262 resultados para Vehicle Ownership.


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Solutions to remedy the voltage disturbances have been mostly suggested only for industrial customers. However, not much research has been done on the impact of the voltage problems on residential facilities. This paper proposes a new method to reduce the effect of voltage dip and swell in smart grids equipped by communication systems. To reach this purpose, a voltage source inverter and the corresponding control system are employed. The behavior of a power system during voltage dip and swell are analyzed. The results demonstrate reasonable improvement in terms of voltage dip and swell mitigation. All simulations are implemented in MATLAB/Simulink environment.


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This study assessed the revised Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS), as conceptualised by Gray and McNaughton’s (2000) revised RST, by exposing participants to a loss-framed road safety message (emphasising the negative consequences of speeding behaviour) and a high performance motor vehicle promotional advertisement. Licensed young drivers (N = 40, aged 17–25 years) were randomly allocated to view either the message or both the message and advertisement. Participants then completed a computerised lexical decision task prior to completing three personality measures: Corr-Cooper RST-PQ, CARROT and Q-Task. It was predicted that those with a stronger BIS would demonstrate greater processing of these mixed message cues compared to weaker BIS individuals, and that this BIS effect would only be observed in the mixed cues condition (due to simultaneous activation of the incentive and punishment systems). Preliminary findings will be discussed in the context of the influence of personality traits on health message processing.


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Real-time image analysis and classification onboard robotic marine vehicles, such as AUVs, is a key step in the realisation of adaptive mission planning for large-scale habitat mapping in previously unexplored environments. This paper describes a novel technique to train, process, and classify images collected onboard an AUV used in relatively shallow waters with poor visibility and non-uniform lighting. The approach utilises Förstner feature detectors and Laws texture energy masks for image characterisation, and a bag of words approach for feature recognition. To improve classification performance we propose a usefulness gain to learn the importance of each histogram component for each class. Experimental results illustrate the performance of the system in characterisation of a variety of marine habitats and its ability to operate onboard an AUV's main processor suitable for real-time mission planning.


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This paper describes the experimental evaluation of a novel Autonomous Surface Vehicle capable of navigating complex inland water reservoirs and measuring a range of water quality properties and greenhouse gas emissions. The 16 ft long solar powered catamaran is capable of collecting water column profiles whilst in motion. It is also directly integrated with a reservoir scale floating sensor network to allow remote mission uploads, data download and adaptive sampling strategies. This paper describes the onboard vehicle navigation and control algorithms as well as obstacle avoidance strategies. Experimental results are shown demonstrating its ability to maintain track and avoid obstacles on a variety of large-scale missions and under differing weather conditions, as well as its ability to continuously collect various water quality parameters complimenting traditional manual monitoring campaigns.


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This paper describes a novel Autonomous Surface Vehicle capable of navigating throughout complex inland water storages and measuring a range of water quality properties and greenhouse gas emissions. The 16 ft long solar powered catamaran can collect this information throughout the water column whilst the vehicle is moving. A unique feature of this ASV is its integration into a storage scale floating sensor network to allow remote mission uploads, data download and adaptive sampling strategies. This paper provides an overview of the vehicle design and operation including control, laser-based obstacle avoidance, and vision-based inspection capabilities. Experimental results are shown illustrating its ability to continuously collect key water quality parameters and compliment intensive manual monitoring campaigns.


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This paper describes the development of a novel vision-based autonomous surface vehicle with the purpose of performing coordinated docking manoeuvres with a target, such as an autonomous underwater vehicle, at the water's surface. The system architecture integrates two small processor units; the first performs vehicle control and implements a virtual force based docking strategy, with the second performing vision-based target segmentation and tracking. Furthermore, the architecture utilises wireless sensor network technology allowing the vehicle to be observed by, and even integrated within an ad-hoc sensor network. Simulated and experimental results are presented demonstrating the autonomous vision- based docking strategy on a proof-of-concept vehicle.


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Musculoskeletal pain is commonly reported by police officers. A potential cause of officer discomfort is a mismatch between vehicle seats and the method used for carrying appointments. Twenty-five police officers rated their discomfort while seated in: (1) a standard police vehicle seat, and (2) a vehicle seat custom-designed for police use. Discomfort was recorded in both seats while wearing police appointments on: (1) a traditional appointments belt, and (2) a load-bearing vest / belt combination (LBV). Sitting in the standard vehicle seat and carrying appointments on a traditional appointments belt were both associated with significantly elevated discomfort. Four vehicle seat features were most implicated as contributing to discomfort: back rest bolster prominence; lumbar region support; seat cushion width; and seat cushion bolster depth. Authorising the carriage of appointments using a LBV is a lower cost solution with potential to reduce officer discomfort. Furthermore, the introduction of custom-designed vehicle seats should be considered.


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The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have been epitomized by the insurgents’ use of the improvised explosive device against vehicle-borne security forces. These weapons, capable of causing multiple severely injured casualties in a single incident, pose the most prevalent single threat to Coalition troops operating in the region. Improvements in personal protection and medical care have resulted in increasing numbers of casualties surviving with complex lower limb injuries, often leading to long-term disability. Thus, there exists an urgent requirement to investigate and mitigate against the mechanism of extremity injury caused by these devices. This will necessitate an ontological approach, linking molecular, cellular and tissue interaction to physiological dysfunction. This can only be achieved via a collaborative approach between clinicians, natural scientists and engineers, combining physical and numerical modelling tools with clinical data from the battlefield. In this article, we compile existing knowledge on the effects of explosions on skeletal injury, review and critique relevant experimental and computational research related to lower limb injury and damage and propose research foci required to drive the development of future mitigation technologies.


