546 resultados para contemporary pacific video


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We address the problem of face recognition on video by employing the recently proposed probabilistic linear discrimi-nant analysis (PLDA). The PLDA has been shown to be robust against pose and expression in image-based face recognition. In this research, the method is extended and applied to video where image set to image set matching is performed. We investigate two approaches of computing similarities between image sets using the PLDA: the closest pair approach and the holistic sets approach. To better model face appearances in video, we also propose the heteroscedastic version of the PLDA which learns the within-class covariance of each individual separately. Our experi-ments on the VidTIMIT and Honda datasets show that the combination of the heteroscedastic PLDA and the closest pair approach achieves the best performance.


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Introduction The suitability of video conferencing (VC) technology for clinical purposes relevant to geriatric medicine is still being established. This project aimed to determine the validity of the diagnosis of dementia via VC. Methods This was a multisite, noninferiority, prospective cohort study. Patients, aged 50 years and older, referred by their primary care physician for cognitive assessment, were assessed at 4 memory disorder clinics. All patients were assessed independently by 2 specialist physicians. They were allocated one face-to-face (FTF) assessment (Reference standard – usual clinical practice) and an additional assessment (either usual FTF assessment or a VC assessment) on the same day. Each specialist physician had access to the patient chart and the results of a battery of standardized cognitive assessments administered FTF by the clinic nurse. Percentage agreement (P0) and the weighted kappa statistic with linear weight (Kw) were used to assess inter-rater reliability across the 2 study groups on the diagnosis of dementia (cognition normal, impaired, or demented). Results The 205 patients were allocated to group: Videoconference (n = 100) or Standard practice (n = 105); 106 were men. The average age was 76 (SD 9, 51–95) and the average Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination Score was 23.9 (SD 4.7, 9–30). Agreement for the Videoconference group (P0= 0.71; Kw = 0.52; P < .0001) and agreement for the Standard Practice group (P0= 0.70; Kw = 0.50; P < .0001) were both statistically significant (P < .05). The summary kappa statistic of 0.51 (P = .84) indicated that VC was not inferior to FTF assessment. Conclusions Previous studies have shown that preliminary standardized assessment tools can be reliably administered and scored via VC. This study focused on the geriatric assessment component of the interview (interpretation of standardized assessments, taking a history and formulating a diagnosis by medical specialist) and identified high levels of agreement for diagnosing dementia. A model of service incorporating either local or remote administered standardized assessments, and remote specialist assessment, is a reliable process for enabling the diagnosis of dementia for isolated older adults.


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The Restrung New Chamber Festival was a practice-led research project which explored the intricacies of musical relationships. Specifically, it investigated the nature of contemporary string practice, with "New music" at its core. For the purposes of this project, "New music" will be defined in terms of representing a "global sonorous space" (Nancy 2007:12), which Hulse describes as "a spectacular comingling of styles and an unprecedented explosion of creative possibilities" (Hulse n.d.:2). Approaches to staging such an event are contextualised through a comparative analysis with relevant Australian and European festivals. The Restrung model derived inspiration from both art music and popular music festival models, in several aspects. One strategy was to engage audiences through combinations of musical, visual and spatial features. Another strategy was to encourage interaction by audiences with installations, workshops and forums. Restrung represents a new and distinctive model which presented art music within an immersive environment. This exegesis presents an evaluation framework which investigates the relationship between curatorial input and the experiential qualities of the festival. The context of an overview of trends in arts festival curation informs the discussion, as well as approaches to identifying new and receptive audiences. It is expected that the evaluation framework will provide a useful and practical guide for curators working in contemporary string practice, hybrid arts, experimental and cross-art form festival design.


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Young adult literature is a socialising genre that encourages young readers to take up very particular ways of relating to historical or cultural materials. Recent years have seen a boom in Sherlockian YA fiction inviting reader identification either with the Baker Street Irregulars or an adolescent Holmes. In works by Anthony Read, Andrew Lane, Tracy Mack & Michael Citrin, and Tony Lee, the Sherlock canon provides a vocabulary for neo-Victorian young adult fiction to simultaneously invoke and defer a range of competing visions of working childhood as both at-risk and autonomous; of education as both oppression and emancipation; and of literary-cultural history as both populist and elitist. Such tensions can be traced in Conan Doyle’s own constructions of working children, and in the circulation of the Sherlock stories as popular or literary fictions. Drawing both on the Sherlock canon and its revisions, this paper reads current YA fiction’s deployment of Conan Doyle’s fictional universe as a tool for negotiating contemporary anxieties of adolescence.


