271 resultados para Wreckers (Vehicles)


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The increase of buyer-driven supply chains, outsourcing and other forms of non-traditional employment has resulted in challenges for labour market regulation. One business model which has created substantial regulatory challenges is supply chains. The supply chain model involves retailers purchasing products from brand corporations who then outsource the manufacturing of the work to traders who contract with factories or outworkers who actually manufacture the clothing and textiles. This business model results in time and cost pressures being pushed down the supply chain which has resulted in sweatshops where workers systematically have their labour rights violated. Literally millions of workers work in dangerous workplaces where thousands are killed or permanently disabled every year. This thesis has analysed possible regulatory responses to provide workers a right to safety and health in supply chains which provide products for Australian retailers. This thesis will use a human rights standard to determine whether Australia is discharging its human rights obligations in its approach to combating domestic and foreign labour abuses. It is beyond this thesis to analyse Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws in every jurisdiction. Accordingly, this thesis will focus upon Australian domestic laws and laws in one of Australia’s major trading partners, the Peoples’ Republic of China (China). It is hypothesised that Australia is currently breaching its human rights obligations through failing to adequately regulate employees’ safety at work in Australian-based supply chains. To prove this hypothesis, this thesis will adopt a three- phase approach to analysing Australia’s regulatory responses. Phase 1 will identify the standard by which Australia’s regulatory approach to employees’ health and safety in supply chains can be judged. This phase will focus on analysing how workers’ rights to safety as a human right imposes a moral obligation on Australia to take reasonablely practicable steps regulate Australian-based supply chains. This will form a human rights standard against which Australia’s conduct can be judged. Phase 2 focuses upon the current regulatory environment. If existing regulatory vehicles adequately protect the health and safety of employees, then Australia will have discharged its obligations through simply maintaining the status quo. Australia currently regulates OHS through a combination of ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’ regulatory vehicles. The first part of phase 2 analyses the effectiveness of traditional OHS laws in Australia and in China. The final part of phase 2 then analyses the effectiveness of the major soft law vehicle ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR). The fact that employees are working in unsafe working conditions does not mean Australia is breaching its human rights obligations. Australia is only required to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure human rights are realized. Phase 3 identifies four regulatory vehicles to determine whether they would assist Australia in discharging its human rights obligations. Phase 3 then analyses whether Australia could unilaterally introduce supply chain regulation to regulate domestic and extraterritorial supply chains. Phase 3 also analyses three public international law regulatory vehicles. This chapter considers the ability of the United Nations Global Compact, the ILO’s Better Factory Project and a bilateral agreement to improve the detection and enforcement of workers’ right to safety and health.


