518 resultados para constructed response examinations


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Few studies have investigated iatrogenic outcomes from the viewpoint of patient experience. To address this anomaly, the broad aim of this research is to explore the lived experience of patient harm. Patient harm is defined as major harm to the patient, either psychosocial or physical in nature, resulting from any aspect of health care. Utilising the method of Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR), in-depth interviews are conducted with twenty-four volunteer research participants who self-report having been severely harmed by an invasive medical procedure. A standardised measure of emotional distress, the Impact of Event Scale (IES), is additionally employed for purposes of triangulation. Thematic analysis of transcript data indicate numerous findings including: (i) difficulties regarding patients‘ prior understanding of risks involved with their medical procedure; (ii) the problematic response of the health system post-procedure; (iii) multiple adverse effects upon life functioning; (iv) limited recourse options for patients; and (v) the approach desired in terms of how patient harm should be systemically handled. In addition, IES results indicate a clinically significant level of distress in the sample as a whole. To discuss findings, a cross-disciplinary approach is adopted that draws upon sociology, medicine, medical anthropology, psychology, philosophy, history, ethics, law, and political theory. Furthermore, an overall explanatory framework is proposed in terms of the master themes of power and trauma. In terms of the theme of power, a postmodernist analysis explores the politics of patient harm, particularly the dynamics surrounding the politics of knowledge (e.g., notions of subjective versus objective knowledge, informed consent, and open disclosure). This analysis suggests that patient care is not the prime function of the health system, which appears more focussed upon serving the interests of those in the upper levels of its hierarchy. In terms of the master theme of trauma, current understandings of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are critiqued, and based on data from this research as well as the international literature, a new model of trauma is proposed. This model is based upon the principle of homeostasis observed in biology, whereby within every cell or organism a state of equilibrium is sought and maintained. The proposed model identifies several bio-psychosocial markers of trauma across its three main phases. These trauma markers include: (i) a profound sense of loss; (ii) a lack of perceived control; (iii) passive trauma processing responses; (iv) an identity crisis; (v) a quest to fully understand the trauma event; (vi) a need for social validation of the traumatic experience; and (vii) posttraumatic adaption with the possibility of positive change. To further explore the master themes of power and trauma, a natural group interview is carried out at a meeting of a patient support group for arachnoiditis. Observations at this meeting and members‘ stories in general support the homeostatic model of trauma, particularly the quest to find answers in the face of distressing experience, as well as the need for social recognition of that experience. In addition, the sociopolitical response to arachnoiditis highlights how public domains of knowledge are largely constructed and controlled by vested interests. Implications of the data overall are discussed in terms of a cultural revolution being needed in health care to position core values around a prime focus upon patients as human beings.


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Damage detection in structures has become increasingly important in recent years. While a number of damage detection and localization methods have been proposed, few attempts have been made to explore the structure damage with frequency response functions (FRFs). This paper illustrates the damage identification and condition assessment of a beam structure using a new frequency response functions (FRFs) based damage index and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In practice, usage of all available FRF data as an input to artificial neural networks makes the training and convergence impossible. Therefore one of the data reduction techniques Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is introduced in the algorithm. In the proposed procedure, a large set of FRFs are divided into sub-sets in order to find the damage indices for different frequency points of different damage scenarios. The basic idea of this method is to establish features of damaged structure using FRFs from different measurement points of different sub-sets of intact structure. Then using these features, damage indices of different damage cases of the structure are identified after reconstructing of available FRF data using PCA. The obtained damage indices corresponding to different damage locations and severities are introduced as input variable to developed artificial neural networks. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated and validated by using the finite element modal of a beam structure. The illustrated results show that the PCA based damage index is suitable and effective for structural damage detection and condition assessment of building structures.


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An analytical solution is presented in this paper for the vibration response of a ribbed plate clamped on all its boundary edges by employing a travelling wave solution. A clamped ribbed plate test rig is also assembled in this study for the experimental investigation of the ribbed plate response and to provide verification results to the analytical solution. The dynamic characteristics and mode shapes of the ribbed plate are measured and compared to those obtained from the analytical solution and from finite element analysis (FEA). General good agreements are found between the results. Discrepancies between the computational and experimental results at low and high frequencies are also discussed. Explanations are offered in the study to disclose the mechanism causing the discrepancies. The dependency of the dynamic response of the ribbed plate on the distance between the excitation force and the rib is also investigated experimentally. It confirms the findings disclosed in a previous analytical study [T. R. Lin and J. Pan, A closed form solution for the dynamic response of finite ribbed plates. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119 (2006) 917-925] that the vibration response of a clamped ribbed plate due to a point force excitation is controlled by the plate stiffness when the source is more than a quarter plate bending wavelength away from the rib and from the plate boundary. The response is largely affected by the rib stiffness when the source location is less than a quarter bending wavelength away from the rib.


