301 resultados para Clinical practice


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BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been developed and used to treat acute and urgent illness for many thousands of years. TCM has been widely perceived in western societies that TCM may only be effective to treat chronic diseases. The aim of this article is to provide some scientific evidence regarding the application of TCM in emergency medicine and its future potential. METHODS: Multiple databases (PubMed, ProQuest, Academic Search Elite and Science Direct) were searched using the terms: Traditional Chinese Medicine/ Chinese Medicine, Emergency Medicine, China. In addition, three leading TCM Journals in China were searched via Oriprobe Information Services for relevant articles (published from 1990—2012). Particular attention was paid to those articles that are related to TCM treatments or combined medicine in dealing with intensive and critical care. RESULTS: TCM is a systematic traditional macro medicine. The clinical practice of TCM is guided by the TCM theoretical framework – a methodology founded thousands of years ago. As the methodologies between TCM and Biomedicine are significantly different, it provides an opportunity to combine two medicines, in order to achieve clinical efficacy. Nowadays, combined medicine has become a common clinical model particular in TCM hospitals in China. CONCLUSIONS: It is evident that TCM can provide some assistance in emergency although to combine them in practice is stillits infant form and is mainly at TCM hospitals in China. The future effort could be put into TCM research, both in laboratories and clinics, with high quality designs, so that TCM could be better understood and then applied in emergency medicine.


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BACKGROUND: Numerous strategies are available to prevent surgical site infections in hip arthroplasty, but there is no consensus on which might be the best. This study examined infection prevention strategies currently recommended for patients undergoing hip arthroplasty. METHODS: Four clinical guidelines on infection prevention/orthopedics were reviewed. Infection control practitioners, infectious disease physicians, and orthopedic surgeons were consulted through structured interviews and an online survey. Strategies were classified as "highly important" if they were recommended by at least one guideline and ranked as significantly or critically important by >/=75% of the experts. RESULTS: The guideline review yielded 28 infection prevention measures, with 7 identified by experts as being highly important in this context: antibiotic prophylaxis, antiseptic skin preparation of patients, hand/forearm antisepsis by surgical staff, sterile gowns/surgical attire, ultraclean/laminar air operating theatres, antibiotic-impregnated cement, and surveillance. Controversial measures included antibiotic-impregnated cement and, considering recent literature, laminar air operating theatres. CONCLUSIONS: Some of these measures may already be accepted as routine clinical practice, whereas others are controversial. Whether these practices should be continued for this patient group will be informed by modeling the cost-effectiveness of infection prevention strategies. This will allow predictions of long-term health and cost outcomes and thus inform decisions on how to best use scarce health care resources for infection control.


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Objectives: To identify and appraise the literature concerning nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheter laboratory. Design and data sources: An integrative review method was chosen for this study. MEDLINE and CINAHL databases as well as The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the Joanna Briggs Institute were searched. Nineteen research articles and three clinical guidelines were identified. Results: The authors of each study reported nurse-administered sedation in the CCL is safe due to the low incidence of complications. However, a higher percentage of deeply sedated patients were reported to experience complications than moderately sedated patients. To confound this issue, one clinical guideline permits deep sedation without an anaesthetist present, while others recommend against it. All clinical guidelines recommend nurses are educated about sedation concepts. Other findings focus on pain and discomfort and the cost-savings of nurse-administered sedation, which are associated with forgoing anaesthetic services. Conclusions: Practice is varied due to limitations in the evidence and inconsistent clinical practice guidelines. Therefore, recommendations for research and practice have been made. Research topics include determining how and in which circumstances capnography can be used in the CCL, discerning the economic impact of sedation-related complications and developing a set of objectives for nursing education about sedation. For practice, if deep sedation is administered without an anaesthetist present, it is essential nurses are adequately trained and have access to vital equipment such as capnography to monitor ventilation because deeply sedated patients are more likely to experience complications related to sedation. These initiatives will go some way to ensuring patients receiving nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia for a procedure in the cardiac catheter laboratory are cared for using consistent, safe and evidence-based practices.


