423 resultados para Engineering Asset Management, Optimisation, Preventive Maintenance, Reliability Based Preventive Maintenance, Multiple Criteria Decision Making


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It is commonly accepted that wet roads have higher risk of crash than dry roads; however, providing evidence to support this assumption presents some difficulty. This paper presents a data mining case study in which predictive data mining is applied to model the skid resistance and crash relationship to search for discernable differences in the probability of wet and dry road segments having crashes based on skid resistance. The models identify an increased probability of wet road segments having crashes for mid-range skid resistance values.


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This paper presents an overview of the CRC for Infrastructure and Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM)’s rotating machine health monitoring project and the status of the research progress. The project focuses on the development of a comprehensive diagnostic tool for condition monitoring and systematic analysis of rotating machinery. Particularly attention focuses on the machine health monitoring of diesel engines, compressors and pumps by using acoustic emission and vibration-based monitoring techniques. The paper also provides a brief summary of the work done by the three main research collaborating partners in the project, namely, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Curtin University of Technology (CUT) and the University of Western Australia (UWA). Preliminary test and analysis results from this work are also reported in the paper


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Circuit breaker restrikes are unwanted occurrence, which can ultimately lead to breaker. Before 2008, there was little evidence in the literature of monitoring techniques based on restrike measurement and interpretation produced during switching of capacitor banks and shunt reactor banks. In 2008 a non-intrusive radiometric restrike measurement method, as well a restrike hardware detection algorithm was developed. The limitations of the radiometric measurement method are a band limited frequency response as well as limitations in amplitude determination. Current detection methods and algorithms required the use of wide bandwidth current transformers and voltage dividers. A novel non-intrusive restrike diagnostic algorithm using ATP (Alternative Transient Program) and wavelet transforms is proposed. Wavelet transforms are the most common use in signal processing, which is divided into two tests, i.e. restrike detection and energy level based on deteriorated waveforms in different types of restrike. A ‘db5’ wavelet was selected in the tests as it gave a 97% correct diagnostic rate evaluated using a database of diagnostic signatures. This was also tested using restrike waveforms simulated under different network parameters which gave a 92% correct diagnostic responses. The diagnostic technique and methodology developed in this research can be applied to any power monitoring system with slight modification for restrike detection.


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Continuing monitoring of diesel engine performance is critical for early detection of fault developments in the engine before they materialize and become a functional failure. Instantaneous crank angular speed (IAS) analysis is one of a few non intrusive condition monitoring techniques that can be utilized for such tasks. In this experimental study, IAS analysis was employed to estimate the loading condition of a 4-stroke 4-cylinder diesel engine in a laboratory condition. It was shown that IAS analysis can provide useful information about engine speed variation caused by the changing piston momentum and crankshaft acceleration during the engine combustion process. It was also found that the major order component of the IAS spectrum directly associated with the engine firing frequency (at twice the mean shaft revolution speed) can be utilized to estimate the engine loading condition regardless of whether the engine is operating at normal running conditions or in a simulated faulty injector case. The amplitude of this order component follows a clear exponential curve as the loading condition changes. A mathematical relationship was established for the estimation of the engine power output based on the amplitude of the major order component of the measured IAS spectrum.


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Continuing monitoring of diesel engine performance is critical for early detection of fault developments in the engine before they materialize and become a functional failure. Instantaneous crank angular speed (IAS) analysis is one of a few non intrusive condition monitoring techniques that can be utilized for such tasks. In this experimental study, IAS analysis was employed to estimate the loading condition of a 4-stroke 4-cylinder diesel engine in a laboratory condition. It was shown that IAS analysis can provide useful information about engine speed variation caused by the changing piston momentum and crankshaft acceleration during the engine combustion process. It was also found that the major order component of the IAS spectrum directly associated with the engine firing frequency (at twice the mean shaft revolution speed) can be utilized to estimate the engine loading condition regardless of whether the engine is operating at normal running conditions or in a simulated faulty injector case. The amplitude of this order component follows a clear exponential curve as the loading condition changes. A mathematical relationship was established for the estimation of the engine power output based on the amplitude of the major order component of the measured IAS spectrum.


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Road asset managers are overwhelmed with a high volume of raw data which they need to process and utilise in supporting their decision making. This paper presents a method that processes road-crash data of a whole road network and exposes hidden value inherent in the data by deploying the clustering data mining method. The goal of the method is to partition the road network into a set of groups (classes) based on common data and characterise the class crash types to produce a crash profiles for each cluster. By comparing similar road classes with differing crash types and rates, insight can be gained into these differences that are caused by the particular characteristics of their roads. These differences can be used as evidence in knowledge development and decision support.


