349 resultados para ISOTOPE APPLICATIONS


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A series of copolymers of trimethylene carbonate (TMC) and l-lactide (LLA) were synthesized and evaluated as scaffolds for the production of artificial blood vessels. The polymers were end-functionalized with acrylate, cast into films, and cross-linked using UV light. The mechanical, degradation, and biocompatibility properties were evaluated. High TMC polymers showed mechanical properties comparable to human arteries (Young’s moduli of 1.2–1.8 MPa and high elasticity with repeated cycling at 10% strain). Over 84 days degradation in PBS, the modulus and material strength decreased gradually. The polymers were nontoxic and showed good cell adhesion and proliferation over 7 days using human mesenchymal stem cells. When implanted into the rat peritoneal cavity, the polymers elicited formation of tissue capsules composed of myofibroblasts, resembling immature vascular smooth muscle cells. Thus, these polymers showed properties which were tunable and favorable for vascular tissue engineering, specifically, the growth of artificial blood vessels in vivo.


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Plasmin is the primary enzyme responsible for dissolution of fibrin in the circulatory system. Plasminogen, the zymogen of plasmin is expressed ubiquitously in the human body [1], with the predominant source being the liver [2, 3]. Plasminogen is produced as an 810 amino acid protein with a 19 amino acid leader peptide, which is cleaved during secretion to produce the mature 791 amino acid one-chain zymogen. This is converted to plasmin by cleavage of the Arg561 - Val562 scissile bond [4], resulting in an active protease consisting of two disulfide linked chains. The amino-terminal heavy chain (residues Glu1-Arg561) is comprised of a plasminogen/apple/nematode (PAN) domain [5] and five kringle domains of approximately equal size [6] while the light chain (residues Val562-Asn791) contains a serine protease domain homologous to trypsin with a catalytic triad comprising His603, Asp646 and Ser741 [7]. Both plasmin and plasminogen occur in two forms, full length and a Lys77-Lys78 activated variant produced through self catalysis (Figure 1). The former exists in a tight conformation through binding of Lys50 and/or Lys62 to kringle domain 5 [8, 9] while Lys78-plasminogen assumes a more relaxed conformation rendering it more susceptible to plasmin conversion [10, 11].


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Parallel interleaved converters are finding more applications everyday, for example they are frequently used for VRMs on PC main boards mainly to obtain better transient response. Parallel interleaved converters can have their inductances uncoupled, directly coupled or inversely coupled, all of which have different applications with associated advantages and disadvantages. Coupled systems offer more control over converter features, such as ripple currents, inductance volume and transient response. To be able to gain an intuitive understanding of which type of parallel interleaved converter, what amount of coupling, what number of levels and how much inductance should be used for different applications a simple equivalent model is needed. As all phases of an interleaved converter are supposed to be identical, the equivalent model is nothing more than a separate inductance which is common to all phases. Without utilising this simplification the design of a coupled system is quite daunting. Being able to design a coupled system involves solving and understanding the RMS currents of the input, individual phase (or cell) and output. A procedure using this equivalent model and a small amount of modulo arithmetic is detailed.


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The pulse power characteristics of ultracapacitors appear well suited to electric vehicle applications, where they may supply the peak power more efficiently than the battery, and can prevent excessive over sizing of the battery pack due to peak power demands. Operation of ultracapacitors in battery electric vehicles is examined for possible improvements in system efficiency, vehicle driving range, battery pack lifetime, and potential reductions in system lifecycle cost. The lifecycle operation of these ultracapacitors is simulated using custom-built, dynamic simulation code constructed in Matlab. Despite apparent gains in system efficiency and driving range, the results strongly suggest that the inclusion of ultracapacitors in the electric vehicle does not make sense from a lifecycle cost perspective. Furthermore, a comparison with results from earlier work shows that this outcome is highly dependant upon the efficiency and cost of the battery under consideration. However, it is likely that the lifecycle cost benefits of ultracapacitors in these electric vehicles would be, at most, marginal and do not justify the additional capital costs and system complexity that would be incurred in the vehicle


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This thesis establishes performance properties for approximate filters and controllers that are designed on the basis of approximate dynamic system representations. These performance properties provide a theoretical justification for the widespread application of approximate filters and controllers in the common situation where system models are not known with complete certainty. This research also provides useful tools for approximate filter designs, which are applied to hybrid filtering of uncertain nonlinear systems. As a contribution towards applications, this thesis also investigates air traffic separation control in the presence of measurement uncertainties.