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This paper describes the vulnerability of masonry under shear; first the mechanisms of in-plane and out-of-plane shear performance of masonry are reviewed; both the unreinforced and lightly reinforced masonry wall systems are considered. Factors affecting the response of unreinforced and reinforced masonry to shear are described and the effect of the variability of those factors to the failure mode of masonry shear walls is also discussed. Some critique is provided on the existing design provisions in various masonry standards.


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In this paper I examine the recent arguments by Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring, Karen Melham and Tony Hope against the utility of the doctrine of double effect. One basis on which they reject the utility of the doctrine is their claim that it is notoriously difficult to apply what they identify as its 'core' component, namely, the distinction between intention and foresight. It is this contention that is the primarily focus of my article. I argue against this claim that the intention/foresight distinction remains a fundamental part of the law in those jurisdictions where intention remains an element of the offence of murder and that, accordingly, it is essential ro resolve the putative difficulties of applying the intention/foresight distinction so as to ensure the integrity of the law of murder. I argue that the main reasons advanced for the claim that the intention/foresight distinction is difficult to apply are ultimately unsustainable, and that the distinction is not as difficult to apply as the authors suggest.


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Review of Coping with Choices to Die, by C. G. Prado. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.


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BACKGROUND:Chlamydia trachomatis is a major cause of sexually transmitted disease in humans. Previous studies in both humans and animal models of chlamydial genital tract infection have suggested that the hormonal status of the genital tract epithelium at the time of exposure can influence the outcome of the chlamydial infection. We performed a whole genome transcriptional profiling study of C. trachomatis infection in ECC-1 cells under progesterone or estradiol treatment.RESULTS:Both hormone treatments caused a significant shift in the sub-set of genes expressed (25% of the transcriptome altered by more than 2-fold). Overall, estradiol treatment resulted in the down-regulation of 151 genes, including those associated with lipid and nucleotide metabolism. Of particular interest was the up-regulation in estradiol-supplemented cultures of six genes (omcB, trpB, cydA, cydB, pyk and yggV), which suggest a stress response similar to that reported previously in other models of chlamydial persistence. We also observed morphological changes consistent with a persistence response. By comparison, progesterone supplementation resulted in a general up-regulation of an energy utilising response.CONCLUSION:Our data shows for the first time, that the treatment of chlamydial host cells with key reproductive hormones such as progesterone and estradiol, results in significantly altered chlamydial gene expression profiles. It is likely that these chlamydial expression patterns are survival responses, evolved by the pathogen to enable it to overcome the host's innate immune response. The induction of chlamydial persistence is probably a key component of this survival response.


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Our cross-national field study of wine entrepreneurship in the “wrong” places provides some redress to the focus of the “regional advantage” literature on places that have already won and on the firms that benefit from “clusters” and other centers of industry advantage. Regional “disadvantage” is at best a shadowy afterthought to this literature. By poking around in these shadows, we help to synthesize and extend the incipient yet burgeoning literature on entrepreneurial “resourcefulness” and we contribute to the developing body of insights and theory pertinent to the numerous but often ignored firms and startups that mostly need to worry about how they will compete at all now if they are ever to have of chance of “winning” in the future. The core of our findings suggests that understandable – though contested – processes of ingenuity underlie entrepreneurial responses to regional disadvantage. Because we study entrepreneurship that from many angles simply does not make sense, we are also able to proffer a novel perspective on entrepreneurial sensemaking.


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The expression of a narrative realized through a constructed interior environment provides a significant and engaging response that falls between the realms of design and theatre in which the space itself provides the role of actor.


