189 resultados para Speech articulation tests


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Speech recognition in car environments has been identified as a valuable means for reducing driver distraction when operating noncritical in-car systems. Under such conditions, however, speech recognition accuracy degrades significantly, and techniques such as speech enhancement are required to improve these accuracies. Likelihood-maximizing (LIMA) frameworks optimize speech enhancement algorithms based on recognized state sequences rather than traditional signal-level criteria such as maximizing signal-to-noise ratio. LIMA frameworks typically require calibration utterances to generate optimized enhancement parameters that are used for all subsequent utterances. Under such a scheme, suboptimal recognition performance occurs in noise conditions that are significantly different from that present during the calibration session – a serious problem in rapidly changing noise environments out on the open road. In this chapter, we propose a dialog-based design that allows regular optimization iterations in order to track the ever-changing noise conditions. Experiments using Mel-filterbank noise subtraction (MFNS) are performed to determine the optimization requirements for vehicular environments and show that minimal optimization is required to improve speech recognition, avoid over-optimization, and ultimately assist with semireal-time operation. It is also shown that the proposed design is able to provide improved recognition performance over frameworks incorporating a calibration session only.


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Background: Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are appropriate for case management, but persistent antigenaemia is a concern for HRP2-detecting RDTs in endemic areas. It has been suggested that pan-pLDH test bands on combination RDTs could be used to distinguish persistent antigenaemia from active Plasmodium falciparum infection, however this assumes all active infections produce positive results on both bands of RDTs, an assertion that has not been demonstrated. Methods: In this study, data generated during the WHO-FIND product testing programme for malaria RDTs was reviewed to investigate the reactivity of individual test bands against P. falciparum in 18 combination RDTs. Each product was tested against multiple wild-type P. falciparum only samples. Antigen levels were measured by quantitative ELISA for HRP2, pLDH and aldolase. Results: When tested against P. falciparum samples at 200 parasites/μL, 92% of RDTs were positive; 57% of these on both the P. falciparum and pan bands, while 43% were positive on the P. falciparum band only. There was a relationship between antigen concentration and band positivity; ≥4 ng/mL of HRP2 produced positive results in more than 95% of P. falciparum bands, while ≥45 ng/mL of pLDH was required for at least 90% of pan bands to be positive. Conclusions: In active P. falciparum infections it is common for combination RDTs to return a positive HRP2 band combined with a negative pan-pLDH band, and when both bands are positive, often the pan band is faint. Thus active infections could be missed if the presence of a HRP2 band in the absence of a pan band is interpreted as being caused solely by persistent antigenaemia.


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Cold-formed steel members have many advantages over hot-rolled steel members. However, they are susceptible to various buckling modes at stresses below the yield stress of the member because of their relatively high width-to-thickness ratio. Web crippling is a form of localized failure mode that can occur when the members are subjected to transverse high concentrated loadings and/or reactions. The four common loading conditions are the end-one-flange (EOF), interior-one-flange (IOF), end-two-flange (ETF) and interior-two-flange (ITF) loadings. Recently a test method has been proposed by AISI to obtain the web crippling capacities under these four loading conditions. Using this test method 42 tests were conducted in this research to investigate the web crippling behaviour and strengths of unlipped channels with stocky webs under ETF and ITF cases. DuraGal sections having a nominal yield stress of 450 MPa were tested with different web slenderness and bearing lengths. The flanges of these channel sections were not fastened to the supports. In this research the suitability of the currently available design rules for unlipped channels subject to web crippling was investigated, and suitable modifications were proposed where necessary. In addition to this, a new design rule was proposed based on the direct strength method to predict the web crippling capacities of tested beams. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results.


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Thin profiled steel roof sheeting and battens are increasingly used in the construction of roofing systems of residential, commercial, industrial and farm buildings in Australia. The critical load combination of external wind suction and internal wind pressures that occur during high wind events such as thunderstorms and tropical cylcones often dislocate the roofing systems partially or even completely due to premature roof connection failures. Past wind damage investigations have shown that roof sheeting failures occured at their screw connections to battens. In most of these cases, the screw fastener head pulled through the thin roof sheeting whilst the screw fasteners also pulled out from the battens. Research studis undertaken on the roof sheeting to batten connection failures have improved this situation. However, the batten to rafter or truss connections have not been investigated adequately. Failure of these connections can cause the failure of the entire roof structure as observed during the recent high wind events. Therefore a detailed experimental study consisting of both small scale and full scale tests has been undertaken to investigate the steel roof batten pull-through failures in relation to many critical parameters such as steel batten geometry, thickness and grade, screw fastener head sizes and screw tightening. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the pull-through failure load results obtained from them. Finally it discusses the development of suitable design rules that can be used to determine the pull-through connection capacities of thin steel roof battens under wind uplift loads.


