264 resultados para Lipid dynamics


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Bone is characterized with an optimized combination of high stiffness and toughness. The understanding of bone nanomechanics is critical to the development of new artificial biological materials with unique properties. In this work, the mechanical characteristics of the interfaces between osteopontin (OPN, a noncollagenous protein in extrafibrillar protein matrix) and hydroxyapatite (HA, a mineral nanoplatelet in mineralized collagen fibrils) were investigated using molecular dynamics method. We found that the interfacial mechanical behaviour is governed by the electrostatic attraction between acidic amino acid residues in OPN and calcium in HA. Higher energy dissipation is associated with the OPN peptides with a higher number of acidic amino acid residues. When loading in the interface direction, new bonds between some acidic residues and HA surface are formed, resulting in a stick-slip type motion of OPN peptide on the HA surface and high interfacial energy dissipation. The formation of new bonds during loading is considered to be a key mechanism responsible for high fracture resistance observed in bone and other biological materials.


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The on-demand printing of living cells using inkjet technologies has recently been demonstrated and allows for the controlled deposition of cells in microarrays. Here, we show that such arrays can be interrogated directly by robot-controlled liquid microextraction coupled with chip-based nanoelectospray mass spectrometry. Such automated analyses generate a profile of abundant membrane lipids that are characteristic of cell type. Significantly, the spatial control in both deposition and extraction steps combined with the sensitivity of the mass spectrometric detection allows for robust molecular profiling of individual cells. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Contemporary lipidomics protocols are dependent on conventional tandem mass spectrometry for lipid identification. This approach is extremely powerful for determining lipid class and identifying the number of carbons and the degree of unsaturation of any acyl-chain substituents. Such analyses are however, blind to isomeric variants arising from different carbon carbon bonding motifs within these chains including double bond position, chain branching, and cyclic structures. This limitation arises from the fact that conventional, low energy collision-induced dissociation of even-electron lipid ions does not give rise to product ions from intrachain fragmentation of the fatty acyl moieties. To overcome this limitation, we have applied radical-directed dissociation (RDD) to the study of lipids for the first time. In this approach, bifunctional molecules that contain a photocaged radical initiator and a lipid-adducting group, such as 4-iodoaniline and 4-iodobenzoic acid, are used to form noncovalent complexes (i.e., adduct ions) with a lipid during electrospray ionization. Laser irradiation of these complexes at UV wavelengths (266 nm) cleaves the carbon iodine bond to liberate a highly reactive phenyl radical. Subsequent activation of the nascent radical ions results in RDD with significant intrachain fragmentation of acyl moieties. This approach provides diagnostic fragments that are associated with the double bond position and the positions of chain branching in glycerophospholipids, sphingomyelins and triacylglycerols and thus can be used to differentiate isomeric lipids differing only in such motifs. RDD is demonstrated for well-defined lipid standards and also reveals lipid structural diversity in olive oil and human very-low density lipoprotein.


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Ions formed from lipids during electrospray ionization of crude lipid extracts have been mass-selected within a quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer and allowed to react with ozone vapor. Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions between unsaturated lipid ions and ozone are found to yield two primary product ions for each carbon-carbon double bond within the molecule. The mass-to-charge ratios of these chemically induced fragments are diagnostic of the position of unsaturation within the precursor ion. This novel analytical technique, dubbed ozone-induced dissociation (OzID), can be applied both in series and in parallel with conventional collision-induced dissociation (CID) to provide near-complete structural assignment of unknown lipids within complex mixtures without prior fractionation or derivatization. In this study, OzID is applied to a suite of complex lipid extracts from sources including human lens, bovine kidney, and commercial olive oil, thus demonstrating the technique to be applicable to a broad range of lipid classes including both neutral and acidic glycerophospholipids, sphingomyelins, and triacylglycerols. Gas-phase ozonolysis reactions are also observed with different types of precursor ions including \[M + H](+), \[M + Li](+), \[M + Na](+), and \[M H](-): in each case yielding fragmentation data that allow double bond position to be unambiguously assigned. Within the human lens lipid extract, three sphingomyelin regioisomers, namely SM(d18:0/15Z-24:1), SM(d18:0/17Z-24:1), and SM(d18:0/19Z-24:1), and a novel phosphatidylethanolamine alkyl ether, GPEtn(11Z-18:1e/9Z18:1), are identified using a combination of CID and OzID. These discoveries demonstrate that lipid identification based on CID alone belies the natural structural diversity in lipid biochemistry and illustrate the potential of OzID as a complementary approach within automated, high-throughput lipid analysis protocols.


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Dynamics is an essential core engineering subject and it is considered as one of the hardest subjects in the engineering discipline. Many students acknowledged that Dynamics is very hard to understand and comprehend the abstract concepts through traditional teaching methods with normal tutorials and assignments. In this study, we conducted an investigation on the application of visualization technique to help students learning the unit with the fundamental theory displayed in the physical space. The research was conducted based on the following five basic steps of Action Learning Cycle including: Identifying problem, Planning action, Implementing, Evaluating, and Reporting. Through our studies, we have concluded that visualization technique can definitely help students in learning and comprehending the abstract theories and concepts of Dynamics.


