409 resultados para Clients


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The construction industry should be a priority to all governments because it impacts economically and socially on all citizens. Sector turnover in industrialised economies typically averages 8-12% of GDP. Further, construction is critical to economic growth. Recent Australian studies estimate that a 10% gain in efficiency in construction translates to a 2.5% increase in GDP ----- ----- Inefficiencies in the Australian construction industry have been identified by a number of recent studies modelling the building process. They have identified potential savings in time of between 25% and 40% by reducing non-value added steps in the process. A culture of reform is now emerging in the industry – one in which alternate forms of project delivery are being trial. ----- ----- Government and industry have identified Alliance Contracting as a means to increase efficiency in the construction industry as part of a new innovative procurement environment. Alliance contracting requires parties to form relationships and work cooperatively to provide a more complete service. This is a significant cultural change for the construction industry, with its well-known adversarial record in traditional contracting. Alliance contracts offer enormous potential benefits, but the Australian construction industry needs to develop new skills to effectively participate in the new relationship environment. ----- ----- This paper describes a collaborative project identifying skill needs for clients and construction professionals to more effectively participate in an increasingly sophisticated international procurement environment. The aim of identifying these skill needs is to assist industry, government, and skill developers to prepare the Australian construction workforce for the future. The collaborating Australian team has been fortunate to secure the Australian National Museum in Canberra as its live case study. The Acton Peninsula Development is the first major building development in the world awarded on the basis of a joint alliance contract.


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Building construction is a highly competitive and risky business. This competitiveness is compounded where conflicting objectives amongst contracting and subcontracting firms set the stage for an adversarial and potentially destructive business relationship. Clients, especially those from the public sector, need broader tender evaluation criteria to complement the traditional focus on bid price. There is also a need for change in the construction industry—not only to a more cooperative approach between the constructing parties—but also from a confrontationist attitude to a more harmonious relationship between all stakeholders in providing constructed facilities. A strategic alliance is a cooperative relationship between two or more organisations that forms part of their overall strategies, and contributes to achieving their major goals and objectives. Strategic alliances in building construction may provide a useful tool to assist public sector construction managers evaluate tenders and concurrently encourage more cooperative relationships amongst construction stakeholders. This paper begins with an overview of the Australian building construction industry, then reviews the existing strategic alliance literature and describes an analysis framework comprising six attributes of strategic alliances for application to construction organisations—trust, commitment, interdependence, cooperation, communication, and joint problem solving. These attributes are currently being used to collect data from 70 building construction firms in Queensland to assess their respective levels of strategic alliance. Given the trend towards broader indicators of construction firm performance, these attributes are proposed as a tool for use in the tender evaluation process for public works.


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In an environment where economic, political and technological change is the rule, a fundamental business strategy should be the defence of traditional markets and thoughtful entry into new markets, with an aim to increase market penetration and stimulate profit. The success of such a strategy will depend on the success of firms to do more and better for customers than their competitors. In other words, the firm’s primary competitive advantage will come from changes they implement to please their customers. In the construction industry, complexity of technical knowledge and construction processes have traditionally encouraged clients to play a largely passive role in the management of their project. However, today’s clients not only want to know about internal efficiency of their projects but also need to know how they and their contractors compare and compete against their competitors. Given the vulnerability of construction activities in the face of regional financial crisis, constructors need to be proactive in the search to improve their internal firm and project processes to ensure profitability and market responsiveness. In this context, reengineering is a radical design that emphasises customer satisfaction rather than cost reduction This paper discusses the crucial role of the client-project interface and how project networks could facilitate and improve information dissemination and sharing, collaborative efforts, decision-making and improved project climate. An intra-project network model is presented, and project managers’ roles and competencies in forming and coordinating project workgroups is discussed.


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Gradual authentication is a principle proposed by Meadows as a way to tackle denial-of-service attacks on network protocols by gradually increasing the confidence in clients before the server commits resources. In this paper, we propose an efficient method that allows a defending server to authenticate its clients gradually with the help of some fast-to-verify measures. Our method integrates hash-based client puzzles along with a special class of digital signatures supporting fast verification. Our hash-based client puzzle provides finer granularity of difficulty and is proven secure in the puzzle difficulty model of Chen et al. (2009). We integrate this with the fast-verification digital signature scheme proposed by Bernstein (2000, 2008). These schemes can be up to 20 times faster for client authentication compared to RSA-based schemes. Our experimental results show that, in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, fast verification digital signatures can provide a 7% increase in connections per second compared to RSA signatures, and our integration of client puzzles with client authentication imposes no performance penalty on the server since puzzle verification is a part of signature verification.


