325 resultados para Spectroscopic Observations


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We have studied the mineral goyazite using Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Goyazite is a member of the crandallite subgroup of the alunite supergroup. The crystal structure is of the alunite-type and consists of sheets of corner-sharing AlO6 octahedra parallel to (0001). The octahedrally coordinated Sr2+ cations occupy cavities between pairs of octahedral sheets and are surrounded by six oxygen atoms from the (Al3+)O6 octahedra. The very intense sharp band at 983 cm-1 is assigned to the ν1 PO43- symmetric stretching mode. The observation of a single band supports the concept that all the phosphate units are equivalent in the structure of goyazite. Raman bands observed at 1029 cm-1 and 1037 cm-1 are assigned to the to the ν3 PO43- antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Two Raman bands at 895 and 927 cm-1 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of H2PO4; thus indicating some hydrogen phosphate units in the structure of goyazite. Raman bands at 556, 581, 596 and 612 cm-1 are assigned to the ν4 PO43- bending modes, suggesting a reduction of symmetry of phosphate units. Two sharp Raman bands at 3609 and 3631 cm-1 are attributed to OH stretching vibrations from the goyazite hydroxyl units. Broad Raman bands at 2924, 3043, 3210, 3429 and 3511 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of goyazite to be determined.


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Sodium and cesium mordenite (denoted NaM and CsM, respectively) were investigated as potential catalysts for the synthesis of polyacetylene ((CH) x). Both were successful in initiating polymerization of purified gaseous acetylene at room temperature as evidenced by Raman spectroscopic studies. The polyacetylene synthesised in this way exhibited resonance enhancement of the polyene skeletal vibrations. trans-Polyacetylene, but no cis-(CH) x, was detected. As no apparent coloration of the NaM and CsM substrates accompanied the formation of trans-(CH) x it was concluded that only small quantities of the polymer were present. The number of conjugated double bonds was estimated from the frequencies of the Raman active C-C and C=C stretching vibrations, and it was shown that the trans-(CH) x formed on CsM has a distribution of conjugation lengths ranging from less than 6 to at least 30 double bonds. The polyacetylene formed on NaM was significantly shorter and was produced in lower yields than that synthesized on CsM. "Sliced" resonance excitation profiles of polyacetylene formed on CsM were obtained using nearly 40 different excitation wavelengths and these confirmed that the adsorbed trans-(CH) x was composed of segments having a distribution of conjugated lengths. The architecture of the mordenite pore system permitted only a single polymer molecule per channel, thereby preventing cross-linking. Raman spectroscopic studies of the effects of exposure to air revealed that progressive oxidative degradation occurred with a reduction in the number of conjugated double bond


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The reaction of pyrrole and thiophene monomers with copper- or nickel-exchanged mordenite has been investigated using X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and photoacoustic infrared (PAIRS) spectroscopies. Because of the differing oxidising powers of the cations studied, polymerisation occurred only with copper-exchanged mordenite. PAIRS and XPS data indicated that both polypyrrole and polythiophene were partially oxidised when synthesised within the zeolite structure. IR spectra of polythiophene and polythiophene and polypyrrole showed intense bands typical of ring vibrations which could couple to the large dipole change induced by charges moving along the polythiophene chain. In addition it was noted that only vibrations typical of oxidised polymer structures were recorded, suggesting that the charge carrier was located within these segments. Furthermore, N 1s spectra contained a high binding energy peak at 402.5 eV which was attributed to a positively charged nitrogen species, in agreement with IR data. Significantly, C 1s spectra confirmed that molecular wires were formed within the confines of the zeolite lattice. Depth-profiling experiments suggested that polypyrrole was distributed throughout the entire zeolite host. By contrast, polythiophene may have been restricted to the uppermost zeolite channels owing to the ability of sulfur species to bond to CuI sites [produced by reduction of copper(II) ions during the polymerisation process], thus obstructing movement along the channels.


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Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy have been applied to a systematic investigation of the adsorption and decomposition of dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2, CFC-12), fluorotrichloromethane (CCl3F, CFC-11), chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2, HCFC-22) and molecular chlorine on oxide surfaces. Additionally, the effects of heating and ultraviolet photolysis of the CFC and HCFCs adsorbed on the oxide surfaces have been investigated. Spectral features for these species indicated a small wavenumber shift (1-6 cm-1) associated with the adsorbed phase. Some evidence, specifically the appearance of the Raman band at 507 cm-1, is presented to show that chlorine decomposition species are associated with these oxide surfaces. It was concluded that the new spectral feature (at ca. 507 cm-1) related with the decomposition of the CFC and HCFC molecules was an important indicator of the extent to which the reaction between the adsorbed CFC and HCFC and oxide surface has taken place. The extent of CFC-surface interaction has been quantified in terms of a maximum (Raman) frequency shift parameter (AM). Wavenumber shifts suggest both cation-adsorbate and non-specific adsorption interactions are occurring in the internal channels of the zeolites. Slow decomposition of the adsorbed CFCs under ultraviolet-visible photolysis (at ? > 300 nm) and/or thermal treatment was observed spectroscopically. Using FT-IR spectroscopy, the formation of gas-phase products (CO, CO2, HCl) both onyn photolysis and heating was evident. Results of these measurements are compared with the observed atmospheric reactivity of these compounds.


