336 resultados para Information retrieval - Australia


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Building and maintaining software are not easy tasks. However, thanks to advances in web technologies, a new paradigm is emerging in software development. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a relatively new approach that helps bridge the gap between business and IT and also helps systems remain exible. However, there are still several challenges with SOA. As the number of available services grows, developers are faced with the problem of discovering the services they need. Public service repositories such as Programmable Web provide only limited search capabilities. Several mechanisms have been proposed to improve web service discovery by using semantics. However, most of these require manually tagging the services with concepts in an ontology. Adding semantic annotations is a non-trivial process that requires a certain skill-set from the annotator and also the availability of domain ontologies that include the concepts related to the topics of the service. These issues have prevented these mechanisms becoming widespread. This thesis focuses on two main problems. First, to avoid the overhead of manually adding semantics to web services, several automatic methods to include semantics in the discovery process are explored. Although experimentation with some of these strategies has been conducted in the past, the results reported in the literature are mixed. Second, Wikipedia is explored as a general-purpose ontology. The benefit of using it as an ontology is assessed by comparing these semantics-based methods to classic term-based information retrieval approaches. The contribution of this research is significant because, to the best of our knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of the impact of using Wikipedia as a source of semantics in web service discovery does not exist. The main output of this research is a web service discovery engine that implements these methods and a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and trade-offs of these semantics-based discovery approaches.


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Topic modeling has been widely utilized in the fields of information retrieval, text mining, text classification etc. Most existing statistical topic modeling methods such as LDA and pLSA generate a term based representation to represent a topic by selecting single words from multinomial word distribution over this topic. There are two main shortcomings: firstly, popular or common words occur very often across different topics that bring ambiguity to understand topics; secondly, single words lack coherent semantic meaning to accurately represent topics. In order to overcome these problems, in this paper, we propose a two-stage model that combines text mining and pattern mining with statistical modeling to generate more discriminative and semantic rich topic representations. Experiments show that the optimized topic representations generated by the proposed methods outperform the typical statistical topic modeling method LDA in terms of accuracy and certainty.


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We are pleased to present the papers from the Australasian Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM) conference stream held on 20 January 2011 in Perth as a session of the Australasian Computer Science Week (ASCW) 2011. Formerly HIKM was named Health Data and Knowledge Management, however the inclusion of the health informatics term is timely given the current health reform. The submissions to HIKM 2011 demonstrated that Australasian researchers lead with many research and development innovations coming to fruition. Some of these innovations can be seen here, and we believe further recognition will accomplish by continuation to HIKM in the future. The HIKM conference is a review of health informatics related research, development and education opportunities. The conference papers were written to communicate with other researchers and share research findings, capturing each and every aspect of the health informatics field. They are namely: conceptual models and architectures, privacy and quality of health data, health workflow management patient journey analysis, health information retrieval, analysis and visualisation, data integration/linking, systems for integrated or coordinated care, electronic health records (EHRs) and personally controlled electronic health records (PCEHRs), health data ontologies, and standardisation in health data and clinical applications.


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This report describes the available functionality and use of the ClusterEval evaluation software. It implements novel and standard measures for the evaluation of cluster quality. This software has been used at the INEX XML Mining track and in the MediaEval Social Event Detection task.


