280 resultados para pregnancy specific beta1 glycoprotein


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Background: Health policy, guidelines, and standards advocate giving patients comprehensive information and facilitating their involvement in health-related decision-making. Routine assessment of patient reports of these processes is needed. Our objective was to examine decision-making processes, specifically information provision and consumer involvement in decision-making, for nine pregnancy, labour, and birth procedures, as reported by maternity care consumers in Queensland, Australia. Methods: Participants were women who had a live birth in Queensland in a specified time period and were not found to have had a baby that died since birth, who completed the extended Having a Baby in Queensland Survey, 2010 about their maternity care experiences, and who reported at least one of the nine procedures of interest. For each procedure, women answered two questions that measured perceived (i) receipt of information about the benefits and risks of the procedure and (ii) role in decision-making about the procedure. Results: In all, 3,542 eligible women (34.2%) completed the survey. Between 4% (for pre-labour caesarean section) and 60% (for vaginal examination) of women reported not being informed of the benefits and risks of the procedure they experienced. Between 2% (epidural) and 34% (episiotomy) of women reported being unconsulted in decision-making. Over one quarter (26%) of the women who experienced episiotomy reported being neither informed nor consulted. Conclusions: There is an urgent need for interventions that facilitate information provision and consumer involvement in decision-making about several perinatal procedures, especially those performed within the time-limited intrapartum care episode.


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High-resolution, high-contrast, three-dimensional images of live cell and tissue architecture can be obtained using second harmonic generation (SHG), which comprises non-absorptive frequency changes in an excitation laser line. SHG does not require any exogenous antibody or fluorophore labeling, and can generate images from unstained sections of several key endogenous biomolecules, in a wide variety of species and from different types of processed tissue. Here, we examined normal control human skin sections and human burn scar tissues using SHG on a multi-photon microscope (MPM). Examination and comparison of normal human skin and burn scar tissue demonstrated a clear arrangement of fibers in the dermis, similar to dermal collagen fiber signals. Fluorescence-staining confirmed the MPM-SHG collagen colocalization with antibody staining for dermal collagen type-I but not fibronectin or elastin. Furthermore, we were able to detect collagen MPM-SHG signal in human frozen sections as well as in unstained paraffin embedded tissue sections that were then compared with hematoxylin and eosin staining in the identical sections. This same approach was also successful in localizing collagen in porcine and ovine skin samples, and may be particularly important when species-specific antibodies may not be available. Collectively, our results demonstrate that MPM SHG-detection is a useful tool for high resolution examination of collagen architecture in both normal and wounded human, porcine and ovine dermal tissue.


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Early to mid-term fetuses heal cutaneous incisional wounds without scars; however, fetal response to burn injury has not been ascertained. We present a fetal model of thermal injury and subsequent analysis of fetal and lamb response to burn injury. A reproducible deep dermal burn injury was created in the fetus by application of water at 66 degrees C for 7 seconds, and at 82 degrees C for 10 seconds to the lamb. Macroscopically, the area of fetal scald was undetectable from day 7 post injury, while all lamb scalds were readily identified and eventually healed with scarring. Using a five-point histopathology scoring system for alteration in tissue morphology, differences were detected between control and scalded skin at all stages in lamb postburn, but no difference was detected in the fetal model after day 7. There were also large differences in content of alpha-smooth muscle actin and transforming growth factor-beta1 between control and scalded lamb and these differences were statistically significant at day 14 (P < 0.01). This novel model of fetal and lamb response to deep dermal injury indicates that the fetus heals a deep burn injury in a scarless fashion. Further elucidation of this specific fetal process of burn injury repair may lead to improved outcome for patients with burn injury.