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Light plays a unique role for plants as it is both a source of energy for growth and a signal for development. Light captured by the pigments in the light harvesting complexes is used to drive the synthesis of the chemical energy required for carbon assimilation. The light perceived by photoreceptors activates effectors, such as transcription factors (TFs), which modulate the expression of light-responsive genes. Recently, it has been speculated that increasing the photosynthetic rate could further improve the yield potential of three carbon (C3) crops such as wheat. However, little is currently known about the transcriptional regulation of photosynthesis genes, particularly in crop species. Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) TF is a functionally diverse regulator of growth and development in the model plant species, with demonstrated roles in embryo development, stress response, flowering time and chloroplast biogenesis. Furthermore, a light-responsive NF-Y binding site (CCAAT-box) is present in the promoter of a spinach photosynthesis gene. As photosynthesis genes are co-regulated by light and co-regulated genes typically have similar regulatory elements in their promoters, it seems likely that other photosynthesis genes would also have light-responsive CCAAT-boxes. This provided the impetus to investigate the NF-Y TF in bread wheat. This thesis is focussed on wheat NF-Y members that have roles in light-mediated gene regulation with an emphasis on their involvement in the regulation of photosynthesis genes. NF-Y is a heterotrimeric complex, comprised of the three subunits NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC. Unlike the mammalian and yeast counterparts, each of the three subunits is encoded by multiple genes in Arabidopsis. The initial step taken in this study was the identification of the wheat NF-Y family (Chapter 3). A search of the current wheat nucleotide sequence databases identified 37 NF-Y genes (10 NF-YA, 11 NF-YB, 14 NF-YC & 2 Dr1). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each of the three wheat NF-Y (TaNF-Y) subunit families could be divided into 4-5 clades based on their conserved core regions. Outside of the core regions, eleven motifs were identified to be conserved between Arabidopsis, rice and wheat NF-Y subunit members. The expression profiles of TaNF-Y genes were constructed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Some TaNF-Y subunit members had little variation in their transcript levels among the organs, while others displayed organ-predominant expression profiles, including those expressed mainly in the photosynthetic organs. To investigate their potential role in light-mediated gene regulation, the light responsiveness of the TaNF-Y genes were examined (Chapters 4 and 5). Two TaNF-YB and five TaNF-YC members were markedly upregulated by light in both the wheat leaves and seedling shoots. To identify the potential target genes of the light-upregulated NF-Y subunit members, a gene expression correlation analysis was conducted using publically available Affymetrix Wheat Genome Array datasets. This analysis revealed that the transcript expression levels of TaNF-YB3 and TaNF-YC11 were significantly correlated with those of photosynthesis genes. These correlated express profiles were also observed in the quantitative RT-PCR dataset from wheat plants grown under light and dark conditions. Sequence analysis of the promoters of these wheat photosynthesis genes revealed that they were enriched with potential NF-Y binding sites (CCAAT-box). The potential role of TaNF-YB3 in the regulation of photosynthetic genes was further investigated using a transgenic approach (Chapter 5). Transgenic wheat lines constitutively expressing TaNF-YB3 were found to have significantly increased expression levels of photosynthesis genes, including those encoding light harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins, photosystem I reaction centre subunits, a chloroplast ATP synthase subunit and glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR). GluTR is a rate-limiting enzyme in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway. In association with the increased expression of the photosynthesis genes, the transgenic lines had a higher leaf chlorophyll content, increased photosynthetic rate and had a more rapid early growth rate compared to the wild-type wheat. In addition to its role in the regulation of photosynthesis genes, TaNF-YB3 overexpression lines flower on average 2-days earlier than the wild-type (Chapter 6). Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that there was a 13-fold increase in the expression level of the floral integrator, TaFT. The transcript levels of other downstream genes (TaFT2 and TaVRN1) were also increased in the transgenic lines. Furthermore, the transcript levels of TaNF-YB3 were significantly correlated with those of constans (CO), constans-like (COL) and timing of chlorophyll a/b-binding (CAB) expression 1 [TOC1; (CCT)] domain-containing proteins known to be involved in the regulation of flowering time. To summarise the key findings of this study, 37 NF-Y genes were identified in the crop species wheat. An in depth analysis of TaNF-Y gene expression profiles revealed that the potential role of some light-upregulated members was in the regulation of photosynthetic genes. The involvement of TaNF-YB3 in the regulation of photosynthesis genes was supported by data obtained from transgenic wheat lines with increased constitutive expression of TaNF-YB3. The overexpression of TaNF-YB3 in the transgenic lines revealed this NF-YB member is also involved in the fine-tuning of flowering time. These data suggest that the NF-Y TF plays an important role in light-mediated gene regulation in wheat.


