. The conventional post-operative treatment of implant-caused infections using systemic antibiotics is often marginally effective, further accelerating the extent of antimicrobial resistance. Methods by which the initial stages of bacterial attachment and biofilm formation can be restricted or prevented are therefore sought. The surface modification of biomaterials has the potential to alleviate pathogenic biofouling, therefore preventing the need for conventional antibiotics to be applied.


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Objectives Hematoma quality (especially the fibrin matrix) plays an important role in the bone healing process. Here, we investigated the effect of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) on fibrin clot formation from platelet-poor plasma (PPP). Methods Five-milliliter of rat whole-blood samples were collected from the hepatic portal vein. All blood samples were firstly standardized via a thrombelastograph (TEG), blood cell count, and the measurement of fibrinogen concentration. PPP was prepared by collecting the top two-fifths of the plasma after centrifugation under 400 × g for 10min at 20°C. The effects of IL-1β cytokines on artificial fibrin clot formation from PPP solutions were determined by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), confocal microscopy (CM), turbidity, and clot lysis assays. Results The lag time for protofibril formation was markedly shortened in the IL-1β treatment groups (243.8 ± 76.85 in the 50 pg/mL of IL-1β and 97.5 ± 19.36 in the 500 pg/mL of IL-1β) compared to the control group without IL-1β (543.8 ± 205.8). Maximal turbidity was observed in the control group. IL-1β (500 pg/mL) treatment significantly decreased fiber diameters resulting in smaller pore sizes and increased density of the fibrin clot structure formed from PPP (P < 0.05). The clot lysis assay revealed that 500 pg/mL IL-1β induced a lower susceptibility to dissolution due to the formation of thinner and denser fibers. Conclusion IL-1β can significantly influence PPP fibrin clot structure, which may affect the early bone healing process.