497 resultados para exercise behaviours


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• Car-bicycle and car-motorcycle crashes often serious • Car driver mostly at fault, often because of failure to see (Schramm et al, 2010) • Car drivers with motorcycling experience less likely to be involved in motorcycle crashes or be at fault (Brooks & Guppy, 1990; Magazzu et al., 2006) and hold more positive beliefs about motorcyclists (Crundall et al., 2008) • Does bicycle riding experience have the same benefits?


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Failure to give way by motor vehicles is a factor in many collisions with both powered and unpowered two wheelers (TWs). Motor vehicle drivers often report that they did not see the TW, but research has shown that motor vehicle drivers who have experience riding a motorcycle are less likely to fail to detect motorcycles. The research reported here examines whether this phenomenon extends to detection of bicycles and whether car drivers who have experience with one mode of TW show improved detection of the other mode. A driving simulator study was conducted in an Australian urban setting which incorporated some of the most common car-TW crash scenarios. Participants with car-only, car plus motorcycle, car plus bicycle, and car plus bicycle plus motorcycle experience operated a car simulator. Their interactions with both types of TWs were measured in terms of visual detection, lateral distance and speed when approaching and passing. The effects of different levels of colour and lighting of the TWs on driver responses were also examined. The attitudes of participants towards TWs were measured in a questionnaire.


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This study investigated the influence of interpersonal coordination tendencies on performance outcomes of 1-vs-1 subphases in youth soccer. Eight male developing soccer players (age: 11.8+0.4 years; training experience: 3.6+1.1 years) performed an in situ simulation of a 1-vs-1 sub-phase of soccer. Data from 82 trials were obtained with motion-analysis techniques, and relative phase used to measure the space-time coordination tendencies of attacker-defender dyads. Approximate entropy (ApEn) was then used to quantify the unpredictability of interpersonal interactions over trials. Results revealed how different modes of interpersonal coordination emerging from attacker-defender dyads influenced the 1-vs-1 performance outcomes. High levels of space-time synchronisation (47%) and unpredictability in interpersonal coordination processes (ApEn: 0.91+0.34) were identified as key features of an attacking player’s success. A lead-lag relation attributed to a defending player (34% around 7308 values) and a more predictable coordination mode (ApEn: 0.65+0.27, P50.001), demonstrated the coordination tendencies underlying the success of defending players in 1-vs-1 sub-phases. These findings revealed how the mutual influence of each player on the behaviour of dyadic systems shaped emergent performance outcomes. More specifically, the findings showed that attacking players should be constrained to exploit the space-time synchrony with defenders in an unpredictable and creative way, while defenders should be encouraged to adopt postures and behaviours that actively constrain the attacker’s actions.


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This paper examines the role of first aid training in increasing adolescent helping behaviours when taught in a school-based injury prevention program, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY). The research involved the development and application of an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), including “behavioural willingness in a fight situation,” “first aid knowledge” and “perceptions of injury seriousness”, to predict the relationship between participation in SPIY and helping behaviours when a friend is injured in a fight. From 35 Queensland high schools, 2500 Year 9 students (mean age = 13.5, 40% male) completed surveys measuring their attitudes, perceived behavioural control, subjective norms and behavioural intention, from the TPB, and added measures of behavioural willingness in a fight situation, perceptions of injury seriousness and first aid knowledge, to predict helping behaviours when a friend is injured in a fight. It is expected that the TPB will significantly contribute to understanding the relationship between participation in SPIY and helping behaviours when a friend is injured in a fight. Further analyses will determine whether the extension of the model significantly increases the variance explained in helping behaviours. The findings of this research will provide insight into the critical factors that may increase adolescent bystanders’ actions in injury situations.


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An increasing body of research is highlighting the involvement of illicit drugs in many road fatalities. Deterrence theory has been a core conceptual framework underpinning traffic enforcement as well as interventions designed to reduce road fatalities. Essentially the effectiveness of deterrence-based approaches is predicated on perceptions of certainty, severity, and swiftness of apprehension. However, much less is known about how the awareness of legal sanctions can impact upon the effectiveness of deterrence mechanisms and whether promoting such detection methods can increase the deterrent effect. Nevertheless, the implicit assumption is that individuals aware of the legal sanctions will be more deterred. This study seeks to explore how awareness of the testing method impacts upon the effectiveness of deterrence-based interventions and intentions to drug drive again in the future. In total, 161 participants who reported drug driving in the previous six months took part in the current study. The results show that awareness of testing had a small effect upon increasing perceptions of the certainty of apprehension and severity of punishment. However, awareness was not a significant predictor of intentions to drug drive again in the future. Importantly, higher levels of drug use were a significant predictor of intentions to drug drive in the future. Whilst awareness does have a small effect on deterrence variables, the influence of levels of drug use seems to reduce any deterrent effect.


