213 resultados para Alpha(6) Integrin


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There is strong evidence from twin and family studies indicating that a substantial proportion of the heritability of susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and its clinical manifestations is encoded by non-major-histocompatibility-complex genes. Efforts to identify these genes have included genomewide linkage studies and candidate gene association studies. One region, the interleukin (IL)-1 gene complex on chromosome 2, has been repeatedly associated with AS in both Caucasians and Asians. It is likely that more than one gene in this complex is involved in AS, with the strongest evidence to date implicating IL-1A. Identifying the genes underlying other linkage regions has been difficult due to the lack of obvious candidates and the low power of most studies to date to identify genes of the small to moderate magnitude that are likely to be involved. The field is moving towards genomewide association analysis, involving much larger datasets of unrelated cases and controls. Early successes using this approach in other diseases indicates that it is likely to identify genes in common diseases like AS, but there remains the risk that the common-variant, common-disease hypothesis will not hold true in AS. Nonetheless, it is appropriate for the field to be cautiously optimistic that the next few years will bring great advances in our understanding of the genetics of this condition.


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Ross River virus (RRV) is the predominant cause of epidemic polyarthritis in Australia, yet the antigenic determinants are not well defined. We aimed to characterize epitope(s) on RRV-E2 for a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize overlapping conformational epitopes on the E2 envelope protein of RRV and that neutralize virus infection of cells in vitro. Phage-displayed random peptide libraries were probed with the MAbs T1E7, NB3C4, and T10C9 using solution-phase and solid-phase biopanning methods. The peptides VSIFPPA and KTAISPT were selected 15 and 6 times, respectively, by all three of the MAbs using solution-phase biopanning. The peptide LRLPPAP was selected 8 times by NB3C4 using solid-phase biopanning; this peptide shares a trio of amino acids with the peptide VSIFPPA. Phage that expressed the peptides VSIFPPA and LRLPPAP were reactive with T1E7 and/or NB3C4, and phage that expressed the peptides VSIFPPA, LRLPPAP, and KTAISPT partially inhibited the reactivity of T1E7 with RRV. The selected peptides resemble regions of RRV-E2 adjacent to sites mutated in neutralization escape variants of RRV derived by culture in the presence of these MAbs (E2 210-219 and 238-245) and an additional region of E2 172-182. Together these sites represent a conformational epitope of E2 that is informative of cellular contact sites on RRV.


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Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mineral density (BMD) and poor bone quality. Peak bone density is achieved by the third decade of life, after which bone is maintained by a balanced cycle of bone resorption and synthesis. Age-related bone loss occurs as the bone resorption phase outweighs the bone synthesis phase of bone metabolism. Heritability accounts for up to 90% of the variability in BMD. Chromosomal loci including 1p36, 2p22-25, 11q12-13, parathyroid hormone receptor type 1 (PTHR1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1α) and type II collagen A1/vitamin D receptor (COL11A1/VDR) have been linked or shown suggestive linkage with BMD in other populations. To determine whether these loci predispose to low BMD in the Irish population, we investigated 24 microsatellite markers at 7 chromosomal loci by linkage studies in 175 Irish families of probands with primary low BMD (T-score ≤ -1.5). Nonparametric analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood variance estimation and traditional Haseman-Elston tests on the Mapmaker/Sibs program. Suggestive evidence of linkage was observed with lumbar spine BMD at 2p22-25 (maximum LOD score 2.76) and 11q12-13 (MLS 2.55). One region, 1p36, approached suggestive linkage with femoral neck BMD (MLS 2.17). In addition, seven markers achieved LOD scores > 1.0, D2S149, D11S1313, D11S987, D11S1314 including those encompassing the PTHR1 (D3S3559, D3S1289) for lumbar spine BMD and D2S149 for femoral neck BMD. Our data suggest that genes within a these chromosomal regions are contributing to a predisposition to low BMD in the Irish population.


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The availability of population-specific normative data regarding disease severity measures is essential for patient assessment. The goals of the current study were to characterize the pattern of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in Portuguese patients and to develop reference centile charts for BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and mSASSS, the most widely used assessment tools in AS. AS cases were recruited from hospital outpatient clinics, with AS defined according to the modified New York criteria. Demographic and clinical data were recorded. All radiographs were evaluated by two independent experienced readers. Centile charts for BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and mSASSS were constructed for both genders, using generalized linear models and regression models with duration of disease as independent variable. A total of 369 patients (62.3% male, mean ± (SD) age 45.4 ± 13.2 years, mean ± (SD) disease duration 11.4 ± 10.5 years, 70.7% B27-positive) were included. Family history of AS in a first-degree relative was reported in 17.6% of the cases. Regarding clinical disease pattern, at the time of assessment 42.3% had axial disease, 2.4% peripheral disease, 40.9% mixed disease and 7.1% isolated enthesopatic disease. Anterior uveitis (33.6%) was the most common extra-articular manifestation. The centile charts suggest that females reported greater disease activity and more functional impairment than males but had lower BASMI and mSASSS scores. Data collected through this study provided a demographic and clinical profile of patients with AS in Portugal. The development of centile charts constitutes a useful tool to assess the change of disease pattern over time and in response to therapeutic interventions.


