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Insulated rail joints are critical for train safety as they control electrical signalling systems; unfortunately they exhibit excessive ratchetting of the railhead near the endpost insulators. This paper reports a three-dimensional global model of these joints under wheel–rail contact pressure loading and a sub-model examining the ratchetting failures of the railhead. The sub-model employs a non-linear isotropic–kinematic elastic–plastic material model and predicts stress/strain levels in the localised railhead zone adjacent to the endpost which is placed in the air gap between the two rail ends at the insulated rail joint. The equivalent plastic strain plot is utilised to capture the progressive railhead damage adequately. Associated field and laboratory testing results of damage to the railhead material suggest that the simulation results are reasonable.


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The Brain Research Institute (BRI) uses various types of indirect measurements, including EEG and fMRI, to understand and assess brain activity and function. As well as the recovery of generic information about brain function, research also focuses on the utilisation of such data and understanding to study the initiation, dynamics, spread and suppression of epileptic seizures. To assist with the future focussing of this aspect of their research, the BRI asked the MISG 2010 participants to examine how the available EEG and fMRI data and current knowledge about epilepsy should be analysed and interpreted to yield an enhanced understanding about brain activity occurring before, at commencement of, during, and after a seizure. Though the deliberations of the study group were wide ranging in terms of the related matters considered and discussed, considerable progress was made with the following three aspects. (1) The science behind brain activity investigations depends crucially on the quality of the analysis and interpretation of, as well as the recovery of information from, EEG and fMRI measurements. A number of specific methodologies were discussed and formalised, including independent component analysis, principal component analysis, profile monitoring and change point analysis (hidden Markov modelling, time series analysis, discontinuity identification). (2) Even though EEG measurements accurately and very sensitively record the onset of an epileptic event or seizure, they are, from the perspective of understanding the internal initiation and localisation, of limited utility. They only record neuronal activity in the cortical (surface layer) neurons of the brain, which is a direct reflection of the type of electrical activity they have been designed to record. Because fMRI records, through the monitoring of blood flow activity, the location of localised brain activity within the brain, the possibility of combining fMRI measurements with EEG, as a joint inversion activity, was discussed and examined in detail. (3) A major goal for the BRI is to improve understanding about ``when'' (at what time) an epileptic seizure actually commenced before it is identified on an eeg recording, ``where'' the source of this initiation is located in the brain, and ``what'' is the initiator. Because of the general agreement in the literature that, in one way or another, epileptic events and seizures represent abnormal synchronisations of localised and/or global brain activity the modelling of synchronisations was examined in some detail. References C. M. Michel, G. Thut, S. Morand, A. Khateb, A. J. Pegna, R. Grave de Peralta, S. Gonzalez, M. Seeck and T. Landis, Electric source imaging of human brain functions, Brain Res. 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This paper considers constructions of institutional culture and power in the cover-up of child sexual abuse (CSA) by clergy in the Roman Catholic Church of Australia. The issue of cover-up has previously been considered in international inquiries as an institutional failing that has caused significant harm to victims of CSA by Catholic Clergy. Evidence given by select representatives of the Catholic Church in two government inquiries into institutional abuse carried out in Australia is considered here. This evidence suggests that, where cover-up has occurred, it has been reliant on the abuse of institutional power and resulted in direct emotional, psychological and spiritual harm to victims of abuse. Despite international recognition of cover-up as institutional abuse, evidence presented by Roman Catholic Representatives to the Victorian Inquiry denied there was an institutionalised cover-up. Responding to this evidence, this paper queries whether the primary foundation of cover-up conforms to the ‘bad apple theory’ in that it relates only to a few individuals, or the ‘bad barrel theory’ of institutional structure and culture.


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Real world business process models may consist of hundreds of elements and have sophisticated structure. Although there are tasks where such models are valuable and appreciated, in general complexity has a negative influence on model comprehension and analysis. Thus, means for managing the complexity of process models are needed. One approach is abstraction of business process models-creation of a process model which preserves the main features of the initial elaborate process model, but leaves out insignificant details. In this paper we study the structural aspects of process model abstraction and introduce an abstraction approach based on process structure trees (PST). The developed approach assures that the abstracted process model preserves the ordering constraints of the initial model. It surpasses pattern-based process model abstraction approaches, allowing to handle graph-structured process models of arbitrary structure. We also provide an evaluation of the proposed approach.


