297 resultados para Interface Element


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The growing knowledge of the genetic polymorphisms of enzymes metabolising xenobiotics in humans and their connections with individual susceptibility towards toxicants has created new and important interfaces between human epidemiology and experimental toxicology. The results of molecular epidemiological studies may provide new hypotheses and concepts, which call for experimental verification, and experimental concepts may obtain further proof by molecular epidemiological studies. If applied diligently, these possibilities may be combined to lead to new strategies of human-oriented toxicological research. This overview will present some outstanding examples for such strategies taken from the practically very important field of occupational toxicology. The main focus is placed on the effects of enzyme polymorphisms of the xenobiotic metabolism in association with the induction of bladder cancer and renal cell cancer after exposure to occupational chemicals. Also, smoking and induction of head and neck squamous cell cancer are considered.


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Various forms of hydrogenated graphene have been produced to date by several groups, while the synthesis of pure graphane has not been achieved yet. The study of the interface between graphane, in all its possible hydrogenation configurations, and catalyst metal surfaces can be pivotal to assess the feasibility of direct CVD growth methods for this material. We investigated the adhesion of graphane to a Cu(111) surface by adopting the vdW-DF2-C09 exchange-correlation functional, which is able to describe dispersion forces. The results are further compared with the PBE and the LDA exchange-correlation functionals. We calculated the most stable geometrical configurations of the slab/graphane interface and evaluated how graphane's geometrical parameters are modified. We show that dispersion forces play an important role in the slab/graphane adhesion. Band structure calculations demonstrated that in the presence of the interaction with copper, the band gap of graphane is not only preserved, but also enlarged, and this increase can be attributed to the electronic charge accumulated at the interface. We calculated a substantial energy barrier at the interface, suggesting that CVD graphane films might act as reliable and stable insulating thin coatings, or also be used to form compound layers in conjunction with metals and semiconductors.


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The melting temperature of a nanoscaled particle is known to decrease as the curvature of the solid-melt interface increases. This relationship is most often modelled by a Gibbs--Thomson law, with the decrease in melting temperature proposed to be a product of the curvature of the solid-melt interface and the surface tension. Such a law must break down for sufficiently small particles, since the curvature becomes singular in the limit that the particle radius vanishes. Furthermore, the use of this law as a boundary condition for a Stefan-type continuum model is problematic because it leads to a physically unrealistic form of mathematical blow-up at a finite particle radius. By numerical simulation, we show that the inclusion of nonequilibrium interface kinetics in the Gibbs--Thomson law regularises the continuum model, so that the mathematical blow up is suppressed. As a result, the solution continues until complete melting, and the corresponding melting temperature remains finite for all time. The results of the adjusted model are consistent with experimental findings of abrupt melting of nanoscaled particles. This small-particle regime appears to be closely related to the problem of melting a superheated particle.


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Solid-extracellular fluid interaction is believed to play an important role in the strain-rate dependent mechanical behaviors of shoulder articular cartilages. It is believed that the kangaroo shoulder joint is anatomically and biomechanically similar to human shoulder joint and it is easy to get in Australia. Therefore, the kangaroo humeral head cartilage was used as the suitable tissue for the study in this paper. Indentation tests from quasi-static (10-4/sec) to moderately high strain-rate (10-2/sec) on kangaroo humeral head cartilage tissues were conduced to investigate the strain-rate dependent behaviors. A finite element (FE) model was then developed, in which cartilage was conceptualized as a porous solid matrix filled with incompressible fluids. In this model, the solid matrix was modeled as an isotropic hyperelastic material and the percolating fluid follows Darcy’s law. Using inverse FE procedure, the constitutive parameters related to stiffness, compressibility of the solid matrix and permeability were obtained from the experimental results. The effect of solid-extracellular fluid interaction and drag force (the resistance to fluid movement) on strain-rate dependent behavior was investigated by comparing the influence of constant, strain dependent and strain-rate dependent permeability on FE model prediction. The newly developed porohyperelastic cartilage model with the inclusion of strain-rate dependent permeability was found to be able to predict the strain-rate dependent behaviors of cartilages.


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This paper details the initial design and planning of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implemented control system that will enable a path planner to interact with a MAVLink based flight computer. The design is aimed at small Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) under autonomous operation which are typically subject to constraints arising from limited on-board processing capabilities, power and size. An FPGA implementation for the de- sign is chosen for its potential to address such limitations through low power and high speed in-hardware computation. The MAVLink protocol offers a low bandwidth interface for the FPGA implemented path planner to communicate with an on-board flight computer. A control system plan is presented that is capable of accepting a string of GPS waypoints generated on-board from a previously developed in- hardware Genetic Algorithm (GA) path planner and feeding them to the open source PX4 autopilot, while simultaneously respond- ing with flight status information.