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The rapid growth of visual information on Web has led to immense interest in multimedia information retrieval (MIR). While advancement in MIR systems has achieved some success in specific domains, particularly the content-based approaches, general Web users still struggle to find the images they want. Despite the success in content-based object recognition or concept extraction, the major problem in current Web image searching remains in the querying process. Since most online users only express their needs in semantic terms or objects, systems that utilize visual features (e.g., color or texture) to search images create a semantic gap which hinders general users from fully expressing their needs. In addition, query-by-example (QBE) retrieval imposes extra obstacles for exploratory search because users may not always have the representative image at hand or in mind when starting a search (i.e. the page zero problem). As a result, the majority of current online image search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo, and Flickr) still primarily use textual queries to search. The problem with query-based retrieval systems is that they only capture users’ information need in terms of formal queries;; the implicit and abstract parts of users’ information needs are inevitably overlooked. Hence, users often struggle to formulate queries that best represent their needs, and some compromises have to be made. Studies of Web search logs suggest that multimedia searches are more difficult than textual Web searches, and Web image searching is the most difficult compared to video or audio searches. Hence, online users need to put in more effort when searching multimedia contents, especially for image searches. Most interactions in Web image searching occur during query reformulation. While log analysis provides intriguing views on how the majority of users search, their search needs or motivations are ultimately neglected. User studies on image searching have attempted to understand users’ search contexts in terms of users’ background (e.g., knowledge, profession, motivation for search and task types) and the search outcomes (e.g., use of retrieved images, search performance). However, these studies typically focused on particular domains with a selective group of professional users. General users’ Web image searching contexts and behaviors are little understood although they represent the majority of online image searching activities nowadays. We argue that only by understanding Web image users’ contexts can the current Web search engines further improve their usefulness and provide more efficient searches. In order to understand users’ search contexts, a user study was conducted based on university students’ Web image searching in News, Travel, and commercial Product domains. The three search domains were deliberately chosen to reflect image users’ interests in people, time, event, location, and objects. We investigated participants’ Web image searching behavior, with the focus on query reformulation and search strategies. Participants’ search contexts such as their search background, motivation for search, and search outcomes were gathered by questionnaires. The searching activity was recorded with participants’ think aloud data for analyzing significant search patterns. The relationships between participants’ search contexts and corresponding search strategies were discovered by Grounded Theory approach. Our key findings include the following aspects: - Effects of users' interactive intents on query reformulation patterns and search strategies - Effects of task domain on task specificity and task difficulty, as well as on some specific searching behaviors - Effects of searching experience on result expansion strategies A contextual image searching model was constructed based on these findings. The model helped us understand Web image searching from user perspective, and introduced a context-aware searching paradigm for current retrieval systems. A query recommendation tool was also developed to demonstrate how users’ query reformulation contexts can potentially contribute to more efficient searching.


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A user’s query is considered to be an imprecise description of their information need. Automatic query expansion is the process of reformulating the original query with the goal of improving retrieval effectiveness. Many successful query expansion techniques ignore information about the dependencies that exist between words in natural language. However, more recent approaches have demonstrated that by explicitly modeling associations between terms significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness can be achieved over those that ignore these dependencies. State-of-the-art dependency-based approaches have been shown to primarily model syntagmatic associations. Syntagmatic associations infer a likelihood that two terms co-occur more often than by chance. However, structural linguistics relies on both syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations to deduce the meaning of a word. Given the success of dependency-based approaches and the reliance on word meanings in the query formulation process, we argue that modeling both syntagmatic and paradigmatic information in the query expansion process will improve retrieval effectiveness. This article develops and evaluates a new query expansion technique that is based on a formal, corpus-based model of word meaning that models syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations. We demonstrate that when sufficient statistical information exists, as in the case of longer queries, including paradigmatic information alone provides significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness across a wide variety of data sets. More generally, when our new query expansion approach is applied to large-scale web retrieval it demonstrates significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness over a strong baseline system, based on a commercial search engine.


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Cross-Lingual Link Discovery (CLLD) is a new problem in Information Retrieval. The aim is to automatically identify meaningful and relevant hypertext links between documents in different languages. This is particularly helpful in knowledge discovery if a multi-lingual knowledge base is sparse in one language or another, or the topical coverage in each language is different; such is the case with Wikipedia. Techniques for identifying new and topically relevant cross-lingual links are a current topic of interest at NTCIR where the CrossLink task has been running since the 2011 NTCIR-9. This paper presents the evaluation framework for benchmarking algorithms for cross-lingual link discovery evaluated in the context of NTCIR-9. This framework includes topics, document collections, assessments, metrics, and a toolkit for pooling, assessment, and evaluation. The assessments are further divided into two separate sets: manual assessments performed by human assessors; and automatic assessments based on links extracted from Wikipedia itself. Using this framework we show that manual assessment is more robust than automatic assessment in the context of cross-lingual link discovery.