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Aims and objectives To explore issues and challenges associated with nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory from the perspectives of senior nurses. Background Nurses play an important part in managing sedation because the prescription is usually given verbally directly from the cardiologist who is performing the procedure and typically, an anaesthetist is not present. Design A qualitative exploratory design was employed. Methods Semi-structured interviews with 23 nurses from 16 cardiac catheterisation laboratories across four states in Australia and also New Zealand were conducted. Data analysis followed the guide developed by Braun and Clark to identify the main themes. Results Major themes emerged from analysis regarding the lack of access to anaesthetists, the limitations of sedative medications, the barriers to effective patient monitoring and the impact that the increasing complexity of procedures has on patients' sedation requirements. Conclusions The most critical issue identified in this study is that current guidelines, which are meant to apply regardless of the clinical setting, are not practical for the cardiac catheterisation laboratory due to a lack of access to anaesthetists. Furthermore, this study has demonstrated that nurses hold concerns about the legitimacy of their practice in situations when they are required to perform tasks outside of clinical practice guidelines. To address nurses' concerns, it is proposed that new guidelines could be developed, which address the unique circumstances in which sedation is used in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Relevance to clinical practice Nurses need to possess advanced knowledge and skills in monitoring for the adverse effects of sedation. Several challenges impact on nurses' ability to monitor patients during procedural sedation and analgesia. Preprocedural patient education about what to expect from sedation is essential.


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Background: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists’ guidelines for procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) are intended to apply across all clinical settings. As nurses are frequently responsible for patient care during PSA in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory (CCL), their perspectives can provide insight into the effectiveness of these guidelines within this particular setting. Methods: A cross-sectional sampling design was used to recruit nurses from urban, regional, public and private CCLs across Australia and New Zealand. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, digitally recorded and transcribed. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: Twenty-three nurses from 16 CCLs across four states in Australia and New Zealand participated. Most held senior positions (managers=14; educators=5) and CCL experience ranged from 4 to 26 years (mean 11). Participants were concerned about the legitimacy of their practice as they administered PSA outside of guideline recommendations and deemed present education and training as deficient. Participants noted also that guideline recommendations were sometimes not adhered to as it was difficult to balance the increasingly complex PSA requirements of their case-mix with limited access to anaesthetists while trying not to delay procedures. Conclusion: Findings suggest that application of current PSA guidelines may be impractical for CCL nurses and, as a consequence, they are often not followed. Participants were concerned about risks to patient safety as they felt education and training was not commensurable with practice requirements. The findings suggest existing guidelines should be reviewed or new guidelines developed which address nursing practice, education and competency standards for PSA in the CCL