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A new mesh adaptivity algorithm that combines a posteriori error estimation with bubble-type local mesh generation (BLMG) strategy for elliptic differential equations is proposed. The size function used in the BLMG is defined on each vertex during the adaptive process based on the obtained error estimator. In order to avoid the excessive coarsening and refining in each iterative step, two factor thresholds are introduced in the size function. The advantages of the BLMG-based adaptive finite element method, compared with other known methods, are given as follows: the refining and coarsening are obtained fluently in the same framework; the local a posteriori error estimation is easy to implement through the adjacency list of the BLMG method; at all levels of refinement, the updated triangles remain very well shaped, even if the mesh size at any particular refinement level varies by several orders of magnitude. Several numerical examples with singularities for the elliptic problems, where the explicit error estimators are used, verify the efficiency of the algorithm. The analysis for the parameters introduced in the size function shows that the algorithm has good flexibility.


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This paper presents a nonlinear finite element (FE) model for the analysis of very high strength (VHS) steel hollow sections wrapped by high modulus carbon fibre rein forced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The bond strength of CFRP wrapped VHS circular steel hollow section under tension is investigated using the FE model. The three dimensional FE model by Nonlinear static analysis has been carried out by Strand 7 finite element software. The model is validated by the experimental data obtained from Fawzia et al [1]. A detail parametric study has been performed to examine the effect of number of CFRP layers, different diameters of VHS steel tube and different bond lengths of CFRP sheet. The analytical model developed by Fawzia et al. [1] has been used to determine the load carrying capacity of different diameters of CFRP strengthened VHS steel tube by using the capacity from each layer of CFRP sheet. The results from FE model have found in reasonable agreement with the analytical model developed by Fawzia et al [1]. This validation was necessary because the analytical model by Fawzia et al [1] was developed by using only one diameter of VHS steel tube and fixed (five) number of CFRP layers. It can be concluded that the developed analytical model is valid for CFRP strengthened VHS steel tubes with diameter range of 38mm to 100mm and CFRP layer range of 3 to 5 layers. Based on the results it can also be concluded that the effective bond length is consistent for different diameters of steel tubes and different layers of CFRP. Three layers of CFRP is considered most effective wrapping scheme due to the cost effectiveness. Finally the distribution of longitudinal and hoop stress has been determined by the finite element model for different diameters of CFRP strengthened VHS steel tube.


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Bridge girder bearings rest on pedestals to transfer the loading safely to the pier headstock. In spite of the existence of industry guidelines, due to construction complexities, such guidelines are often overlooked. Further, there is paucity of research on the performance of pedestals, although their failure could cause exorbitant maintenance costs. Although reinforced concrete pedestals are recommended in the industry design guidelines, unreinforced concrete and/ or epoxy glue pedestals are provided due to construction issues; such pedestals fail within a very short period of service. With a view to understanding the response of pedestals subject to monotonic loading, a three-dimensional nonlinear explicit finite element micro-model of unreinforced and reinforced concrete pedestals has been developed. Contact and material nonlinearity have been accounted for in the model. It is shown that the unreinforced concrete pedestals suffer from localised edge stress singularities, the failure of which was comparable to those in the field. The reinforced concrete pedestals, on the other hand, distribute the loading without edge stress singularity, again conforming to the field experience.


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Due to its ability to represent intricate systems with material nonlinearities as well as irregular loading, boundary, geometrical and material domains, the finite element (FE) method has been recognized as an important computational tool in spinal biomechanics. Current FE models generally account for a single distinct spinal geometry with one set of material properties despite inherently large inter-subject variability. The uncertainty and high variability in tissue material properties, geometry, loading and boundary conditions has cast doubt on the reliability of their predictions and comparability with reported in vitro and in vivo values. A multicenter study was undertaken to compare the results of eight well-established models of the lumbar spine that have been developed, validated and applied for many years. Models were subjected to pure and combined loading modes and their predictions were compared to in vitro and in vivo measurements for intervertebral rotations, disc pressures and facet joint forces. Under pure moment loading, the predicted L1-5 rotations of almost all models fell within the reported in vitro ranges; their median values differed on average by only 2° for flexion-extension, 1° for lateral bending and 5° for axial rotation. Predicted median facet joint forces and disc pressures were also in good agreement with previously published median in vitro values. However, the ranges of predictions were larger and exceeded the in vitro ranges, especially for facet joint forces. For all combined loading modes, except for flexion, predicted median segmental intervertebral rotations and disc pressures were in good agreement with in vivo values. The simulations yielded median facet joint forces of 0 N in flexion, 38 N in extension, 14 N in lateral bending and 60 N in axial rotation that could not be validated due to the paucity of in vivo facet joint forces. In light of high inter-subject variability, one must be cautious when generalizing predictions obtained from one deterministic model. This study demonstrates however that the predictive power increases when FE models are combined together. The median of individual numerical results can hence be used as an improved tool in order to estimate the response of the lumbar spine.