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During their entire lives, people are exposed to the pollutants present in indoor air. Recently, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, mainly known as electronic cigarettes, have been widely commercialized: they deliver particles into the lungs of the users but a “second-hand smoke” has yet to be associated to this indoor source. On the other hand, the naturally-occurring radioactive gas, i.e. radon, represents a significant risk for lung cancer, and the cumulative action of these two agents could be worse than the agents separately would. In order to deepen the interaction between radon progeny and second-hand aerosol from different types of cigarettes, a designed experimental study was carried out by generating aerosol from e-cigarette vaping as well as from second-hand traditional smoke inside a walk-in radon chamber at the National Institute of Ionizing Radiation Metrology (INMRI) of Italy. In this chamber, the radon present in air comes naturally from the floor and ambient conditions are controlled. To characterize the sidestream smoke emitted by cigarettes, condensation particle counters and scanning mobility particle sizer were used. Radon concentration in the air was measured through an Alphaguard ionization chamber, whereas the measurement of radon decay product in the air was performed with the Tracelab BWLM Plus-2S Radon daughter Monitor. It was found an increase of the Potential Alpha-Energy Concentration (PAEC) due to the radon decay products attached to aerosol for higher particle number concentrations. This varied from 7.47 ± 0.34 MeV L−1 to 12.6 ± 0.26 MeV L−1 (69%) for the e-cigarette. In the case of traditional cigarette and at the same radon concentration, the increase was from 14.1 ± 0.43 MeV L−1 to 18.6 ± 0.19 MeV L−1 (31%). The equilibrium factor increases, varying from 23.4% ± 1.11% to 29.5% ± 0.26% and from 30.9% ± 1.0% to 38.1 ± 0.88 for the e-cigarette and traditional cigarette, respectively. These growths still continue for long time after the combustion, by increasing the exposure risk.


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Background Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is an endopeptidase that facilitates extracellular matrix remodeling and molecular regulation, and is implicated in tumor metastasis. Type I collagen (Col I) regulates the activation of MMP-2 through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional means; however gaps remain in our understanding of the involvement of collagen-binding ?1 integrins in collagen-stimulated MMP-2 activation. Methods Three ?1 integrin siRNAs were used to elucidate the involvement of ?1 integrins in the Col I-induced MMP-2 activation mechanism. ?1 integrin knockdown was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR, Western Blot and FACS analysis. Adhesion assay and collagen gel contraction were used to test the biological effects of ?1 integrin abrogation. MMP-2 activation levels were monitored by gelatin zymography. Results All three ?1 integrin siRNAs were efficient at ?1 integrin knockdown and FACS analysis revealed commensurate reductions of integrins ?2 and ?3, which are heterodimeric partners of ?1, but not ?V, which is not. All three ?1 integrin siRNAs inhibited adhesion and collagen gel contraction, however only the siRNA showing the greatest magnitude of ?1 knockdown inhibited Col I-induced MMP-2 activation and reduced the accompanying upregulation of MT1-MMP, suggesting a dose response threshold effect. Re-transfection with codon-swapped ?1 integrin overcame the reduction in MMP-2 activation induced by Col-1, confirming the ?1 integrin target specificity. MMP-2 activation induced by TPA or Concanavalin A (Con A) was not inhibited by ?1 integrin siRNA knockdown. Conclusion Together, the data reveals that strong abrogation of ?1 integrin is required to block MMP-2 activation induced by Col I, which may have implications for the therapeutic targeting of ?1 integrin.