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This thesis is a comprehensive study of the synthesis of nanomaterials. It explores the synthetic methods on the control of the size, shape and phase of semiconductor nanocrystals. A number of important conclusions, including the mechanism behind crystal growth and the structure-relationship, have been drawn through the experimental and theoretical investigation. The synthesized nanocrystals have been tested for applications in gas sensing, photocatalysis and solar cells, which exhibit considerable commercialization potential.


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Engineered grain boundary Josephson junctions in YBaCuO were formed on bicrystal Y-ZrO2 substrates. Laser deposited films were patterned into micron size microbridges. The authors obsd. a pronounced correlation between superconducting transport properties of grain boundary junctions and the misorientation angle θ between the two halves of the bicrystal. The crit. Josephson current Ic decreased about four orders of magnitude as θ was increased from 0 to 45 degrees. Clear microwave and magnetic field responses were obsd. at 77 K. At this temp., crit. current times normal resistance products, IcRn, of up to 1 mV were measured for low angle grain boundaries, and Shapiro steps were obsd. up to that voltage. DC SQUIDs were fabricated, and best performance at 77 K was obtained for θ = 32° with a 4-μm strip width. To utilize the higher IcRn value of a lower θ, submicron junctions have to be developed. [on SciFinder(R)]


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The use of electrodeposited metal-based nanostructures for electroanalytical applications has recently received widespread attention. There are several approaches to creating nanostructured materials through electrochemical routes that include facile electrodeposition at either untreated or modified electrodes, or through the use of physical or chemical templating methods. This allows the shape, size and composition of the nanomaterial to be readily tuned for the application of interest. The use of such materials is particularly suited to electroanalytical applications. In this mini-review an overview of recently developed nanostructured materials developed through electrochemical routes is presented as well as their electroanalytical applications in areas of biological and environmental importance.


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IEEE 802.11p is the new standard for Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC) using the 5.9 GHz frequency band, as part of the DSRC framework; it will enable applications based on Cooperative Systems. Simulation is widely used to estimate or verify the potential benefits of such cooperative applications, notably in terms of safety for the drivers. We have developed a performance model for 802.11p that can be used by simulations of cooperative applications (e.g. collision avoidance) without requiring intricate models of the whole IVC stack. Instead, it provide a a straightforward yet realistic modelisation of IVC performance. Our model uses data from extensive field trials to infer the correlation between speed, distance and performance metrics such as maximum range, latency and frame loss. Then, we improve this model to limit the number of profiles that have to be generated when there are more than a few couples of emitter-receptor in a given location. Our model generates realistic performance for rural or suburban environments among small groups of IVC-equipped vehicles and road side units.


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Relevant Education Contexts, Examples of TCQSM Applicability to Undergraduate Disciplines, Why Teach with the TCQSM?, TCQS Teaching Tools, Theory Curriculum Example: Examination Question, Problem Based Learning Example: Senior Year Semester Team Project, Honors Dissertation Example Topics, Where to From Here?


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This paper describes the theory and practice for a stable haptic teleoperation of a flying vehicle. It extends passivity-based control framework for haptic teleoperation of aerial vehicles in the longest intercontinental setting that presents great challenges. The practicality of the control architecture has been shown in maneuvering and obstacle-avoidance tasks over the internet with the presence of significant time-varying delays and packet losses. Experimental results are presented for teleoperation of a slave quadrotor in Australia from a master station in the Netherlands. The results show that the remote operator is able to safely maneuver the flying vehicle through a structure using haptic feedback of the state of the slave and the perceived obstacles.