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The aim of this systematic review was to examine the effect of Contrast Water Therapy (CWT) on recovery following exercise induced muscle damage. Controlled trials were identified from computerized literature searching and citation tracking performed up to February 2013. Eighteen trials met the inclusion criteria; all had a high risk of bias. Pooled data from 13 studies showed that CWT resulted in significantly greater improvements in muscle soreness at the five follow-up time points(<6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours) in comparison to passive recovery. Pooled data also showed that CWT significantly reduced muscle strength loss at each follow-up time (<6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours) in comparison to passive recovery. Despite comparing CWT to a large number of other recovery interventions, including cold water immersion, warm water immersion, compression, active recovery and stretching, there was little evidence for a superior treatment intervention. The current evidence base shows that CWT is superior to using passive recovery or rest after exercise; the magnitudes of these effects may be most relevant to an elite sporting population. There seems to be little difference in recovery outcome between CWT and other popular recovery interventions.


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Previously, expected satiety (ES) has been measured using software and two-dimensional pictures presented on a computer screen. In this context, ES is an excellent predictor of self-selected portions, when quantified using similar images and similar software. In the present study we sought to establish the veracity of ES as a predictor of behaviours associated with real foods. Participants (N = 30) used computer software to assess their ES and ideal portion of three familiar foods. A real bowl of one food (pasta and sauce) was then presented and participants self-selected an ideal portion size. They then consumed the portion ad libitum. Additional measures of appetite, expected and actual liking, novelty, and reward, were also taken. Importantly, our screen-based measures of expected satiety and ideal portion size were both significantly related to intake (p < .05). By contrast, measures of liking were relatively poor predictors (p > .05). In addition, consistent with previous studies, the majority (90%) of participants engaged in plate cleaning. Of these, 29.6% consumed more when prompted by the experimenter. Together, these findings further validate the use of screen-based measures to explore determinants of portion-size selection and energy intake in humans.


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We investigated the influence of rectal temperature on the immune system during and after exercise. Ten well-trained male cyclists completed exercise trials (90 min cycling at 60% VO(2max) + 16.1 - km time trial) on three separate occasions: once in 18 degrees C and twice in 32 degrees C. Twenty minutes after the trials in 32 degrees C, the cyclists sat for approximately 20 min in cold water (14 degrees C) on one occasion, whereas on another occasion they sat at room temperature. Rectal temperature increased significantly during cycling in both conditions, and was significantly higher after cycling in 32 degrees C than in 18 degrees C (P < 0.05). Leukocyte counts increased significantly during cycling but did not differ between the conditions. The concentrations of serum interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and IL-10, plasma catecholamines, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, myeloperoxidase and calprotectin increased significantly following cycling in both conditions. The concentrations of serum IL-8 (25%), IL-10 (120%), IL-1 receptor antagonist (70%), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (17%), plasma myeloperoxidase (26%) and norepinephrine (130%) were significantly higher after cycling in 32 degrees C than in 18 degrees C. During recovery from exercise in 32 degrees C, rectal temperature was significantly lower in response to sitting in cold water than at room temperature. However, immune changes during 90 min of recovery did not differ significantly between sitting in cold water and at room temperature. The greater rise in rectal temperature during exercise in 32 degrees C increased the concentrations of serum IL-8, IL-10, IL-1ra, TNF-alpha and plasma myeloperoxidase, whereas the greater decline in rectal temperature during cold water immersion after exercise did not affect immune responses.


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It is hypothesized that increased plasma or serum concentrations of extracellular heat shock proteins (eHSP) serve as a danger signal to the innate immune system. Cellular binding of eHSP leads to activation of NK cells and monocytes, as measured by their increased cytokine production, mitotic division and killing capacity. We examined whether eHSP binds to NK lymphocytes in vivo in athletes performing endurance exercise in the heat. Eighteen trained male runners ran at 70% VO2max at 35 degrees C and 40% relative humidity. Venous blood collected before, after and 1.5 h after exercise was analysed for leukocyte distribution, phenotype and eHSP70. NK cell-enriched samples were examined for co-localization of CD94 and eHSP70 expression. Plasma eHSP-70 concentration was measured by ELISA. Subjects ran for approximately 50 min, which elicited a reversible leukocytosis. NK cell count increased 83% (p < 0.01) immediately after exercise, then decreased to 66% of the resting level 1.5 h after exercise (p < 0.05). Plasma eHSP concentration increased 167% after exercise and remained elevated (by up to 71%) 1.5 h after exercise (p < 0.01). eHSP was expressed on both NK cells and monocytes at all times; the count of NK cells positive for eHSP doubled from 0.04 +/- 0.02 10(9)/L (mean +/- SD) to 0.08 +/- 0.06 10(9)/L after exercise. In summary, exercise in the heat increased free plasma eHSP concentration, and the eHSP co-localized with CD94 on NK cells. These data confirm the link between exercise and activation of the innate immune system.