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The cardiac catheterisation laboratory (CCL) is a specialised medical radiology facility where both chronic-stable and life-threatening cardiovascular illness is evaluated and treated. Although there are many potential sources of discomfort and distress associated with procedures performed in the CCL, a general anaesthetic is not usually required. For this reason, an anaesthetist is not routinely assigned to the CCL. Instead, to manage pain, discomfort and anxiety during the procedure, nurses administer a combination of sedative and analgesic medications according to direction from the cardiologist performing the procedure. This practice is referred to as nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA). While anecdotal evidence suggested that nurse-administered PSA was commonly used in the CCL, it was clear from the limited information available that current nurse-led PSA administration and monitoring practices varied and that there was contention around some aspects of practice including the type of medications that were suitable to be used and the depth of sedation that could be safely induced without an anaesthetist present. The overall aim of the program of research presented in this thesis was to establish an evidence base for nurse-led sedation practices in the CCL context. A sequential mixed methods design was used over three phases. The objective of the first phase was to appraise the existing evidence for nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. Two studies were conducted. The first study was an integrative review of empirical research studies and clinical practice guidelines focused on nurse-administered PSA in the CCL as well as in other similar procedural settings. This was the first review to systematically appraise the available evidence supporting the use of nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. A major finding was that, overall, nurse-administered PSA in the CCL was generally deemed to be safe. However, it was concluded from the analysis of the studies and the guidelines that were included in the review, that the management of sedation in the CCL was impacted by a variety of contextual factors including local hospital policy, workforce constraints and cardiologists’ preferences for the type of sedation used. The second study in the first phase was conducted to identify a sedation scale that could be used to monitor level of sedation during nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. It involved a structured literature review and psychometric analysis of scale properties. However, only one scale was found that was developed specifically for the CCL, which had not undergone psychometric testing. Several weaknesses were identified in its item structure. Other sedation scales that were identified were developed for the ICU. Although these scales have demonstrated validity and reliability in the ICU, weaknesses in their item structure precluded their use in the CCL. As findings indicated that no existing sedation scale should be applied to practice in the CCL, recommendations for the development and psychometric testing of a new sedation scale were developed. The objective of the second phase of the program of research was to explore current practice. Three studies were conducted in this phase using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The first was a qualitative explorative study of nurses’ perceptions of the issues and challenges associated with nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. Major themes emerged from analysis of the qualitative data regarding the lack of access to anaesthetists, the limitations of sedative medications, the barriers to effective patient monitoring and the impact that the increasing complexity of procedures has on patients' sedation requirements. The second study in Phase Two was a cross-sectional survey of nurse-administered PSA practice in Australian and New Zealand CCLs. This was the first study to quantify the frequency that nurse-administered PSA was used in the CCL setting and to characterise associated nursing practices. It was found that nearly all CCLs utilise nurse-administered PSA (94%). Of note, by characterising nurse-administered PSA in Australian and New Zealand CCLs, several strategies to improve practice, such as setting up protocols for patient monitoring and establishing comprehensive PSA education for CCL nurses, were identified. The third study in Phase Two was a matched case-control study of risk factors for impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered PSA in the CCL setting. Patients with acute illness were found to be nearly twice as likely to experience impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered PSA (OR=1.78; 95%CI=1.19-2.67; p=0.005). These significant findings can now be used to inform prospective studies investigating the effectiveness of interventions for impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. The objective of the third and final phase of the program of research was to develop recommendations for practice. To achieve this objective, a synthesis of findings from the previous phases of the program of research informed a modified Delphi study, which was conducted to develop a set of clinical practice guidelines for nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. The clinical practice guidelines that were developed set current best practice standards for pre-procedural patient assessment and risk screening practices as well as the intra and post-procedural patient monitoring practices that nurses who administer PSA in the CCL should undertake in order to deliver safe, evidence-based and consistent care to the many patients who undergo procedures in this setting. In summary, the mixed methods approach that was used clearly enabled the research objectives to be comprehensively addressed in an informed sequential manner, and, as a consequence, this thesis has generated a substantial amount of new knowledge to inform and support nurse-led sedation practice in the CCL context. However, a limitation of the research to note is that the comprehensive appraisal of the evidence conducted, combined with the guideline development process, highlighted that there were numerous deficiencies in the evidence base. As such, rather than being based on high-level evidence, many of the recommendations for practice were produced by consensus. For this reason, further research is required in order to ascertain which specific practices result in the most optimal patient and health service outcomes. Therefore, along with necessary guideline implementation and evaluation projects, post-doctoral research is planned to follow up on the research gaps identified, which are planned to form part of a continuing program of research in this field.


