269 resultados para LASER SPECTROSCOPY


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The multianion mineral gartrellite PbCu(Fe3+,Cu)(AsO4)2(OH,H2O)2 has been studied by a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The molecular structure of gartrellite is assessed. Gartrellite is one of the tsumcorite mineral group based upon arsenate and/or sulphate anions. Crystal symmetry is either triclinic in the case of an ordered occupation of two cationic sites, triclinic due to ordering of the H bonds in the case of species with two water molecules per formula unit, or monoclinic in the other cases. Characteristic Raman spectra of the mineral gartrellite enable the assignment of the bands to specific vibrational modes. These spectra are related to the structure of gartrellite. The position of the hydroxyl and water stretching vibrations are related to the strength of the hydrogen bond formed between the OH unit and the AsO3/4 anion.


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Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations were developed for the discrimination of Chinese hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. var. major) fruit from three geographical regions as well as for the estimation of the total sugar, total acid, total phenolic content, and total antioxidant activity. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for the discrimination of the fruit on the basis of their geographical origin. Three pattern recognition methods, linear discriminant analysis, partial least-squares-discriminant analysis, and back-propagation artificial neural networks, were applied to classify and compare these samples. Furthermore, three multivariate calibration models based on the first derivative NIR spectroscopy, partial least-squares regression, back-propagation artificial neural networks, and least-squares-support vector machines, were constructed for quantitative analysis of the four analytes, total sugar, total acid, total phenolic content, and total antioxidant activity, and validated by prediction data sets.


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PURPOSE To investigate the utility of using non-contact laser-scanning confocal microscopy (NC-LSCM), compared with the more conventional contact laser-scanning confocal microscopy (C-LSCM), for examining corneal substructures in vivo. METHODS An attempt was made to capture representative images from the tear film and all layers of the cornea of a healthy, 35 year old female, using both NC-LSCM and C-LSCM, on separate days. RESULTS Using NC-LSCM, good quality images were obtained of the tear film, stroma, and a section of endothelium, but the corneal depth of the images of these various substructures could not be ascertained. Using C-LSCM, good quality, full-field images were obtained of the epithelium, subbasal nerve plexus, stroma, and endothelium, and the corneal depth of each of the captured images could be ascertained. CONCLUSIONS NC-LSCM may find general use for clinical examination of the tear film, stroma and endothelium, with the caveat that the depth of stromal images cannot be determined when using this technique. This technique also facilitates image capture of oblique sections of multiple corneal layers. The inability to clearly and consistently image thin corneal substructures - such as the tear film, subbasal nerve plexus and endothelium - is a key limitation of NC-LSCM.


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This work considers the problem of building high-fidelity 3D representations of the environment from sensor data acquired by mobile robots. Multi-sensor data fusion allows for more complete and accurate representations, and for more reliable perception, especially when different sensing modalities are used. In this paper, we propose a thorough experimental analysis of the performance of 3D surface reconstruction from laser and mm-wave radar data using Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces (GPIS), in a realistic field robotics scenario. We first analyse the performance of GPIS using raw laser data alone and raw radar data alone, respectively, with different choices of covariance matrices and different resolutions of the input data. We then evaluate and compare the performance of two different GPIS fusion approaches. The first, state-of-the-art approach directly fuses raw data from laser and radar. The alternative approach proposed in this paper first computes an initial estimate of the surface from each single source of data, and then fuses these two estimates. We show that this method outperforms the state of the art, especially in situations where the sensors react differently to the targets they perceive.


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Field robots often rely on laser range finders (LRFs) to detect obstacles and navigate autonomously. Despite recent progress in sensing technology and perception algorithms, adverse environmental conditions, such as the presence of smoke, remain a challenging issue for these robots. In this paper, we investigate the possibility to improve laser-based perception applications by anticipating situations when laser data are affected by smoke, using supervised learning and state-of-the-art visual image quality analysis. We propose to train a k-nearest-neighbour (kNN) classifier to recognise situations where a laser scan is likely to be affected by smoke, based on visual data quality features. This method is evaluated experimentally using a mobile robot equipped with LRFs and a visual camera. The strengths and limitations of the technique are identified and discussed, and we show that the method is beneficial if conservative decisions are the most appropriate.