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Protein N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation) is an important mediator of protein function, stability, sorting, and localization. Although the responsible enzymes are thought to be fairly well characterized, the lack of identified in vivo substrates, the occurrence of Nt-acetylation substrates displaying yet uncharacterized N-terminal acetyltransferase (NAT) specificities, and emerging evidence of posttranslational Nt-acetylation, necessitate the use of genetic models and quantitative proteomics. NatB, which targets Met-Glu-, Met-Asp-, and Met-Asn-starting protein N termini, is presumed to Nt-acetylate 15% of all yeast and 18% of all human proteins. We here report on the evolutionary traits of NatB from yeast to human and demonstrate that ectopically expressed hNatB in a yNatB-Δ yeast strain partially complements the natB-Δ phenotypes and partially restores the yNatB Nt-acetylome. Overall, combining quantitative N-terminomics with yeast studies and knockdown of hNatB in human cell lines, led to the unambiguous identification of 180 human and 110 yeast NatB substrates. Interestingly, these substrates included Met-Gln- N-termini, which are thus now classified as in vivo NatB substrates. We also demonstrate the requirement of hNatB activity for maintaining the structure and function of actomyosin fibers and for proper cellular migration. In addition, expression of tropomyosin-1 restored the altered focal adhesions and cellular migration defects observed in hNatB-depleted HeLa cells, indicative for the conserved link between NatB, tropomyosin, and actin cable function from yeast to human.


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The structures of the compounds from the reaction of the drug dapsone [4-(4-aminophenylsulfonyl)aniline] with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, the salt hydrate [4-(4-aminohenylsulfonyl)anilinium 2-carboxy-4,6-dinitrophenolate monohydrate] (1) and the 1:1 adduct with 5-nitroisophthalic acid [4-(4-aminophenylsulfonyl)aniline 5-nitrobenzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid] (2) have been determined. Crystals of 1 are triclinic, space group P-1, with unit cell dimensions a = 8.2043(3), b = 11.4000(6), c = 11.8261(6)Å, α = 110.891(5), β = 91.927(3), γ = 98.590(4)deg. and Z = 4. Compound 2 is orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with unit cell dimensions a = 20.2662(6), b = 12.7161(4), c = 15.9423(5)Å and Z = 8. In 1, intermolecular analinium N-H…O and water O-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen-bonding interactions with sulfone, carboxyl, phenolate and nitro O-atom and aniline N-atom acceptors give a two-dimensional layered structure. With 2, the intermolecular interactions involve both aniline N-H…O and carboxylic acid O-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen bonds to sulfone, carboxyl, nitro and aniline acceptors, giving a three-dimensional network structure. In both structures π--π aromatic ring associations are present.


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Dehydration of neutral and protonated glycerol was investigated using quantum mechanical calculations (CBS-QB3). Calculations on neutral glycerol show that there is a high barrier for simple 1,2-dehydration, E-a = 70.9 kcal mol(-1), which is lowered to 65.2 kcal mol(-1) for pericyclic 1,3-dehydration. In contrast, the barriers for dehydration of protonated glycerol are much lower. Dehydration mechanisms involving hydride transfer, pinacol rearrangement, or substitution reactions have barriers between 20 and 25 kcal mol(-1). Loss of water from glycerol via substitution results in either oxirane or oxetane intermediates, which can interconvert over a low barrier. Subsequent decomposition of these intermediates proceeds via either a second dehydration step or loss of formaldehyde. The computed mechanisms for decomposition of protonated glycerol are supported by the gas-phase fragmentation of protonated glycerol observed using a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer.