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Aims and objectives. To examine Chinese cancer patients’ fatigue self-management, including the types of self-management behaviours used, their confidence in using these behaviours, the degree of relief obtained and the factors associated with patients’ use of fatigue self-management behaviours. Background. Fatigue places significant burden on patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. While some studies have explored fatigue self-management in Western settings, very few studies have explored self-management behaviours in China. Design. Cross-sectional self- and/or interviewer-administered survey. Methods. A total of 271 participants with self-reported fatigue in the past week were recruited from a specialist cancer hospital in south-east China. Participants completed measures assessing the use of fatigue self-management behaviours, corresponding self-efficacy, perceived relief levels plus items assessing demographic characteristics, fatigue experiences, distress and social support. Results. A mean of 4_94 (_2_07; range 1–10) fatigue self-management behaviours was reported. Most behaviours were rated as providing moderate relief and were implemented with moderate self-efficacy. Regression analyses identified that having more support from one’s neighbourhood and better functional status predicted the use of a greater number of self-management behaviours. Separate regression analyses identified that greater neighbourhood support predicted greater relief from ‘activity enhancement behaviours’ and that better functional status predicted greater relief from ‘rest and sleep behaviours’. Higher self-efficacy scores predicted greater relief from corresponding behaviours. Conclusions. A range of fatigue self-management behaviours were initiated by Chinese patients with cancer. Individual, condition and environmental factors were found to influence engagement in and relief from fatigue self-managementbehaviours. Relevance to clinical practice. Findings highlight the need for nurses to explore patients’ use of fatigue self-management behaviours and the effectiveness of these behaviours in reducing fatigue. Interventions that improve patients’ self-efficacy and neighbourhood supports have the potential to improve outcomes from fatigue self-management behaviours.


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Integrated care pathways are documents which outline the essential steps of multidisciplinary care in addressing a specific clinical problem (Rotter et al., 2010). They can be used to introduce clinical guidelines and systematic audits of clinical practice, and to ensure that the most appropriate management occurs at the most appropriate time and that it is provided by the most appropriate health professional. The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is an example of an integrated care pathway, designed in the 1990s to guide care for people who are in their last days of life (Ellershaw et al., 1997, Ellershaw and Ward, 2003)...


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Background: Nutrition screening is usually administered by nurses. However, most studies on nutrition screening tools have not used nurses to validate the tools. The 3-Minute Nutrition Screening (3-MinNS) assesses weight loss, dietary intake and muscle wastage, with the composite score of each used to determine risk of malnutrition. The aim of the study was to determine the validity and reliability of 3-MinNS administered by nurses, who are the intended assessors. Methods: In this cross sectional study, three ward-based nurses screened 121 patients aged 21 years and over using 3-MinNS in three wards within 24 hours of admission. A dietitian then assessed the patients’ nutritional status using Subjective Global Assessment within 48 hours of admission, whilst blinded to the results of the screening. To assess the reliability of 3-MinNS, 37 patients screened by the first nurse were re-screened by a second nurse within 24 hours, who was blinded to the results of the first nurse. The sensitivity, specificity and best cutoff score for 3-MinNS were determined using the Receiver Operator Characteristics Curve. Results: The best cutoff score to identify all patients at risk of malnutrition using 3-MinNS was three, with sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 88%. This cutoff point also identified all (100%) severely malnourished patients. There was strong correlation between 3-MinNS and SGA (r=0.78, p<0.001). The agreement between two nurses conducting the 3-MinNS tool was 78.3%. Conclusion: 3-Minute Nutrition Screening is a valid and reliable tool for nurses to identify patients at risk of malnutrition.


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Aims and objectives This study sought to determine the relationship between health related quality of life (HRQoL), fatigue and activity levels of people with anaemia secondary to chronic kidney disease (CKD) over a 12 month period following the introduction of an erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA). Background CKD occurs in five stages and it is a complex chronic illness which severely impacts on an individual’s HRQoL, and ability to perform everyday activities. Fatigue is also a common symptom experienced by people with CKD. Design and methods Using a longitudinal repeated measures design, 28 people with CKD completed the SF-36, human activity profile and fatigue severity scale at the commencement of an ESA and then at 3, 6 and 12 months. Results Over a 12 month period, people reported a significant change in HRQoL in relation to role physical, vitality, mental health/emotional well-being and overall mental health. However activity levels did not significantly improve during that time. Both the amount of breathlessness and level of fatigue were highest at baseline and declined over time. Both fatigue and breathlessness were correlated with less reported general health over time. Conclusion Renal nurses, in dialysis units and CKD outpatient clinics, have repeated and frequent contact with people with CKD over long periods of time, and are in an ideal position to routinely assess fatigue and activity levels and to institute timely interventions. Early detection would enable timely nursing interventions to optimise HRQoL and independent activity. Relevance to Clinical Practice Drawing on rehabilitation nursing interventions could assist renal nurses to minimize the burden of fatigue and its impact on simple everyday activities and a person’s quality of life. These interventions are important for people who are living at home and could assist in lowering the burden on home support services.