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This paper presents an approach to promote the integrity of perception systems for outdoor unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) operating in challenging environmental conditions (presence of dust or smoke). The proposed technique automatically evaluates the consistency of the data provided by two sensing modalities: a 2D laser range finder and a millimetre-wave radar, allowing for perceptual failure mitigation. Experimental results, obtained with a UGV operating in rural environments, and an error analysis validate the approach.


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Camera-laser calibration is necessary for many robotics and computer vision applications. However, existing calibration toolboxes still require laborious effort from the operator in order to achieve reliable and accurate results. This paper proposes algorithms that augment two existing trustful calibration methods with an automatic extraction of the calibration object from the sensor data. The result is a complete procedure that allows for automatic camera-laser calibration. The first stage of the procedure is automatic camera calibration which is useful in its own right for many applications. The chessboard extraction algorithm it provides is shown to outperform openly available techniques. The second stage completes the procedure by providing automatic camera-laser calibration. The procedure has been verified by extensive experimental tests with the proposed algorithms providing a major reduction in time required from an operator in comparison to manual methods.


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This work aims to promote integrity in autonomous perceptual systems, with a focus on outdoor unmanned ground vehicles equipped with a camera and a 2D laser range finder. A method to check for inconsistencies between the data provided by these two heterogeneous sensors is proposed and discussed. First, uncertainties in the estimated transformation between the laser and camera frames are evaluated and propagated up to the projection of the laser points onto the image. Then, for each pair of laser scan-camera image acquired, the information at corners of the laser scan is compared with the content of the image, resulting in a likelihood of correspondence. The result of this process is then used to validate segments of the laser scan that are found to be consistent with the image, while inconsistent segments are rejected. Experimental results illustrate how this technique can improve the reliability of perception in challenging environmental conditions, such as in the presence of airborne dust.


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The design and synthesis of molecularly or supramolecularly defined interfacial architectures have seen in recent years a remarkable growth of interest and scientific research activities for various reasons. On the one hand, it is generally believed that the construction of an interactive interface between the living world of cells, tissue, or whole organisms and the (inorganic or organic) materials world of technical devices such as implants or medical parts requires proper construction and structural (and functional) control of this organism–machine interface. It is still the very beginning of generating a better understanding of what is needed to make an organism tolerate implants, to guarantee bidirectional communication between microelectronic devices and living tissue, or to simply construct interactive biocompatibility of surfaces in general. This exhaustive book lucidly describes the design, synthesis, assembly and characterization, and bio-(medical) applications of interfacial layers on solid substrates with molecularly or supramolecularly controlled architectures. Experts in the field share their contributions that have been developed in recent years.


