415 resultados para Single unit


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The IEC 61850 family of standards for substation communication systems were released in the early 2000s, and include IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-9-2 that enable Ethernet to be used for process-level connections between transmission substation switchyards and control rooms. This paper presents an investigation of process bus protection performance, as the in-service behavior of multi-function process buses is largely unknown. An experimental approach was adopted that used a Real Time Digital Simulator and 'live' substation automation devices. The effect of sampling synchronization error and network traffic on transformer differential protection performance was assessed and compared to conventional hard-wired connections. Ethernet was used for all sampled value measurements, circuit breaker tripping, transformer tap-changer position reports and Precision Time Protocol synchronization of sampled value merging unit sampling. Test results showed that the protection relay under investigation operated correctly with process bus network traffic approaching 100% capacity. The protection system was not adversely affected by synchronizing errors significantly larger than the standards permit, suggesting these requirements may be overly conservative. This 'closed loop' approach, using substation automation hardware, validated the operation of protection relays under extreme conditions. Digital connections using a single shared Ethernet network outperformed conventional hard-wired solutions.


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Consumer awareness and usage of Unit Price (UP) information continues to hold academic interest. Originally designed as a device to enable shoppers to make comparisons between grocery products, it is argued consumers still lack a sufficient understanding of the device. Previous research has tended to focus on product choice, effect of time, and structural changes to price presentation. No studies have tested the effect of UP consumer education on grocery shopping expenditure. Supported by distributed learning theories, this is the first study to condition participants over a twenty week period, to comprehend and employ UP information while shopping. A 3x5 mixed factorial design was employed to collect data from 357 shoppers. A 3 (Control, Massed, Spaced) x 5 (Time Point: Week 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20) mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to analyse the data. Preliminary results revealed that the three groups differed in their average expenditure over the twenty weeks. The Control group remained stable across the five time points. Results indicated that both intensive (Massed) and less intensive (Spaced) exposure to UP information achieved similar results, with both group reducing average expenditure similarly by Week 5. These patterns held for twenty weeks, with conditioned groups reducing their grocery expenditure by over 10%. This research has academic value as a test of applied learning theories. We argue, retailers can attain considerable market advantages as efforts to enhance customers’ knowledge, through consumer education campaigns, can have a positive and strong impact on customer trust and goodwill toward the organisation. Hence, major practical implications for both regulators and retailers exist.


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Purpose: Data from two randomized phase III trials were analyzed to evaluate prognostic factors and treatment selection in the first-line management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients with performance status (PS) 2. Patients and Methods: Patients randomized to combination chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel) in one trial and single-agent therapy (gemcitabine or vinorelbine) in the second were included in these analyses. Both studies had identical eligibility criteria and were conducted simultaneously. Comparison of efficacy and safety was performed between the two cohorts. A regression analysis identified prognostic factors and subgroups of patients that may benefit from combination or single-agent therapy. Results: Two hundred one patients were treated with combination and 190 with single-agent therapy. Objective responses were 37 and 15%, respectively. Median time to progression was 4.6 months in the combination arm and 3.5 months in the single-agent arm (p < 0.001). Median survival imes were 8.0 and 6.6 months, and 1-year survival rates were 31 and 26%, respectively. Albumin <3.5 g, extrathoracic metastases, lactate dehydrogenase ≥200 IU, and 2 comorbid conditions predicted outcome. Patients with 0-2 risk factors had similar outcomes independent of treatment, whereas patients with 3-4 factors had a nonsignificant improvement in median survival with combination chemotherapy. Conclusion: Our results show that PS2 non-small cell lung cancer patients are a heterogeneous group who have significantly different outcomes. Patients treated with first-line combination chemotherapy had a higher response and longer time to progression, whereas overall survival did not appear significantly different. A prognostic model may be helpful in selecting PS 2 patients for either treatment strategy. © 2009 by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.