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A nation-wide passive air sampling campaign recorded concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in Australia's atmosphere in 2012. XAD-based passive air samplers were deployed for one year at 15 sampling sites located in remote/background, agricultural and semi-urban and urban areas across the continent. Concentrations of 47 polychlorinated biphenyls ranged from 0.73 to 72 pg m-3 (median of 8.9 pg m-3) and were consistently higher at urban sites. The toxic equivalent concentration for the sum of 12 dioxin-like PCBs was low, ranging from below detection limits to 0.24 fg m-3 (median of 0.0086 fg m-3). Overall, the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in Australia were among the lowest reported globally to date. Among the organochlorine pesticides, hexachlorobenzene had the highest (median of 41 pg m-3) and most uniform concentration (with a ratio between highest and lowest value [similar]5). Bushfires may be responsible for atmospheric hexachlorobenzene levels in Australia that exceeded Southern Hemispheric baseline levels by a factor of [similar]4. Organochlorine pesticide concentrations generally increased from remote/background and agricultural sites to urban sites, except for high concentrations of [small alpha]-endosulfan and DDTs at specific agricultural sites. Concentrations of heptachlor (0.47-210 pg m-3), dieldrin (ND-160 pg m-3) and trans- and cis-chlordanes (0.83-180 pg m-3, sum of) in Australian air were among the highest reported globally to date, whereas those of DDT and its metabolites (ND-160 pg m-3, sum of), [small alpha]-, [small beta]-, [gamma]- and [small delta]-hexachlorocyclohexane (ND-6.7 pg m-3, sum of) and [small alpha]-endosulfan (ND-27 pg m-3) were among the lowest.


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Objective Child maltreatment is a problem that has longer recognition in the northern hemisphere and in high-income countries. Recent work has highlighted the nearly universal nature of the problem in other countries but demonstrated the lack of comparability of studies because of the variations in definitions and measures used. The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect has developed instrumentation that may be used with cross-cultural and cross-national benchmarking by local investigators. Design and sampling The instrument design began with a team of expert in Brisbane in 2004. A large bank of questions were subjected to two rounds of Delphi review to develop the fielded version of the instrument. Convenience samples included approximately 120 parent respondents with children under the age of 18 in each of six countries (697 total). Results This paper presents an instrument that measures parental behaviors directed at children and reports data from pilot work in 6 countries and 7 languages. Patterns of response revealed few missing values and distributions of responses that generally were similar in the six countries. Subscales performed well in terms of internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha in very good range (0.77–0.88) with the exception of the neglect and sex abuse subscales. Results varied by child age and gender in expected directions but with large variations among the samples. About 15% of children were shaken, 24% hit on the buttocks with an object, and 37% were spanked. Reports of choking and smothering were made by 2% of parents. Conclusion These pilot data demonstrate that the instrument is well tolerated and captures variations in, and potentially harmful forms of child discipline. Practice implications The ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool – Parent Version (ICAST-P) has been developed as a survey instrument to be administered to parents for the assessment of child maltreatment in a multi-national and multi-cultural context. It was developed with broad input from international experts and subjected to Dephi review, translation, and pilot testing in six countries. The results of the Delphi study and pilot testing are presented. This study demonstrates that a single instrument can be used in a broad range of cultures and languages with low rates of missing data and moderate to high internal consistency.


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The main genetic determinant of soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R) levels is the missense variant rs2228145 that maps to the cleavage site of IL-6R. For each Ala allele, sIL-6R serum levels increase by ∼20 ng ml -1 and asthma risk by 1.09-fold. However, this variant does not explain the total heritability for sIL-6R levels. Additional independent variants in IL6R may therefore contribute to variation in sIL-6R levels and influence asthma risk. We imputed 471 variants in IL6R and tested these for association with sIL-6R serum levels in 360 individuals. An intronic variant (rs12083537) was associated with sIL-6R levels independently of rs4129267 (P=0.0005), a proxy single-nucleotide polymorphism for rs2228145. A significant and consistent association for rs12083537 was observed in a replication panel of 354 individuals (P=0.033). Each rs12083537:A allele increased sIL-6R serum levels by 2.4 ng ml -1. Analysis of mRNA levels in two cohorts did not identify significant associations between rs12083537 and IL6R transcription levels. On the other hand, results from 16 705 asthmatics and 30 809 controls showed that the rs12083537:A allele increased asthma risk by 1.04-fold (P=0.0419). Genetic risk scores based on IL6R regulatory variants may prove useful in explaining variation in clinical response to tocilizumab, an anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibody.