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The determination of the characteristics of articular cartilage such as thickness, stiffness and swelling, especially in the form that can facilitate real-time decisions and diagnostics is still a matter for research and development. This paper correlates near infrared spectroscopy with mechanically measured cartilage thickness to establish a fast, non-destructive, repeatable and precise protocol for determining this tissue property. Statistical correlation was conducted between the thickness of bovine cartilage specimens (n = 97) and regions of their near infrared spectra. Nine regions were established along the full absorption spectrum of each sample and were correlated with the thickness using partial least squares (PLS) regression multivariate analysis. The coefficient of determination (R2) varied between 53 and 93%, with the most predictive region (R2 = 93.1%, p < 0.0001) for cartilage thickness lying in the region (wavenumber) 5350–8850 cm−1. Our results demonstrate that the thickness of articular cartilage can be measured spectroscopically using NIR light. This protocol is potentially beneficial to clinical practice and surgical procedures in the treatment of joint disease such as osteoarthritis.


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Introduction: The delivery of health care in the 21st century will look like no other in the past. The fast paced technological advances that are being made will need to transition from the information age into clinical practice. The phenomenon of e-Health is the over-arching form of information technology and telehealth is one arm of that phenomenon. The uptake of telehealth both in Australia and overseas, has changed the face of health service delivery to many rural and remote communities for the better, removing what is known as the tyranny of distance. Many studies have evaluated the satisfaction and cost-benefit analysis of telehealth across the organisational aspects as well as the various adaptations of clinical pathways and this is the predominant focus of most studies published to date. However, whilst comments have been made by many researchers about the need to improve and attend to the communication and relationship building aspects of telehealth no studies have examined this further. The aim of this study was to identify the patient and clinician experiences, concerns, behaviours and perceptions of the telehealth interaction and develop a training tool to assist these clinicians to improve their interaction skills. Methods: A mixed methods design combining quantitative (survey analysis and data coding) and qualitative (interview analysis) approaches was adopted. This study utilised four phases to firstly qualitatively explore the needs of clients (patients) and clinicians within a telehealth consultation then designed, developed, piloted and quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the telehealth communication training program. Qualitative data was collected and analysed during Phase 1 of this study to describe and define the missing 'communication and rapport building' aspects within telehealth. This data was then utilised to develop a self-paced communication training program that enhanced clinicians existing skills, which comprised of Phase 2 of this study to develop the interactive program. Phase 3 included evaluating the training program with 26 clinicians and results were recorded pre and post training, whilst phase 4 was the pilot for future recommendations of this training program using a patient group within a Queensland Health setting at two rural hospitals. Results: Comparisons of pre and post training data on 1) Effective communication styles, 2) Involvement in communication training package, 3) satisfaction pre and post training, and 4) health outcomes pre and post training indicated that there were differences between pre and post training in relation to effective communication style, increased satisfaction and no difference in health outcomes between pre and post training for this patient group. The post training results revealed over half of the participants (N= 17, 65%) were more responsive to non-verbal cues and were better able to reflect and respond to looks of anxiousness and confusion from a 'patient' within a telehealth consultation. It was also found that during post training evaluations, clinicians had enhanced their therapeutic communication with greater detail to their own body postures, eye contact and presentation. There was greater time spent looking at the 'patient' with an increase of 35 second intervals of direct eye contact and less time spent looking down at paperwork which decreased by 20 seconds. Overall 73% of the clinicians were satisfied with the training program and 61% strongly agreed that they recognised areas of their communication that needed improving during a telehealth consultation. For the patient group there was significant difference post training in rapport with a mean score from 42 (SD = 28, n = 27) to 48 (SD = 5.9, n = 24). For communication comfort of the patient group there was a significant difference between the pre and post training scores t(10) = 27.9, p = .002, which meant that overall the patients felt less inhibited whilst talking to the clinicians and more understood. Conclusion: The aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of good patient-clinician communication and unmet training needs for telehealth consultations. The study developed a training program that was specific for telehealth consultations and not dependent on a 'trainer' to deliver the content. In light of the existing literature this is a first of its kind and a valuable contribution to the research on this topic. It was found that the training program was effective in improving the clinician's communication style and increased the satisfaction of patient's within an e-health environment. This study has identified some historical myths that telehealth cannot be part of empathic patient centred care due to its technology tag.


