266 resultados para Geometric Sums


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Deterministic synthesis of self-organized quantum dot arrays for renewable energy, biomedical, and optoelectronic applications requires control over adatom capture zones, which are presently mapped using unphysical geometric tessellation. In contrast, the proposed kinetic mapping is based on simulated two-dimensional adatom fluxes in the array and includes the effects of nucleation, dissolution, coalescence, and process parameters such as surface temperature and deposition rate. This approach is generic and can be used to control the nanoarray development in various practical applications. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Here we report on an unconventional Ni-P alloy-catalyzed, high-throughput, highly reproducible chemical vapor deposition of ultralong carbon microcoils using acetylene precursor in the temperature range 700-750 °C. Scanning electron microscopy analysis reveals that the carbon microcoils have a unique double-helix structure and a uniform circular cross-section. It is shown that double-helix carbon microcoils have outstanding superelastic properties. The microcoils can be extended up to 10-20 times of their original coil length, and quickly recover the original state after releasing the force. A mechanical model of the carbon coils with a large spring index is developed to describe their extension and contraction. Given the initial coil parameters, this mechanical model can successfully account for the geometric nonlinearity of the spring constants for carbon micro- and nanocoils, and is found in a good agreement with the experimental data in the whole stretching process.


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The controlled growth of ultra-small Ge/Si quantum dot (QD) nuclei (≈1 nm) suitable for the synthesis of uniform nanopatterns with high surface coverage, is simulated using atom-only and size non-uniform cluster fluxes. It is found that seed nuclei of more uniform sizes are formed when clusters of non-uniform size are deposited. This counter-intuitive result is explained via adatom-nanocluster interactions on Si(100) surfaces. Our results are supported by experimental data on the geometric characteristics of QD patterns synthesized by nanocluster deposition. This is followed by a description of the role of plasmas as non-uniform cluster sources and the impact on surface dynamics. The technique challenges conventional growth modes and is promising for deterministic synthesis of nanodot arrays.


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We examine the effect of a kinetic undercooling condition on the evolution of a free boundary in Hele--Shaw flow, in both bubble and channel geometries. We present analytical and numerical evidence that the bubble boundary is unstable and may develop one or more corners in finite time, for both expansion and contraction cases. This loss of regularity is interesting because it occurs regardless of whether the less viscous fluid is displacing the more viscous fluid, or vice versa. We show that small contracting bubbles are described to leading order by a well-studied geometric flow rule. Exact solutions to this asymptotic problem continue past the corner formation until the bubble contracts to a point as a slit in the limit. Lastly, we consider the evolving boundary with kinetic undercooling in a Saffman--Taylor channel geometry. The boundary may either form corners in finite time, or evolve to a single long finger travelling at constant speed, depending on the strength of kinetic undercooling. We demonstrate these two different behaviours numerically. For the travelling finger, we present results of a numerical solution method similar to that used to demonstrate the selection of discrete fingers by surface tension. With kinetic undercooling, a continuum of corner-free travelling fingers exists for any finger width above a critical value, which goes to zero as the kinetic undercooling vanishes. We have not been able to compute the discrete family of analytic solutions, predicted by previous asymptotic analysis, because the numerical scheme cannot distinguish between solutions characterised by analytic fingers and those which are corner-free but non-analytic.


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We propose and evaluate a novel methodology to identify the rolling shutter parameters of a real camera. We also present a model for the geometric distortion introduced when a moving camera with a rolling shutter views a scene. Unlike previous work this model allows for arbitrary camera motion, including accelerations, is exact rather than a linearization and allows for arbitrary camera projection models, for example fisheye or panoramic. We show the significance of the errors introduced by a rolling shutter for typical robot vision problems such as structure from motion, visual odometry and pose estimation.