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This project investigates machine listening and improvisation in interactive music systems with the goal of improvising musically appropriate accompaniment to an audio stream in real-time. The input audio may be from a live musical ensemble, or playback of a recording for use by a DJ. I present a collection of robust techniques for machine listening in the context of Western popular dance music genres, and strategies of improvisation to allow for intuitive and musically salient interaction in live performance. The findings are embodied in a computational agent – the Jambot – capable of real-time musical improvisation in an ensemble setting. Conceptually the agent’s functionality is split into three domains: reception, analysis and generation. The project has resulted in novel techniques for addressing a range of issues in each of these domains. In the reception domain I present a novel suite of onset detection algorithms for real-time detection and classification of percussive onsets. This suite achieves reasonable discrimination between the kick, snare and hi-hat attacks of a standard drum-kit, with sufficiently low-latency to allow perceptually simultaneous triggering of accompaniment notes. The onset detection algorithms are designed to operate in the context of complex polyphonic audio. In the analysis domain I present novel beat-tracking and metre-induction algorithms that operate in real-time and are responsive to change in a live setting. I also present a novel analytic model of rhythm, based on musically salient features. This model informs the generation process, affording intuitive parametric control and allowing for the creation of a broad range of interesting rhythms. In the generation domain I present a novel improvisatory architecture drawing on theories of music perception, which provides a mechanism for the real-time generation of complementary accompaniment in an ensemble setting. All of these innovations have been combined into a computational agent – the Jambot, which is capable of producing improvised percussive musical accompaniment to an audio stream in real-time. I situate the architectural philosophy of the Jambot within contemporary debate regarding the nature of cognition and artificial intelligence, and argue for an approach to algorithmic improvisation that privileges the minimisation of cognitive dissonance in human-computer interaction. This thesis contains extensive written discussions of the Jambot and its component algorithms, along with some comparative analyses of aspects of its operation and aesthetic evaluations of its output. The accompanying CD contains the Jambot software, along with video documentation of experiments and performances conducted during the project.


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If contemporary artworks are often considered to be puzzles or riddles, then Wilkins Hill take this to a new level. Their recent exhibition Windows impersonating other windows, confronts viewers with an extremely ludic configuration: a spa bath full of almonds, towel racks placed before photos of Martin Heidegger distorted in neat grids, a video of a water tower in a Hamburg park, wooden cut-out speech bubbles and monitors that continuously play interviews with the artists themselves. What does it all mean?


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In this video, a male voice performs a script combining stories sourced from an anonymous confessions website. On screen, imagery of fireworks repeats into increasingly kaleidoscopic patterns. This work engages with the relationship between screen culture and contemporary subjectivity. It contrasts private confessions with the public spectacle of fireworks to question the ways screen cultures are informing constructions of subjectivity. By extending on some of Nicolas Bourriaud’s ideas around ‘postproduction’ and the creative and critical strategies of ‘editing’, it offers a speculative understanding of the contemporary tension between public and private.


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In this video, words emerge out of an abstract, ‘digital’, animated horizon line. The words are accompanied by a female voice-over who narrates a seductive relaxation and visualization activity. This work examines the nature of consciousness and identity in a contemporary context. It mixes the languages of meditation, new age philosophy and pop-psychology. Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman’s theoretical work on “liquid modernity”, this work questions how and where we find space for contemplation and reflection in a contemporary context increasingly defined by temporary social bonds and consumer choices.


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This article recognises the potential importance of Islamic finance products in Australia, along with the current regulatory impediments preventing Australia from becoming a leader in the Asia-Pacific Islamic finance market. Taking into account the potential importance of, and impediments to, Islamic finance, this article highlights, through the historical development and contemporary state of Islamic finance, its economic, social and political benefits to Australia. Once a case for embracing Islamic finance is made, the main current regulatory impediments to Australia becoming a key player in the Islamic finance market within the Asia-Pacific region are highlighted. This article then argues that, rather than requiring any separate regulatory regime, the current regulatory impediments may be overcome through amendments to existing laws to ensure parity of treatment in Australia between the Islamic finance market and the conventional finance market. The Australian income tax regime is utilised as a case study demonstrate how parity of treatment could be achieved via amendment by taking two frequent and separate Islamic finance transactions. This article concludes that the economic, social and political benefits potentially warrant Australia embracing Islamic finance and that, with the right regulatory measures, Australia could lay the foundation to become a leader in the Asia-Pacific Islamic finance market.


