468 resultados para Drug-excipient interaction


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Purpose – This chapter examines an episode of pretend play amongst a group of young girls in an elementary school in Australia, highlighting how they interact within the membership categorization device ‘family’ to manage their social and power relationships. Approach – Using conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis, an episode of video-recorded interaction that occurs amongst a group of four young girls is analyzed. Findings – As disputes arise amongst the girls, the mother category is produced as authoritative through authoritative actions by the girl in the category of mother, and displays of subordination on the part of the other children, in the categories of sister, dog and cat. Value of paper – Examining play as a social practice provides insight into the social worlds of children. The analysis shows how the children draw upon and co-construct family-style relationships in a pretend play context, in ways that enable them to build and organize peer interaction. Authority is highlighted as a joint accomplishment that is part of the social and moral order continuously being negotiated by the children. The authority of the mother category is produced and oriented to as a means of managing the disputes within the pretend frame of play.


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Under seismic loads neither the response of the pile nor the response of ground are independent of each other, contrary what is normally assumed. In seismic design of buildings, dynamic response of a structure is determined by assuming a fixed base on sub-grade and neglecting the physical interaction between foundation and soil profile in which it is embedded. However, the seismic response of pile foundations in vibration sensitive soil profiles is significantly affected by the behaviour of supporting soil. This research uses validated Finite Element techniques to simulate the seismic behaviour of pile foundations embedded in multilayered vibration sensitive soils.


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A wide variety of experiments that involve the physics of small particles (μm to cm in size) of planetary significance can be conducted on the Space Station. Processes of interest include nucleation and condensation of particles from a gas, aggregation of small particles into larger ones, and low velocity collisions of particles. Only experiments relevant to planetary processes will be discussed in detail here.


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Nanotechnology is a vigorous research area and one of its important applications is in biomedical sciences. Among biomedical applications, targeted drug delivery is one of the most extensively studied subjects. Nanostructured particles and scaffolds have been widely studied for increasing treatment efficacy and specificity of present treatment approaches. Similarly, this technique has been used for treating bone diseases including bone regeneration. In this review, we have summarized and highlighted the recent advancement of nanostructured particles and scaffolds for the treatment of cancer bone metastasis, osteosarcoma, bone infections and inflammatory diseases, osteoarthritis, as well as for bone regeneration. Nanoparticles used to deliver deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid molecules to specific bone sites for gene therapies are also included. The investigation of the implications of nanoparticles in bone diseases have just begun, and has already shown some promising potential. Further studies have to be conducted, aimed specifically at assessing targeted delivery and bioactive scaffolds to further improve their efficacy before they can be used clinically


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This study investigates the development of teacher identity in a transnational context through an analysis of the voices of sixteen preservice teachers from Hong Kong who engage in interaction with primary students in an Australian classroom. The context for this research is the school-based experience undertaken by these preservice English as a second language teachers as part of their short language immersion (SLIM) program in Brisbane, Australia. Such SLIM programs are a genre of study abroad programs which have been gaining in popularity within teacher education in Australia, attended by preservice and inservice teachers from China, Hong Kong, Korea, and other Asian countries. This research is conducted at a time when the imperative to globalise higher education provision is a strategic factor in the educational policies of both Australia and Hong Kong. In Australia, international educational services now constitute the country’s third largest export with more than 400,000 students coming to Australia to study annually. In order to maintain Australia’s current global position as the third most popular Englishspeaking study destination, the government is now focusing on sustainability and the quality of the study experience being offered to international students (Bradley Review, 2008). In Hong Kong, the government sponsors both preservice and inservice English as a second language (ESL) teachers to undertake SLIM programs in Australia and other English-speaking countries, as part of their policy of promoting high levels of English proficiency in Hong Kong classrooms. Transnational teacher education is an important issue to which this study contributes insights into the affordances and constraints of a school-based experience in the transnational context. Second language teacher education has been defined as interventions designed to develop participants’ professional knowledge. In this study, it is argued that participation in a different community of practice helps to foreground tacit theories of second language pedagogy, making them visible and open to review. Questions of pedagogy are also seen as questions of teacher identity, constituting the way that one is in the classroom. I take up a sociocultural and poststructural framework, drawing on the work of James Gee and Mikhail Bakhtin, to theorise the construction of teacher identity as emerging through dialogic relations and socially situated discursive practices. From this perspective, this study investigates whether these teachers engage with different ways of representing themselves through appropriating, adapting or rejecting Discourses prevailing in the Australian classroom. Research suggests that reflecting on dilemmas encountered as lived experiences can extend professional understandings. In this study, the participants engage in a process of dialogic reflection on their intercultural classroom interactions, examining with their peers and their lecturer/researcher selected moments of dissonance that they have faced in the unfamiliar context of an Australian primary classroom. It is argued that the recursive and multivoiced nature of this process of reflection on practice allows participants opportunities to negotiate new understandings of second language teacher identity. Dialogic learning, based on the theories of Bakhtin and Vygotsky, provides the theoretic framing not only for the process of reflection instantiated in this study, but also features in the analysis of the participants’ second language classroom practices. The research design uses a combined discourse analytic and ethnographic approach as a logic-of-inquiry to explore the dialogic relationships which these second language teachers negotiate with their students and their peers in the transnational context. In this way, through discourse analysis of their classroom talk and reflective dialogues, assisted by the analytic tools of speech genres and discourse formats, I explore the participants’ ways of doing and being second language teachers. Thus, this analysis traces the process of ideological becoming of these beginner teachers as shifts in their understandings of teacher and student identities. This study also demonstrates the potential for a nontraditional stimulated recall interview to provide dialogic scaffolding for beginner teachers to reflect productively on their practice.