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Monotony has been identified as a contributing factor to road crashes. Drivers’ ability to react to unpredictable events deteriorates when exposed to highly predictable and uneventful driving tasks, such as driving on Australian rural roads, many of which are monotonous by nature. Highway design in particular attempts to reduce the driver’s task to a merely lane-keeping one. Such a task provides little stimulation and is monotonous, thus affecting the driver’s attention which is no longer directed towards the road. Inattention contributes to crashes, especially for professional drivers. Monotony has been studied mainly from the endogenous perspective (for instance through sleep deprivation) without taking into account the influence of the task itself (repetitiveness) or the surrounding environment. The aim and novelty of this thesis is to develop a methodology (mathematical framework) able to predict driver lapses of vigilance under monotonous environments in real time, using endogenous and exogenous data collected from the driver, the vehicle and the environment. Existing approaches have tended to neglect the specificity of task monotony, leaving the question of the existence of a “monotonous state” unanswered. Furthermore the issue of detecting vigilance decrement before it occurs (predictions) has not been investigated in the literature, let alone in real time. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to explain how vigilance evolves in monotonous conditions. Such an approach needs to draw on psychology, physiology, road safety, computer science and mathematics. The systemic approach proposed in this study is unique with its predictive dimension and allows us to define, in real time, the impacts of monotony on the driver’s ability to drive. Such methodology is based on mathematical models integrating data available in vehicles to the vigilance state of the driver during a monotonous driving task in various environments. The model integrates different data measuring driver’s endogenous and exogenous factors (related to the driver, the vehicle and the surrounding environment). Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to measure driver vigilance since it has been shown to be the most reliable and real time methodology to assess vigilance level. There are a variety of mathematical models suitable to provide a framework for predictions however, to find the most accurate model, a collection of mathematical models were trained in this thesis and the most reliable was found. The methodology developed in this research is first applied to a theoretically sound measure of sustained attention called Sustained Attention Response to Task (SART) as adapted by Michael (2010), Michael and Meuter (2006, 2007). This experiment induced impairments due to monotony during a vigilance task. Analyses performed in this thesis confirm and extend findings from Michael (2010) that monotony leads to an important vigilance impairment independent of fatigue. This thesis is also the first to show that monotony changes the dynamics of vigilance evolution and tends to create a “monotonous state” characterised by reduced vigilance. Personality traits such as being a low sensation seeker can mitigate this vigilance decrement. It is also evident that lapses in vigilance can be predicted accurately with Bayesian modelling and Neural Networks. This framework was then applied to the driving task by designing a simulated monotonous driving task. The design of such task requires multidisciplinary knowledge and involved psychologist Rebecca Michael. Monotony was varied through both the road design and the road environment variables. This experiment demonstrated that road monotony can lead to driving impairment. Particularly monotonous road scenery was shown to have the most impact compared to monotonous road design. Next, this study identified a variety of surrogate measures that are correlated with vigilance levels obtained from the EEG. Such vigilance states can be predicted with these surrogate measures. This means that vigilance decrement can be detected in a car without the use of an EEG device. Amongst the different mathematical models tested in this thesis, only Neural Networks predicted the vigilance levels accurately. The results of both these experiments provide valuable information about the methodology to predict vigilance decrement. Such an issue is quite complex and requires modelling that can adapt to highly inter-individual differences. Only Neural Networks proved accurate in both studies, suggesting that these models are the most likely to be accurate when used on real roads or for further research on vigilance modelling. This research provides a better understanding of the driving task under monotonous conditions. Results demonstrate that mathematical modelling can be used to determine the driver’s vigilance state when driving using surrogate measures identified during this study. This research has opened up avenues for future research and could result in the development of an in-vehicle device predicting driver vigilance decrement. Such a device could contribute to a reduction in crashes and therefore improve road safety.


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A software tool (DRONE) has been developed to evaluate road traffic noise in a large area with the consideration of network dynamic traffic flow and the buildings. For more precise estimation of noise in urban network where vehicles are mainly in stop and go running conditions, vehicle sound power level (for acceleration/deceleration cruising and ideal vehicle) is incorporated in DRONE. The calculation performance of DRONE is increased by evaluating the noise in two steps of first estimating the unit noise database and then integrating it with traffic simulation. Details of the process from traffic simulation to contour maps are discussed in the paper and the implementation of DRONE on Tsukuba city is presented


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The aim of this paper is to explore a new approach to obtain better traffic demand (Origin-Destination, OD matrices) for dense urban networks. From reviewing existing methods, from static to dynamic OD matrix evaluation, possible deficiencies in the approach could be identified: traffic assignment details for complex urban network and lacks in dynamic approach. To improve the global process of traffic demand estimation, this paper is focussing on a new methodology to determine dynamic OD matrices for urban areas characterized by complex route choice situation and high level of traffic controls. An iterative bi-level approach will be used, the Lower level (traffic assignment) problem will determine, dynamically, the utilisation of the network by vehicles using heuristic data from mesoscopic traffic simulator and the Upper level (matrix adjustment) problem will proceed to an OD estimation using optimization Kalman filtering technique. In this way, a full dynamic and continuous estimation of the final OD matrix could be obtained. First results of the proposed approach and remarks are presented.