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Structural investigations of large biomolecules in the gas phase are challenging. Herein, it is reported that action spectroscopy taking advantage of facile carbon-iodine bond dissociation can be used to examine the structures of large molecules, including whole proteins. Iodotyrosine serves as the active chromophore, which yields distinctive spectra depending on the solvation of the side chain by the remainder of the molecule. Isolation of the chromophore yields a double featured peak at ∼290 nm, which becomes a single peak with increasing solvation. Deprotonation of the side chain also leads to reduced apparent intensity and broadening of the action spectrum. The method can be successfully applied to both negatively and positively charged ions in various charge states, although electron detachment becomes a competitive channel for multiply charged anions. In all other cases, loss of iodine is by far the dominant channel which leads to high sensitivity and simple data analysis. The action spectra for iodotyrosine, the iodinated peptides KGYDAKA, DAYLDAG, and the small protein ubiquitin are reported in various charge states. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Much of what we currently understand about the structure and energetics of multiply charged anions in the gas phase is derived from the measurement of photoelectron spectra of simple dicarboxylate dianions. Here we have employed a modified linear ion-trap mass spectrometer to undertake complementary investigations of the ionic products resulting from laser-initiated electron photodetachment of two model dianions. Electron photodetachment (ePD) of the \[M-2H](2-) dianions formed from glutaric and adipic acid were found to result in a significant loss of ion signal overall, which is consistent with photoelectron studies that report the emission of slow secondary electrons (Xing et al., 2010 \[201). The ePD mass spectra reveal no signals corresponding to the intact \[M-2H](center dot-) radical anions, but rather \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) ions are identified as the only abundant ionic products indicating that spontaneous decarboxylation follows ejection of the first electron. Interestingly however, investigations of the structure and energetics of the \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) photoproducts by ion-molecule reaction and electronic structure calculation indicate that (i) these ions are stable with respect to secondary electron detachment and (ii) most of the ion population retains a distonic radical anion structure where the radical remains localised at the position of the departed carboxylate moiety. These observations lead to the conclusion that the mechanism for loss of ion signal involves unimolecular rearrangement reactions of the nascent \[M-2H](center dot-) carbonyloxyl radical anions that compete favourably with direct decarboxylation. Several possible rearrangement pathways that facilitate electron detachment from the radical anion are identified and are computed to be energetically accessible. Such pathways provide an explanation for prior observations of slow secondary electron features in the photoelectron spectra of the same dicaboxylate dianions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Radical-directed dissociation of gas phase ions is emerging as a powerful and complementary alternative to traditional tandem mass spectrometric techniques for biomolecular structural analysis. Previous studies have identified that coupling of 2-[(2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl)methyl] benzoic acid (TEMPO-Bz) to the N-terminus of a peptide introduces a labile oxygen-carbon bond that can be selectively activated upon collisional activation to produce a radical ion. Here we demonstrate that structurally-defined peptide radical ions can also be generated upon UV laser photodissociation of the same TEMPO-Bz derivatives in a linear ion-trap mass spectrometer. When subjected to further mass spectrometric analyses, the radical ions formed by a single laser pulse undergo identical dissociations as those formed by collisional activation of the same precursor ion, and can thus be used to derive molecular structure. Mapping the initial radical formation process as a function of photon energy by photodissociation action spectroscopy reveals that photoproduct formation is selective but occurs only in modest yield across the wavelength range (300-220 nm), with the photoproduct yield maximised between 235 and 225 nm. Based on the analysis of a set of model compounds, structural modifications to the TEMPO-Bz derivative are suggested to optimise radical photoproduct yield. Future development of such probes offers the advantage of increased sensitivity and selectivity for radical-directed dissociation. © 2014 the Owner Societies.


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We recently developed a binding assay format by incorporating native transmembrane receptors into artificial phospholipid bilayers on biosensor devices for surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. By extending the method to surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS), sensitive recording of the association of even very small ligands is enabled. Herewith, we monitored binding of synthetic mono- and oligomeric RGD-based peptides and peptidomimetics to integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5, after having confirmed correct orientation and functionality of membrane-embedded integrins. We evaluated integrin binding of RGD multimers linked together via aminohexanoic acid (Ahx) spacers and showed that the dimer revealed higher binding activity than the tetramer, followed by the RGD monomers. The peptidomimetic was also found to be highly active with a slightly higher selectivity toward alphavbeta3. The different compounds were also evaluated in in vitro cell adhesion tests for their capacity to interfere with alphavbeta3-mediated cell attachment to vitronectin. We hereby demonstrated that the different RGD monomers were similarly effective; the RGD dimer and tetramer showed comparable IC50 values, which were, however, significantly higher than those of the monomers. Best cell detachment from vitronectin was achieved by the peptidomimetic. The novel SPFS-binding assay platform proves to be a suitable, reliable, and sensitive method to monitor the binding capacity of small ligands to native transmembrane receptors, here demonstrated for integrins.


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Maxwellite NaFe3+(AsO4)F is an arsenate mineral containing fluoride and forms a continuous series with tilasite CaMg(AsO4)F. Both maxwellite and tilasite form a continuous series with durangite NaAl3+(AsO4)-F. We have used the combination of scanning electron microscopy with EDS and vibrational spectroscopy to chemically analyse the mineral maxwellite and make an assessment of the molecular structure. Chemical analysis shows that maxwellite is composed of Fe, Na and Ca with minor amounts of Mn and Al. Raman bands for tilasite at 851 and 831 cm�1 are assigned to the Raman active m1 symmetric stretching vibration (A1) and the Raman active triply degenerate m3 antisymmetric stretching vibration (F2). The Raman band of maxwellite at 871 cm�1 is assigned to the m1 symmetric stretching vibration and the Raman band at 812 cm�1 is assigned to the m3 antisymmetric stretching vibration. The intense Raman band of tilasite at 467 cm�1 is assigned to the Raman active triply degenerate m4 bending vibration (F2). Raman band at 331 cm�1 for tilasite is assigned to the Raman active doubly degenerate m2 symmetric bending vibration (E). Both Raman and infrared spectroscopy do not identify any bands in the hydroxyl stretching region as is expected.