383 resultados para Diamond-like carbon nanorods


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Opening up a band gap and finding a suitable substrate material are two big challenges for building graphene-based nanodevices. Using state-of-the-art hybrid density functional theory incorporating long range dispersion corrections, we investigate the interface between optically active graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and electronically active graphene. We find an inhomogeneous planar substrate (g-C3N4) promotes electronrich and hole-rich regions, i.e., forming a well-defined electron−hole puddle, on the supported graphene layer. The composite displays significant charge transfer from graphene to the g-C3N4 substrate, which alters the electronic properties of both components. In particular, the strong electronic coupling at the graphene/g-C3N4 interface opens a 70 meV gap in g-C3N4-supported graphene, a feature that can potentially allow overcoming the graphene’s band gap hurdle in constructing field effect transistors. Additionally, the 2-D planar structure of g-C3N4 is free of dangling bonds, providing an ideal substrate for graphene to sit on. Furthermore, when compared to a pure g-C3N4 monolayer, the hybrid graphene/g-C3N4 complex displays an enhanced optical absorption in the visible region, a promising feature for novel photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications.


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Based on theoretical prediction, a g-C3N4@carbon metal-free oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electrocatalyst was designed and synthesized by uniform incorporation of g-C3N4 into a mesoporous carbon to enhance the electron transfer efficiency of g-C3N4. The resulting g-C3N4@carbon composite exhibited competitive catalytic activity (11.3 mA cm–2 kinetic-limiting current density at −0.6 V) and superior methanol tolerance compared to a commercial Pt/C catalyst. Furthermore, it demonstrated significantly higher catalytic efficiency (nearly 100% of four-electron ORR process selectivity) than a Pt/C catalyst. The proposed synthesis route is facile and low-cost, providing a feasible method for the development of highly efficient electrocatalysts.


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Synergistic effect of metallic couple and carbon nanotubes on Mg results in an ultrafast kinetics of hydrogenation that overcome a critical barrier of practical use of Mg as hydrogen storage materials. The ultrafast kinetics is attributed to the metal−H atomic interaction at the Mg surface and in the bulk (energy for bonding and releasing) and atomic hydrogen diffusion along the grain boundaries (aggregation of carbon nanotubes) and inside the grains. Hence, a hydrogenation mechanism is presented.


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The interaction of bare graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) was investigated by ab initio density functional theory calculations with both the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Remarkably, two bare 8-GNRs with zigzag-shaped edges are predicted to form an (8, 8) armchair single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) without any obvious activation barrier. The formation of a (10, 0) zigzag SWCNT from two bare 10-GNRs with armchair-shaped edges has activation barriers of 0.23 and 0.61 eV for using the LDA and the revised PBE exchange correlation functional, respectively, Our results suggest a possible route to control the growth of specific types SWCNT via the interaction of GNRs.


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In March 2008, the Australian Government announced its intention to introduce a national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), now expected to start in 2015. This impending development provides an ideal setting to investigate the impact an ETS in Australia will have on the market valuation of Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) firms. This is the first empirical study into the pricing effects of the ETS in Australia. Primarily, we hypothesize that firm value will be negatively related to a firm's carbon intensity profile. That is, there will be a greater impact on firm value for high carbon emitters in the period prior (2007) to the introduction of the ETS, whether for reasons relating to the existence of unbooked liabilities associated with future compliance and/or abatement costs, or for reasons relating to reduced future earnings. Using a sample of 58 Australian listed firms (constrained by the current availability of emissions data) which comprise larger, more profitable and less risky listed Australian firms, we first undertake an event study focusing on five distinct information events argued to impact the probability of the proposed ETS being enacted. Here, we find direct evidence that the capital market is indeed pricing the proposed ETS. Second, using a modified version of the Ohlson (1995) valuation model, we undertake a valuation analysis designed not only to complement the event study results, but more importantly to provide insights into the capital market's assessment of the magnitude of the economic impact of the proposed ETS as reflected in market capitalization. Here, our results show that the market assesses the most carbon intensive sample firms a market value decrement relative to other sample firms of between 7% and 10% of market capitalization. Further, based on the carbon emission profile of the sample firms we imply a ‘future carbon permit price’ of between AUD$17 per tonne and AUD$26 per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted. This study is more precise than industry reports, which set a carbon price of between AUD$15 to AUD$74 per tonne.