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This paper presents a layered framework for the purposes of integrating different Socio-Technical Systems (STS) models and perspectives into a whole-of-systems model. Holistic modelling plays a critical role in the engineering of STS due to the interplay between social and technical elements within these systems and resulting emergent behaviour. The framework decomposes STS models into components, where each component is either a static object, dynamic object or behavioural object. Based on existing literature, a classification of the different elements that make up STS, whether it be a social, technical or a natural environment element, is developed; each object can in turn be classified according to the STS elements it represents. Using the proposed framework, it is possible to systematically decompose models to an extent such that points of interface can be identified and the contextual factors required in transforming the component of one model to interface into another is obtained. Using an airport inbound passenger facilitation process as a case study socio-technical system, three different models are analysed: a Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) model, Hybrid Queue-based Bayesian Network (HQBN) model and an Agent Based Model (ABM). It is found that the framework enables the modeller to identify non-trivial interface points such as between the spatial interactions of an ABM and the causal reasoning of a HQBN, and between the process activity representation of a BPMN and simulated behavioural performance in a HQBN. Such a framework is a necessary enabler in order to integrate different modelling approaches in understanding and managing STS.


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Steel hollow sections used in structures such as bridges, buildings and space structures involve different strengthening techniques according to their structural purpose and shape of the structural member. One such technique is external bonding of CFRP sheets to steel tubes. The performance of CFRP strengthening for steel structures has been proven under static loading while limited studies have been conducted on their behaviour under impact loading. In this study, a comprehensive numerical investigation is carried out to evaluate the response of CFRP strengthened steel tubes under dynamic axial impact loading. Impact force, axial deformation impact velocities are studied. The results of the numerical investigations are validated by experimental results. Based on the developed finite element (FE) model several output parameters are discussed. The results show that CFRP wrapping is an effective strengthening technique to increase the axial dynamic load bearing capacity by increasing the stiffness of the steel tube.


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Accurate modelling of automotive occupant posture is strongly related to the mechanical interaction between human body soft tissue and flexible seat components. This paper presents a finite-element study simulating the deflection of seat cushion foam and supportive seat structures, as well as human buttock and thigh soft tissue when seated. The thigh-buttock surface shell model was based on 95th percentile male subject scan data and made of two layers, covering thin to moderate thigh and buttock proportions. To replicate the effects of skin and fat, the neoprene rubber layer was modelled as a hyperelastic material with viscoelastic behaviour. The analytical seat model is based on a Ford production seat. The result of the finite-element indentation simulation is compared to a previous simulation of an indentation with a hard shell human model of equal geometry, and to the physical indentation result. We conclude that SAE composite buttock form and human-seat indentation of a suspended seat cushion can be validly simulated.


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This study started with the aim to develop an approach that will help designers create interfaces that are more intuitive for older adults to use. Two objectives were set for this study: 1) to investigate one of the possible strategies for developing intuitive interfaces for older people, and; 2) to investigate factors that could interfere with intuitive use. This paper briefly presents the outcome of the two experiments and how it has lead to the development of an adaptable interface design model that will help designers develop interfaces that are intuitive to learn and, over time, intuitive to use for users with diverse technology prior experience and cognitive abilities.


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This study responds to calls for research on work-family aspects in entrepreneurship research. Our study examined the role of work-family conflict and enhancement on small business owners’ (SBOs) wellbeing. We found work-family has negative direct effect on mental health, job and family satisfactions. Furthermore, we found that under high level of work-family conflict condition, SBOs who perceive a greater level of work-family enhancement would feel more satisfy with their life, job as well as family aspects. Interestingly, under high level of conflict, even SBOs perceive greater level of enhancement, it would not lessen the negative impact of the conflict on their mental health. These results suggest that once psychological health is harmed by work-family conflict, its negative consequences remain unchanged.