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Dynamics is an essential core engineering subject. It includes high level mathematical and theoretical contents, and basic concepts which are abstract in nature. Hence, Dynamics is considered as one of the hardest subjects in the engineering discipline. To assist our students in learning this subject, we have conducted a Teaching & Learning project to study ways and methods to effectively teach Dynamics based on visualization techniques. The research project adopts the five basic steps of Action Learning Cycle. It is found that visualization technique is a powerful tool for students learning Dynamics and helps to break the barrier of students who perceived Dynamics as a hard subject.


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The aim of this study was to use lipidomics to determine if the lipid composition of apolipoprotein-B-containing lipoproteins is modified by dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes and if any of the identified changes potentially have biological relevance in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. VLDL and LDL from normolipidaemic and dyslipidaemic type 2 diabetic women and controls were isolated and quantified with HPLC and mass spectrometry. A detailed molecular characterisation of VLDL triacylglycerols (TAG) was also performed using the novel ozone-induced dissociation method, which allowed us to distinguish vaccenic acid (C18:1 n-7) from oleic acid (C18:1 n-9) in specific TAG species. Lipid class composition was very similar in VLDL and LDL from normolipidaemic type 2 diabetic and control participants. By contrast, dyslipidaemia was associated with significant changes in both lipid classes (e.g. increased diacylglycerols) and lipid species (e.g. increased C16:1 and C20:3 in phosphatidylcholine and cholesteryl ester and increased C16:0 [palmitic acid] and vaccenic acid in TAG). Levels of palmitic acid in VLDL and LDL TAG correlated with insulin resistance, and VLDL TAG enriched in palmitic acid promoted increased secretion of proinflammatory mediators from human smooth muscle cells. We showed that dyslipidaemia is associated with major changes in both lipid class and lipid species composition in VLDL and LDL from women with type 2 diabetes. In addition, we identified specific molecular lipid species that both correlate with clinical variables and are proinflammatory. Our study thus shows the potential of advanced lipidomic methods to further understand the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes.


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The acyl composition of membrane phospholipids in kidney and brain of mammals of different body mass was examined. It was hypothesized that reduction in unsaturation index (number of double bonds per 100 acyl chains) of membrane phospholipids with increasing body mass in mammals would be made-up of similar changes in acyl composition across all phospholipid classes and that phospholipid class distribution would be regulated and similar in the same tissues of the different-sized mammals. The results of this study supported both hypotheses. Differences in membrane phospholipid acyl composition (i. e. decreased omega-3 fats, increased monounsaturated fats and decreased unsaturation index with increasing body size) were not restricted to any specific phospholipid molecule or to any specific phospholipid class but were observed in all phospholipid classes. With increase in body mass of mammals both monounsaturates and use of less unsaturated polyunsaturates increases at the expense of the long-chain highly unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturates, producing decreases in membrane unsaturation. The distribution of membrane phospholipid classes was essentially the same in the different-sized mammals with phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) together constituting similar to 91% and similar to 88% of all phospholipids in kidney and brain, respectively. The lack of sphingomyelin in the mouse tissues and higher levels in larger mammals suggests an increased presence of membrane lipid rafts in larger mammals. The results of this study support the proposal that the physical properties of membranes are likely to be involved in changing metabolic rate.


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The E-CO(2) elimination reactions of alkyl hydroperoxides proceed via abstraction of an (x-hydrogen by a base: X- + (RRHCOOH)-R-1-H-2 -> HX + (RRC)-R-1-C-2=O + HO-. Efficiencies and product distributions for the reactions of the hydroxide anion with methyl, ethyl, and tert-butyl hydroperoxides are studied in the gas phase. On the basis of experiments using three isotopic analogues, HO- + CH3OOH, HO- + CD3OOH, and H18O- + CH3OOH. the overall intrinsic reaction efficiency is determined to be 80% or greater. The E(CO)2 decomposition is facile for these methylperoxide reactions, and predominates over competing proton transfer at the hydroperoxide moiety. The CH3CH2OOH reaction displays a similar E(CO)2 reactivity, whereas proton transfer and the formation of HOO- are the exclusive pathways observed for (CH3)(3)COOH, which has no (x-hydrogen. All results are consistent with the E-CO(2) mechanism, transition state structure, and reaction energy diagrams calculated using the hybrid density functional B3LYP approach. Isotope labeling for HO- + CH3OOH also reveals some interaction between H2O and HO- within the E(CO)2 product complex [H2O center dot center dot center dot CH2=O center dot center dot center dot HO-]. There is little evidence, however. for the formation of the most exothermic products H2O + CH2(OH)O-, which would arise from nuclephilic condensation of CH2=O and HO-. The results suggest that the product dynamics are not totally statistical but are rather direct after the E-CO(2) transition state. The larger HO- + CH3CH2OOH system displays more statistical behavior during complex dissociation.