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This paper presents a methodology for estimation of average travel time on signalized urban networks by integrating cumulative plots and probe data. This integration aims to reduce the relative deviations in the cumulative plots due to midlink sources and sinks. During undersaturated traffic conditions, the concept of a virtual probe is introduced, and therefore, accurate travel time can be obtained when a real probe is unavailable. For oversaturated traffic conditions, only one probe per travel time estimation interval—360 s or 3% of vehicles traversing the link as a probe—has the potential to provide accurate travel time.


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This paper describes the development and evaluation of a tactical lane change model using the forward search algorithm, for use in a traffic simulator. The tactical lane change model constructs a set of possible choices of near-term maneuver sequences available to the driver and selects the lane change action at the present time to realize the best maneuver plan. Including near term maneuver planning in the driver behavior model can allow a better representation of the complex interactions in situations such as a weaving section and high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane systems where drivers must weave across several lanes in order to access the HOV lanes. To support the investigation, a longitudinal control model and a basic lane change model were also analyzed. The basic lane change model is similar to those used by today's commonly-used traffic simulators. Parameters in all models were best-fit estimated for selected vehicles from a real-world freeway vehicle trajectory data set. The best-fit estimation procedure minimizes the discrepancy between the model vehicle and real vehicle's trajectories. With the best fit parameters, the proposed tactical lane change model gave a better overall performance for a greater number of cases than the basic lane change model.


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This paper presents a critical review of past research in the work-related driving field in light vehicle fleets (e.g., vehicles < 4.5 tonnes) and an intervention framework that provides future direction for practitioners and researchers. Although work-related driving crashes have become the most common cause of death, injury, and absence from work in Australia and overseas, very limited research has progressed in establishing effective strategies to improve safety outcomes. In particular, the majority of past research has been data-driven, and therefore, limited attention has been given to theoretical development in establishing the behavioural mechanism underlying driving behaviour. As such, this paper argues that to move forward in the field of work-related driving safety, practitioners and researchers need to gain a better understanding of the individual and organisational factors influencing safety through adopting relevant theoretical frameworks, which in turn will inform the development of specifically targeted theory-driven interventions. This paper presents an intervention framework that is based on relevant theoretical frameworks and sound methodological design, incorporating interventions that can be directed at the appropriate level, individual and driving target group.


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The following paper proposes a novel application of Skid-to-Turn maneuvers for fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) inspecting locally linear infrastructure. Fixed wing UAVs, following the design of manned aircraft, commonly employ Bank-to-Turn ma- neuvers to change heading and thus direction of travel. Whilst effective, banking an aircraft during the inspection of ground based features hinders data collection, with body fixed sen- sors angled away from the direction of turn and a panning motion induced through roll rate that can reduce data quality. By adopting Skid-to-Turn maneuvers, the aircraft can change heading whilst maintaining wings level flight, thus allowing body fixed sensors to main- tain a downward facing orientation. An Image-Based Visual Servo controller is developed to directly control the position of features as captured by onboard inspection sensors. This improves on the indirect approach taken by other tracking controllers where a course over ground directly above the feature is assumed to capture it centered in the field of view. Performance of the proposed controller is compared against that of a Bank-to-Turn tracking controller driven by GPS derived cross track error in a simulation environment developed to replicate the field of view of a body fixed camera.


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The Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation (MEASURE) model provides an external validation capability for hot stabilized option; the model is one of several new modal emissions models designed to predict hot stabilized emission rates for various motor vehicle groups as a function of the conditions under which the vehicles are operating. The validation of aggregate measurements, such as speed and acceleration profile, is performed on an independent data set using three statistical criteria. The MEASURE algorithms have proved to provide significant improvements in both average emission estimates and explanatory power over some earlier models for pollutants across almost every operating cycle tested.