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Fibrogenic stresses promote progression of renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis, disparately affecting survival, proliferation and trans-differentiation of intrinsic renal cell populations through ill-defined biomolecular pathways. We investigated the effect of fibrogenic stresses on the activation of cell-specific mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in renal fibroblast, epithelial and endothelial cell populations. The relative outcomes (cell death, proliferation, trans-differentiation) associated with activation or inhibition of extracellular-regulated protein kinase (ERK) or stress activated/c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) were analysed in each renal cell population after challenge with oxidative stress (1 mmol/L H2O2), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1, 10 ng/mL) or tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha, 50 ng/mL) over 0-20 h. Apoptosis increased significantly in all cell types after oxidative stress (P < 0.05). In fibroblasts, oxidative stress caused the activation of ERK (pERK) but not JNK (pJNK). Inhibition of ERK by PD98059 supported its role in a fibroblast death pathway. In epithelial and endothelial cells, oxidative stress-induced apoptosis was preceded by early induction of pERK, but its inhibition did not support a pro-apoptotic role. Early ERK activity may be conducive to their survival or promote the trans-differentiation of epithelial cells. In epithelial and endothelial cells, oxidative stress induced pJNK acutely. Pretreatment with SP600125 (JNK inhibitor) verified its pro-apoptotic activity only in epithelial cells. Transforming growth factor-beta1 did not significantly alter mitosis or apoptosis in any of the cell types, nor did it alter MAPK activity. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha caused increased apoptosis with no associated change in MAPK activity. Our results demonstrate renal cell-specific differences in the activation of ERK and JNK following fibrotic insult, which may be useful for targeting excessive fibroblast proliferation in chronic fibrosis.


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BACKGROUND Tubulointerstitial lesions, characterized by tubular injury, interstitial fibrosis and the appearance of myofibroblasts, are the strongest predictors of the degree and progression of chronic renal failure. These lesions are typically preceded by macrophage infiltration of the tubulointerstitium, raising the possibility that these inflammatory cells promote progressive renal disease through fibrogenic actions on resident tubulointerstitial cells. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the potentially fibrogenic mechanisms of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), a macrophage-derived pro-inflammatory cytokine, on human proximal tubule cells (PTC). METHODS Confluent, quiescent, passage 2 PTC were established in primary culture from histologically normal segments of human renal cortex (N = 11) and then incubated in serum- and hormone-free media supplemented with either IL-1beta (0 to 4 ng/mL) or vehicle (control). RESULTS IL-1beta significantly enhanced fibronectin secretion by up to fourfold in a time- and concentration-dependent fashion. This was accompanied by significant (2.5- to 6-fold) increases in alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) expression, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta1) secretion, nitric oxide (NO) production, NO synthase 2 (NOS2) mRNA and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. Cell proliferation was dose-dependently suppressed by IL-1beta. NG-methyl-l-arginine (L-NMMA; 1 mmol/L), a specific inhibitor of NOS, blocked NO production but did not alter basal or IL-1beta-stimulated fibronectin secretion. In contrast, a pan-specific TGF-beta neutralizing antibody significantly blocked the effects of IL-1beta on PTC fibronectin secretion (IL-1beta, 268.1 +/- 30.6 vs. IL-1beta+alphaTGF-beta 157.9 +/- 14.4%, of control values, P < 0.001) and DNA synthesis (IL-1beta 81.0 +/- 6.7% vs. IL-1beta+alphaTGF-beta 93.4 +/- 2.1%, of control values, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION IL-1beta acts on human PTC to suppress cell proliferation, enhance fibronectin production and promote alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. These actions appear to be mediated by a TGF-beta1 dependent mechanism and are independent of nitric oxide release.


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Background Physical symptoms are common in pregnancy and are predominantly associated with normal physiological changes. These symptoms have a social and economic cost, leading to absenteeism from work and additional medical interventions. There is currently no simple method for identifying common pregnancy related problems in the antenatal period. A validated tool, for use by pregnancy care providers would be useful. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory for use by health professionals. Methods A list of symptoms was generated via expert consultation with health professionals. Focus groups were conducted with pregnant women. The inventory was tested for face validity and piloted for readability and comprehension. For test-re-test reliability, the tool was administered to the same women 2 to 3 days apart. Finally, midwives trialled the inventory for 1 month and rated its usefulness on a 10cm visual analogue scale (VAS). Results A 41-item Likert inventory assessing how often symptoms occurred and what effect they had, was developed. Individual item test re-test reliability was between .51 to 1, the majority (34 items) scoring ≥0.70. The top four “often” reported symptoms were urinary frequency (52.2%), tiredness (45.5%), poor sleep (27.5%) and back pain (19.5%). Among the women surveyed, 16.2% claimed to sometimes or often be incontinent. Referrals to the incontinence nurse increased > 8 fold during the study period. Conclusions The PSI provides a comprehensive inventory of pregnancy related symptoms, with a mechanism for assessing their effect on function. It was robustly developed, with good test re-test reliability, face validity, comprehension and readability. This provides a validated tool for assessing the impact of interventions in pregnancy.


