368 resultados para Pharmaceutical sciences


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Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EEl is most commonly observed in children and young males, and is estimated to affect one per 10,000 children, and lo/o of adults in Australia. EE causes inflammation of the oesophagus; and an endoscopy, and biopsy showing an increase in eosinophils through the oesophagus is used for diagnosis. People with EE often present with non-specific symptoms to varying degrees of severity that could also suggest swallowing difficulties, or acid reflux; the feeling of food sticking to the throat on the way down (sometimes completely), choking on food, regurgitation of food, and severe acid reflux that does not respond to stomach acid suppression treatment...


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It is estimated that up to three per 1,000 of the Australian adult population are affected by leg ulcers. Venous ulcers are the most common cause of ulceration in the lower extremities, accounting for approximately 80-85% of leg ulcers. These debilitating, and often painful ulcers recur frequently and can affect people of all ages, though the risk increases dramatically with age (approximately 99% of those with venous ulcers in Australia are over 65 years of age). Other risk factors include a family history of leg ulceration, varicose veins, venous disease, phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, congestive heart failure, obesity, immobility, and previous leg injury. The chronic and recurring nature of venous ulcers, in addition to reduced quality of life for the patient, and ongoing costs of care place a significant burden of disease on the patient, and health system...


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An estimated one in 10 Australians has asthma. In 2010, the burden of disease for asthma was ranked 7th highest for the overall population in Australasia. A less well-known condition that also affects breathing, is vocal cord dysfunction (VCD). People with asthma and VCD can both present with similar symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing and throat tightness. Asthma and VCD attacks also share similar triggers such as breathing in lung irritants, exercising or having an upper respiratory infection. Asthma and VCD frequently coexist. They affect different parts of the respiratory system and appear to have separate aetiologies. Asthma is essentially a condition of airway inflammation, even though the most prominent clinical presentation is bronchoconstriction. which is responsible for symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath. The cause of VCD is not well understood, though the abnormal closing of the vocal cords during breathing does not appear to involve an immune reaction, or the lower airways...


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Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is one of the most common manifestations of systemic atherosclerosis. It is estimated that 10-15% of the general population is affected by PAD, whereby the narrowed arteries lead to reduced blood flow to the extremeties - particularly the legs. While many people have mild or no systems with PAD, approximately one-third of people experience intermittent claudication (IC).


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Background The frequency of prescribing potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in older patients remains high despite evidence of adverse outcomes from their use. Little is known about whether admission to hospital has any effect on appropriateness of prescribing. Objectives This study aimed to identify the prevalence and nature of PIMs and explore the association of risk factors for receiving a PIM. Methods This was a prospective study of 206 patients discharged to residential aged care facilities (RACFs) from acute care. All patients were aged at least 70 years and were admitted between July 2005 and May 2010; their admission and discharge medications were evaluated. Results Mean patient age was 84.8 ± 6.7 years; the majority (57%) were older than 85 years and mean (SD) Frailty Index was 0.42 (0.15). At least one PIM was identified in 112 (54.4%) patients on admission and 102 (49.5%) patients on discharge. Of all medications prescribed at admission (1728), 10.8% were PIMs and at discharge of 1759 medications, 9.6% were PIMs. Of total 187 PIMs on admission, 56 (30%) were stopped and 131 were continued; 32 new PIMs were introduced. Of the potential risk factors considered, in-hospital cognitive decline and frailty status were the only significant predictors of PIMs. Conclusion Although, admission to hospital is an opportunity to review the indications for specific medications, a high prevalence of inappropriate drug use was observed. The only associations with PIM use were the frailty status and in-hospital cognitive decline. Additional studies are needed to further evaluate this association.


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Background The frequency of prescribing potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in older patients remains high regardless of the evidence of adverse outcomes from their use. This study aims to identify the prevalence and nature of PIMs at admission to acute care and at discharge to residential aged care facilities (RACFs) using the recently updated Beers’ Criteria. We also aim to identify if polypharmacy, age, gender and the frailty status of patients are independent risk factors for receiving a PIM. Methods This was a retrospective study of 206 patients discharged to RACFs from acute care. All patients were aged at least70 years and were admitted between July 2005 and May 2010; their admission and discharge medications were evaluated. Frailty status was measured as the Frailty Index (FI), adding each individual’s deficits and dividing by the total number of deficits considered, with FI 0.25 used as the cut-off between “fit” and “frail”. Results Mean patient age was 84.8 ± 6.7 years; the majority (57%) were older than 85 years and approximately 90% were frail. Patients were prescribed a mean of 7.2 regular medications at admission and 8.1 on discharge. At least one PIM was identified in 112 (54.4%) patients on admission and 102 (49.5%) patients on discharge. Of all medications prescribed at admission (1728), 10.8% were PIMs and at discharge of 1759 medications, 9.6% were PIMs. Of the total 187 PIMs on admission, 56 (30%) were stopped, and 131 were continued; 32 new PIMs were introduced. Commonly prescribed PIMs at both admission and discharge were central nervous system, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal drugs and analgesics. Of the potential risk factors, frailty status was the only significant predictor of PIMs at both admission and discharge (p = 0.016). Conclusion A high prevalence of unnecessary drug use was observed in frail older patients on admission to acute care hospitals and on discharge to RACFs. The only association with PIM use was the frailty status of patients. Further studies are needed to further evaluate this association.


