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Although Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection, there is limited knowledge of HPV with ethnic/racial minorities experiencing the greatest disparities. This cross-sectional study used the most recent available data from the California Health Interview Survey to assess disparities in awareness and knowledge of HPV among ethnically/racially diverse women varying in generation status (N = 19,928). Generation status emerged as a significant predictor of HPV awareness across ethnic/racial groups, with 1st generation Asian-Americans and 1st and 2nd generation Latinas reporting the least awareness when compared to same-generation White counterparts. Also, generation status was a significant predictor of HPV knowledge, but only for Asian-Americans. Regardless of ethnicity/race, 1st generation women reported lowest HPV knowledge when compared to 2nd and 3rd generation women. These findings underscore the importance of looking at differences within and across ethnic/racial groups to identify subgroups at greatest risk for poor health outcomes. In particular, we found generation status to be an important yet often overlooked factor in the identification of health disparities.


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Background Understanding the relationship between extreme weather events and childhood hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is important in the context of climate change. This study aimed to quantify the relationship between extreme precipitation and childhood HFMD in Hefei, China, and further, to explore whether the association varied across urban and rural areas. Methods Daily data on HFMD counts among children aged 0–14 years from 2010 January 1st to 2012 December 31st were retrieved from Hefei Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Daily data on mean temperature, relative humidity and precipitation during the same period were supplied by Hefei Bureau of Meteorology. We used a Poisson linear regression model combined with a distributed lag non-linear model to assess the association between extreme precipitation (≥ 90th precipitation) and childhood HFMD, controlling for mean temperature, humidity, day of week, and long-term trend. Results There was a statistically significant association between extreme precipitation and childhood HFMD. The effect of extreme precipitation on childhood HFMD was the greatest at six days lag, with a 5.12% (95% confident interval: 2.7–7.57%) increase of childhood HFMD for an extreme precipitation event versus no precipitation. Notably, urban children and children aged 0–4 years were particularly vulnerable to the effects of extreme precipitation. Conclusions Our findings indicate that extreme precipitation may increase the incidence of childhood HFMD in Hefei, highlighting the importance of protecting children from forthcoming extreme precipitation, particularly for those who are young and from urban areas.


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Background The number of citations received by an article is considered as an objective marker judging the importance and the quality of the research work. The present study aims to study the determinants of citations for research articles published by Sri Lankan authors. Methods Papers were selectively retrieved from the SciVerse Scopus® (Elsevier Properties S.A, USA) database for 10 years from 1st January 1997 to 31st December 2006, of which 50% were selected for inclusion by simple random sampling. The primary outcome measure was citation rate (defined as the number of citations during the 2 subsequent years after publication). Citation data was collected using the SciVerse Scopus® Citation Analyzer and self citations were excluded. A linear regression analysis was performed with ‘number of citations’ as the continuous dependent variable and other independent variables. Result The number of publications has steadily increased during the period of study. Over three quarter of papers were published in international journals. More than half of publications were research studies (55.3%), and most of the research studies were descriptive cross-sectional studies (27.1%). The mean number of citations within 2 years of publication was 1.7 and 52.1% of papers were not cited within the first two years of publication. The mean number of citations for collaborative studies (2.74) was significantly higher than that of non-collaborative studies (0.66). The mean number of citations did not significantly change depending on whether the publication had a positive result (2.08) or not (2.92) and was also not influenced by the presence (2.30) or absence (1.99) of the main study conclusion in the title of the article. In the linear regression model, the journal rank, number of authors, conducting the study abroad, being a research study or systematic review/meta-analysis and having regional and/or international collaboration all significantly increased the number of citations. Conclusion The journal rank, number of authors, conducting the study abroad, being a research study or systematic review/meta-analysis and having regional and/or international collaboration all significantly increased the number of citations. However, the presence of a positive result in the study did not influence the citation rate.