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Methane gas has been identified as the most destructive greenhouse gas (Liu et al., 2004). It was reported that the global warming potential of methane per molecule relative to CO2 is approximately 23 on a 100-year timescale or 62 over a 20-year period (IPCC, 2001). Methane has high C-H bond energy of about 439 kJ/mol and other higher alkanes (or saturated hydrocarbons) also have a very strong C-C and C-H bonds, thus making their molecules to have no empty orbitals of low energy or filled orbitals of high energy that could readily participate in chemical reactions as is the case with unsaturated hydrocarbons such as olefins and alkynes (Crabtree, 1994; Labinger & Bercaw, 2002)...


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An investigation on hydrogen and methane sensing performance of hydrothermally formed niobium tungsten oxide nanorods employed in a Schottky diode structure is presented herein. By implementing tungsten into the surface of the niobium lattice, we create Nb5+ and W5+ oxide states and an abundant number of surface traps, which can collect and hold the adsorbate charge to reinforce a greater bending of the energy bands at the metal/oxide interface. We show experimentally, that extremely large voltage shifts can be achieved by these nanorods under exposure to gas at both room and high temperatures and attribute this to the strong accumulation of the dipolar charges at the interface via the surface traps. Thus, our results demonstrate that niobium tungsten oxide nanorods can be implemented for gas sensing applications, showing ultra-high sensitivities.


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An emerging theme for a nation transiting into a sustainable future is the provision of a low carbon (dioxide) environment. Carbon emission reduction is therefore important for the industry and community as a whole. Buildings contribute immensely to total greenhouse gas emissions, so pragmatic actions need to be taken to cut the amount of carbon emitted by the construction industry. These typically involve strategies such as energy-saving features in the design, construction and operation of building projects. However, a variety of characteristics of the markets and stakeholders involved are suppressing their development. This paper reports on a series of interviews with a variety of Hong Kong construction project participants aimed at identifying the drivers of, and obstacles to, the construction industry's attempts to reduce carbon emissions. The results confirm the main actions currently undertaken are energy efficiency enhancement, green procurement, research and development activities, waste/water management and other technical measures such as the provision of thermal insulation. The majority of the drivers are economical in nature, suggesting that financial aids, and particularly government incentives, are likely to be useful motivators. Also suggested is the increased promotion of the benefits of environmental sustainability to the wider community, in order to alert the general public to the need for reducing the amount of carbon originating from building usage.


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In this work, the structural and gas sensing properties of an electropolymerized, polyaniline (PANI)/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT) composite based surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor are reported. Thin films made of PANI nanofibers were deposited onto 36 lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) SAW transducers using electropolymerization and were subsequently dedoped. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the compact growth of the composites which is much denser than that of PANI nanofibers. The PANI/MWNT composite based SAW sensor was then exposed to different concentrations of hydrogen (H2) gas at room temperature with a demonstrated electrical response.


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Pricing greenhouse gas emissions is a burgeoning and possibly lucrative financial means for climate change mitigation. Emissions pricing is being used to fund emissions-abatement technologies and to modify land management to improve carbon sequestration and retention. Here we discuss the principal land-management options under existing and realistic future emissions-price legislation in Australia, and examine them with respect to their anticipated direct and indirect effects on biodiversity. The main ways in which emissions price-driven changes to land management can affect biodiversity are through policies and practices for (1) environmental plantings for carbon sequestration, (2) native regrowth, (3) fire management, (4) forestry, (5) agricultural practices (including cropping and grazing), and (6) feral animal control. While most land-management options available to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions offer clear advantages to increase the viability of native biodiversity, we describe several caveats regarding potentially negative outcomes, and outline components that need to be considered if biodiversity is also to benefit from the new carbon economy. Carbon plantings will only have real biodiversity value if they comprise appropriate native tree species and provide suitable habitats and resources for valued fauna. Such plantings also risk severely altering local hydrology and reducing water availability. Management of regrowth post-agricultural abandonment requires setting appropriate baselines and allowing for thinning in certain circumstances, and improvements to forestry rotation lengths would likely increase carbon-retention capacity and biodiversity value. Prescribed burning to reduce the frequency of high-intensity wildfires in northern Australia is being used as a tool to increase carbon retention. Fire management in southern Australia is not readily amenable for maximising carbon storage potential, but will become increasingly important for biodiversity conservation as the climate warms. Carbon price-based modifications to agriculture that would benefit biodiversity include reductions in tillage frequency and livestock densities, reductions in fertiliser use, and retention and regeneration of native shrubs; however, anticipated shifts to exotic perennial grass species such as buffel grass and kikuyu could have net negative implications for native biodiversity. Finally, it is unlikely that major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions arising from feral animal control are possible, even though reduced densities of feral herbivores will benefit Australian biodiversity greatly.