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The progress of technology has led to the increased adoption of energy monitors among household energy consumers. While the monitors available on the market deliver real-time energy usage feedback to the consumer, the form of this data is usually unengaging and mundane. Moreover, it fails to address consumers with different motivations and needs to save and compare energy. This master‟s thesis project presents a study that seeks to inform design guidelines for differently motivated energy consumers. The focus of the research is on comparative feedback supported by a community of energy consumers. In particular, the discussed comparative feedback types are explanatory comparison, temporal self-comparison, norm comparison, one-on-one comparison and ranking, whereby the last three support exploring the potential of socialising energy-related feedback in social networking sites, such as Facebook. These feedback types were integrated in EnergyWiz – a mobile application that enables users to compare with their past performance, neighbours, contacts from social networking sites and other EnergyWiz users. The application was developed through a theory-driven approach and evaluated in personal, semi-structured interviews which provided insights on how motivation-related comparative feedback should be designed. It was also employed in expert focus group discussions which resulted in defining opportunities and challenges before mobile, social energy monitors. The findings have unequivocally shown that users with different motivations to compare and to conserve energy have different preferences for comparative feedback types and design. It was established that one of the most influential factors determining design factors is the people users compare to. In addition, the research found that even simple communication strategies in Facebook, such as wall posts and groups can contribute to engagement with energy conservation practices. The concept of mobility of the application was evaluated as positive since it provides place and time-independent access to the energy consumption data.


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Electric Energy Storage (EES) is considered as one of the promising options for reducing the need for costly upgrades in distribution networks in Queensland (QLD). However, It is expected, the full potential for storage for distribution upgrade deferral cannot be fully realized due to high cost of EES. On the other hand, EES used for distribution deferral application can support a variety of complementary storage applications such as energy price arbitrage, time of use (TOU) energy cost reduction, wholesale electricity market ancillary services, and transmission upgrade deferral. Aggregation of benefits of these complementary storage applications would have the potential for increasing the amount of EES that may be financially attractive to defer distribution network augmentation in QLD. In this context, this paper analyzes distribution upgrade deferral, energy price arbitrage, TOU energy cost reduction, and integrated solar PV-storage benefits of EES devices in QLD.


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Reliable robotic perception and planning are critical to performing autonomous actions in uncertain, unstructured environments. In field robotic systems, automation is achieved by interpreting exteroceptive sensor information to infer something about the world. This is then mapped to provide a consistent spatial context, so that actions can be planned around the predicted future interaction of the robot and the world. The whole system is as reliable as the weakest link in this chain. In this paper, the term mapping is used broadly to describe the transformation of range-based exteroceptive sensor data (such as LIDAR or stereo vision) to a fixed navigation frame, so that it can be used to form an internal representation of the environment. The coordinate transformation from the sensor frame to the navigation frame is analyzed to produce a spatial error model that captures the dominant geometric and temporal sources of mapping error. This allows the mapping accuracy to be calculated at run time. A generic extrinsic calibration method for exteroceptive range-based sensors is then presented to determine the sensor location and orientation. This allows systematic errors in individual sensors to be minimized, and when multiple sensors are used, it minimizes the systematic contradiction between them to enable reliable multisensor data fusion. The mathematical derivations at the core of this model are not particularly novel or complicated, but the rigorous analysis and application to field robotics seems to be largely absent from the literature to date. The techniques in this paper are simple to implement, and they offer a significant improvement to the accuracy, precision, and integrity of mapped information. Consequently, they should be employed whenever maps are formed from range-based exteroceptive sensor data. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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For a decade, embedded driving assistance systems were mainly dedicated to the management of short time events (lane departure, collision avoidance, collision mitigation). Recently a great number of projects have been focused on cooperative embedded devices in order to extend environment perception. Handling an extended perception range is important in order to provide enough information for both path planning and co-pilot algorithms which need to anticipate events. To carry out such applications, simulation has been widely used. Simulation is efficient to estimate the benefits of Cooperative Systems (CS) based on Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC). This paper presents a new and modular architecture built with the SiVIC simulator and the RTMaps™ multi-sensors prototyping platform. A set of improvements, implemented in SiVIC, are introduced in order to take into account IVC modelling and vehicles’ control. These 2 aspects have been tuned with on-road measurements to improve the realism of the scenarios. The results obtained from a freeway emergency braking scenario are discussed.