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Background This paper examines changing patterns in the utilisation and geographic access to health services in Great Britain using National Travel Survey data (1985-2012). The National Travel Survey (NTS) is a series of household surveys designed to provide data on personal travel and monitor changes in travel behaviour over time. The utilisation rate was derived using the proportion of journeys made to access health services. Geographic access was analysed by separating the concept into its accessibility and mobility dimensions. Methods Variables from the PSU, households, and individuals datasets were used as explanatory variables. Whereas, variables extracted from the journeys dataset were used as dependent variables to identify patterns of utilisation i.e. the proportion of journeys made by different groups to access health facilities in a particular journey distance or time band or by mode of transport; and geographic access to health services. A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the utilisation rate over the different time periods between different groups. This analysis shows the Odds Ratios (ORs) for different groups making a trip to utilise health services compared to their respective counterparts. Linear multiple regression analyses were conducted to then identify patterns of change in the accessibility and mobility level. Results Analysis of the data has shown that that journey distances to health facilities were signi fi cantly shorter and also gradually reduced over the period in question for Londoners, females, those without a car or on low incomes, and older people. Although rates of utilisation of health services we re Oral Abstracts / Journal of Transport & Health 2 (2015) S5 – S63 S43 signi fi cantly lower because of longer journey times. These fi ndings indicate that the rate of utilisation of health services largely depends on mobility level although previous research studies have traditionally overlooked the mobility dimension. Conclusions This fi nding, therefore, suggests the need to improve geographic access to services together with an enhanced mobility option for disadvantaged groups in order for them to have improved levels of access to health facilities. This research has also found that the volume of car trips to health services also increased steadily over the period 1985-2012 while all other modes accounted for a smaller number of trips. However, it is dif fi cult to conclude from this research whether this increase in the volume of car trips was due to a lack of alternative transport or due to an increase in the level of car-ownership.


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This paper demonstrates the procedures for probabilistic assessment of a pesticide fate and transport model, PCPF-1, to elucidate the modeling uncertainty using the Monte Carlo technique. Sensitivity analyses are performed to investigate the influence of herbicide characteristics and related soil properties on model outputs using four popular rice herbicides: mefenacet, pretilachlor, bensulfuron-methyl and imazosulfuron. Uncertainty quantification showed that the simulated concentrations in paddy water varied more than those of paddy soil. This tendency decreased as the simulation proceeded to a later period but remained important for herbicides having either high solubility or a high 1st-order dissolution rate. The sensitivity analysis indicated that PCPF-1 parameters requiring careful determination are primarily those involve with herbicide adsorption (the organic carbon content, the bulk density and the volumetric saturated water content), secondary parameters related with herbicide mass distribution between paddy water and soil (1st-order desorption and dissolution rates) and lastly, those involving herbicide degradations. © Pesticide Science Society of Japan.


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Foot morphology and function has received increasing attention from both biomechanics researchers and footwear manufacturers. In this study, 168 habitually unshod runners (90 males whose age, weight & height were 23 +/- 2.4years, 66 +/- 7.1kg & 1.68 +/- 0.13m and 78 females whose age, weight & height were 22 +/- 1.8years, 55 +/- 4.7kg & 1.6 +/- 0.11m) (Indians) and 196 shod runners (130 males whose age, weight & height were 24 +/- 2.6years, 66 +/- 8.2kg & 1.72 +/- 0.18m and 66 females whose age, weight & height were 23 +/- 1.5years, 54 +/- 5.6kg & 1.62 +/- 0.15m)(Chinese) participated in a foot scanning test using the easy-foot-scan (a three-dimensional foot scanning system) to obtain 3D foot surface data and 2D footprint imaging. Foot length, foot width, hallux angle and minimal distance from hallux to second toe were calculated to analyze foot morphological differences. This study found that significant differences exist between groups (shod Chinese and unshod Indians) for foot length (female p = 0.001), width (female p = 0.001), hallux angle (male and female p = 0.001) and the minimal distance (male and female p = 0.001) from hallux to second toe. This study suggests that significant differences in morphology between different ethnicities could be considered for future investigation of locomotion biomechanics characteristics between ethnicities and inform last shape and design so as to reduce injury risks and poor performance from mal-fit shoes.


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Aim The aim of this study was to examine the lived experience of men training to be registered nurses within a regional New Zealand context. Design This study draws upon the key principles of descriptive phenomenology. Sample Five male students enrolled from the 1st and 3rd year of the BN programme. Findings - A Career with Prospects - Gender inequality by superiors; - Developing professional boundaries with female colleagues; - Being unique has its advantages.


