263 resultados para Stretching modes


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The presence of arsenic in the environment is a hazard. The accumulation of arsenate by a range of cations in the formation of minerals provides a mechanism for the accumulation of arsenate. The formation of the tsumcorite minerals is an example of a series of minerals which accumulate arsenate. There are about twelve examples in this mineral group. Raman spectroscopy offers a method for the analysis of these minerals. The structure of selected tsumcorite minerals with arsenate and sulphate anions were analysed by Raman spectroscopy. Isomorphic substitution of sulphate for arsenate is observed for gartrellite and thometzekite. A comparison is made with the sulphate bearing mineral natrochalcite. The position of the hydroxyl and water stretching vibrations are related to the strength of the hydrogen bond formed between the OH unit and the AsO43- anion. Characteristic Raman spectra of the minerals enable the assignment of the bands to specific vibrational modes.


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Shattuckite Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2 is a copper hydroxy silicate and is commonly known as a ‘healing’ mineral. Three shattuckite mineral samples from three different origins were analysed by Raman spectroscopy. Some Raman bands are common in the spectra of the minerals. Raman bands at around 890, 1058 and 1102 are described as the ν3 –SiO3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The Raman band at 670 cm-1 is assigned to the ν4 bending modes of the -SiO3 units and the band at around 785 cm-1is due to Si-O-Si chain stretching mode. Raman (and infrared) spectroscopy proves that water is in the molecular structure of shattuckite; thus the formula is better written as Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2•xH2O.


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Kinoite Ca2Cu2Si3O10(OH)4 is a mineral named after a Jesuit missionary. Raman and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterise the structure of the mineral. The Raman spectrum is characterised by an intense sharp band at 847 cm-1 assigned to the ν1 (A1g) symmetric stretching vibration. Intense sharp bands at 951, 994 and 1000 cm-1 are assigned to the ν3 (Eu, A2u, B1g) SiO4 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Multiple ν2 SiO4 vibrational modes indicate strong distortion of the SiO4 tetrahedra. Multiple CaO and CuO stretching bands are observed. Raman spectroscopy confirmed by infrared spectroscopy clearly shows that hydroxyl units are involved in the kinoite structure. Based upon the infrared spectra, it is proposed that water is also involved in the kinoite structure. Based upon vibrational spectroscopy, the formula of kinoite is defined as Ca2Cu2Si3O10(OH)4•xH2O.


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Purpose: Experimental measurements have been made to investigate meaning of the change in voltage for the pulse gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) process operating under different drop transfer modes. Design/methodology/approach: Welding experiments with different values of pulsing parameter and simultaneous recording of high speed camera pictures and welding signals (such as current and voltage) were used to identify different drop transfer modes in GMAW-P. The investigation is based on the synchronization of welding signals and high speed camera to study the behaviour of voltage signal under different drop transfer modes. Findings: The results reveal that the welding arc is significantly affected by the molten droplet detachment. In fact, results indicate that sudden increase and drop in voltage just before and after the drop detachment can be used to characterize the voltage behaviour of different drop transfer mode in GMAW-P. Research limitations/implications: The results show that voltage signal carry rich information about different drop transfer occurring in GMAW-P. Hence it’s possible to detect different drop transfer modes. Future work should concentrate on development of filters for detection of different drop transfer modes. Originality/value: Determination of drop transfer mode with GMAW-P is crucial for the appropriate selection of pulse welding parameters. As change in drop transfer mode results in poor weld quality in GMAW-P, so in order to estimate the working parameters and ensure stable GMAW-P understanding the voltage behaviour of different drop transfer modes in GMAW-P will be useful. However, in case of GMAW-P hardly any attempt is made to analyse the behaviour of voltage signal for different drop transfer modes. This paper analyses the voltage signal behaviour of different drop transfer modes for GMAW-P.


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In an era of normative standardised literacy curriculum continuing to make space for culturally responsive literacy pedagogy is on ongoing challenge for early childhood educators. Collaborative participatory research and ethnographic studies of teachers who accomplish innovative and inclusive early childhood education in culturally diverse high poverty communities is urgent for the profession. Such pedagogies involve complex understandings of the cultural and political histories, and the dynamic potential, of the places in which school communities are located. By incorporating the study of local histories and biographies and researching neighbourhood changes teachers adapt mandated curriculum to maintain community knowledges and allow for positive identity work at the same time as they meet the authorised systems objectives. When teachers work with children as co-researchers through the study of people's lives in particular places and times, the community and its complex histories become a rich resource for young people's literacy repertoires.