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This paper describes the formulation for the free vibration of joined conical-cylindrical shells with uniform thickness using the transfer of influence coefficient for identification of structural characteristics. These characteristics are importance for structural health monitoring to develop model. This method was developed based on successive transmission of dynamic influence coefficients, which were defined as the relationships between the displacement and the force vectors at arbitrary nodal circles of the system. The two edges of the shell having arbitrary boundary conditions are supported by several elastic springs with meridional/axial, circumferential, radial and rotational stiffness, respectively. The governing equations of vibration of a conical shell, including a cylindrical shell, are written as a coupled set of first order differential equations by using the transfer matrix of the shell. Once the transfer matrix of a single component has been determined, the entire structure matrix is obtained by the product of each component matrix and the joining matrix. The natural frequencies and the modes of vibration were calculated numerically for joined conical-cylindrical shells. The validity of the present method is demonstrated through simple numerical examples, and through comparison with the results of previous researchers.


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Vibration analysis has been a prime tool in condition monitoring of rotating machines, however, its application to internal combustion engines remains a challenge because engine vibration signatures are highly non-stationary that are not suitable for popular spectrum-based analysis. Signal-to-noise ratio is a main concern in engine signature analysis due to severe background noise being generated by consecutive mechanical events, such as combustion, valve opening and closing, especially in multi-cylinder engines. Acoustic Emission (AE) has been found to give excellent signal-to-noise ratio allowing discrimination of fine detail of normal or abnormal events during a given cycle. AE has been used to detect faults, such as exhaust valve leakage, fuel injection behaviour, and aspects of the combustion process. This paper presents a review of AE application to diesel engine monitoring and preliminary investigation of AE signature measured on an 18-cylinder diesel engine. AE is compared with vibration acceleration for varying operating conditions: load and speed. Frequency characteristics of AE from those events are analysed in time-frequency domain via short time Fourier trasform. The result shows a great potential of AE analysis for detection of various defects in diesel engines.


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As civil infrastructures such as bridges age, there is a concern for safety and a need for cost-effective and reliable monitoring tool. Different diagnostic techniques are available nowadays for structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges. Acoustic emission is one such technique with potential of predicting failure. The phenomenon of rapid release of energy within a material by crack initiation or growth in form of stress waves is known as acoustic emission (AE). AEtechnique involves recording the stress waves bymeans of sensors and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals,which then convey information about the nature of the source. AE can be used as a local SHM technique to monitor specific regions with visible presence of cracks or crack prone areas such as welded regions and joints with bolted connection or as a global technique to monitor the whole structure. Strength of AE technique lies in its ability to detect active crack activity, thus helping in prioritising maintenance work by helping focus on active cracks rather than dormant cracks. In spite of being a promising tool, some challenges do still exist behind the successful application of AE technique. One is the generation of large amount of data during the testing; hence an effective data analysis and management is necessary, especially for long term monitoring uses. Complications also arise as a number of spurious sources can giveAEsignals, therefore, different source discrimination strategies are necessary to identify genuine signals from spurious ones. Another major challenge is the quantification of damage level by appropriate analysis of data. Intensity analysis using severity and historic indices as well as b-value analysis are some important methods and will be discussed and applied for analysis of laboratory experimental data in this paper.


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Infrastructure forms a vital component in supporting today’s way of life and has a significant role or impact on economic, environmental and social outcomes of the region around it. The design, construction and operation of such assets are a multi-billion dollar industry in Australia alone. Another issue that will play a major role in our way life is that of climate change and the greater concept of sustainability. With limited resources and a changing natural world it is necessary for infrastructure to be developed and maintained in a manner that is sustainable. In order to achieve infrastructure sustainability in operations it is necessary for there to be: a sustainability assessment scheme that provides a scientifically sound and realistic approach to measuring an assets level of sustainability; and, systems and tools to support the making of decisions that result in sustainable outcomes by providing feedback in a timely manner. Having these in place will then help drive the consideration of sustainability during the decision making process for infrastructure operations and maintenance. In this paper we provide two main contributions; a comparison and review of sustainability assessment schemes for infrastructure and their suitability for use in the operations phase; and, a review of decision support systems/tools in the area of infrastructure sustainability in operations. For this paper, sustainability covers not just the environment, but also finance/economic and societal/community aspects as well. This is often referred to as the Triple Bottom Line and forms one of the three dimensions of corporate sustainability [Stapledon, 2004].