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Understanding the antecedents of work-family conflict is important as it allows organisations to effectively engage in work design for professional employees. This study examines the impact of sources of social support as antecedents of work-family conflict. The hypotheses were tests using Partial Least Squares modelling on a sample of 366 professional employees. The path model showed that context-specific stressors impacted positively on job demand, which led to higher levels of work-family conflict. Contrary to our expectation, non-work related social support did not have any statistical relationship with job demand and work-family conflict. In addition, individuals experiencing high job demands were found to obtain more social support from both work and non-work-related sources. Individuals with more work-related social support were less likely to have less work-family conflict. Surprisingly, non-work social support sources had no statistically significant relationship with work-family conflict.


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The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is believed to be a critical relay between the central nucleus of the amygdala (CE) and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in the control of hypothalamic–pituitary– adrenal (HPA) responses elicited by conditioned fear stimuli. If correct, lesions of CE or BNST should block expression of HPA responses elicited by either a specific conditioned fear cue or a conditioned context. To test this, rats were subjected to cued (tone) or contextual classical fear conditioning. Two days later, electrolytic or sham lesions were placed in CE or BNST. After 5 days, the rats were tested for both behavioral (freezing) and neuroendocrine (corticosterone) responses to tone or contextual cues. CE lesions attenuated conditioned freezing and corticosterone responses to both tone and con- text. In contrast, BNST lesions attenuated these responses to contextual but not tone stimuli. These results suggest CE is indeed an essential output of the amygdala for the expres- sion of conditioned fear responses, including HPA re- sponses, regardless of the nature of the conditioned stimu- lus. However, because lesions of BNST only affected behav- ioral and endocrine responses to contextual stimuli, the results do not support the notion that BNST is critical for HPA responses elicited by conditioned fear stimuli in general. Instead, the BNST may be essential specifically for contex- tual conditioned fear responses, including both behavioral and HPA responses, by virtue of its connections with the hippocampus, a structure essential to contextual condition- ing. The results are also not consistent with the hypothesis that BNST is only involved in unconditioned aspects of fear and anxiety.


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The development of effective therapeutic strategies against prostate cancer bone metastases has been impeded by the lack of adequate animal models that are able to recapitulate the biology of the disease in humans. Bioengineered approaches allow researchers to create sophisticated experimentally and physiologically relevant in vivo models to study interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment under reproducible conditions. The aim of this study was to engineer a morphologically and functionally intact humanized organ bone which can serve as a homing site for human prostate cancer cells. Transplantation of biodegradable tubular composite scaffolds seeded with human mesenchymal progenitor cells and loaded with rhBMP-7 resulted in the development of a chimeric bone construct including a large number of human mesenchymal cells which were shown to be metabolically active and capable of producing extracellular matrix components. Micro-CT analysis demonstrated that the newly formed ossicle recapitulated the morphological features of a physiological organ bone with a trabecular network surrounded by a cortex-like outer structure. This microenvironment was supportive of the lodgement and maintenance of murine haematopoietic cell clusters, thus mimicking a functional organ bone. Bioluminescence imaging demonstrated that luciferase-transduced human PC3 cells reproducibly homed to the humanized tissue engineered bone constructs, proliferated, and developed macro-metastases. This model allows the analysis of interactions between human prostate cancer cells and a functional humanized bone organ within an immuno-incompetent murine host. The system can serve as a reproducible platform to study effects of therapeutics against prostate cancer bone metastases within a humanized microenvironment.


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Term-based approaches can extract many features in text documents, but most include noise. Many popular text-mining strategies have been adapted to reduce noisy information from extracted features; however, text-mining techniques suffer from low frequency. The key issue is how to discover relevance features in text documents to fulfil user information needs. To address this issue, we propose a new method to extract specific features from user relevance feedback. The proposed approach includes two stages. The first stage extracts topics (or patterns) from text documents to focus on interesting topics. In the second stage, topics are deployed to lower level terms to address the low-frequency problem and find specific terms. The specific terms are determined based on their appearances in relevance feedback and their distribution in topics or high-level patterns. We test our proposed method with extensive experiments in the Reuters Corpus Volume 1 dataset and TREC topics. Results show that our proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models.