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Background The combination chemotherapy regimen of streptozocin and 5-fluorouracil (FU/STZ) has been used for the treatment of metastatic neuroendocrine tumours. Aim The aim of this study was to analyse the use of this regimen in a tertiary oncology referral centre over a 10-year period. Method We retrospectively analysed nine cases from February 2000 to May 2010. Patient demographics, chemotherapy schedule, toxicities, progression-free and overall survival were tabulated for each patient. Result The median progression-free survival was 17 months (range 3-48+ months), and overall survival 31 months (range 12-53+ months) with no toxicity related deaths. Conclusion FU/STZ was a well-tolerated regimen that produced significant benefit in the setting of metastatic and progressive disease. Our case series demonstrated comparable progression-free survival and overall survival in relation to randomized controlled studies and previous case series. © Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2011.


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Purpose – This study aims to evaluate the usefulness of a university unit Facebook page, which was established to support a first-year university justice unit. The study pays particular regard to the Facebook page's impact on students learning outcomes and communications amongst students and between students and teaching staff. Design/methodology/approach – All students enrolled in the unit were asked to complete an online survey, which sought to determine whether they used the unit Facebook page and if so, the nature and extent of their use. Findings – The study found that the unit Facebook page was useful in achieving most learning objectives for the unit. This included enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of unit content, as well as their ability to critically analyse unit materials. Students also indicated that they found the Facebook page better than the university's central learning management system across a range of areas. It was particularly useful for facilitating unit-related discussions. Research limitations/implications – The survey results reported in this paper are based on a relatively small sample of students (n=67) from a first-year university justice unit. Future studies should seek to garner evidence from broader and larger samples that transcend specific unit populations. However, the findings of this study do indicate further support for the use of Facebook as a supplementary tool in university education. Originality/value – This study focuses on two aspects of social networking technologies that have not been previously researched and thus contributes to the growing literature on the uses and benefits of Facebook in tertiary education.


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Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of kapundaite to be determined. Single crystals of a pure phase from a Brazilian pegmatite were used. Kapundaite is the Fe3+ member of the wardite group. The infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to compare the structure of kapundaite with wardite. The Raman spectrum of kapundaite in the 800–1400 cm−1 spectral range shows two intense bands at 1089 and 1114 cm−1 assigned to the ν1PO43- symmetric stretching vibrations. The observation of two bands provides evidence for the non-equivalence of the phosphate units in the kapundaite structure. The infrared spectrum of kapundaite in the 500–1300 cm−1 shows much greater complexity than the Raman spectrum. Strong infrared bands are found at 966, 1003 and 1036 cm−1 and are attributed to the ν1PO43- symmetric stretching mode and ν3PO43- antisymmetric stretching mode. Raman bands in the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO43- unit support the concept of non-equivalent phosphate units in the kapundaite structure. In the 2600–3800 cm−1 spectral range, Raman bands for kapundaite are found at 2905, 3151, 3311, 3449 and 3530 cm−1. These bands are broad and are assigned to OH stretching vibrations. Broad infrared bands are also found at 2904, 3105, 3307, 3453 and 3523 cm−1 and are attributed to water. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of kapundaite to be ascertained and compared with that of other phosphate minerals.


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Osteocytes are the mature cells and perform as mechanosensors within the bone. The mechanical property of osteocytes plays an important role to fulfill these functions. However, little researches have been done to investigate the mechanical deformation properties of single osteocytes. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a state-of-art experimental facility for high resolution imaging of tissues, cells and any surfaces as well as for probing mechanical properties of the samples both qualitatively and quantitatively. In this paper, the experimental study based on AFM is firstly used to obtain forceindentation curves of single round osteocytes. The porohyperelastic (PHE) model of a single osteocyte is then developed by using the inverse finite element analysis (FEA) to identify and extract mechanical properties from the experiment results. It has been found that the PHE model is a good candidature for biomechanics studies of osteocytes.


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Red Blood Cells (RBCs) exhibit different types of motions and different deformed shapes, when they move through capillaries. RBCs can travel through capillaries having smaller diameters than RBCs’ diameter, due to the capacity of high deformability of the viscoelastic RBC membrane. The motion and the steady state shape of the RBCs depend on many factors, such as the geometrical parameters of the microvessel through which blood flows, the RBC membrane bending stiffness and the flow velocity. In this study, the effect of the RBC’s membrane stiffness on the deformation of a single RBC in a stenosed capillary is comprehensively examined. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in combination with the two-dimensional spring network membrane model is used to investigate the motion and the deformation property of the RBC. The simulation results demonstrate that the membrane bending stiffness of the RBC has a significant impact on the RBCs’ deformability.