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Blast mats that can be retrofitted to the floor of military vehicles are considered to reduce the risk of injury from under‐vehicle explosions. Anthropometric test devices (ATDs) are validated for use only in the seated position. The aim of this study was to use a traumatic injury simulator fitted with 3 different blast mats in order to assess the ability of 2 ATD designs to evaluate the protective capacity of the mats in 2 occupant postures under 2 severities. Tests were performed for each combination of mat design, ATD, severity and posture using an antivehicle under‐belly injury simulator. The differences between mitigation systems were larger under the H‐III compared to the MiL‐Lx. There was little difference in how the 2 ATDs and how posture ranked the mitigation systems. Results from this study suggest that conclusions obtained by testing in the seated position can be extrapolated to the standing. However, the different percentage reductions observed in the 2 ATDs suggests different levels of protection. It is therefore unclear which ATD should be used to assess such mitigation systems. A correlation between cadavers and ATDs on the protection offered by blast mats is required in order to elucidate this issue.


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The lower limb of military vehicle occupants has been the most injured body part due to undervehicle explosions in recent conflicts. Understanding the injury mechanism and causality of injury severity could aid in developing better protection. Therefore, we tested 4 different occupant postures (seated, brace, standing, standing with knee locked in hyper‐extension) in a simulated under‐vehicle explosion (solid blast) using our traumatic injury simulator in the laboratory; we hypothesised that occupant posture would affect injury severity. No skeletal injury was observed in the specimens in seated and braced postures. Severe, impairing injuries were observed in the foot of standing and hyper‐extended specimens. These results demonstrate that a vehicle occupant whose posture at the time of the attack incorporates knee flexion is more likely to be protected against severe skeletal injury to the lower leg.


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Lower extremities are particularly susceptible to injury in an under‐vehicle explosion. Operational fitness of military vehicles is assessed through anthropometric test devices (ATDs) in full‐scale blast tests. The aim of this study was to compare the response between the Hybrid‐III ATD, the MiL‐Lx ATD and cadavers in our traumatic injury simulator, which is able to replicate the response of the vehicle floor in an under‐vehicle explosion. All specimens were fitted with a combat boot and tested on our traumatic injury simulator in a seated position. The load recorded in the ATDs was above the tolerance levels recommended by NATO in all tests; no injuries were observed in any of the 3 cadaveric specimens. The Hybrid‐III produced higher peak forces than the MiL‐Lx. The time to peak strain in the calcaneus of the cadavers was similar to the time to peak force in the ATDs. Maximum compression of the sole of the combat boot was similar for cadavers and MiL‐Lx, but significantly greater for the Hybrid‐III. These results suggest that the MiL‐Lx has a more biofidelic response to under‐vehicle explosive events compared to the Hybrid‐III. Therefore, it is recommended that mitigation strategies are assessed using the MiL‐Lx surrogate and not the Hybrid‐III.


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The present study focused on simulating a trajectory point towards the end of the first experimental heatshield of the FIRE II vehicle, at a total flight time of 1639.53s. Scale replicas were sized according to binary scaling and instrumented with thermocouples for testing in the X1 expansion tube, located at The University of Queensland. Correlation of flight to experimental data was achieved through the separation, and independent treatment of the heat modes. Preliminary investigation indicates that the absolute value of radiant surface flux is conserved between two binary scaled models, whereas convective heat transfer increases with the length scale. This difference in the scaling techniques result in the overall contribution of radiative heat transfer diminishing to less than 1% in expansion tubes from a flight value of approximately 9-17%. From empirical correlation's it has been shown that the St √Re number decreases, under special circumstances, in expansion tubes by the percentage radiation present on the flight vehicle. Results obtained in this study give a strong indication that the relative radiative heat transfer contribution in the expansion tube tests is less than that in flight, supporting the analysis that the absolute value remains constant with binary scaling.


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Bandwidths and offsets are important components in vehicle traffic control strategies. This article proposes new methods for quantifying and selecting them. Bandwidth is the amount of green time available for vehicles to travel through adjacent intersections without the requirement to stop at the second traffic light. The offset is the difference between the starting-time of ``green'' periods at two adjacent intersections, along a given route. The core ideas in this article were developed during the 2013 Maths and Industry Study Group in Brisbane, Australia. Analytical expressions for computing bandwidth, as a function of offset, are developed. An optimisation model, for selecting offsets across an arterial, is proposed. Arterial roads were focussed upon, as bandwidth and offset have a greater impact on these types of road as opposed to a full traffic network. A generic optimisation-simulation approach is also proposed to refine an initial starting solution, according to a specified metric. A metric that reflects the number of stops, and the distance between stops, is proposed to explicitly reduce the dissatisfaction of road users, and to implicitly reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Conceptually the optimisation-simulation approach is superior as it handles real-life complexities and is a global optimisation approach. The models and equations in this article can be used in road planning and traffic control.