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This paper presents a full system demonstration of dynamic sensorbased reconfiguration of a networked robot team. Robots sense obstacles in their environment locally and dynamically adapt their global geometric configuration to conform to an abstract goal shape. We present a novel two-layer planning and control algorithm for team reconfiguration that is decentralised and assumes local (neighbour-to-neighbour) communication only. The approach is designed to be resource-efficient and we show experiments using a team of nine mobile robots with modest computation, communication, and sensing. The robots use acoustic beacons for localisation and can sense obstacles in their local neighbourhood using IR sensors. Our results demonstrate globally-specified reconfiguration from local information in a real robot network, and highlight limitations of standard mesh networks in implementing decentralised algorithms.


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Purpose To establish whether the use of a passive or active technique of planning target volume (PTV) definition and treatment methods for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) deliver the most effective results. This literature review assesses the advantages and disadvantages in recent studies of each, while assessing the validity of the two approaches for planning and treatment. Methods A systematic review of literature focusing on the planning and treatment of radiation therapy to NSCLC tumours. Different approaches which have been published in recent articles are subjected to critical appraisal in order to determine their relative efficacy. Results Free-breathing (FB) is the optimal method to perform planning scans for patients and departments, as it involves no significant increase in cost, workload or education. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) is the fastest form of delineation, however it is noted to be less accurate than the ten-phase overlap approach for computed tomography (CT). Although gating has proven to reduce margins and facilitate sparing of organs at risk, treatment times can be longer and planning time can be as much as 15 times higher for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). This raises issues with patient comfort and stabilisation, impacting on the chance of geometric miss. Stereotactic treatments can take up to 3 hours to treat, along with increases in planning and treatment, as well as the additional hardware, software and training required. Conclusion Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is superior to 3DCT, with the passive FB approach for PTV delineation and treatment optimal. Departments should use a combination of MIP with visual confirmation ensuring coverage for stage 1 disease. Stages 2-3 should be delineated using ten-phases overlaid. Stereotactic and gated treatments for early stage disease should be used accordingly; FB-IMRT is optimal for latter stage disease.


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In Haven, a female voice guides a meditation while an abstract animated form progressively morphs from geometric to irregular on screen. As the video develops, the tone shifts from relaxation to seduction and, eventually, to hints of mild contempt. Through its subtle shifts in tone and form, the work plays with the relationships between self-help, self-absorption and self-pity. Its verbal and visual references gently suggest a disjunction between internalised thoughts and external realities. In doing so, it also alludes to the ways that desire and doubt can inform quests for inner peace.


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Frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) is being used to assess the insulation condition of oil–paper power transformers. However, it has to date only been implemented on de-energised transformers, which requires the transformers to be shut down for an extended period and may cause significant costs. To solve this issue, a newly improved monitoring method based on the FDS principle is proposed to implement the dielectric measurement on energised transformers. Moreover, a chirp waveform excitation and its novel processing method are introduced. Compared with the conventional FDS results, dielectric results from the energised insulation system have higher tanδ values because of the increased losses. To further understand the insulation ageing process, the effects of the geometric capacitance are removed from the measured imaginary admittance of the insulation system to enhance the ageing signature. The resulting imaginary admittance is then shown to correlate well with the central time constant in return voltage measurements results. The proposed methods address the issues on techniques used on energised transformers and provide a clue for on-line FDS diagnostic application.


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This paper presents the details of an experimental study of a cold-formed steel hollow flange channel beam known as LiteSteel beam (LSB) subject to web crippling under End Two Flange (ETF) and Interior Two Flange (ITF) load cases. The LSB sections with two rectangular hollow flanges are made using a simultaneous cold-forming and electric resistance welding process. Due to the geometry of the LSB, and its unique residual stress characteristics and initial geometric imperfections, much of the existing research for common cold-formed steel sections is not directly applicable to LSB. Experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs subject to pure bending, predominant shear and combined actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted on the web crippling behaviour and strength of LSB sections. Hence an experimental study was conducted to investigate the web crippling behaviour and capacities of LSBs. Twenty-eight web crippling tests were conducted under ETF and ITF load cases, and the ultimate web crippling capacities were compared with the predictions from the design equations in AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100. This comparison showed that AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100 web crippling design equations are unconservative for LSB sections under ETF and ITF load cases. Hence new equations were proposed to determine the web crippling capacities of LSBs based on experimental results. Suitable design rules were also developed under the direct strength method (DSM) format.