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Having a good automatic anomalous human behaviour detection is one of the goals of smart surveillance systems’ domain of research. The automatic detection addresses several human factor issues underlying the existing surveillance systems. To create such a detection system, contextual information needs to be considered. This is because context is required in order to correctly understand human behaviour. Unfortunately, the use of contextual information is still limited in the automatic anomalous human behaviour detection approaches. This paper proposes a context space model which has two benefits: (a) It provides guidelines for the system designers to select information which can be used to describe context; (b)It enables a system to distinguish between different contexts. A comparative analysis is conducted between a context-based system which employs the proposed context space model and a system which is implemented based on one of the existing approaches. The comparison is applied on a scenario constructed using video clips from CAVIAR dataset. The results show that the context-based system outperforms the other system. This is because the context space model allows the system to considering knowledge learned from the relevant context only.


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Information Technology (IT) is an important resource that facilitates growth and development in both the developed and emerging economies. The increasing forces of globalization are creating a wider digital divide between the developed and emerging economies. The smaller emerging economies are the most venerable. Intense competition for IT resources means that these emerging economies would need to acquire a deeper understanding of how to source and evaluate their IT-related efforts. This effort would put these economies in a better position to source funding from various stakeholders. This research presents a complementary approach to securing better IT-related business value in organizations in the South Pacific Island countries – a case of emerging economies. Analysis of data collected from six South Pacific Island countries suggests that organizations that invest in IT and related complementaries are able to better their business processes. The data also suggest that improved business processes lead to overall business processes improvements.


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A female voice softly recites physical and psychological associations of aura colours. On screen, individual words fade in and out rhythmically amid a field of swirling and morphing colours. The animated words correlate with the words being spoken, but not every word is displayed, therefore enabling an alternative range of verbal associations to emerge. “Auric Variations” plays with the mix of affirmation and anxiety that can underscore contemporary subjective experiences and the new age techniques we sometimes used to understand them.


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In this video, white words and phrases fade quickly in and out amongst small bursting dots of colour. Set to an energetic, synthesised soundtrack, the animated text combines, and sometimes confuses, an internal monologue with dialogue and overheard conversations. The unfolding narrative follows an unnamed narrator through a crowded social event. By visually and textually mixing self-conscious reflections with polite conversations, “Mingling” explores the social niceties and nervous behaviours that often inform our interpersonal experiences. Through its fast-paced and disjointed rendering of verbal communication, the work playfully draws out the sometimes-awkward and uncomfortable dialogues that exist between personal and social, internal and external, imagined and actual. This work was commission by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Australia (Sydney), to celebrate the organisation’s major redevelopment and acknowledge the generosity of individuals and organisations who supported the capital project.


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In this video, text floats on screen amidst a field of swirling coloured orbs and a stock music soundtrack. The text is sourced from Internet dating websites and combine into a single animated portrait charting an array of likes, dislikes, influences, beliefs and hobbies. This work examines the nature of consciousness and identity in a contemporary context. It reworks the languages of Internet dating websites to question how we construct and communicate our sense of self. Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman’s theoretical work on “liquid modernity”, this work presents an exaggerated take on contemporary identity that emphasizes its construction through consumer tastes, lifestyle choices and relationships with popular culture.


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“Spin” borrows idioms and metaphors from sports commentary and squeezes them into a single emotional rollercoaster. Accompanied by a driving soundtrack, text appears and disappears one word at a time. As the work progresses, multiple words fade in and out at the same time, filling the screen and testing our ability to read and assimilate these well-worn phrases. On the one hand, the work mimes some of what we enjoy about sport – its ability to take us to another place, to incite passion and emotion, and to enable us to share in common experiences, goals and desires. On the other hand, it plays up the hyperbolic language often associated with sports broadcasting. The very language that helps take us to another place, incite passion and make us feel part of something bigger than ourselves, is pushed to its extreme and starts to burst at the seams. This work was commissioned for “Kick Off: contemporary video art program” at Metricon Stadium, Gold Coast, and supported by Project Services, Department of Public Works, Queensland Government.