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During 1999 the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (ISR) published 4 research reports it had commissioned from the Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies (AEGIS), a research centre of the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur. ISR will shortly publish the fifth and final report in this series. The five reports were commissioned by the Department, as part of the Building and Construction Action Agenda process, to investigate the dynamics and performance of the sector, particularly in relation its innovative capacity. Professor Jane Marceau, PVCR at the University of Western Sydney and Director of AEGIS, led the research team. Dr Karen Manley was the researcher and joint author on three of the five reports. This paper outlines the approach and key findings of each of the five reports. The reports examined 5 key elements of the ‘building and construction product system’. The term ‘product system’ reflects the very broad range of industries and players we consider to contribute to the performance of the building and construction industries. The term ‘product system’ also highlights our focus on the systemic qualities of the building and construction industries. We were most interested in the inter-relationships between key segments and players and how these impacted on the innovation potential of the product system. The ‘building and construction product system’ is hereafter referred to as ‘the industry’ for ease of presentation. All the reports are based, at least in part, on an interviewing or survey research phase which involved gathering data from public and private sector players nationally. The first report ‘maps’ the industry to identify and describe its key elements and the inter-relationships between them. The second report focuses specifically on the linkages between public-sector research organisations and firms in the industry. The third report examines the conditions surrounding the emergence of new businesses in the industry. The fourth report examines how manufacturing businesses are responding to customer demands for ‘total solutions’ to their building and construction needs, by providing various services to clients. The fifth report investigates the capacity of the industry to encourage and undertake energy efficient building design and construction.


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Effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is necessary for delivering efficiency and improved project delivery in the construction industry. Convincing clients or contracting organisations to embrace ICT is a difficult task, there are few templates of an ICT business model for the industry to use. ICT application in the construction industry is relatively low compared to automotive and aerospace industries. The National Museum of Australia project provides a unique opportunity for investigating and reporting on this deficiency in publicly available knowledge. Concentrates on the business model content and objectives, briefly indicates the evaluation framework that was used to evaluate ICT effectiveness.


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The current global economic climate has focused the attention of construction practitioners on the benefits that applied research can deliver to their business. This paper draws on the history, achievements and lessons of the Australian CRC for Construction Innovation—the first national R&D and implementation centre servicing Australia’s built environment industry. It then explores the model of its planned successor - the Sustainable Built Environment Centre as industry, government and research stakeholders seek a stronger engagement in a more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable future.


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Realisation of the importance of real estate asset strategic decision making has inspired a burgeoning corporate real estate management (CREM) literature. Much of this criticises the poor alignment between strategic business direction and the ‘enabling’ physical environment. This is based on the understanding that corporate real estate assets represent the physical resource base that supports business, and can either complement or impede that business. In the hope of resolving this problem, CRE authors advocate a deeper integration of strategic and corporate real estate decisions. However this recommendation appears to be based on a relatively simplistic theoretical approach to organization where decision-making tends to be viewed as a rationally managed event rather than a complex process. Defining decision making as an isolated event has led to an uncritical acceptance of two basic assumptions: ubiquitous, conflict-free rationality and profit maximisation. These assumptions have encouraged prescriptive solutions that clearly lack the sophistication necessary to come to grips with the complexity of the built and organizational environment. Alternatively, approaching CREM decision making from a more sophisticated perspective, such as that of the “Carnegie School”, leads to conceptualise it as a ‘process’, creating room for bounded rationality, multiple goals, intra-organizational conflict, environmental matching, uncertainty avoidance and problem searching. It is reasonable to expect that such an approach will result in a better understanding of the organizational context, which will facilitate the creation of organizational objectives, assist with the formation of strategies, and ultimately will aid decision.


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CRE (Corporate Real Estate) decisions should not simply deal with the management of individual facilities, but should especially be concerned with the relationships that a facility has with the corporate business strategy and with the larger real estate markets. Both the practice and the research of CRE management have historically tended to emphasize real estate issues and ignore the corporation’s business issues, causing real estate strategies to be disconnected from the goal and priorities of the corporation’s senior management. With regard to office cycles, a large number of econometric models have been proposed during the last 20 years. However, evidence from historical data and previous research in the field of real estate forecasting seem to agree only on one thing: the existence of interconnected property cycles that are concentrated on vacancy rates (demand). Vacancy also represents the linkage between the inadequacy of existing CRE strategies and the inability of existing econometric models to correctly forecast office rent cycles. Business cycles, across different industry sectors, have decreased from 5-7 years to 1-3 years today, yet corporations are still entering into leases of 5-10 years, causing hidden vacancy levels to rise. Possibly, once CRE strategies are totally in tune with the overall business, hidden vacancy will fade away providing forecasters with better quality data. The aim of this paper is not to investigate whether and when the supply-side will eventually evolve to provide flexible occupancy arrangements to accommodate corporate agility requirements, but rather to propose a general framework for corporations to improve the decision making process of their CRE executives, while emphasizing the importance of understanding the context as a precondition to effective real estate involvements.