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We propose a novel technique for conducting robust voice activity detection (VAD) in high-noise recordings. We use Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) to train two generic models; speech and non-speech. We then score smaller segments of a given (unseen) recording against each of these GMMs to obtain two respective likelihood scores for each segment. These scores are used to compute a dissimilarity measure between pairs of segments and to carry out complete-linkage clustering of the segments into speech and non-speech clusters. We compare the accuracy of our method against state-of-the-art and standardised VAD techniques to demonstrate an absolute improvement of 15% in half-total error rate (HTER) over the best performing baseline system and across the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT database. We then apply our approach to the Audio-Visual Database of American English (AVDBAE) to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in using visual, audio-visual or a proposed fusion of these features.


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We usually find low levels of fitness condition affect other aspects of living for people with ID like dependency in carrying out activivities of daily living. Therefore we find high levels of dependency in activities of daily living due to poor fitness condition. The aim of the study is to explore the criterion validity of the Barthel index with a physical fitness test. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted. Data from the Barthel index and a physical fitness test were measured in 122 adults with intellectual disability. The data were analysed to find out the relationship between four categories of the physical fitness test and the Barthel index. It needs to be stressed that the correlations between the Barthel index and leg, abdominal and arm strength can confirm that these physical test are predictive of the Barthel index. The correlations between the balance variables as functional reach and single-leg stance with eyes open shown relationships with Barthel Index. We found important correlations between the physical fitness test and the Barthel index, so we can affirm that some physical fitness features are predictor variables of the Barthel index.


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For most people, speech production is relatively effortless and error-free. Yet it has long been recognized that we need some type of control over what we are currently saying and what we plan to say. Precisely how we monitor our internal and external speech has been a topic of research interest for several decades. The predominant approach in psycholinguistics has assumed monitoring of both is accomplished via systems responsible for comprehending others' speech. This special topic aimed to broaden the field, firstly by examining proposals that speech production might also engage more general systems, such as those involved in action monitoring. A second aim was to examine proposals for a production-specific, internal monitor. Both aims require that we also specify the nature of the representations subject to monitoring.


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Recent research on hollow flange beams has led to the development of an innovative rectangular hollow flange channel beam (RHFCB) for use in floor systems. The new RHFCB is a mono-symmetric structural section made by intermittently rivet fastening two torsionally rigid closed rectangular hollow flanges to a web plate element, which allows section optimisation by selecting appropriate combinations of web and flange widths and thicknesses. However, the current design rules for cold-formed steel sections are not directly applicable to rivet fastened RHFCBs. To date, no investigation has been conducted on their web crippling behaviour and strengths. Hence an experimental study was conducted to investigate the web crippling behaviour and capacities of rivet fastened RHFCBs under End Two Flange (ETF) and Interior Two Flange (ITF) load cases. It showed that RHFCBs failed by web crippling, flange crushing and their combinations. Comparison of ultimate web crippling capacities with the predictions from the design equations in AS/NZS 4600 and AISI S100 showed that the current design equations are unconservative for rivet fastened RHFCB sections under ETF and ITF load cases. Hence new equations were proposed to determine the web crippling capacities of rivet fastened RHFCBs. These equations can also be used to predict the capacities of RHFCBs subject to combined web crippling and flange crushing conservatively. However, new capacity equations were proposed in the case of flange crushing failures that occurred in thinner flanges with smaller bearing lengths. This paper presents the details of this web crippling experimental study of RHFCB sections and the results.