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The interaction of bare graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) was investigated by ab initio density functional theory calculations with both the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Remarkably, two bare 8-GNRs with zigzag-shaped edges are predicted to form an (8, 8) armchair single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) without any obvious activation barrier. The formation of a (10, 0) zigzag SWCNT from two bare 10-GNRs with armchair-shaped edges has activation barriers of 0.23 and 0.61 eV for using the LDA and the revised PBE exchange correlation functional, respectively, Our results suggest a possible route to control the growth of specific types SWCNT via the interaction of GNRs.


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In this thesis, I contribute to the study of how arrangements are made in social interaction. Using conversation analysis, I examine a corpus of 375 telephone calls between employees and clients of three Community Home Care (CHC) service agencies in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. My analysis of the CHC data corpus draws upon existing empirical findings within conversation analysis in order to generate novel findings about how people make arrangements with one another, and some of the attendant considerations that parties to such an activity can engage in: Prospective informings as remote proposals for a future arrangement – Focusing on how employees make arrangements with clients, I show how the employees in the CHC data corpus use ‘prospective informings’ to detail a future course of action that will involve the recipient of that informing. These informings routinely occasion a double-paired sequence, where informers pursue a response to their informing. This pursuit often occurs even after recipients have provided an initial response. This practice for making arrangements has been previously described by Houtkoop (1987) as ‘remote proposing.’ I develop Houtkoop’s analysis to show how an informing of a future arrangement can be recompleted, with response solicitation, as a proposal that is contingent upon a recipient’s acceptance. Participants’ understanding of references to non-present third parties – In the process of making arrangements, references are routinely made to non-present third parties. In the CHC data corpus, these third parties are usually care workers. Prior research (e.g., Sacks & Schegloff, 1979; Schegloff, 1996b) explains how the use of ‘recognitional references’ (such as the bare name ‘Kerry’), conveys to recipients that they should be able to locate the referent from amongst their acquaintances. Conversely, the use of ‘non-recognitional references’ (such as the description ‘a lady called Kerry’), conveys that recipients are unacquainted with the referent. I examine instances where the selection of a recognitional or non-recognitional reference form is followed by a recipient initiating repair on that reference. My analysis provides further evidence thatthe existing analytic account of these references corresponds to the way in which participants themselves make sense of them. My analysis also advances an understanding of how repair can be used, by recipients, to indicate the inappositeness of a prior turn. Post-possible-completion accounts – In a case study of a problematic interaction, I examine a misunderstanding that is not resolved within the repair space, the usual defence of intersubjectivity in interaction (cf. Schegloff, 1992b). Rather, I explore how the source of trouble is addressed, outside of the sequence of its production, with a ‘post-possible-completion account.’ This account specifies the basis of a misunderstanding and yet, unlike repair, does so without occasioning a revised response to a trouble-source turn. By considering various aspects of making arrangements in social interaction, I highlight some of the rich order that underpins the maintenance of human relationships across time. In the concluding section of this thesis I review this order, while also discussing practical implications of this analysis for CHC practice.