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We explored the feasibility of community pharmacies for the distribution of chlamydia specimen self-collection kits, which featured a transport medium allowing postage of urine specimens in Australia. Eligible clients were requested to complete a code-matched risk-screening questionnaire in the pharmacy, and the derived risk scores were compared to the test results from the corresponding specimen. Four Queensland pharmacies distributed 156 kits, while 44 questionnaires and 18 specimens were received.


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The Tourism, Racing and Fair Trading (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2002 (“the Act”) which was passed on 18 April 2002 contains a number of significant amendments relevant to the operation of the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000. The main changes relevant to property transactions are: (i) Changes to the process for appointment of a real estate agent and consolidation of the appointment forms; (ii) Additions to the disclosure obligation of agents and property developers; (iii) Simplification of the process for commencing the cooling off period; (iv) Alteration of the common law position concerning when the parties are bound by a contract; (v) Removal of the requirement for a seller’s signature on the warning statement to be witnessed; (vi) Retrospective amendment of s 170 of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997; (vii) Inclusion of a new power to allow inspectors to enter the place of business of a licensee or a marketeer without consent and without a warrant; and (viii) Inclusion of a new power for inspectors to require documents to be produced by marketeers. The majority of the amendments are effective from the date of assent, 24 April 2002, however, some of the amendments do not commence until a date fixed by proclamation. No proclamation has been made at the time of writing (2 May 2002). Where the amendments have not commenced this will be noted in the article. Before providing clients with advice, practitioners should carefully check proclamation details.


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Legal advisers are often called upon to advise whether informal correspondence between clients may give rise to a binding contract. The decision of Mullins J in Teviot Downs Estate Pty Ltd v MTAA Superannuation Fund (Flagstone Creek and Spring Mountain Park) Property Pty Ltd [2003] QSC 403 provides general guidance as to matters that may be relevant when faced with this thorny issue.


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Abstract This study investigated depressive symptom and interpersonal relatedness outcomes from eight sessions of manualized narrative therapy for 47 adults with major depressive disorder. Post-therapy, depressive symptom improvement (d=1.36) and proportions of clients achieving reliable improvement (74%), movement to the functional population (61%), and clinically significant improvement (53%) were comparable to benchmark research outcomes. Post-therapy interpersonal relatedness improvement (d=.62) was less substantial than for symptoms. Three-month follow-up found maintenance of symptom, but not interpersonal gains. Benchmarking and clinical significance analyses mitigated repeated measure design limitations, providing empirical evidence to support narrative therapy for adults with major depressive disorder. RÉSUMÉ Cette étude a investigué les symptômes dépressifs et les relations interpersonnels d'une thérapie narrative en huit séances chez 47 adultes souffrant d'un trouble dépressif majeur. Après la thérapie, l'amélioration des symptômes dépressifs (d=1.36) et la proportion de clients atteignant un changement significatif (74%), le mouvement vers la population fonctionnelle (61%), enfin l'amélioration clinique significative (53%) étaient comparables aux performances des études de résultats. L'amélioration des relations interpersonnelles (d=0.62) était inférieure à l'amélioration symptomatique. Le suivi à trois mois montrait un maintien des gains symptomatiques mais pas pour les relations interpersonnelles. L’évaluation des performances et les analyses de significativité clinique modèrent les limitations du plan de recherche à mesures répétées et apportent une preuve empirique qui étaie l'efficacité des thérapies narratives pour des adultes avec un trouble dépressif majeur. Este estudo investigou sintomas depressivos e resultados interpessoais relacionados em oito sessões de terapia narrativa manualizada para 47 adultos com perturbação depressiva major. No pós terapia, melhoria de sintomas depressivos (d=1,36) e proporção de clientes que alcançam melhoria válida (74%), movimento para a população funcional (61%) e melhoria clinicamente significativa (53%) foram comparáveis com os resultados da investigação reportados. As melhorias pós terapia nos resultados interpessoais relacionados (d=.62) foi menos substancial do que para os sintomas. Aos três meses de seguimento houve a manutenção dos sintomas mas não dos ganhos interpessoais. As análises de benchemarking e de melhoria clinicamente significativas atenuam as limitações de um design de medidas repetidas, fornecendo evidência empírica para a terapia narrativa para adultos com perturbação depressiva major. Questo lavoro ha valutato i sintomi depressivi e gli outcome nella capacità di relazionarsi a livello interpersonale in 8 sedute di psicoterapia narrativa manualizzata in un gruppo di 47 adulti con depressione maggiore. I risultati ottenuti relativamente a: post terapy, miglioramento dei sintomi depressivi (d_1.36), proporzione di pazienti che hanno raggiunto un miglioramento affidabile e consistente (74%), movimento verso il funzionamento atteso nella popolazione (61%) e miglioramento clinicamente significativo (53%) sono paragonabili ai valori di riferimento della ricerca sull'outcome. I miglioramento della capacità di relazionarsi valutata alla fine del trattamento (d_.62) si è rivelata meno sostanziale rispetto ai sintomi. Un follow-up dopo 3 mesi ha dimostrato che il miglioramento sintomatologico è stato mantenuto, ma non quello degli obiettivi interpersonali. Valori di riferimento e analisi della significatività clinica hanno fatto fronte ai limiti del disegno a misure ripetute, offrendo prove empiriche sulla rilevanza della terapia narrativa in pazienti adulti con depressione maggiore