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Negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to study the HCCN- and HCNC- ions. The electron affinities (EA) of cyanocarbene have been measured to be EA(HCCN (X) over tilde (3)Sigma(-)=2.003+/-0.014 eV and EA(DCCN (X) over tilde (3)Sigma(-))=2.009+/-0.020 eV. Photodetachment of HCCN- to HCCN (X) over tilde (3)Sigma(-) shows a 0.4 eV long vibrational progression in nu(5), the H-CCN bending mode; the HCCN- photoelectron spectra reveal excitations up to 10 quanta in nu(5). The term energies for the excited singlet state are found to be T-0(HCCN (a) over tilde (1)A('))=0.515+/-0.016 eV and T-0(DCCN (a) over tilde (1)A('))=0.518+/-0.027 eV. For the isocyanocarbene, the two lowest states switch and HCNC has a singlet ground state and an excited triplet state. The electron affinities are EA(HCNC (X) over tilde (1)A('))=1.883+/-0.013 eV and EA((X) over tilde (1)A(') DCNC)=1.877+/-0.010 eV. The term energy for the excited triplet state is T-0(HCNC (a) over tilde (3)A("))=0.050+/-0.028 eV and T-0(DCNC (a) over tilde (3)A("))=0.063+/-0.030 eV. Proton transfer kinetics in a flowing afterglow apparatus were used to re-measure the enthalpy of deprotonation of CH3NC to be Delta(acid)H(298)(CH3NC)=383.6+/-0.6 kcal mol(-1). The acidity/EA thermodynamic cycle was used to deduce D-0(H-CHCN)=104+/-2 kcal mol(-1) [Delta(f)H(0)(HCCN)=110+/-4 kcal mol(-1)] and D-0(H-CHNC)=106+/-4 kcal mol(-1) [Delta(f)H(0)(HCNC)=133+/-5 kcal mol(-1)]. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The authors conducted a theoretical review of the change readiness literature and identified two major limitations with this work. First, while there is substantial agreement about the key cognitions that underlie change readiness, researchers have not examined the affective element of this attitude. Second, researchers have not adopted a multilevel perspective when considering change readiness. The authors address these limitations and argue that it is important to incorporate affect into definitions of the change readiness construct and also when measuring this construct. They then develop a multilevel framework that identifies the antecedents and consequences of individual, work group, and organizational change readiness. Next, the authors outline the theoretical processes that lead to the development of individual and collective change readiness. They then review theoretical and empirical evidence to identify the antecedents of change readiness at the three levels of analysis. Finally, the authors identify a number of suggestions to guide future research seeking to adopt a multilevel approach to change readiness.


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Background Rapid developments in technology have encouraged the use of smartphones in physical activity research, although little is known regarding their effectiveness as measurement and intervention tools. Objective This study systematically reviewed evidence on smartphones and their viability for measuring and influencing physical activity. Data Sources Research articles were identified in September 2013 by literature searches in Web of Knowledge, PubMed, PsycINFO, EBSCO, and ScienceDirect. Study Selection The search was restricted using the terms (physical activity OR exercise OR fitness) AND (smartphone* OR mobile phone* OR cell phone*) AND (measurement OR intervention). Reviewed articles were required to be published in international academic peer-reviewed journals, or in full text from international scientific conferences, and focused on measuring physical activity through smartphone processing data and influencing people to be more active through smartphone applications. Study Appraisal and Synthesis Methods Two reviewers independently performed the selection of articles and examined titles and abstracts to exclude those out of scope. Data on study characteristics, technologies used to objectively measure physical activity, strategies applied to influence activity; and the main study findings were extracted and reported. Results A total of 26 articles (with the first published in 2007) met inclusion criteria. All studies were conducted in highly economically advantaged countries; 12 articles focused on special populations (e.g. obese patients). Studies measured physical activity using native mobile features, and/or an external device linked to an application. Measurement accuracy ranged from 52 to 100 % (n = 10 studies). A total of 17 articles implemented and evaluated an intervention. Smartphone strategies to influence physical activity tended to be ad hoc, rather than theory-based approaches; physical activity profiles, goal setting, real-time feedback, social support networking, and online expert consultation were identified as the most useful strategies to encourage physical activity change. Only five studies assessed physical activity intervention effects; all used step counts as the outcome measure. Four studies (three pre–post and one comparative) reported physical activity increases (12–42 participants, 800–1,104 steps/day, 2 weeks–6 months), and one case-control study reported physical activity maintenance (n = 200 participants; >10,000 steps/day) over 3 months. Limitations Smartphone use is a relatively new field of study in physical activity research, and consequently the evidence base is emerging. Conclusions Few studies identified in this review considered the validity of phone-based assessment of physical activity. Those that did report on measurement properties found average-to-excellent levels of accuracy for different behaviors. The range of novel and engaging intervention strategies used by smartphones, and user perceptions on their usefulness and viability, highlights the potential such technology has for physical activity promotion. However, intervention effects reported in the extant literature are modest at best, and future studies need to utilize randomized controlled trial research designs, larger sample sizes, and longer study periods to better explore the physical activity measurement and intervention capabilities of smartphones.