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An increasing body of research is highlighting the involvement of illicit drugs in many road fatalities. Deterrence theory has been a core conceptual framework underpinning traffic enforcement as well as interventions designed to reduce road fatalities. Essentially the effectiveness of deterrence-based approaches is predicated on perceptions of certainty, severity, and swiftness of apprehension. However, much less is known about how the awareness of legal sanctions can impact upon the effectiveness of deterrence mechanisms and whether promoting such detection methods can increase the deterrent effect. Nevertheless, the implicit assumption is that individuals aware of the legal sanctions will be more deterred. This study seeks to explore how awareness of the testing method impacts upon the effectiveness of deterrence-based interventions and intentions to drug drive again in the future. In total, 161 participants who reported drug driving in the previous six months took part in the current study. The results show that awareness of testing had a small effect upon increasing perceptions of the certainty of apprehension and severity of punishment. However, awareness was not a significant predictor of intentions to drug drive again in the future. Importantly, higher levels of drug use were a significant predictor of intentions to drug drive in the future. Whilst awareness does have a small effect on deterrence variables, the influence of levels of drug use seems to reduce any deterrent effect.


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This study investigates the time-course and post-receptoral pathway signaling of photoreceptor interactions when the rod (R) and three cone (L, M, S) photoreceptor classes contribute to mesopic vision. A four-primary photostimulator independently controls photoreceptor activity in human observers. The first experiment defines the temporal adaptation response of receptoral (L-, S-cone, rod) and post-receptoral (LMS, LMSR,+L-M) signaling and interactions. Here we show that nonopponent cone-cone interactions (L-cone, LMS, LMSR) have monophasic temporal response patterns whereas opponent signals (+L-M, S-cone) show biphasic response patterns with slower recovery. By comparison, rod-cone interactions with nonopponent signals have faster adaptation responses and reduced sensitivity loss whereas opponent rod-cone interactions are small or absent. Additionally, the rod-rod interaction differs from these interaction types and acts to increase rod sensitivity due to temporal summation but with a slower time course. The second experiment shows that the temporal profile of the rod signal alters the relative rod contributions to the three primary post-receptoral pathways. We demonstrate that rod signals generate luminance (þLþM) signals mediated via the MC pathway with all rod temporal profiles and chromatic signals (L/LþM, S/LþM) in both the PC and KC pathways with durations .75 ms. Thus, we propose that the change in relative weighting of rod signals within the post-receptoral pathways contributes to the sensitivity and temporal response of rod and cone pathway signaling and interactions.


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Hydrogels are hydrophilic, three dimensional polymers that imbibe large quantities of water while remaining insoluble in aqueous solutions due to chemical or physical cross-linking. The polymers swell in water or biological fluids, immobilizing the bioactive agent, leading to drug release in a well-defined specific manner. Thus the hydrogels’ elastic properties, swellability and biocompatibility make them excellent formulations for drug delivery. Currently, many drug potencies and therapeutic effects are limited or otherwise reduced because of the partial degradation that occurs before the administered drug reaches the desired site of action. On the other hand, sustained release medications release drugs continually, rather than providing relief of symptoms and protection solely when necessary. In fact, it would be much better if drugs could be administered in a manner that precisely matches physiological needs at desired times and at the desired site (site specific targeting). There is therefore an unmet need to develop controlled drug delivery systems especially for delivery of peptide and protein bound drugs. The purpose of this project is to produce hydrogels for structural drug delivery and time-dependent sustained release of drugs (bioactive agents). We use an innovative polymerisation strategy based on native chemical ligation (NCL) to covalently cross-link polymers to form hydrogels. When mixed in aqueous solution, four armed (polyethylene glycol) amine (PEG-4A) end functionalised with thioester and four branched Nterminal cysteine peptide dendrimers spontaneously conjugated to produce biomimetic hydrogels. These hydrogels showed superior resistance to shear stress compared to an equivalent PEG macromonomer system and were shown to be proteolytically degradable with concomitant release of a model payload molecule. This is the first report of a peptide dendrimers/PEG macromonomer approach to hydrogel production and opens up the prospect of facile hydrogel synthesis together with tailored payload release.