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Efficient state asset management is crucial for government departments that rely on the operations of their state assets in order to fulfil their public functions, which include public service provision and others. These assets may be expensive, extensive and or, complex, and can have a major impact on the ability of governments to perform its function over extended periods. Various governments around the world have increasingly recognised the importance of an efficient state asset management laws, policies, and practices; exemplified by the surge in state asset management reform. This phenomenon is evident in Indonesia, in particular through the establishment of the Directorate General of State Assets in 2006, who was appointed as the ultimate state asset manager (of Republic of Indonesia) and the proprietor of state asset management reform. The Directorate General of State Assets too has pledged its adherence to good governance principles within its state asset management laws and policies reform. However the degree that good governance principles are conceptualised is unknown, resulting in questions of how and to what extent is good governance principles evident within Indonesia's reformed state asset management laws and policies. This study seeks to understand the level of which good governance principles are conceptualised and understood within reformed state asset management policies in Indonesia (as a case study), and identify the variables that play a role in the implementation of said reform. Although good governance improvements has been a central tenet in Indonesian government agenda, and state asset management reform has propelled in priority due to found neglect and unfavourable audit results; there is ambiguity in regards to the extent that good governance is conceptualised within the reform, how and whether this relationship is understood by state asset managers (i.e government officials), and what (and how) other variables play a supporting and/or impeding role in the reform. Using empirical data involving a sample of four Indonesian regional governments and 70 interviews; discrepancy in which good governance principles are conceptualised, the level it is conceptualised, at which stage of state asset management practice it is conceptualised, and the level it is understood by state asset managers (i.e government officials) was found. Human resource capacity and capability, the notion of 'needing more time', low legality, infancy of reform, and dysfunctional sense of stewardship are identified as specific impeding variables to state asset management reform; whilst decentralisation and regional autonomy regime, political history, and culture play a consistent undercurrent key role in good governance related reforms within Indonesia. This study offers insights to Indonesian policy makers interested in ensuring the conceptualisation and full implementation of good governance in all areas of governing, particularly within state asset management practices. Most importantly, this study identifies an asymmetry in good governance understanding, perspective, and assumptions between policy maker (i.e high level government officials) and policy implementers (i.e low level government officials); to be taken into account for future policy evolvements and/or writing. As such, this study suggests the need for a modified perspective and approach to good governance conceptualisation and implementation strategies, one that acknowledges and incorporates a nation's unique characteristics and no longer denies the double-edged sword of simplified assumptions of governance.


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Today, the majority of semiconductor fabrication plants (fabs) conduct equipment preventive maintenance based on statistically-derived time- or wafer-count-based intervals. While these practices have had relative success in managing equipment availability and product yield, the cost, both in time and materials, remains high. Condition-based maintenance has been successfully adopted in several industries, where costs associated with equipment downtime range from potential loss of life to unacceptable affects to companies’ bottom lines. In this paper, we present a method for the monitoring of complex systems in the presence of multiple operating regimes. In addition, the new representation of degradation processes will be used to define an optimization procedure that facilitates concurrent maintenance and operational decision-making in a manufacturing system. This decision-making procedure metaheuristically maximizes a customizable cost function that reflects the benefits of production uptime, and the losses incurred due to deficient quality and downtime. The new degradation monitoring method is illustrated through the monitoring of a deposition tool operating over a prolonged period of time in a major fab, while the operational decision-making is demonstrated using simulated operation of a generic cluster tool.


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A novel intelligent online demand side management system is proposed for peak load management. The method also regulates the network voltage, balances the power in three phases and coordinates the battery storage discharge within the network. This method uses low cost controllers with low bandwidth two-way communication installed in costumers' premises and at distribution transformers to manage the peak load while maximizing customer satisfaction. A multi-objective decision making process is proposed to select the load(s) to be delayed or controlled. The efficacy of the proposed control system is verified through an event-based developed simulation in Matlab.


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This paper presents a case study for the application of a Linear Engineering Asset Renewal decision support software tool (LinEAR) at a water distribution network in Australia. This case study examines how the LinEAR can assist water utilities to minimise their total pipeline management cost, to make a long-term budget based on mathematically predicted expenditure, and to present calculated evidence for supporting their expenditure requirements. The outcomes from the study on pipeline renewal decision support demonstrate that LinEAR can help water utilities to improve the decision process and save renewal costs over a long-term by providing an optimum renewal schedules. This software can help organisation to accumulate technical knowledge and prediction future impact of the decision using what-if analysis.