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This paper presents the details of experimental studies on the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of hollow flange channel beams, known as LiteSteel beams (LSB). The LSB has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges, made using a unique manufacturing process. In many applications in the building industry LSBs are used with only one web side plate (WSP) at their supports. The WSPs are also often not full height plates. Past research studies showed that these real support connections did not provide the required simply supported conditions. Many studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs with simply supported conditions subject to pure bending and predominant shear actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of LSBs. Hence a detailed experimental study based on 25 shear tests was undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with real support conditions. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. It was found that the effect of using one WSP on the shear behaviour of LSB is significant and there is about 25% shear capacity reduction due to the lateral movement of the bottom flange at the supports. Shear capacity of LSB was also found to decrease when full height WSPs were not used. Suitably improved support connections were developed to improve the shear capacity of LSBs based on test results. Details of the recommended support connections and shear capacity results are given in this paper.


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Automatic speech recognition from multiple distant micro- phones poses significant challenges because of noise and reverberations. The quality of speech acquisition may vary between microphones because of movements of speakers and channel distortions. This paper proposes a channel selection approach for selecting reliable channels based on selection criterion operating in the short-term modulation spectrum domain. The proposed approach quantifies the relative strength of speech from each microphone and speech obtained from beamforming modulations. The new technique is compared experimentally in the real reverb conditions in terms of perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) measures and word error rate (WER). Overall improvement in recognition rate is observed using delay-sum and superdirective beamformers compared to the case when the channel is selected randomly using circular microphone arrays.


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Evaluation of psychomotor skills is undertaken in a number of broad contexts. This includes testing of health professional populations as a measure of innate ability, to evaluate skill acquisition, or to compare professions. However, the use of psychomotor tests is frequently confounded by a lack of understanding of a particular tool's psychometric properties, strengths, and weaknesses. To identify and appraise the most commonly used tests on health professional populations, 86 articles were reviewed and the top nine tests identified. Few tests have had sufficient validity or reliability testing on health professionals. Based on the evidence available, use of the Grooved Pegboard Test, the Purdue Pegboard Test, or the Finger Tapping Test is recommended for the evaluation of dexterity in a health professional population; however, this choice may be dependent on the task(s) to which findings are generalised. More rigorous evaluation of validity and other psychometric properties is required.


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BACKGROUND: Dystrobrevin binding protein 1 (DTNBP1) is a schizophrenia susceptibility gene involved with neurotransmission regulation (especially dopamine and glutamate) and neurodevelopment. The gene is known to be associated with cognitive deficit phenotypes within schizophrenia. In our previous studies, DTNBP1 was found associated not only with schizophrenia but with other psychiatric disorders including psychotic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, nicotine dependence and opiate dependence. These findings suggest that DNTBP1 may be involved in pathways that lead to multiple psychiatric phenotypes. In this study, we explored the association between DTNBP1 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and multiple psychiatric phenotypes included in the Diagnostic Interview of Psychosis (DIP). METHODS: Five DTNBP1 SNPs, rs17470454, rs1997679, rs4236167, rs9370822 and rs9370823, were genotyped in 235 schizophrenia subjects screened for various phenotypes in the domains of depression, mania, hallucinations, delusions, subjective thought disorder, behaviour and affect, and speech disorder. SNP-phenotype association was determined with ANOVA under general, dominant/recessive and over-dominance models. RESULTS: Post hoc tests determined that SNP rs1997679 was associated with visual hallucination; SNP rs4236167 was associated with general auditory hallucination as well as specific features including non-verbal, abusive and third-person form auditory hallucinations; and SNP rs9370822 was associated with visual and olfactory hallucinations. SNPs that survived correction for multiple testing were rs4236167 for third-person and abusive form auditory hallucinations; and rs9370822 for olfactory hallucinations. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that DTNBP1 is likely to play a role in development of auditory related, visual and olfactory hallucinations which is consistent with evidence of DTNBP1 activity in the auditory processing regions, in visual processing and in the regulation of glutamate and dopamine activity


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Selection criteria and misspecification tests for the intra-cluster correlation structure (ICS) in longitudinal data analysis are considered. In particular, the asymptotical distribution of the correlation information criterion (CIC) is derived and a new method for selecting a working ICS is proposed by standardizing the selection criterion as the p-value. The CIC test is found to be powerful in detecting misspecification of the working ICS structures, while with respect to the working ICS selection, the standardized CIC test is also shown to have satisfactory performance. Some simulation studies and applications to two real longitudinal datasets are made to illustrate how these criteria and tests might be useful.