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Bioceramics play an important role in repairing and regenerating bone defects. Annually, more than 500,000 bone graft procedures are performed in the United states and approximately 2.2 million are conducted worldwide. The estimated cost of these procedures approaches $2.5billion per year. Around 60% of the bone graft substitutes available on the market involve bioceramics. It is reported that bioceramics in the world market increase by 9% per year. For this reason, the research of bioceramics has been one of the most active areas during, the past several years. Considering the significant importance of bioceramics, our goal was to compile this book to review the latest research advances in the field of bioceramics. The text also summarizes our work during the past 10 years in an effort to share innovative concepts, design of bioceramisc, and methods for material synthesis and drug delivery. We anticipate that this text will provide some useful information and guidance in the bioceramics field for biomedical engineering researchers and material scientists. Information on novel mesoporous bioactive glasses and silicate-based ceramics for bone regeneration and drug delivery are presented. Mesoporous bioactive glasses have shown multifunctional characteristics of bone regeneration and drug delivery due to their special mesopore structures,whereas silicated-based bioceramics, as typical third-generation biomaterials,possess significant osteostimulation properties. Silica nanospheres with a core-shell structure and specific properties for controllable drug delivery have been carefully reviewed-a variety of advanced synthetic strategies have been developed to construct functional mesoporous silica nanoparticles with a core-shell structure, including hollow, magnetic, or luminescent, and other multifunctional core-shell mesoporous silica nanoparticles. In addition, multifunctional drug delivery systems based on these nanoparticles have been designed and optimized to deliver the drugs into the targeted organs or cells,with a controllable release fashioned by virtue of various internal and external triggers. The novel 3D-printing technique to prepare advanced bioceramic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications has been highlighted, including the preparation, mechanical strength, and biological properties of 3D-printed porous scaffolds of calcium phosphate cement and silicate bioceramics. Three-dimensional printing techniques offer improved large-pore structure and mechanical strength. In addition , biomimetic preparation and controllable crystal growth as well as biomineralization of bioceramics are summarized, showing the latest research progress in this area. Finally, inorganic and organic composite materials are reviewed for bone regeneration and gene delivery. Bioactive inorganic and organic composite materials offer unique biological, electrical, and mechanical properties for designing excellent bone regeneration or gene delivery systems. It is our sincere hope that this book will updated the reader as to the research progress of bioceramics and their applications in bone repair and regeneration. It will be the best reward to all the contributors of this book if their efforts herein in some way help reader in any part of their study, research, and career development.


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Regarded as a normative component of development, risk-taking by young people is a well-researched subject, and some risk-taking behaviours, such as substance use, are particularly well covered because of their potential to adversely affect health and wellbeing. What has remained unclear is the extent of young people's risk-taking while engaged in alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment, their awareness of the related harms of risk-taking behaviours, and their prior help-seeking for these harms - information which may have a significant impact on the quality and relevance of the care they receive. This paper reports the findings from a brief pilot study exploring those factors in a clinical sample of young people engaged in ongoing AOD counselling.


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Young adults represent the largest group of first time donors to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, but they are also the least loyal group and often do not return after their first donation. At the same time, many young people use the internet and various forms of social media on a daily basis. Web and mobile based technological practices and communication patterns change the way that young people interact with one another, with their families, and communities. Combining these two points of departure, this study seeks to identify best practices of employing mobile apps and social media in order to enhance the loyalty rates of young blood donors. The findings reported in this paper are based on a qualitative approach presenting a nuanced understanding of the different factors that motivate young people to donate blood in the first place, as well as the obstacles or issues that prevent them from returning. The paper discusses work in progress with a view to inform the development of interactive prototypes trialling three categories of features: personal services (such as scheduling); social media (such as sharing the donation experience with friends to raise awareness); and data visualisations (such as local blood inventory levels). We discuss our translation of research findings into design implications.