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Introduction/background/issues The Queensland Pharmacist Immunisation Pilot is Australia’s first to allow pharmacists vaccination. The pilot ran between April 1st 2014 and August 31st 2014, with pharmacists administering influenza vaccination during the flu season. The aim of this work was to investigate the benefits of trained registered pharmacists administering vaccinations in a community pharmacy setting. Methods Participant demographics and previous influenza vaccination experiences were recorded using GuildCare software. Participants also completed a ‘post-vaccination satisfaction survey’ following their influenza vaccination. Results/discussions A total of 10,889 participant records were analysed. Females accounted for 63% of participants, with the majority of participants aged between 45-64 years (53%). Overall, 49% of participants had been vaccinated before, the majority at a GP clinic (60%). Most participants reported receiving their previous influenza vaccination from a nurse (61%). Interestingly, 1% thought a pharmacist had administered their previous vaccination, while 7% were unsure which health professional had administered it. It was also of note that approximately 10% of all participants were eligible to receive a free vaccination from the National Immunisation Program, but still opted to receive their vaccine in a pharmacy. Over 8,000 participants took part in the post-vaccination survey, 93% were happy to receive their vaccination from a pharmacy in the future while 94% would recommend this service to other people. The remaining 7% and 6% respectively had omitted to fill in those questions. Conclusions/implications These findings have helped pave the way for expanding the scope of practice for pharmacists with the aim to increase vaccination rates across Australia. Key message • Scope of practice and ability for health providers like pharmacists to provide services such as vaccination in primary care. • New service delivery to improve access to service, and increase immunisation rates.


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The realization of the ambient intelligence (AmI) vision will have a profound impact on our everyday lives and society. AmI applied in contexts like homes or public spaces will not only affect individual users but influence entire groups of users. The question is how we can apply such technologies to persuade groups and individual users. Our approach is to design AmI environments by borrowing a concept which works very well in biological and social systems: Collective Intelligence (CI). The intelligence of a group surpasses the individual intelligences and leads to improved problem solving capabilities of individuals and groups. From nature we borrow examples of cues in the environment to stimulate goal directed collective intelligence (perCues). The application of perCues in AmI environments helps to persuade users to reach a common goal like decreasing environmental pollution. Adopting CI for AmI we blaze a trail for the design of persuasive AmI environments.


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Undergraduate Medical Imaging (MI)students at QUT attend their first clinical placement towards the end of semester two. Students undertake two (pre)clinical skills development units – one theory and one practical. Students gain good contextual and theoretical knowledge during these units via a blended learning model with multiple learning methods employed. Students attend theory lectures, practical sessions, tutorial sessions in both a simulated and virtual environment and also attend pre-clinical scenario based tutorial sessions. The aim of this project is to evaluate the use of blended learning in the context of 1st year Medical Imaging Radiographic Technique and its effectiveness in preparing students for their first clinical experience. It is hoped that the multiple teaching methods employed within the pre-clinical training unit at QUT builds students clinical skills prior to the real situation. A quantitative approach will be taken, evaluating via pre and post clinical placement surveys. This data will be correlated with data gained in the previous year on the effectiveness of this training approach prior to clinical placement. In 2014 59 students were surveyed prior to their clinical placement demonstrated positive benefits of using a variety of learning tools to enhance their learning. 98.31%(n=58)of students agreed or strongly agreed that the theory lectures were a useful tool to enhance their learning. This was followed closely by 97% (n=57) of the students realising the value of performing role-play simulation prior to clinical placement. Tutorial engagement was considered useful for 93.22% (n=55) whilst 88.14% (n=52) reasoned that the x-raying of phantoms in the simulated radiographic laboratory was beneficial. Self-directed learning yielded 86.44% (n=51). The virtual reality simulation software was valuable for 72.41% (n=42) of the students. Of the 4 students that disagreed or strongly disagreed with the usefulness of any tool they strongly agreed to the usefulness of a minimum of one other learning tool. The impact of the blended learning model to meet diverse student needs continues to be positive with students engaging in most offerings. Students largely prefer pre -clinical scenario based practical and tutorial sessions where 'real-world’ situations are discussed.