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Background and aims. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease characterized by progressive inflammation and fibrosis of the bile ducts eventually leading to biliary cirrhosis. Recent genetic studies in PSC have identified associations at 2q13, 2q35, 3p21, 4q27, 13q31 and suggestive association at 10p15. The aim of this study was to further characterize and refine the genetic architecture of PSC. Methods. We analyzed previously reported associated SNPs at four of these non-HLA loci and 59 SNPs tagging the IL-2/IL-21 (4q27) and IL2RA (10p15) loci in 992 UK PSC cases and 5162 healthy UK controls. Results. The most associated SNPs identified were rs3197999 (3p21 (MST1), p = 1.9 × 10 -6, OR A vs G = 1.28, 95% CI (1.16-1.42)); rs4147359 (10p15 (IL2RA), p = 2.6 × 10 -4, OR A vs G = 1.20, 95% CI (1.09-1.33)) and rs12511287 (4q27 (IL-2/IL-21), p = 3.0 × 10 -4, OR A vs T = 1.21, 95% CI (1.09-1.35)). In addition, we performed a meta-analysis for selected SNPs using published summary statistics from recent studies. We observed genome-wide significance for rs3197999 (3p21 (MST1), P combined = 3.8 × 10 -12) and rs4147359 (10p15 (IL2RA), P combined = 1.5 × 10 -8). Conclusion. We have for the first time confirmed the association of PSC with genetic variants at 10p15 (IL2RA) locus at genome-wide significance and replicated the associations at MST1 and IL-2/IL-21 loci in a large homogeneous UK population. These results strongly implicate the role of IL-2/IL2RA pathway in PSC and provide further confirmation of MST1 association. © Informa Healthcare.


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Welcome to this special edition of the Journal of Learning Design which focuses on legal education and curriculum renewal in law. At the outset ,we would like to thank the editors of the Journal, Margaret Lloyd and Nan Bahr for agreeing to host this special edition. The special edition is timely as legal education in Australia is enjoying a lively period of renewal.


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Ankylosing spondylitis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis predominantly affecting the spine and pelvis that occurs in approximately 5 out of 1,000 adults of European descent. Here we report the identification of three variants in the RUNX3, LTBR-TNFRSF1A and IL12B regions convincingly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (P < 5 × 10-8 in the combined discovery and replication datasets) and a further four loci at PTGER4, TBKBP1, ANTXR2 and CARD9 that show strong association across all our datasets (P < 5 × 10-6 overall, with support in each of the three datasets studied). We also show that polymorphisms of ERAP1, which encodes an endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase involved in peptide trimming before HLA class I presentation, only affect ankylosing spondylitis risk in HLA-B27-positive individuals. These findings provide strong evidence that HLA-B27 operates in ankylosing spondylitis through a mechanism involving aberrant processing of antigenic peptides.


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Context: Osteoporosis is a common, highly heritable condition that causes substantial morbidity and mortality, the etiopathogenesis of which is poorly understood. Genetic studies are making increasingly rapid progress in identifying the genes involved. Evidence Acquisition and Synthesis: In this review, we will summarize the current understanding of the genetics of osteoporosis based on publications from PubMed from the year 1987 onward. Conclusions: Most genes involved in osteoporosis identified to date encode components of known pathways involved in bone synthesis or resorption, but as the field progresses, new pathways are being identified. Only a small proportion of the total genetic variation involved in osteoporosis has been identified, and new approaches will be required to identify most of the remaining genes.


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Elevated blood pressure is a common, heritable cause of cardiovascular disease worldwide. To date, identification of common genetic variants influencing blood pressure has proven challenging. We tested 2.5 million genotyped and imputed SNPs for association with systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 34,433 subjects of European ancestry from the Global BPgen consortium and followed up findings with direct genotyping (N 71,225 European ancestry, N 12,889 Indian Asian ancestry) and in silico comparison (CHARGE consortium, N = 29,136). We identified association between systolic or diastolic blood pressure and common variants in eight regions near the CYP17A1 (P = 7 × 10 24), CYP1A2 (P = 1 × 10 23), FGF5 (P = 1 × 10 21), SH2B3 (P = 3 × 10 18), MTHFR (P = 2 × 10 13), c10orf107 (P = 1 × 10 9), ZNF652 (P = 5 × 10 9) and PLCD3 (P = 1 × 10 8) genes. All variants associated with continuous blood pressure were associated with dichotomous hypertension. These associations between common variants and blood pressure and hypertension offer mechanistic insights into the regulation of blood pressure and may point to novel targets for interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), the prototypic seronegative arthropathy, is known to be highly heritable, with >90% of the risk of developing the disease determined genetically. As with most common heritable diseases, progress in identifying the genes involved using family-based or candidate gene approaches has been slow. The recent development of the genome-wide association study approach has revolutionized genetic studies of such diseases. Early studies in ankylosing spondylitis have produced two major breakthroughs in the identification of genes contributing roughly one third of the population attributable risk of the disease, and pointing directly to a potential therapy. These exciting findings highlight the potential of future more comprehensive genetic studies of determinants of disease risk and clinical manifestations, and are the biggest advance in our understanding of the causation of the disease since the discovery of the association with HLA-B27.