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The team functioning assessment tool (TFAT) has been shown to be a reliable behavioral marker tool for assessing nontechnical skills that are critical to the success of ward-based healthcare teams. This paper aims to refine and shorten the length of the TFAT to improve usability, and establish its reliability and construct validity. Psychometric testing based on 110 multidisciplinary healthcare teams demonstrated that the TFAT is a reliable and valid tool for measuring team members’ nontechnical skills in regards to Clinical Planning, Executive Tasks, and Team Functioning. Providing support for concurrent validity, high TFAT ratings were predicted by low levels of organizational constraints and high levels of group potency. There was also partial support for the negative relationships between time pressure, leadership ambiguity, and TFAT ratings. The paper provides a discussion on the applicability of the tool for assessing multidisciplinary healthcare team functioning in the context of improving team effectiveness and patient safety for ward-based hospital teams.


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This paper reports on the findings of an international telecollaboration study using Facebook, in which teachers studying in M. Ed programs in Australia and Greece, discussed the use of mobile phones in language classrooms. Results suggest that invisible barriers exist in the use of mobile phones in the classroom, including bans on use in schools, lack of familiarity with educational uses for mobile phones, and negative perceptions about mobile phones specifically in terms of classroom management.


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Introduction The benefits of physical activity are established and numerous; not the least of which is reduced risk of negative cardiovascular events. While sedentary lifestyles are having negative impacts across populations, people with musculoskeletal disorders may face additional challenges to becoming physically active. Unfortunately, interventions in ambulatory hospital clinics for people with musculoskeletal disorders primarily focus on their presenting musculoskeletal complaint with cursory attention given to lifestyle risk factors; including physical inactivity. This missed opportunity is likely to have both personal costs for patients and economic costs for downstream healthcare funders. Objectives The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of obesity, diabetes, diagnosed cardiac conditions, and previous stroke (CVA) among insufficiently physically active patients accessing (non-surgical) ambulatory hospital clinics for musculoskeletal disorders to indicate whether a targeted risk-reducing intervention is warranted. Methods A sub-group analysis of patients (n=110) who self-reported undertaking insufficient physical activity level to meet national (Australian) minimum recommended guidelines was conducted. Responses to the Active Australia Survey were used to identify insufficiently active patients from a larger cohort study being undertaken across three (non-surgical) ambulatory hospital clinics for musculoskeletal disorders. Outcomes of interest included body mass index, Type-II diabetes, diagnosed cardiac conditions, previous CVA and patients’ current health-related quality of life (Euroqol-5D). Results The mean (standard deviation) age of inactive patients was 56 (14) years. Body mass index values indicated that n=80 (73%) were overweight n=26 (24%), or obese n=45 (49%). In addition to their presenting condition, a substantial number of patients reported comorbid diabetes n=23 (21%), hypertension n=25 (23%) or an existing heart condition n=14 (13%); 4 (3%) had previously experienced a CVA as well as other comorbid conditions. Health-related quality of life was also substantially impacted, with a mean (standard deviation) multi-attribute utility score of 0.51 (0.32). Conclusion A range of health conditions and risk factors for further negative health events, including cardiovascular complications, consistent with physically inactive lifestyles were evident. A targeted risk-reducing intervention is warranted for this high risk clinical group.


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Rat testicular cells in culture produce several metalloproteinases including type IV collagenases (Sang et al. Biol Reprod 1990; 43:946-955, 956-964). We have now investigated the regulation of testicular cell type IV collagenase and other metalloprotemases in vitro. Soluble laminin stimulated Sertoli cell type IV collagenase mRNA levels. However, three peptides corresponding to different domains of the laminin molecule (CSRAKQAASIKVASADR, FALRGDNP, CLQDGDVRV) did not influence type IV collagenase mENA levels. Zyniographic analysis of medium collected from these cultures revealed that neither soluble laminin nor any of the peptides influenced 72-Wa type IV collagenase protein levels. However, peptide FALRGDNP resulted in both, a selective increase in two higher molecular-weight metalloprotemnases (83 kDa and 110 Wa and in an activation of the 72-Wa rat type IV collagenase. Interleukin-1, phorbol ester, testosterone, and FSH did not affect collagenase activation, lmmunocytochemical studies demonstrated that the addition of soluble laminin resulted in a redistribution of type IV collagenase from intracellular vesicles to the cell-substrate region beneath the cells. Peptide FALRGDNP induced a change from a vesicular to peripheral plasma membrane type of staining pattern. Zymography of plasma membrane preparations demonstrated triton-soluble gelatinases of 76 Wa, 83 Wa, and 110 Wa and a triton-insoluble gelatinase of 225 Wa, These results indicate that testicular cell type IV collagenase mRNA levels, enzyme activation, and distribution are influenced by laminin and RGD-containing peptides.