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Orthopaedics and Trauma Queensland, the Centre for Research and Education in Musculoskeletal Disorders, is an internationally recognised research group that continues to develop its reputation as an international leader in research and education. It provides a stimulus for research, education and clinical application within the international orthopaedic and trauma communities. Orthopaedics and Trauma Queensland develops and promotes the innovative use of engineering and technology, in collaboration with surgeons, to provide new techniques, materials, procedures and medical devices. Its integration with clinical practice and strong links with hospitals ensure that the research will be translated into practical outcomes for patients. The group undertakes clinical practice in orthopaedics and trauma and applies core engineering skills to challenges in medicine. The research is built on a strong foundation of knowledge in biomedical engineering, and incorporates expertise in cell biology, mathematical modelling, human anatomy and physiology and clinical medicine in orthopaedics and trauma. New knowledge is being developed and applied to the full range of orthopaedic diseases and injuries, such as knee and hip replacements, fractures and spinal deformities.


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The findings of the recent independent review of the UK Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP)1, following substantial concerns raised by members of the public and health professionals found that the implementation of the LCP is often associated with poor care1. The Neuberger Report highlighted the complexity of various ethical, safety, clinical practice and negligence issues associated with pathway usage and how, despite technological advances, diagnosing dying continues to be challenging. The UK Government’s decision to phase out the LCP as policy following these findings, has generated considerable debate both within and beyond the UK. However, another key issue raised by the Neuberger’s report is the issue of the palliative care community’s perceived willingness to readily adopt new clinical practices in the absence of evidence. It is this translational issue that this editorial explores.


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Purpose To determine the rate of recurrence and associated risk factors following the use of mitomycin C (MMC) and/or interferon alpha-2b (IFN) for management of non-invasive ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). Design Retrospective non-comparative interventional case series. Methods Clinical practice setting of 135 patients treated consecutively with topical MMC (0.4 mg/mL) and/or IFN (1 million units/mL) for OSSN observed for clinical recurrence. Results Clinical recurrences were diagnosed in 19 of 135 (14.1%) eyes following topical treatment. The mean time to recurrence was 17.2 months (range 4 - 61) with 14 (73.7%) recurring within a two year period. There was no greater risk of recurrence identified for variables including lesion size, lesion location, gender, age, treatment type or duration. Post-hoc log-Rank pairwise comparisons revealed that lesions initially treated using surgery alone had significantly reduced time to recurrence (21.1 ± 5.6 months) compared to previous topical treatment with MMC (with or without surgery) (29.6 ± 4.7 months) (p = 0.04) and primary OSSN (23.2 ± 1.8 months) (p = 0.09). Conclusions Topical MMC and IFN are an effective treatment modality for a wide range of non-invasive OSSN. Topical therapy avoids the morbidity of excisional surgery with equivalent or reduced recurrence rates and should be considered as primary therapy.