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The Bcl-2-associated athanogene (BAG) family is an evolutionarily conserved, multifunctional group of cochaperones that perform diverse cellular functions ranging from proliferation to growth arrest and cell death in yeast, in mammals, and, as recently observed, in plants. The Arabidopsis genome contains seven homologs of the BAG family, including four with domain organization similar to animal BAGs. In the present study we show that an Arabidopsis BAG, AtBAG7, is a uniquely localized endoplasmic reticulum (ER) BAG that is necessary for the proper maintenance of the unfolded protein response (UPR). AtBAG7was shown to interact directly in vivo with themolecular chaperone, AtBiP2, by bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays, and the interaction was confirmed by yeast two-hybrid assay. Treatment with an inducer of UPR, tunicamycin, resulted in accelerated cell death of AtBAG7-null mutants. Furthermore, AtBAG7 knockouts were sensitive to known ER stress stimuli, heat and cold. In these knockouts heat sensitivity was reverted successfully to the wild-type phenotype with the addition of the chemical chaperone, tauroursodexycholic acid (TUDCA). Real-time PCR of ER stress proteins indicated that the expression of the heat-shock protein, AtBiP3, is selectively up-regulated in AtBAG7-null mutants upon heat and cold stress. Our results reveal an unexpected diversity of the plant's BAG gene family and suggest that AtBAG7 is an essential component of the UPR during heat and cold tolerance, thus confirming the cytoprotective role of plant BAGs.


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Partially grouted wider reinforced masonry wall, built predominantly using face shell bedded hollow concrete blocks, is an economical structural system and is popularly used in the cyclonic areas; its out-of-plane response to lateral loading is well understood, unfortunately its inplane shear behaviour is less well understood as to the effect of partial gouting in intervening the load paths within the wall. For rational analysis of the wall clarification is sought as to whether the wall acts as a composite of unreinforced panels and reinforced cores or as a continuum of masonry embedded with reinforced at wider spacing. This paper reports the results of four full scale walls tested under inplane cyclic shear loading to provide some insight into the effect of the grout cores in altering the load paths within the wall. The global lateral load - lateral deflection hysteric curves as well as local responses of some critical zones of the shear walls are presented.


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This paper presents the ultrasonic velocity measurement method which investigates the possible effects of high voltage high frequency pulsed power on cortical bone material elasticity. Before applying a pulsed power signal on a live bone, it is essential to determine the safe parameters of pulsed power applied on bone non-destructively. Therefore, the possible changes in cortical bone material elasticity due to a specified pulsed power excitation have been investigated. A controllable positive buck-boost converter with adjustable output voltage and frequency has been used to generate high voltage pulses (500V magnitude at 10 KHz frequency). To determine bone elasticity, an ultrasonic velocity measurement has been conducted on two groups of control (unexposed to pulse power but in the same environmental condition) and cortical bone samples exposed to pulsed power. Young’s modulus of cortical bone samples have been determined and compared before and after applying the pulsed power signal. After applying the high voltage pulses, no significant variation in elastic property of cortical bone specimens was found compared to the control. The result shows that pulsed power with nominated parameters can be applied on cortical bone tissue without any considerable negative effect on elasticity of bone material.


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Membranes prepared from a protein, fibroin, isolated from domesticated silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk, support the cultivation of human limbal epithelial (HLE) cells and thus display significant potential as biomaterials for ocular surface reconstruction. We presently extend this promising avenue of research by directly comparing the attachment, morphology and phenotype of primary HLE cell cultures grown on fibroin to that observed on donor amniotic membrane (AM), the current clinical standard substrate for HLE transplantation. Fibroin membranes measuring 6.3 ± 0.5 μm (mean ± sd) in thickness and permeable to FITC dextran of a molecular weight up to 70 kDa, were used. Attachment of HLE cells to fibroin was similar to that supported by tissue culture plastic but approximately 6-fold less than that observed on AM. Nevertheless, epithelia constructed from HLE on fibroin maintained evidence of corneal phenotype (K3/K12 expression) and displayed a comparable number and distribution of ΔNp63+ progenitor cells to that seen in cultures grown on AM. These results support the suitability of membranes constructed from Bombyx mori silk fibroin as substrata for HLE cultivation and encourage progression to studies of efficacy in preclinical models.


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This paper illustrates the damage identification and condition assessment of a three story bookshelf structure using a new frequency response functions (FRFs) based damage index and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). A major obstacle of using measured frequency response function data is a large size input variables to ANNs. This problem is overcome by applying a data reduction technique called principal component analysis (PCA). In the proposed procedure, ANNs with their powerful pattern recognition and classification ability were used to extract damage information such as damage locations and severities from measured FRFs. Therefore, simple neural network models are developed, trained by Back Propagation (BP), to associate the FRFs with the damage or undamaged locations and severity of the damage of the structure. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated and validated by using the real data provided by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. The illustrated results show that the PCA based artificial Neural Network method is suitable and effective for damage identification and condition assessment of building structures. In addition, it is clearly demonstrated that the accuracy of proposed damage detection method can also be improved by increasing number of baseline datasets and number of principal components of the baseline dataset.