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The aim of this paper is to determine the creep and relaxation responses of single chondrocytes in vitro. Firstly, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to obtain the force-indentation curves of single chondrocytes at the strain-rate of 7.05 s-1. This result was then employed in inverse finite element analysis (FEA) using porohyperelastic (PHE) idealization of the cells to determine their mechanical properties. The PHE model results agreed well with AFM experimental data. This PHE model was then utilized to study chondrocyte’s creep and relaxation behaviors. The results revealed that the effect of fluid was predominant for cell’s mechanical behaviors and that the PHE is a good model for biomechanics studies of chondrocytes.


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Forward genetic screens have identified numerous genes involved in development and metabolism, and remain a cornerstone of biological research. However, to locate a causal mutation, the practice of crossing to a polymorphic background to generate a mapping population can be problematic if the mutant phenotype is difficult to recognize in the hybrid F2 progeny, or dependent on parental specific traits. Here in a screen for leaf hyponasty mutants, we have performed a single backcross of an Ethane Methyl Sulphonate (EMS) generated hyponastic mutant to its parent. Whole genome deep sequencing of a bulked homozygous F2 population and analysis via the Next Generation EMS mutation mapping pipeline (NGM) unambiguously determined the causal mutation to be a single nucleotide polymorphisim (SNP) residing in HASTY, a previously characterized gene involved in microRNA biogenesis. We have evaluated the feasibility of this backcross approach using three additional SNP mapping pipelines; SHOREmap, the GATK pipeline, and the samtools pipeline. Although there was variance in the identification of EMS SNPs, all returned the same outcome in clearly identifying the causal mutation in HASTY. The simplicity of performing a single parental backcross and genome sequencing a small pool of segregating mutants has great promise for identifying mutations that may be difficult to map using conventional approaches.


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The movement of molecules inside living cells is a fundamental feature of biological processes. The ability to both observe and analyse the details of molecular diffusion in vivo at the single-molecule and single-cell level can add significant insight into understanding molecular architectures of diffus- ing molecules and the nanoscale environment in which the molecules diffuse. The tool of choice for monitoring dynamic molecular localization in live cells is fluorescence microscopy, especially so combining total internal reflection fluorescence with the use of fluorescent protein (FP) reporters in offering exceptional imaging contrast for dynamic processes in the cell mem- brane under relatively physiological conditions compared with competing single-molecule techniques. There exist several different complex modes of diffusion, and discriminating these from each other is challenging at the mol- ecular level owing to underlying stochastic behaviour. Analysis is traditionally performed using mean square displacements of tracked particles; however, this generally requires more data points than is typical for single FP tracks owing to photophysical instability. Presented here is a novel approach allowing robust Bayesian ranking of diffusion processes to dis-criminate multiple complex modes probabilistically. It is a computational approach that biologists can use to understand single-molecule features in live cells.


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Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) is the most serious and widespread virus of cereals worldwide. Natural resistance genes against this luteovirus give inadequate control, and previous attempts to introduce synthetic resistance into cereals have produced variable results. In an attempt to generate barley with protection against BYDV-PAV, plants were transformed with a transgene designed to produce hairpin (hp)RNA containing BYDV-PAV sequences. From 25 independent barley lines transformed with the BYDV-PAV hpRNA construct, nine lines showed extreme resistance to the virus and the majority of these contained a single transgene. In the progeny of two independent transgenic lines, inheritance of a single transgene consistently correlated with protection against BYDV-PAV. This protection was rated as immunity because the virus could not be detected in the challenged plants by ELISA nor recovered by aphid feeding experiments. In the field, BYDV-PAV is sometimes associated with the related luteovirus Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV (CYDV-RPV). When the transgenic plants were challenged with BYDV-PAV and CYDV-RPV together, the plants were susceptible to CYDV-RPV but immune to BYDV-PAV. This shows that the immunity is virus-specific and not broken down by the presence of CYDV. It suggests that CYDV-RPV does not encode a silencing-suppressor gene or that its product does not protect BYDV-PAV against the plant's RNAi-like defence mechanism. Either way, our results indicate that the BYDV-PAV immunity will be robust in the field and is potentially useful in minimizing losses in cereal production worldwide.