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Background Older people are at significant risk of adverse outcomes as a result of changes in physiology, frailty, co-morbidity and polypharmacy.1 Timely identification of high-risk patients may facilitate the optimization of medication and reduce the incidence of adverse outcomes. The aims of this study were to evaluate in older inpatients the relationships between risk factors, including frailty and polypharmacy, and adverse health outcomes. Methods This is a prospective study of 1418 patients, aged 70 and older, admitted to general medical units in 11 acute care hospitals across Australia. The interRAI Acute Care (interRAI AC) assessment tool was used for data collection. Frailty status was measured using a Frailty Index (FI), adding each individual’s deficits and dividing by the total number of deficits considered. Adverse health outcomes included falls in hospital, delirium, in-hospital functional and cognitive decline, discharge to a higher level of care and inpatient mortality. Results Patients had a mean age 81 ± 6.8 years with a median length of hospital stay of 6 days (interquartile range 4 to 11 days); 701 (50%) experienced at least one adverse outcome. Polypharmacy (5-9 drugs per day) was observed in almost half of the study population (n=695, 49%) and hyper-polypharmacy (≥10 drugs) observed in about one-third of patients (n=490, 34.6%). Cognitive impairment was shown to be associated with the lower rate of prescribing. FI had a significant association with all adverse outcomes studied (p = <0.05). In contrast, no association was observed between polypharmacy categories and adverse outcomes except for those on 10 or more drugs where they were more likely to be discharged to a higher level of care (p= 0.014). Conclusions Among older inpatients, frailty status was a significant predictor of adverse outcomes. Lower rates of prescribing to patients with cognitive impairment may underpin the lack of an association between polypharmacy and adverse outcomes in this cohort. References: 1. Olsson IN, Runnamo R, Engfeldt P. Medication quality and quality of life in the elderly, a cohort study.Health Qual Life Outcomes.2011;9:95


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Background Pharmacist prescribing has been introduced in several countries and is a possible future role for pharmacy in Australia. Objective To assess whether patient satisfaction with the pharmacist as a prescriber, and patient experiences in two settings of collaborative doctor-pharmacist prescribing may be barriers to implementation of pharmacist prescribing. Design Surveys containing closed questions, and Likert scale responses, were completed in both settings to investigate patient satisfaction after each consultation. A further survey investigating attitudes towards pharmacist prescribing, after multiple consultations, was completed in the sexual health clinic. Setting and Participants A surgical pre-admission clinic (PAC) in a tertiary hospital and an outpatient sexual health clinic at a university hospital. Two hundred patients scheduled for elective surgery, and 17 patients diagnosed with HIV infection, respectively, recruited to the pharmacist prescribing arm of two collaborative doctor-pharmacist prescribing studies. Results Consultation satisfaction response rates in PAC and the sexual health clinic were 182/200 (91%) and 29/34 (85%), respectively. In the sexual health clinic, the attitudes towards pharmacist prescribing survey response rate were 14/17 (82%). Consultation satisfaction was high in both studies, most patients (98% and 97%, respectively) agreed they were satisfied with the consultation. In the sexual health clinic, all patients (14/14) agreed that they trusted the pharmacist’s ability to prescribe, care was as good as usual care, and they would recommend seeing a pharmacist prescriber to friends. Discussion and Conclusion Most of the patients had a high satisfaction with pharmacist prescriber consultations, and a positive outlook on the collaborative model of care in the sexual health clinic.