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We examined the influence of 3 consecutive days of high-intensity cycling on blood and urinary markers of oxidative stress. Eight highly-trained male cyclists (VO2 max 76 +/- 4 mL.kg-1.min-1; mean +/- SD) completed an interval session (9 exercise bouts lasting 30 s each, at 150% peak power output) on day 1, followed by 2 laboratory-simulated 30 km time trials on days 2 and 3. The cyclists also completed a submaximal exercise trial matched to the interval session for oxygen consumption. Blood was collected pre- and post-exercise for the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant status (TAS), vitamin E, and the antioxidant enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, while urine was collected for the determination of allantoin. There were significant increases in plasma MDA concentrations (p < 0.01), plasma TAS (p < 0.01), and urinary allantoin excretion (p < 0.01) following the high-intensity interval session on day 1, whereas plasma vitamin E concentration significantly decreased (p = 0.028). Post-exercise changes in plasma MDA (p = 0.036), TAS concentrations (p = 0.039), and urinary allantoin excretion (p = 0.031) were all significantly attenuated over the 3 consecutive days of exercise, whereas resting plasma TAS concentration was elevated. There were no significant changes in plasma MDA, TAS, or allantoin excretion following submaximal exercise and there were no significant changes in antioxidant enzyme activity over consecutive days of exercise or following submaximal exercise. Consecutive days of high-intensity exercise enhanced resting plasma TAS concentration and reduced the post-exercise increase in plasma MDA concentrations.


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Interest in the relationship between inflammation and oxidative stress has increased dramatically in recent years, not only within the clinical setting but also in the fields of exercise biochemistry and immunology. Inflammation and oxidative stress share a common role in the etiology of a variety of chronic diseases. During exercise, inflammation and oxidative stress are linked via muscle metabolism and muscle damage. Because oxidative stress and inflammation have traditionally been associated with fatigue and impaired recovery from exercise, research has focused on nutritional strategies aimed at reducing these effects. In this review, we have evaluated the findings of studies involving antioxidant supplementation on alterations in markers of inflammation (e.g., cytokines, C-reactive protein and cortisol). This review focuses predominantly on the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated from muscle metabolism and muscle damage during exercise and on the modulatory effects of antioxidant supplements. Furthermore, we have analyzed the influence of factors such as the dose, timing, supplementation period and bioavailability of antioxidant nutrients.


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Eccentric exercise commonly results in muscle damage. The primary sequence of events leading to exercise-induced muscle damage is believed to involve initial mechanical disruption of sarcomeres, followed by impaired excitation-contraction coupling and calcium signaling, and finally, activation of calcium-sensitive degradation pathways. Muscle damage is characterized by ultrastructural changes to muscle architecture, increased muscle proteins and enzymes in the bloodstream, loss of muscular strength and range of motion and muscle soreness. The inflammatory response to exercise-induced muscle damage is characterized by leukocyte infiltration and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines within damaged muscle tissue, systemic release of leukocytes and cytokines, in addition to alterations in leukocyte receptor expression and functional activity. Current evidence suggests that inflammatory responses to muscle damage are dependent on the type of eccentric exercise, previous eccentric loading (repeated bouts), age and gender. Circulating neutrophil counts and systemic cytokine responses are greater after eccentric exercise using a large muscle mass (e.g. downhill running, eccentric cycling) than after other types of eccentric exercise involving a smaller muscle mass. After an initial bout of eccentric exercise, circulating leukocyte counts and cell surface receptor expression are attenuated. Leukocyte and cytokine responses to eccentric exercise are impaired in elderly individuals, while cellular infiltration into skeletal muscle is greater in human females than males after eccentric exercise. Whether alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis influence inflammatory responses to muscle damage is uncertain. Furthermore, the effects of antioxidant supplements are variable, and the limited data available indicates that anti-inflammatory drugs largely have no influence on inflammatory responses to eccentric exercise. In this review, we compare local versus systemic inflammatory responses, and discuss some of the possible mechanisms regulating the inflammatory responses to exercise-induced muscle damage in humans.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of exercise intensity and exercise-induced muscle damage on changes in anti-inflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Nine well-trained male runners completed three different exercise trials on separate occasions: (1) level treadmill running at 60% VO2max (moderate-intensity trial) for 60 min; (2) level treadmill running at 85% VO2max (high-intensity trial) for 60 min; (3) downhill treadmill running (-10% gradient) at 60% VO2max (downhill running trial) for 45 min. Blood was sampled before, immediately after and 1 h after exercise. Plasma was analyzed for interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-13, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), prostaglandin E(2), leukotriene B(4) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The plasma concentrations of IL-1ra, IL-12p40, MCP-1 and HSP70 increased significantly (P<0.05) after all three trials. Plasma prostaglandin E(2) concentration increased significantly after the downhill running and high-intensity trials, while plasma IL-10 concentration increased significantly only after the high-intensity trial. IL-4 and leukotriene B(4) did not increase significantly after exercise. Plasma IL-1ra and IL-10 concentrations were significantly higher (P<0.05) after the high-intensity trial than after both the moderate-intensity and downhill running trials. Therefore, following exercise up to 1 h duration, exercise intensity appears to have a greater effect on anti-inflammatory cytokine production than exercise-induced muscle damage