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A sculpture made of polyurethane, epoxy resin, pigment and lacquer depicting a ice-cream melting into the form of a nine sided geometric figure.


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Representation of facial expressions using continuous dimensions has shown to be inherently more expressive and psychologically meaningful than using categorized emotions, and thus has gained increasing attention over recent years. Many sub-problems have arisen in this new field that remain only partially understood. A comparison of the regression performance of different texture and geometric features and investigation of the correlations between continuous dimensional axes and basic categorized emotions are two of these. This paper presents empirical studies addressing these problems, and it reports results from an evaluation of different methods for detecting spontaneous facial expressions within the arousal-valence dimensional space (AV). The evaluation compares the performance of texture features (SIFT, Gabor, LBP) against geometric features (FAP-based distances), and the fusion of the two. It also compares the prediction of arousal and valence, obtained using the best fusion method, to the corresponding ground truths. Spatial distribution, shift, similarity, and correlation are considered for the six basic categorized emotions (i.e. anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise). Using the NVIE database, results show that the fusion of LBP and FAP features performs the best. The results from the NVIE and FEEDTUM databases reveal novel findings about the correlations of arousal and valence dimensions to each of six basic emotion categories.


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Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) is successfully being used to assess the insulation condition of oil filled power transformers. However, it has to date only been implemented on de-energized transformers, which requires the transformers to be shut down for an extended period which can result in significant costs. To solve this issue, a method of implementing FDS under energized condition is proposed here. A chirp excitation waveform is used to replace the conventional sinusoidal waveform to reduce the measurement time in this method. Investigation of the dielectric response under the influence of a high voltage stress at power frequency is reported based on experimental results. To further understand the insulation ageing process, the geometric capacitance effect is removed to enhance the detection of the ageing signature. This enhancement enables the imaginary part of admittance to be used as a new indicator to assess the ageing status of the insulation.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is used extensively in food-contact materials and has been detected routinely in populations worldwide, and this exposure has been linked to a range of negative health outcomes in humans. There is some evidence of an association between BPA and different socioeconomic variables which may be the result of different dietary patterns. The aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation of the association between BPA and socioeconomic status in Australian children using pooled urine specimens and an area level socioeconomic index. Surplus pathology urine specimens collected from children aged 0-15 years in Queensland, Australia as samples of convenience (n = 469) were pooled by age, sex and area level socioeconomic index (n = 67 pools), and analysed for total BPA using online solid phase extraction LC-MS/MS. Concentration ranged from 1.08-27.4 ng/ml with geometric mean 2.57 ng/ml, and geometric mean exposure was estimated as 70.3 ng/kg d-1. Neither BPA concentration nor excretion was associated with age or sex, and the authors found no evidence of an association with socioeconomic status. These results suggest that BPA exposure is not associated with socioeconomic status in the Australian population due to relatively homogenous exposures in Australia, or that the socioeconomic gradient is relatively slight in Australia compared with other OECD countries.


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We prove the existence of novel, shock-fronted travelling wave solutions to a model of wound healing angiogenesis studied in Pettet et al (2000 IMA J. Math. App. Med. 17 395–413) assuming two conjectures hold. In the previous work, the authors showed that for certain parameter values, a heteroclinic orbit in the phase plane representing a smooth travelling wave solution exists. However, upon varying one of the parameters, the heteroclinic orbit was destroyed, or rather cut-off, by a wall of singularities in the phase plane. As a result, they concluded that under this parameter regime no travelling wave solutions existed. Using techniques from geometric singular perturbation theory and canard theory, we show that a travelling wave solution actually still exists for this parameter regime. We construct a heteroclinic orbit passing through the wall of singularities via a folded saddle canard point onto a repelling slow manifold. The orbit leaves this manifold via the fast dynamics and lands on the attracting slow manifold, finally connecting to its end state. This new travelling wave is no longer smooth but exhibits a sharp front or shock. Finally, we identify regions in parameter space where we expect that similar solutions exist. Moreover, we discuss the possibility of more exotic solutions.