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There are increasing numbers of refugees worldwide, with approximately 16 million refugees in 2007 and over 2.5 million refugees resettled in the United States since the start of its humanitarian program. Psychologists and other health professionals who deliver mental health services for individuals from refugee backgrounds need to have confidence that the therapeutic interventions they employ are appropriate and effective for the clients with whom they work. The current review briefly surveys refugee research, examines empirical evaluations of therapeutic interventions in resettlement contexts, and provides recommendations for best practices and future directions in resettlement countries. The resettlement interventions found to be most effective typically target culturally homogeneous client samples and demonstrate moderate to large outcome effects on aspects of traumatic stress and anxiety reduction. Further evaluations of the array of psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, pharmacological, and other therapeutic approaches, including psychoeducational and community-based interventions that facilitate personal and community growth and change, are encouraged. There is a need for increased awareness, training and funding to implement longitudinal interventions that work collaboratively with clients from refugee backgrounds through the stages of resettlement.


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Background It is well known that lifestyle factors including overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol use are largely related with morbidity and mortality of chronic diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The effect of lifestyle factors on people’s mental health who have a chronic disease is less defined in the research. The World Health Organisation has defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. It is important, therefore to develop an understanding of the relationships between lifestyle and mental health as this may have implications for maximising the efficacy of health promotion in people with chronic diseases. Objectives The overall aim of the research was to examine the relationships between lifestyle factors and mental health among Australian midlife and older women. Methodology The current research measured four lifestyle factors including weight status, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use. Three interconnecting studies were undertaken to develop a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between lifestyle factors and mental health. Study 1 investigated the longitudinal effect of lifestyle factors on mental health by using midlife and older women randomly selected from the community. Study 2 adopted a cross-sectional design, and compared the effect of lifestyle factors on mental health between midlife and older women with and without diabetes. Study 3 examined the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the relationships between lifestyle factors and mental health among midlife and older women with diabetes. A questionnaire survey was chosen as the means to gather information, and multiple linear regression analysis was conducted as the primary statistical approach. Results The research showed that the four lifestyle factors including weight status, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use did impact on mental health among Australian midlife and older women. First, women with a higher BMI had lower levels of mental health than women with normal weight, but as women age, the mental health of women who were overweight and obese becomes better than that of women with normal weight. Second, women who were physically active had higher levels of mental health than those who were not. Third, smoking adversely impacted on women’s mental health. Finally, those who were past-drinkers had less anxiety symptoms than women who were non-drinkers as they age. Women with diabetes appeared to have lower levels of mental health compared to women without. However, the disparities of mental health between two groups were confounded by low levels of physical activity and co-morbidities. This finding underlines the effect of physical activity on women’s mental health, and highlights the potential of reducing the gap of mental health by promoting physical activity. In addition, self-efficacy was shown to be the mediator of the relationships between BMI, physical activity and depression, suggesting that enhancing people’s self-efficacy may be useful for mental health improvement. Conclusions In conclusion, Australian midlife and older women who live with a healthier lifestyle have higher levels of mental health. It is suggested that strategies aiming to improve people’s mental health may be more effective if they focus on enhancing people’s self-efficacy levels. This study has implications to both health education and policy development. It indicates that health professionals may need to consider clients’ mental health as an integrated part of lifestyle changing process. Furthermore, given that lifestyle factors impact on both physical and mental health, lifestyle modification should continue to be the focus of policy development.