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Entomological surveillance and control are essential to the management of dengue fever (DF). Hence, understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of DF vectors, Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) and Ae. (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse), is paramount. In the Philippines, resources are limited and entomological surveillance and control are generally commenced during epidemics, when transmission is difficult to control. Recent improvements in spatial epidemiological tools and methods offer opportunities to explore more efficient DF surveillance and control solutions: however, there are few examples in the literature from resource-poor settings. The objectives of this study were to: (i) explore spatial patterns of Aedes populations and (ii) predict areas of high and low vector density to inform DF control in San Jose village, Muntinlupa city, Philippines. Fortnightly, adult female Aedes mosquitoes were collected from 50 double-sticky ovitraps (SOs) located in San Jose village for the period June-November 2011. Spatial clustering analysis was performed to identify high and low density clusters of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes. Spatial autocorrelation was assessed by examination of semivariograms, and ordinary kriging was undertaken to create a smoothed surface of predicted vector density in the study area. Our results show that both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were present in San Jose village during the study period. However, one Aedes species was dominant in a given geographic area at a time, suggesting differing habitat preferences and interspecies competition between vectors. Density maps provide information to direct entomological control activities and advocate the development of geographically enhanced surveillance and control systems to improve DF management in the Philippines.


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This study examined questions concerning differences in the acyl composition of membrane phospholipids that have been linked to the faster rates of metabolic processes in endotherms versus ectotherms. In liver, kidney, heart and brain of the ectothermic reptile, Trachydosaurus rugosus, and the endothermic mammal, Rattus norvegicus, previous findings of fewer unsaturates but a greater unsaturation index (UI) in membranes of the mammal versus those of the reptile were confirmed. Moreover, the study showed that the distribution of phospholipid head-group classes was similar in the same tissues of the reptile and mammal and that the differences in acyl composition were present in all phospholipid classes analysed, suggesting a role for the physical over the chemical properties of membranes in determining the faster rates of metabolic processes in endotherms. The most common phosphatidylcholine (PC) molecules present in all tissues (except brain) of the reptile were 16:0/18:1, 16:0/18:2, 18:0/18:2, 18:1/18:1 and 18:1/18:2, whereas arachidonic acid (20:4), containing PCs 16:0/ 20: 4, 18: 0/ 20: 4, were the common molecules in the mammal. The most abundant phosphatidylethanolamines ( PE) used in the tissue of the reptile were 18:0/18:2, 18:0/20:4, 18:1/18:1, 18:1/18:2 and 18:1/20:4, compared to 16: 0/ 18: 2, 16: 0/ 20: 4, 16: 0/ 22: 6, 18: 0/ 20: 4, 18: 0/ 22: 6 and 18:1/20: 4 in the mammal. UI differences were primarily due to arachidonic acid found in both PC and PEs, whereas docosahexaenoic acid (22:6) was a lesser contributor mainly within PEs and essentially absent in the kidney. The phospholipid composition of brain was more similar in the reptile and mammal compared to those of other tissues.


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Based on its enticing properties, graphene has been envisioned with applications in the area of electronics, photonics, sensors, bioapplications and others. To facilitate various applications, doping has been frequently used to manipulate the properties of graphene. Despite a number of studies conducted on doped graphene regarding its electrical and chemical properties, the impact of doping on the mechanical properties of graphene has been rarely discussed. A systematic study of the vibrational properties of graphene doped with nitrogen and boron is performed by means of a molecular dynamics simulation. The influence from different density or species of dopants has been assessed. It is found that the impacts on the quality factor, Q, resulting from different densities of dopants vary greatly, while the influence on the resonance frequency is insignificant. The reduction of the resonance frequency caused by doping with boron only is larger than the reduction caused by doping with both boron and nitrogen. This study gives a fundamental understanding of the resonance of graphene with different dopants, which may benefit their application as resonators.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of prolonged exercise oil plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations and to identify caloric time-points where changes occurred. Eleven active male Subjects ran oil a treadmill at 70%,, of maximal fitness (VO2max) and expended 6 278.7 kilojoules (Kj) energy (1500 kcal). Blood samples were obtained at the 4185.8 Kj (1000 kcal) time-point during exercise and at each additional 418.6 Kj (100 kcal) expenditure until 6278.7 Kj was expended. After correcting for plasma volume changes, decreases in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were observed during exercise at time-points corresponding to 4604.4 and 5441.5 Kj (1100 and 1300 kcal) of energy expenditure, and immediately after exercise. Total cholesterol concentrations decreased significantly at exercise kilojoule expenditures of 4604.4, 5441.5 and 5860.1 (1100, 1300 and 1400 kcal). There were also exercise induced increases in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and HDL2-C concentrations immediately after exercise. Although acute lipid and lipoprotein changes are typically reported in the days following exercise, the Current data indicate that some lipoprotein concentrations change during acute exercise. Our data suggest that a threshold of exercise may be necessary to change lipoproteins during exercise. Future work Should identify potential mechanisms (lipoprotein lipase, cholesterol ester transport protein, LDL uptake) that alter lipoprotein concentrations during prolonged exercise.