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In order to mimic the formation of archerite in cave minerals, the mineral analogue has been synthesised. The cave mineral is formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates. X-ray diffraction proves that the synthesised archerite analogue was pure. The vibrational spectra of the synthesised mineral are compared with that of the natural cave mineral. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to H2PO4-, OH and NH stretching and bending vibrations. The Raman band at 917 cm-1 is assigned to the HOP stretching vibration of the H2PO4- units. Bands in the 1200 to 1800 cm-1 region are associated with NH4+ bending modes. Vibrational spectroscopy enables the molecular structure of archerite to be analysed.


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The multianion mineral gartrellite PbCu(Fe3+,Cu)(AsO4)2(OH,H2O)2 has been studied by a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The vibrational spectra of two gartrellite samples from Durango and Ashburton Downs were compared. Gartrellite is one of the tsumcorite mineral group based upon arsenate and sulphate anions. Crystal symmetry is either triclinic in the case of an ordered occupation of two cationic sites, triclinic due to ordering of the H bonds in the case of species with 2 water molecules per formula unit, or monoclinic in the other cases. Characteristic Raman spectra of the minerals enable the assignment of the bands to specific vibrational modes. These spectra are related to the structure of gartrellite. The position of the hydroxyl and water stretching vibrations are related to the strength of the hydrogen bond formed between the OH unit and the AsO4 anion.


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Stringhamite CaCuSiO4·H2O is a hydrated calcium copper silicate and is commonly known as a significant ‘healing’ mineral and is potentially a semi-precious jewel. Stringhamite is a neosilicate with Cu2+ in square planar coordination. Vibrational spectroscopy has been used to characterise the molecular structure of stringhamite. The intense sharp Raman band at 956 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 (A1g) symmetric stretching vibration. Raman bands at 980, 997, 1061 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 (A2u, B1g) antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Splitting of the ν3 vibrational mode supports the concept that the stringhamite SiO4 tetrahedron is strongly distorted. The intense bands at 505 and 519 cm−1 and at 570 cm−1 are assigned to the ν2 and ν4 vibrational modes. The question arises as to whether the mineral stringhamite can actually function as a healing mineral. An estimation of the solubility product at pH < 5 shows that the cupric ion can be released. The copper ion is a very powerful antibiological agent and thus the mineral stringhamite may well function as a healing mineral.


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Planchéite Cu8Si8O22(OH)4•H2O is a hydrated copper hydroxy silicate. The objective of this work is to use Raman and infrared spectroscopy to determine the molecular structure of planchéite. Raman bands of planchéite at around 1048, 1081 and 1127 are described as the ν1 –SiO3 symmetric stretching vibrations; Raman bands at 828, 906 are attributed to the ν3 –SiO3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The Raman band at 699 cm-1 is assigned to the ν4 bending modes of the -SiO3 units. The intense Raman band at 3479 cm-1 is ascribed to the stretching vibration of the OH units. The Raman band at 3250 cm-1 is evidence for water in the structure. A comparison of the spectra of planchéite with that of shattuckite and chrysocolla.


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Three wardite mineral samples from different origins have been analysed by vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is unusual in that it belongs to a unique symmetry class, namely the tetragonal-trapezohedral group. The structure of wardite contains layers of corner-linked –OH bridged MO6 octahedra stacked along the tetragonal C-axis in a four-layer sequence and linked by PO4 groups. Consequentially not all phosphate units are identical. Thus, two intense Raman bands observed at 995 and 1051 cm-1 are assigned to the ν1 PO43- symmetric stretching mode. Intense Raman bands are observed at 605 and 618 cm-1 with shoulders at 578 and 589 cm-1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO43-. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept of non-equivalent phosphate units in the structure. Sharp infrared bands are observed at 3544 and 3611 cm-1 are attributed to the OH stretching vibrations of the hydroxyl units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of wardite to be determined.


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This article explores the influence of new modes of governance on the production of criminological knowledge. In doing so, it examines the rise of discourses on risk and critiques the ways in which academic environments are changing under new managerialist philosophies. The article further explores the increasing 'commodification of criminological knowledge' and analyses its effect on contemporary criminological scholarship. Finally, this article examines the contours of critical criminological scholarship and advocates for a criminology of resistance.