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Trivium is a bit-based stream cipher in the final portfolio of the eSTREAM project. In this paper, we apply the approach of Berbain et al. to Trivium-like ciphers and perform new algebraic analyses on them, namely Trivium and its reduced versions: Trivium-N, Bivium-A and Bivium-B. In doing so, we answer an open question in the literature. We demonstrate a new algebraic attack on Bivium-A. This attack requires less time and memory than previous techniques which use the F4 algorithm to recover Bivium-A's initial state. Though our attacks on Bivium-B, Trivium and Trivium-N are worse than exhaustive keysearch, the systems of equations which are constructed are smaller and less complex compared to previous algebraic analysis. Factors which can affect the complexity of our attack on Trivium-like ciphers are discussed in detail.


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An oriented graphitic nanostructured carbon film has been employed as a conductometric hydrogen gas sensor. The carbon film was energetically deposited using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc with a -75 V bias applied to a stainless steel grid placed 1cm from the surface of the Si substrate. The substrate was heated to 400°C prior to deposition. Electron microscopy showed evidence that the film consisted largely of vertically oriented graphitic sheets and had a density of 2.06 g/cm3. 76% of the atoms were bonded in sp2 or graphitic configurations. A change in the device resistance of >; 1.5% was exhibited upon exposure to 1 % hydrogen gas (in synthetic, zero humidity air) at 100°C. The time for the sensor resistance to increase by 1.5 % under these conditions was approximately 60 s and the baseline (zero hydrogen exposure) resistance remained constant to within 0.01% during and after the hydrogen exposures.


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The reason why a sustained high concentration of insulin induces laminitis in horses remains unclear. Cell proliferation occurs in the lamellae during insulin-induced laminitis and in other species high concentrations of insulin can activate receptors for the powerful cell mitogen, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1. The first aim of this study was to determine if IGF-1 receptors (IGF-1R) are activated in the hoof during insulin-induced laminitis. Gene expression for IGF-1R and the insulin receptor (InsR) was measured using qRT-PCR, in lamellar tissue from control horses and from horses undergoing a prolonged euglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic clamp (p-EHC), during the mid-developmental (24 h) and acute (46 h) phases of insulin-induced laminitis. Gene expression for both receptors was decreased 13–32-fold (P < 0.05) at both time-points in the insulin-treated horses. A second aim was to determine if the down-regulation of the receptor genes could be accounted for by an increase in circulating IGF-1. Serum IGF-1 was measured at 0, 10, 25 and 46 h post-treatment in horses given a p-EHC for approximately 46 h, and in matched controls administered a balanced, electrolyte solution. There was no increase in serum IGF-1 concentrations during the p-EHC, consistent with down-regulation of both receptors by insulin. Stimulation of the IGF-1R by insulin may lead to inappropriate lamellar epidermal cell proliferation and lamellar weakening, a potential mechanism for hyperinsulinaemic laminitis. Targeting this receptor may provide insights into the pathogenesis or identify a novel therapy for hyperinsulinaemic laminitis.


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Research into hyperinsulinemic laminitis has progressed significantly in recent years with the use of the prolonged-euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp (p-EHC). Previous investigations of laminitis pathophysiology have focused on digital vascular dysfunction, inflammation, altered glucose metabolism within the lamellae, and lamellar basement membrane breakdown by metalloproteinases. The etiopathogenesis of laminitis occurring in association with hyperinsulinemia is yet to be fully characterized, but it may not involve these mechanisms. Insulin stimulates cellular proliferation and can also affect other body systems, such as the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is structurally homologous to insulin and, like insulin, binds with strong affinity to a specific tyrosine kinase receptor on the cell surface to produce its effects, which include promoting cell proliferation. Receptors for IGF-1 (IGF-1R) are present in the lamellar epidermis. An alternative theory for the pathogenesis of hyperinsulinemic laminitis is that uncontrolled cell proliferation, mediated through both the insulin receptor (InsR) and IGF-1R, leads to lengthening, weakening, and failure of the lamellae. An analysis of the proliferative activity of lamellar epidermal cells during the developmental and acute phases of hyperinsulinemic laminitis, and lamellar gene expression of the InsR and IGF-1R was undertaken.


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Presented is the material and gas sensing properties of graphene-like nano-sheets deposited on 36° YX lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) surface acoustic wave (SAW) transducers. The graphene-like nano-sheets were characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy(AFM)and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The graphenelike nano-sheet/SAW sensors were exposed to different concentrations of hydrogen (H2) gas in a synthetic air at room temperature. The developed sensors exhibit good sensitivity towards low concentrations of H2 in ambient conditions, as well as excellent dynamic performance towards H2 at room temperature.