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Tags or personal metadata for annotating web resources have been widely adopted in Web 2.0 sites. However, as tags are freely chosen by users, the vocabularies are diverse, ambiguous and sometimes only meaningful to individuals. Tag recommenders may assist users during tagging process. Its objective is to suggest relevant tags to use as well as to help consolidating vocabulary in the systems. In this paper we discuss our approach for providing personalized tag recommendation by making use of existing domain ontology generated from folksonomy. Specifically we evaluated the approach in sparse situation. The evaluation shows that the proposed ontology-based method has improved the accuracy of tag recommendation in this situation.


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Tag recommendation is a specific recommendation task for recommending metadata (tag) for a web resource (item) during user annotation process. In this context, sparsity problem refers to situation where tags need to be produced for items with few annotations or for user who tags few items. Most of the state of the art approaches in tag recommendation are rarely evaluated or perform poorly under this situation. This paper presents a combined method for mitigating sparsity problem in tag recommendation by mainly expanding and ranking candidate tags based on similar items’ tags and existing tag ontology. We evaluated the approach on two public social bookmarking datasets. The experiment results show better accuracy for recommendation in sparsity situation over several state of the art methods.


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This thesis is a study for automatic discovery of text features for describing user information needs. It presents an innovative data-mining approach that discovers useful knowledge from both relevance and non-relevance feedback information. The proposed approach can largely reduce noises in discovered patterns and significantly improve the performance of text mining systems. This study provides a promising method for the study of Data Mining and Web Intelligence.


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We propose a cluster ensemble method to map the corpus documents into the semantic space embedded in Wikipedia and group them using multiple types of feature space. A heterogeneous cluster ensemble is constructed with multiple types of relations i.e. document-term, document-concept and document-category. A final clustering solution is obtained by exploiting associations between document pairs and hubness of the documents. Empirical analysis with various real data sets reveals that the proposed meth-od outperforms state-of-the-art text clustering approaches.


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In most intent recognition studies, annotations of query intent are created post hoc by external assessors who are not the searchers themselves. It is important for the field to get a better understanding of the quality of this process as an approximation for determining the searcher's actual intent. Some studies have investigated the reliability of the query intent annotation process by measuring the interassessor agreement. However, these studies did not measure the validity of the judgments, that is, to what extent the annotations match the searcher's actual intent. In this study, we asked both the searchers themselves and external assessors to classify queries using the same intent classification scheme. We show that of the seven dimensions in our intent classification scheme, four can reliably be used for query annotation. Of these four, only the annotations on the topic and spatial sensitivity dimension are valid when compared with the searcher's annotations. The difference between the interassessor agreement and the assessor-searcher agreement was significant on all dimensions, showing that the agreement between external assessors is not a good estimator of the validity of the intent classifications. Therefore, we encourage the research community to consider using query intent classifications by the searchers themselves as test data.


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Expert searchers engage with information as information brokers, researchers, reference librarians, information architects, faculty who teach advanced search, and in a variety of other information-intensive professions. Their experiences are characterized by a profound understanding of information concepts and skills and they have an agile ability to apply this knowledge to interacting with and having an impact on the information environment. This study explored the learning experiences of searchers to understand the acquisition of search expertise. The research question was: What can be learned about becoming an expert searcher from the learning experiences of proficient novice searchers and highly experienced searchers? The key objectives were: (1) to explore the existence of threshold concepts in search expertise; (2) to improve our understanding of how search expertise is acquired and how novice searchers, intent on becoming experts, can learn to search in more expertlike ways. The participant sample drew from two population groups: (1) highly experienced searchers with a minimum of 20 years of relevant professional experience, including LIS faculty who teach advanced search, information brokers, and search engine developers (11 subjects); and (2) MLIS students who had completed coursework in information retrieval and online searching and demonstrated exceptional ability (9 subjects). Using these two groups allowed a nuanced understanding of the experience of learning to search in expertlike ways, with data from those who search at a very high level as well as those who may be actively developing expertise. The study used semi-structured interviews, search tasks with think-aloud narratives, and talk-after protocols. Searches were screen-captured with simultaneous audio-recording of the think-aloud narrative. Data were coded and analyzed using NVivo9 and manually. Grounded theory allowed categories and themes to emerge from the data. Categories represented conceptual knowledge and attributes of expert searchers. In accord with grounded theory method, once theoretical saturation was achieved, during the final stage of analysis the data were viewed through lenses of existing theoretical frameworks. For this study, threshold concept theory (Meyer & Land, 2003) was used to explore which concepts might be threshold concepts. Threshold concepts have been used to explore transformative learning portals in subjects ranging from economics to mathematics. A threshold concept has five defining characteristics: transformative (causing a shift in perception), irreversible (unlikely to be forgotten), integrative (unifying separate concepts), troublesome (initially counter-intuitive), and may be bounded. Themes that emerged provided evidence of four concepts which had the characteristics of threshold concepts. These were: information environment: the total information environment is perceived and understood; information structures: content, index structures, and retrieval algorithms are understood; information vocabularies: fluency in search behaviors related to language, including natural language, controlled vocabulary, and finesse using proximity, truncation, and other language-based tools. The fourth threshold concept was concept fusion, the integration of the other three threshold concepts and further defined by three properties: visioning (anticipating next moves), being light on one's 'search feet' (dancing property), and profound ontological shift (identity as searcher). In addition to the threshold concepts, findings were reported that were not concept-based, including praxes and traits of expert searchers. A model of search expertise is proposed with the four threshold concepts at its core that also integrates the traits and praxes elicited from the study, attributes which are likewise long recognized in LIS research as present in professional searchers. The research provides a deeper understanding of the transformative learning experiences involved in the acquisition of search expertise. It adds to our understanding of search expertise in the context of today's information environment and has implications for teaching advanced search, for research more broadly within library and information science, and for methodologies used to explore threshold concepts.