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Particles of carrot red leaf virus (CRLV; luteovirus group) purified from chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) contain a single ssRNA species of mol. wt. about 1.8 x 106 and a major protein of mol. wt. about 25000. CRLV acts as a helper for aphid transmission of carrot mottle virus (CMotV; ungrouped) from mixedly infected plants. Virus preparations purified from such plants possess the infectivity of both viruses but contain particles indistinguishable from those of CRLV; some of the particles are therefore thought to consist of CMotV RNA packaged in CRLV coat protein. When RNA from such preparations was electrophoresed in agarose/polyacrylamide gels, CMotV infectivity was associated with an RNA band that migrated ahead of the CRLV RNA band and had an estimated mol. wt. of about 1.5 x 106, similar to that previously found for the infective ssRNA extracted directly from Nicotiana clevelandii leaves infected with CMotV alone. Preparations of dsRNA from CMotV-infected N. clevelandii leaves contained two species: one of mol. wt. about 3.2 x 106, presumably the replicative form of the infective ssRNA, and the other, mol. wt. about 0.9 x 106, of unknown origin and function. The infective agent in buffer extracts of CMotV-infected N. clevelandii was resistant to RNase (although the enzyme acted as a reversible inhibitor of infection at high concentrations) and is therefore not unprotected RNA. It may be protected within the approximately 52 nm enveloped structures previously reported.


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This study considered the problem of predicting survival, based on three alternative models: a single Weibull, a mixture of Weibulls and a cure model. Instead of the common procedure of choosing a single “best” model, where “best” is defined in terms of goodness of fit to the data, a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach was adopted to account for model uncertainty. This was illustrated using a case study in which the aim was the description of lymphoma cancer survival with covariates given by phenotypes and gene expression. The results of this study indicate that if the sample size is sufficiently large, one of the three models emerge as having highest probability given the data, as indicated by the goodness of fit measure; the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). However, when the sample size was reduced, no single model was revealed as “best”, suggesting that a BMA approach would be appropriate. Although a BMA approach can compromise on goodness of fit to the data (when compared to the true model), it can provide robust predictions and facilitate more detailed investigation of the relationships between gene expression and patient survival. Keywords: Bayesian modelling; Bayesian model averaging; Cure model; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; Mixture model; Survival analysis; Weibull distribution


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Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of minyulite KAl2(OH,F)(PO4)2⋅4(H2O). Single crystals of a pure phase from a Brazilian pegmatite were used. Minyulite belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system. This indicates that it has three axes of unequal length, yet all are perpendicular to each other. The infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to compare the structure of minyulite with wardite. The reason for the comparison is that both are Al containing phosphate minerals. The Raman spectrum of minyulite shows an intense band at 1012 cm−1 assigned to the ν1PO43- symmetric stretching vibrations. A series of low intensity Raman bands at 1047, 1077, 1091 and 1105 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3PO43- antisymmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 1136, 1155, 1176 and 1190 cm−1 are assigned to AlOH deformation modes. The infrared band at 1014 cm−1 is ascribed to the PO43- ν1 symmetric stretching vibrational mode. The infrared bands at 1049, 1071, 1091 and 1123 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43- ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared bands at 1123, 1146 and 1157 cm−1 are attributed to AlOH deformation modes. Raman bands at 575, 592, 606 and 628 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO43- unit. In the 2600–3800 cm−1 spectral range, Raman bands for minyulite are found at 3661, 3669 and 3692 cm−1 are assigned to AlOH/AlF stretching vibrations. Broad infrared bands are also found at 2904, 3105, 3307, 3453 and 3523 cm−1. Raman bands at 3225, 3324 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. A comparison is made with the vibrational spectra of wardite. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of minyulite to be ascertained and compared with that of other phosphate minerals.