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DNA vaccines or proteins are capable of inducing specific immunity; however, the translation to the clinic has generally been problematic, primarily due to the reduced magnitude of immune response and poor pharmacokinetics. Herein we demonstrate a composite microsphere formulation, composed of mesoporous silica spheres (MPS) and poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), enables the controlled delivery of a prime-boost vaccine via the encapsulation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) and protein in different compartments. Method with modified dual-concentric-feeding needles attached to a 40 kHz ultrasonic atomizer was studied. These needles focus the flow of two different solutions, which passed through the ultrasonic atomizer. The process synthesis parameters, which are important to the scale-up of composite microspheres, were also studied. These parameters include polymer concentration, feed flowrate, and volumetric ratio of polymer and pDNA-PEI/MPS-BSA. This fabrication technique produced composite microspheres with mean D[4,3] ranging from 6 to 34 μm, depending upon the microsphere preparation. The resultant physical morphology of composite microspheres was largely influenced by the volumetric ratio of pDNA-PEI/MPS-BSA to polymer, and this was due to the precipitation of MPS at the surface of the microspheres. The encapsulation efficiencies were predominantly in the range of 93-98% for pDNA and 46-68% for MPS. In the in vitro studies, the pDNA and protein showed different release kinetics in a 40 day time frame. The dual-concentric-feeding in ultrasonic atomization was shown to have excellent reproducibility. It was concluded that this fabrication technique is an effective method to prepare formulations containing a heterologous prime-boost vaccine in a single delivery system.


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Cancer rates have been increasing over the past 26 years, but earlier detection and increasingly more treatment options also mean more and more people are surviving cancer.


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The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Framework Steering Committee (now replaced by the Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee) undertook work to develop an advanced pharmacy practice recognition model. As part of that work, and to assure clarity and consistency in the terminology it uses, the Committee collated the definitions used in literature sources consulted. Most recently, this involved a review of the meaning attributed to the terms ‘advanced’ and ‘extended’ when used in the context of describing aspects of professional practice. Both terms encompass the acquisition of additional expertise. While ‘advanced’ practice involves the acquisition of additional expertise to achieve a higher performance level, ‘extended’ practice relates specifically to scope of practice and involves the acquisition of additional expertise sufficient to provide services or perform tasks that are outside the usual scope of practice of the profession. Performance level operates independently of scope of practice but both must be elucidated to fully describe the professional practice of an individual practitioner.


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Background People may alter their solid oral medication dosage forms to make it easier to swallow. However, modification of solid medication dosage forms can lead to adverse effects, and people may alter the dosage forms without informing the health professionals involved in their care. Aim To estimate the prevalence of swallowing difficulties and medication dosage form modification among community pharmacy consumers, and to investigate consumer views, attitudes and interactions with health professionals regarding such issues. Method Consumers were recruited from five community pharmacies in Brisbane, Australia and invited to participate in a structured interview. Results A total of 369 consumers participated in the study. Overall, 16.5% of people reported experiencing swallowing difficulties, and 10.6% of all respondents reported modifying medication dosage forms. Almost half (44.2%) of those surveyed did not think there would be issues with modifying medication dosage forms. Some consumers would not seek advice from health professionals if they experienced swallowing problems and/or would not seek advice from health professionals before modifying their medication dosage forms, regardless of their thoughts about any problems associated with this practice. Conclusion Some consumers appeared to be accustomed to modifying medication dosage forms, even when there was no apparent or obvious need. People were also reluctant to seek advice from health professionals regarding swallowing difficulties, or modifying medication dosage forms. Health professionals must be assertive in educating consumers about swallowing problems, and medication dosage form modification.


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Background Pharmacists are considered medication experts but are underutilized and exist mainly at the periphery of the Malaysian primary health care team. Private general practitioners (GPs) in Malaysia are granted rights under the Poison Act 1952 to prescribe and dispense medications at their primary care clinics. As most consumers obtain their medications from their GPs, community pharmacists’ involvement in ensuring safe use of medicines is limited. The integration of a pharmacist into private GP clinics has the potential to contribute to quality use of medicines. This study aims to explore health care consumers’ views on the integration of pharmacists within private GP clinics in Malaysia. Methods A purposive sample of health care consumers in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were invited to participate in focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Sessions were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim and thematically analyzed using NVivo 10. Results A total of 24 health care consumers participated in two focus groups and six semi-structured interviews. Four major themes were identified: 1) pharmacists’ role viewed mainly as supplying medications, 2) readiness to accept pharmacists in private GP clinics, 3) willingness to pay for pharmacy services, and 4) concerns about GPs’ resistance to pharmacist integration. Consumers felt that a pharmacist integrated into a private GP clinic could offer potential benefits such as to provide trustworthy information on the use and potential side effects of medications and screening for medication misadventure. The potential increase in costs passed on to consumers and GPs’ reluctance were perceived as barriers to integration. Conclusion This study provides insights into consumers’ perspectives on the roles of pharmacists within private GP clinics in Malaysia. Consumers generally supported pharmacist integration into private primary health care clinics. However, for pharmacists to expand their capacity in providing integrated and collaborative primary care services to consumers, barriers to pharmacist integration need to be addressed.