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This paper discusses computer mediated distance learning on a Master's level course in the UK and student perceptions of this as a quality learning environment.


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Manganese minerals ardenite, alleghanyite and leucopoenicite originated from Madhya Pradesh, India, Nagano prefecture Japan, Sussex Country and Parker Shaft Franklin, Sussex Country, New Jersey respectively are used in the present work. In these minerals manganese is the major constituent and iron if present is in traces only. An EPR study of on all of the above samples confirms the presence of Mn(II) with g around 2.0. Optical absorption spectrum of the mineral alleghanyite indicates that Mn(II) is present in two different octahedral sites and in leucophoenicite Mn(II) is also in octahedral geometry. Ardenite mineral gives only a few Mn(II) bands. NIR results of the minerals ardenite, leucophoenicite and alleghanyite are due to hydroxyl and silicate anions which confirming the formulae of the minerals.


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Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to study the rare earth based mineral huanghoite with possible formula given as BaCe(CO3)2F and compared with the Raman spectra of a series of selected natural halogenated carbonates from different origins including bastnasite, parisite and northupite. The Raman spectrum of huanghoite displays three bands are at 1072, 1084 and 1091 cm−1 attributed to the symmetric stretching vibration. The observation of three symmetric stretching vibrations is very unusual. The position of symmetric stretching vibration varies with mineral composition. Infrared spectroscopy of huanghoite show bands at 1319, 1382, 1422 and 1470 cm−1. No Raman bands of huanghoite were observed in these positions. Raman spectra of bastnasite, parisite and northupite show a single band at 1433, 1420 and 1554 cm−1 assigned to the ν3 (CO3)2− antisymmetric stretching mode. The observation of additional Raman bands for the ν3 modes for some halogenated carbonates is significant in that it shows distortion of the carbonate anion in the mineral structure. Four Raman bands for huanghoite are observed at 687, 704, 718 and 730 cm−1and assigned to the (CO3)2− ν2 bending modes. Raman bands are observed for huanghoite at around 627 cm−1 and are assigned to the (CO3)2− ν4 bending modes. Raman bands are observed for the carbonate ν4 in phase bending modes at 722 cm−1 for bastnasite, 736 and 684 cm−1 for parisite, 714 cm−1 for northupite. Raman bands for huanghoite observed at 3259, 3484 and 3589 cm−1 are attributed to water stretching bands. Multiple bands are observed in the OH stretching region for bastnasite and parisite indicating the presence of water and OH units in their mineral structure. Vibrational spectroscopy enables new information on the structure of huanghoite to be assessed.


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Three long chain cationic surfactants were intercalated into Ca-montmorillonite through ion exchangeand the obtained organoclays were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG) and Raman spectroscopy. The intercalation of surfactants not only changes thesurface properties of clay from hydrophilic to hydrophobic but also greatly increases the basal spacing ofthe interlayers based on XRD analysis. The thermal stability of organoclays intercalated with three sur-factants (TTAB, DTAB and CTAB) and the different arrangements of the surfactant molecules intercalatedinto Ca-montmorillonite were determined by TG-DTG analysis. A Raman spectroscopic study on the Ca-montmorillonite modified by three surfactants prepared at different concentrations provided the detailedconformational ordering of different intercalated long-chain surfactants under different conditions. Thewavenumber of the antisymmetric stretching mode is more sensitive than that of the symmetric stretch-ing mode to the mobility of the tail of the amine chain. At room temperature, the conformational orderingis more easily affected by the packing density in the lateral model. With the increase of the temperature,the positions of both the antisymmetric and symmetric stretching bands shift to higher wavenumbers,which indicates a decrease of conformational ordering. This study offers new insights into the struc-ture and properties of Ca-montmorillonite modified with different long chain surfactants. Moreover, theexperimental results confirm the potential applications of organic Ca-montmorillonites for the removalof organic impurities from aqueous media.


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Raman spectrum of the mineral derriksite Cu4UO2(SeO3)2(OH)6⋅H2O was studied and complemented by the infrared spectrum of this mineral. Both spectra were interpreted and partly compared with the spectra of demesmaekerite, marthozite, larisaite, haynesite and piretite. Observed Raman and infrared bands were attributed to the (UO2)2+, (SeO3)2−, (OH)− and H2O vibrations. The presence of symmetrically distinct hydrogen bonded molecule of water of crystallization and hydrogen bonded symmetrically distinct hydroxyl ions was inferred from the spectra in the derriksite unit cell. Approximate U–O bond lengths in uranyl and O–H⋯O hydrogen bond lengths were calculated from the Raman and infrared spectra of derriksite.