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With the rapid growth of information on the Web, the study of information searching has let to an increased interest. Information behaviour (IB) researchers and information systems (IS) developers are continuously exploring user - Web search interactions to understand and to help users to provide assistance with their information searching. In attempting to develop models of IB, several studies have identified various factors that govern user's information searching and information retrieval (IR), such as age, gender, prior knowledge and task complexity. However, how users' contextual factors, such as cognitive styles, affect Web search interactions has not been clearly explained by the current models of Web Searching and IR. This study explores the influence of users' cognitive styles on their Web search behaviour. The main goal of the study is to enhance Web search models with a better understanding of how these cognitive styles affect Web searching. Modelling Web search behaviour with a greater understanding of user's cognitive styles can help information science researchers and IS designers to bridge the semantic gap between the user and the IS. To achieve the aims of the study, a user study with 50 participants was conducted. The study adopted a mixed method approach incorporating several data collection strategies to gather a range of qualitative and quantitative data. The study utilised pre-search and post-search questionnaires to collect the participants' demographic information and their level of satisfaction about the search interactions. Riding's (1991) Cognitive Style Analysis (CSA) test was used to assess the participants' cognitive styles. Participants completed three predesigned search tasks and the whole user - web search interactions, including thinkaloud, were captured using a monitoring program. Data analysis involved several qualitative and quantitative techniques: the quantitative data gave raise to detailed findings about users' Web searching and cognitive styles, the qualitative data enriched the findings with illustrative examples. The study results provide valuable insights into Web searching behaviour among different cognitive style users. The findings of the study extend our understanding of Web search behaviour and how users search information on the Web. Three key study findings emerged: • Users' Web search behaviour was demonstrated through information searching strategies, Web navigation styles, query reformulation behaviour and information processing approaches while performing Web searches. The manner in which these Web search patterns were demonstrated varied among the users with different cognitive style groups. • Users' cognitive styles influenced their information searching strategies, query reformulation behaviour, Web navigational styles and information processing approaches. Users with particular cognitive styles followed certain Web search patterns. • Fundamental relationships were evident between users' cognitive styles and their Web search behaviours; and these relationships can be illustrated through modelling Web search behaviour. Two models that depict the associations between Web search interactions, user characteristics and users' cognitive styles were developed. These models provide a greater understanding of Web search behaviour from the user perspective, particularly how users' cognitive styles influence their Web search behaviour. The significance of this research is twofold: it will provide insights for information science researchers, information system designers, academics, educators, trainers and librarians who want to better understand how users with different cognitive styles perform information searching on the Web; at the same time, it will provide assistance and support to the users. The major outcomes of this study are 1) a comprehensive analysis of how users search the Web; 2) extensive discussion on the implications of the models developed in this study for future work; and 3) a theoretical framework to bridge high-level search models and cognitive models.