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This paper focuses on the super/subsynchronous operation of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) system. The impact of a damping controller on the different modes of operation for the DFIG-based wind generation system is investigated. The coordinated tuning of the damping controller to enhance the damping of the oscillatory modes using bacteria foraging technique is presented. The results from eigenvalue analysis are presented to elucidate the effectiveness of the tuned damping controller in the DFIG system. The robustness issue of the damping controller is also investigated.


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The city and the urban condition, popular subjects of art, literature, and film, have been commonly represented as fragmented, isolating, violent, with silent crowds moving through the hustle and bustle of a noisy, polluted cityspace. Included in this diverse artistic field is children’s literature—an area of creative and critical inquiry that continues to play a central role in illuminating and shaping perceptions of the city, of city lifestyles, and of the people who traverse the urban landscape. Fiction’s textual representations of cities, its sites and sights, lifestyles and characters have drawn on traditions of realist, satirical, and fantastic writing to produce the protean urban story—utopian, dystopian, visionary, satirical—with the goal of offering an account or critique of the contemporary city and the urban condition. In writing about cities and urban life, children’s literature variously locates the child in relation to the social (urban) space. This dialogic relation between subject and social space has been at the heart of writings about/of the flâneur: a figure who experiences modes of being in the city as it transforms under the influences of modernism and postmodernism. Within this context of a changing urban ontology brought about by (post)modern styles and practices, this article examines five contemporary picture books: The Cows Are Going to Paris by David Kirby and Allen Woodman; Ooh-la-la (Max in love) by Maira Kalman; Mr Chicken Goes to Paris and Old Tom’s Holiday by Leigh Hobbs; and The Empty City by David Megarrity. I investigate the possibility of these texts reviving the act of flânerie, but in a way that enables different modes of being a flâneur, a neo-flâneur. I suggest that the neo-flâneur retains some of the characteristics of the original flâneur, but incorporates others that take account of the changes wrought by postmodernity and globalization, particularly tourism and consumption. The dual issue at the heart of the discussion is that tourism and consumption as agents of cultural globalization offer a different way of thinking about the phenomenon of flânerie. While the flâneur can be regarded as the precursor to the tourist, the discussion considers how different modes of flânerie, such as the tourist-flâneur, are an inevitable outcome of commodification of the activities that accompany strolling through the (post)modern urban space.


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Ajoite (K,Na)Cu7AlSi9O24(OH)6•3H2O is a mineral named after the Ajo district of Arizona. Raman and infrared spectroscopy were used to characterise the molecular structure of ajoite. The structure of the mineral shows disorder which is reflected in the difficulty of obtaining quality Raman spectra. The Raman spectrum is characterised by a broad spectral profile with a band at 1048 cm-1 assigned to the ν1 (A1g) symmetric stretching vibration. Strong bands at 962, 1015 and 1139 cm-1 are assigned to the ν3 SiO4 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Multiple ν4 SiO4 vibrational modes indicate strong distortion of the SiO4 tetrahedra. Multiple AlO and CuO stretching bands are observed. Raman spectroscopy and confirmed by infrared spectroscopy clearly shows that hydroxyl units are involved in the ajoite structure. Based upon the infrared spectra, water is involved in the ajoite structure, probably as zeolitic water.


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The molecular structure of the sodium borate mineral ameghinite NaB3O3(OH)4 has been determined by the use of vibrational spectroscopy. The crystal structure consists of isolated [B3O3(OH)4]- units formed by one tetrahedron and two triangles. H bonds and Na atoms link these polyanions to form a 3-dimensional framework. The Raman spectrum is dominated by an intense band at 1027 cm-1, attributed to BO stretching vibrations of both the trigonal and tetrahedral boron. A series of Raman bands at 1213, 1245 and 1281cm-1 are ascribed to BOH in-plane bending modes. The infrared spectra are characterized by strong overlap of broad multiple bands. An intense Raman band found at 620 cm-1 is attributed to the bending modes of trigonal and tetrahedral boron. Multiple Raman bands in the OH stretching region are observed at 3206, 3249 and 3385 cm-1. Raman spectroscopy coupled with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects about the molecular structure of the borate mineral ameghinite to be assessed.