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Natural single-crystal specimens of barbosalite from Brazil, with general formula Fe2+Fe3+ 2 (PO4)2(OH)2 were investigated by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The mineral occurs as secondary products in granitic pegmatites. The Raman spectrum of barbosalite is characterized by bands at 1020, 1033 and 1044 cm−1 cm−1, assigned to ν1 symmetric stretching mode of the HOPO3- 3 and PO3- 4 units. Raman bands at around 1067, 1083 and 1138 cm−1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The set of Raman bands observed at 575, 589 and 606 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. Raman bands at 439, 461, 475 and 503 cm−1 are attributed to the ν2 PO4 and H2PO4 bending modes. Strong Raman bands observed at 312, 346 cm−1 with shoulder bands at 361, 381 and 398 cm−1 are assigned to FeO stretching vibrations. No bands which are attributable to water vibrations were found. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of barbosalite to be assessed.


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We have undertaken a study of the mineral inderite Mg(H4B3O7)(OH)⋅5H2O a hydrated hydroxy borate mineral of magnesium using scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetry and vibrational spectroscopic techniques. The structure consists of [B3O3(OH)5]2-[B3O3(OH)5]2- soroborate groups and Mg(OH)2(H2O)4 octahedra interconnected into discrete molecules by the sharing of two OH groups. Thermogravimetry shows a mass loss of 47.2% at 137.5 °C, proving the mineral is thermally unstable. Raman bands at 954, 1047 and 1116 cm−1 are assigned to the trigonal symmetric stretching mode. The two bands at 880 and 916 cm−1 are attributed to the symmetric stretching mode of the tetrahedral boron. Both the Raman and infrared spectra of inderite show complexity. Raman bands are observed at 3052, 3233, 3330, 3392 attributed to water stretching vibrations and 3459 cm−1 with sharper bands at 3459, 3530 and 3562 cm−1 assigned to OH stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy is used to assess the molecular structure of inderite.


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The molecular structure of the arsenate mineral ceruleite has been assessed using a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The most intense band observed at 903 cm-1 is assigned to the (AsO4)3- symmetric stretching vibrational mode. The infrared spectrum shows intense bands at 787, 827 and 886 cm-1, ascribed to the triply degenerate m3 antisymmetric stretching vibration. Raman bands observed at 373, 400, 417 and 430 cm-1 are attributed to the m2 vibrational mode. Three broad bands for ceruleite found at 3056, 3198 and 3384 cm-1 are assigned to water OH stretching bands. By using a Libowitzky empirical equation, hydrogen bond distances of 2.65 and 2.75 Å are calculated. Vibrational spectra enable the molecular structure of the ceruleite mineral to be determined and whilst similarities exist in the spectral patterns with the roselite mineral group, sufficient differences exist to be able to determine the identification of the minerals.


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Natural single-crystal specimens of the herderite-hydroxylherderite series from Brazil, with general formula CaBePO4(F,OH), were investigated by electron microprobe, Raman, infrared and near-infrared spectroscopies. The minerals occur as secondary products in granitic pegmatites. Herderite and hydroxylherderite minerals show extensive solid solution formation. The Raman spectra of hydroxylherderite are characterized by bands at around 985 and 998 cm-1, assigned to ν1 symmetric stretching mode of the HOPO33- and PO43- units. Raman bands at around 1085, 1128 and 1138 cm-1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The set of Raman bands observed at 563, 568, 577, 598, 616 and 633 cm-1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. The OH Raman stretching vibrations of hydroxylherderite were observed ranging from 3626 cm-1 to 3609 cm-1. The infrared stretching vibrations of hydroxylherderites were observed between 3606 cm-1 and 3599 cm-1. By using a Libowitzky type function, hydrogen bond distances based upon the OH stretching bands were calculated. Characteristic NIR bands at around 6961 and 7054 cm-1 were assigned to the first overtone of the fundamental, whilst NIR bands at 10194 and 10329 cm-1 are assigned to the second overtone of the fundamental OH stretching vibration. Insight into the structure of the herderite-hydroxylherderite series is assessed by vibrational spectroscopy.


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Raman and thermo-Raman spectroscopy have been applied to study the mineral formerly known as manasseite now simply renamed as hydrotalcite-2H Mg6Al2(OH)16[CO3]⋅4H2O. The mineral is a member of the homonymous hydrotalcite supergroup. Hydrogen bond distances calculated using a Libowitzky-type empirical function varied between 2.61 and 3.00 Å. Stronger hydrogen bonds were formed by water units as compared to the hydroxyl units. Raman spectroscopy enabled the identification of bands attributed to the hydroxyl units. Two Raman bands at 1059 and 1064 cm-1 are assigned to symmetric stretching modes of the carbonate anion. Thermal treatment shifts these bands to higher wavenumbers indicating a change in the strength of the carbonate bonding.