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Software to create individualised finite element (FE) models of the osseoligamentous spine using pre-operative computed tomography (CT) data-sets for spinal surgery patients has recently been developed. This study presents a geometric sensitivity analysis of this software to assess the effect of intra-observer variability in user-selected anatomical landmarks. User-selected landmarks on the osseous anatomy were defined from CT data-sets for three scoliosis patients and these landmarks were used to reconstruct patient-specific anatomy of the spine and ribcage using parametric descriptions. The intra-observer errors in landmark co-ordinates for these anatomical landmarks were calculated. FE models of the spine and ribcage were created using the reconstructed anatomy for each patient and these models were analysed for a loadcase simulating clinical flexibility assessment. The intra-observer error in the anatomical measurements was low in comparison to the initial dimensions, with the exception of the angular measurements for disc wedge and zygapophyseal joint (z-joint) orientation and disc height. This variability suggested that CT resolution may influence such angular measurements, particularly for small anatomical features, such as the z-joints, and may also affect disc height. The results of the FE analysis showed low variation in the model predictions for spinal curvature with the mean intra-observer variability substantially less than the accepted error in clinical measurement. These findings demonstrate that intra-observer variability in landmark point selection has minimal effect on the subsequent FE predictions for a clinical loadcase.


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Gene expression profiling using microarrays and xenograft transplants of human cancer cell lines are both popular tools to investigate human cancer. However, the undefined degree of cross hybridization between the mouse and human genomes hinders the use of microarrays to characterize gene expression of both the host and the cancer cell within the xenograft. Since an increasingly recognized aspect of cancer is the host response (or cancer-stroma interaction), we describe here a bioinformatic manipulation of the Affymetrix profiling that allows interrogation of the gene expression of both the mouse host and the human tumour. Evidence of microenvironmental regulation of epithelial mesenchymal transition of the tumour component in vivo is resolved against a background of mesenchymal gene expression. This tool could allow deeper insight to the mechanism of action of anti-cancer drugs, as typically novel drug efficacy is being tested in xenograft systems.


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The expression of transgenes in plant genomes can be inhibited by either transcriptional gene silencing or posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Overexpression of the chalcone synthase-A (CHS-A) transgene triggers PTGS of CHS-A and thus results in loss of flower pigmentation in petunia. We previously demonstrated that epigenetic inactivation of CHS-A transgene transcription leads to a reversion of the PTGS phenotype. Although neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII), a marker gene co-introduced into the genome with the CHS-A transgene, is not normally silenced in petunia, even when CHS-A is silenced, here we found that nptII was silenced in a petunia line in which CHS-A PTGS was induced, but not in the revertant plants that had no PTGS of CHS-A. Transcriptional activity, accumulation of short interfering RNAs, and restoration of mRNA level after infection with viruses that had suppressor proteins of gene silencing indicated that the mechanism for nptII silencing was posttranscriptional. Read-through transcripts of the CHS-A gene toward the nptII gene were detected. Deep-sequencing analysis revealed a striking difference between the predominant size class of small RNAs produced from the read-through transcripts (22 nt) and that from the CHS-A RNAs (21 nt). These results implicate the involvement of read-through transcription and distinct phases of RNA degradation in the coincident PTGS of linked transgenes and provide new insights into the destabilization of transgene expression.


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Background Parents play a significant role in shaping youth physical activity (PA). However, interventions targeting PA parenting have been ineffective. Methodological inconsistencies related to the measurement of parental influences may be a contributing factor. The purpose of this article is to review the extant peer-reviewed literature related to the measurement of general and specific parental influences on youth PA. Methods A systematic review of studies measuring constructs of PA parenting was conducted. Computerized searches were completed using PubMed, MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, SPORTDiscus, and PsycINFO. Reference lists of the identified articles were manually reviewed as well as the authors' personal collections. Articles were selected on the basis of strict inclusion criteria and details regarding the measurement protocols were extracted. A total of 117 articles met the inclusionary criteria. Methodological articles that evaluated the validity and reliability of PA parenting measures (n=10) were reviewed separately from parental influence articles (n=107). Results A significant percentage of studies used measures with indeterminate validity and reliability. A significant percentage of articles did not provide sample items, describe the response format, or report the possible range of scores. No studies were located that evaluated sensitivity to change. Conclusion The reporting of measurement properties and the use of valid and reliable measurement scales need to be improved considerably.


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English for specific purposes is a critical, but often under-researched, area in the fields of TESOL and Applied Linguistics, so the publication of a collection on this topic is a very positive development for those who work and/or research in the area.